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ITA-Lufthansa: Turicchi meets the unions

President of the Italian airline reassures worker representatives

Unions worried about the possible stop to the wedding between the airlines ITA Airways and Lufthansa. Yesterday, Tuesday 11 June 2024, the president of the Italian national airline, Antonino Turicchi, tried to reassure the workers' representatives: the remedies proposed by the German Group and the Italian Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF) would have satisfied the European Commissioner for the competition, Margrethe Vestager , so "we're almost there".

"The meeting was quite positive, the state of the company is good, plus 36% more revenues compared to 2023. With these data one must necessarily think about investments, opening new routes, increasing the number of long-haul aircraft, new hiring and the renewal of the national contract", explains Fabrizio Cuscito, national secretary of the Filt-Cgil air transport union.

Regarding the continuously postponed decision by the European Competition Commission, the trade unionist Ivan Viglietti , national secretary of the Uiltrasporti union, reports: "We hope that the European Union will finally demonstrate common sense, if this is not the case the Italian Government will have to intervene with strength to find other solutions quickly".

What worries the unions most are the negative consequences of a possible stop by Brussels to the privatization of ITA. In fact, the Italian airline's industrial plan envisages an increase in the number of aircraft (around 90 aircraft, of which 26 new entries in 2024) and workers (currently 5,500, of which 3,800 flight personnel) between now and 2027, the year in which Lufthansa could take control of 100% of the Italian company.

It must be said that the recent elections in the Old Continent will not suddenly overturn the EU institutions: all the European commissioners, including Vestager, frowned upon by some who consider her close to the interests of Air France and not ITA,   they will remain in office for a few more months, awaiting confirmation or new appointments. Therefore the ITA-Lufthansa dossier will not gather dust in the drawers: in July Brussels will issue its verdict on the wedding, and Turicchi is optimistic.

On the same topic, see also the article published by AVIONEWS.

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AVIONEWS - World Aeronautical Press Agency