Italy. Calabrian airports: workers protest
Folded arms on May 28th and demonstration under the Prefecture

A two-hour strike has been proclaimed in Calabrian airports, Italy, from 10:00 to 12:00 on May 28th. The workers of the Calabrian airport system management company (Sacal) employed at the "Sant'Eufemia" stopover in Lamezia Terme, "Pitagora" in Crotone and "Tito Minniti" in Reggio Calabria will be involved. The mobilization is called by Organizzazione sindacati autonomi e di base (Orsa) union Calabria section.
In our opinion, "labour policies are generating uneasiness and frustration" and it is "necessary to resort to the extension of numerous contracts from part-time to full-time". "Over the last year we have also witnessed demotions and continuous attacks on workers, through disciplinary complaints that are questionable in terms of content and the process followed. A management that seems to be intent on profiting from the exaggerated rationalization of labor costs, rather than from the implementation of managerial plans", denounces the union, led by Enzo Rogolino.
"And yet -they continue- the sums identified and incredibly invested for marketing policies are huge. Even though Roberto Occhiuto (president of the Calabria Region, Ed) continues to exalt the huge sums made available to the sector, which according to him, will bring about a thousand hiring, Sacal is still working with a reduced workforce, risking compromising the safety standards necessary to protect everyone, users and workers".
"Together with the strike action -concludes the union- a peaceful protest sit-in was also called, at the Prefecture of Catanzaro, the day on which the union will loudly ask for a confrontation with the prefect, to express its profound dissent in the face of the numerous violations reported in Sacal".
AVIONEWS - World Aeronautical Press Agency