AVIONEWS at the presentation of the "Dynamic Manta" exercise underway in Sicily
Exclusive: interviews with rear admirals Esposito, Tarabotto and Watt - VIDEO and PHOTOS

The 2024 edition is underway, from last February 26th to end next March 8th off the eastern and southern coasts of Sicily, the NATO "Dynamic Manta", one of the most important and complex anti-submarine exercises, started on February 17, 2006, of the NATO. Planned by the Allied Maritime Command (NATO Allied Maritime Command - Marcom), the anti-submarine operation (ASW-Anti Submarine Warfare) aims to train and refine the Allied capabilities to operate in an integrated manner in this form of combat.
A long and complex training activity which sees seven submarines belonging to the Navies of Italy, France, Greece, Spain, the United States and Turkey operating under the control of the submarine command of the Atlantic Alliance (NATO Submarine Command - Comsubnato). The aircraft part sees the deployment of MPA/ASW maritime patrol aircraft from Canada (CP-140), the United States (P-8A), Germany (P-3C), Greece (P-3B), the United Kingdom (P-8A) and Turkey (P-72 MELTEM-3). The Italian Navy takes part in the exercise with the anti-submarine frigate "Carlo Margottini", the destroyer "Luigi Durand de la Penne", the multipurpose offshore patrol vessel "Francesco Morosini" (flag ship of the SNMG2 ), two submarines and two aircraft based at the Maristaeli helicopter station in Catania. Furthermore, Italy as host Nation provides logistical support from the Augusta naval base, the port of Catania and the Sigonella air base.
“Dynamic Manta 2024” takes place in the broader scenario of the “Noble Shield” operation, under the tactical control of Rear Admiral Pasquale Esposito, commander of the Second Standing NATO Naval Group (Standing NATO Maritime Group 2 - SNMG2) operating in the Mediterranean. During the exercise, the submarines will alternate in the role of hunter and target, operating in close collaboration with air and surface assets. “The objective –underlines the rear admiral, commander of NATO's Standing NATO Maritime Group 2 (SNMG2)– is to improve the interoperability and competence in anti-submarine and anti-surface warfare techniques of the NATO Navies and Air Forces. This complex training -the commander comments- will provide all participants with complete training to be able to face real war situations".
Rear Admiral Thomas Wall in command of the NATO submarine fleet highlights the value of this and the naval and air exercises: "Anti-submarine warfare is a team game, in which each platform brings its unique capabilities and a precious contribution, and these exercises allow our allies and teams to hone their skills and work on new tactics, while improving interoperability and teamwork".
Rear Admiral Alberto Tarabotto, commander of the 4th Naval Division of Italian Navy, focused on the importance and strategic role of the submarine component of the Italian Navy and the allied forces, underlining how: "Italy is investing more and more in this structure also with the creation of the new national diving center, an example of synergy between the military, industrial and university sectors".
In an increasingly central Mediterranean, for international balances, the presence of the Navy is thus expanding to guarantee the security of European national interests and of the Alliance in the Mediterranean, the only Sea Lane of Communication which from Suez to Gibraltar connects the eastern markets with the western ones characterized by digital backbones and a dense network of gas and methane pipelines.
Below, the video relating to the three interviews in exclusive by AVIONEWS, as well as a photo gallery of the exercise.
AVIONEWS - World Aeronautical Press Agency