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The Boeing-Airbus challenge won by the French

Europeans aim for 800 planes in 2024, American production blocked until mid-2024

This year too, the aircraft manufacturer Airbus won the challenge with its US rival Boeing. At the end of 2023, the European Group's order book amounted to 8598 helicopters and commercial planes, with production covered for 12 years. While for the American company the commissions amounted to over 5600 airplanes, for a value of 441 billion dollars. Doubts about the safety of its products are weighing on Boeing.

"Quantity will not be at the expense of quality, that's clear. We want to deliver a number of aircraft that are safe and of high quality, a concept that we have made clear to all members of staff and management. You have to be very humble and always be focused on the objective of safety and quality at all levels", said the CEO of Airbus, Guillaume Faury, in a press conference these days.

The European company has announced that it will deliver 800 aircraft in 2024, reiterating the objective of producing 75 A-320s per month by 2026 (in 2023 it was 50-55 aircraft). For its part, Boeing has a production rate of 38 B-737 aircraft per month and 5 B-787 aircraft per month, but the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has blocked any increase in production until mid-2024.

On the same topic, see also the article published by AVIONEWS.

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AVIONEWS - World Aeronautical Press Agency