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ITA-Lufthansa: wedding postponed to May

It was the most awaited of the year, Brussels advice delayed by three months

It was the most awaited wedding of the year, the one between the national carrier ITA Airways and the German aviation group Lufthansa. Nothing to do, everything has been postponed. As made official in recent days by the Italian Minister of Economy and Finance (MEF), Giancarlo Giorgetti, the advice of the European Competition Commission on the possible alteration of the market resulting from the merger will not arrive until January 2024.

"Now we will enter 'phase 2' and there will be a need for another mass of paperwork, and everything depends on the orientation of the European Commission which is still focused on the European market while the horizon for air transport is obviously global", declared Minister Giorgetti, interviewed by the Italian newspaper "Il Sole 24 Ore".

"I have yet to find anyone who tells me that this approach makes sense. It is an incomprehensible approach -stressed the minister- especially in light of the fact that the Government has made difficult and politically delicate choices precisely to follow European instructions, and now we are being slowed down. All this is inexplicable, but in due time we will make it in any case".

To conclude the privatization of ITA Airways we will still have to wait. It was hoped that the green light from Brussels would arrive on January 15 (the expiry date of the 'first phase' of the investigation), but the 'second phase' will proceed, with a three-month delay. Under the lens of the Brussels technicians are airport slots, routes and airline ticket prices.

On the topic, see also the article published by AVIONEWS.

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AVIONEWS - World Aeronautical Press Agency