Portugal: wave of air strikes
From July to August: easyJet flight attendants first, then airport staff

Announced an air strike in Portugal for five days in a row from 21 to 25 July. The flight attendants of the low-cost airline easyJet will cross their arms. The mobilization was called by the Sindicato Nacional do Pessoal de Voo da Aviação Civil (Snpvac) to demand better wage conditions, adapted to the increased cost of living. The protest broke out after the rejection of the contractual counter-proposal by the airline.
"There is no more room for negotiations. We have no choice but to declare a strike notice. As we expected, this is complete and clear evidence of easyJet members' dissatisfaction with the company's claims against us", on read on a note from the union, which put easyJet's proposal to the vote (rejected by 90% of voters, while 7% were in favor and 3% abstained).
The mobilization will extend to Portway airport staff who will down tools due to a pay dispute on 19, 30 and 31 July, 5 and 6 August, and on all public holidays starting from 1 August. The mobilization was called by the acronyms Sindicato dos Trabalhadores de Handling e Aeroportos (Stha), Sindicato dos Trabalhadores da Marinha Mercante, Agências de Viagens, Transitários e Pesca (Simamavip), Sindicato dos Trabalhadores da Aviação e Aeroportos (Sitava) and Sindicato Democrático dos Trabalhadores dos Aeroportos e Aviação (Sindav).
AVIONEWS - World Aeronautical Press Agency