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Israel's war destabilizes the Middle East

Crosetto: "Italy's role in the area is important and recognized by other countries"

The Middle East continues to be shaken by the war between Israel and the Palestinian group Hamas. Tel Aviv announced that it had destroyed numerous tunnels at the Rafah crossing, the strategic corridor between the southern Gaza Strip and Egypt. Meanwhile, 14 victims and over 30 injured are the toll from the US and British attacks carried out in Yemen against military objectives of the pro-Palestinian Houthi group this night. Is a part of the efforts to dissuade the militiamen from further compromising navigation in the Red Sea. 

The Italian Defense Minister, Guido Crosetto, spoke out on the issue in an interview with the newspaper "il Domani": the role that Italy is playing in the Middle East is "important" and "is not only recognized at home". "As regards Gaza, we were the first, if not the only ones, to send concrete aid to the civilian population, to treat women and children, and we will do much more. And we insist, every day, with Israel, to stop the offensive in Rafah". 

For their part, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) said they had "located many weapons, including long-range rockets and explosives". "In central Rafah, troops from the Givati, Nahal and 401st Brigades found tunnel shafts, weapons and rocket launchers. Additionally, the forces destroyed a Hamas weapons depot. The military also said that in the same area a Hamas aircraft The Israeli Air Force killed a terrorist Nukhba", the elite unit of Hamas.

On the same topic, see also the article published by AVIONEWS.

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AVIONEWS - World Aeronautical Press Agency