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ITA Airways: two workers reinstated

Rome Court of Appeal confirms discrimination for a pregnant woman and a mom

The Court of Appeal of Rome has confirmed the reinstatement of two ex-Alitalia workers in the national carrier ITA Airways. Along the same lines as what was stated by the judges at first instance, the two female flight attendants, one pregnant and one on maternity leave, suffered "discrimination" for not being hired in ITA, starting from October 2021 until today. The airline's appeal was rejected.

It emerges from the 15 pages of sentence number 475/2024 of 6 February 2024. "It follows that the request aimed at the cessation of the discriminatory behavior and effects is accepted which can only be integrated with the selection and subsequent hiring of the candidates", said the ruling. The board, led by judge Donatella Casablanca, not only establishes the obligation for ITA to pay further compensation for damages to the appellants but, above all, rules on the right of the two to be hired.

The Confederazione Unitaria di Base (CUB) union comments: "Apparently, finally, even in the courtrooms, the ways in which hiring in ITA was managed and the discrimination carried out against many workers are beginning to emerge in their entirety, by a company with entirely public capital, in the hands of inconclusive and improvised owners of the ironworks".

On the topic, see also the article published by AVIONEWS.

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AVIONEWS - World Aeronautical Press Agency