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ITA-Lufthansa: Brussels could decide at the end of the month

The deadline for expressing an opinion has been postponed to January 29th

The European Competition Commission, led by Margrethe Vestager, will make a decision on the ITA-Lufthansa marriage between January 15th and 29th. Brussels has thus moved the deadlines of the so-called "phase 1" of the evaluation of the documents concerning the offer to acquire 41% of the Italian national carrier by the German Group.

The extension of the evaluation times is motivated by two factors: on the one hand the Christmas break suspended the examination of the dossier and therefore the working days available to the commissioners; on the other hand because on Monday 8 January 2024 the Italian Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF), sole shareholder of ITA, and Lufthansa, "presented commitments to the European Commission" to guarantee market balance (airport slots and routes).

At the moment it is not yet clear whether these "remedies" will allow the European Competition Commission to give the green light already in this "phase 1", that is by 29 January, or if we will go to "phase 2", which will require further 90 working days, which will postpone the opinion until May.

On the topic, see also the article published by AVIONEWS.

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AVIONEWS - World Aeronautical Press Agency