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Taiwan: huge Chinese air-naval exercise

Beijing has sent 35 aircraft and 15 military ships around the island

Chinese military aircraft incursions into Taiwan continue unabated. Taipei's defense ministry announced that in the last few hours the movements of 35 aircraft and 15 military warships sent at dawn from Beijing into the Strait, the stretch of sea that separates the two countries, have been recorded around the island. 

Among the vehicles identified are: Xian H-6 bombers, Shaanxi KJ-500 Aew&c and Shaanxi Y-8 intelligence and communication aircraft, Chengdu J-10, Shenyang J-11 and J-16 fighter aircraft, Xian JH-7, Shaanxi Y-9 transport aircraft, Harbin BZK-005 and CH-4 Rainbow reconnaissance drones, Harbin Z-9 helicopters, as well as maritime patrol boats and the aircraft carrier "Shandong".

The Taiwanese military "monitored the situation" and alerted the air force, navy and anti-aircraft missile systems to monitor Chinese activities. Taiwan's defense ministry reported, in addition to Beijing's strong resumption of military operations, that 23 aircraft entered the Air Defense Identification Zone (Adiz).

Gic - 1254572

AVIONEWS - World Aeronautical Press Agency