"Romagna system integrates airports and ports"
Request from cooperative to "bring benefits and wealth on a large scale"

The Italian cooperatives of Emilia Romagna relaunch the idea of creating an integrated mobility system for the Region. These are the nodes of the network: greater synergy between the "Luigi Ridolfi" airport of Forlì and the "Federico Fellini" airport of Rimini-San Marino, all connected with the trolleybuses of the Coastal Rapid Transport (Trc), the high speed railway on the Adriatic route and the port of Ravenna.
"Strategic integration must be the lighthouse that guides the development of urban planning in Romagna, of large infrastructures, of mobility (from the Trc to Ravenna, to the high speed on the Adriatic route)", say the regional sections of Legacoop, Confcooperative and Aci. Idea relaunched in view of the start of important fairs such as "Macfrut" (Rimini, 8-10 May 2024), "Cibus" (Parma, 8-10 May 2024), "FierAvicola" (Rimini, 8-10 May 2024)
"An international trade fair and economic system -they add- cannot ignore the inclusion of the 'Fellini' airport in an integrated context not only with the Forlì airport, but also with the port of Ravenna. It is now clear to everyone that the world it moves on a scale larger than the bell towers and challenges us to present it with a synergistic Romagna, efficient and capable once again of anticipating the times".
AVIONEWS - World Aeronautical Press Agency