339 news found

DiscussionsTransport sector accidents: multimodal investigation authority established in Spain
Reference model, and an opportunity to reflect on the Italian situation
Spain has also decided to establish a multimodal investigation authority to investigate, for prevention purposes, accidents and incidents in the transport sector, abandoning the previous system based on... more

Civil aviationItalian Motor Valley, new epicenter for Concorde's return?
The new factory that will build the supersonic planes of the future should be built in Emilia
An ambitious project to relaunch the famous Concorde supersonic aircraft seems to have found new impetus in the Emilian Motor Valley. During a conference in Modena, Pano Kroko Churchill, founder and CEO... more

AirportsPurchase proposals for Gesap (Palermo): there are reportedly four groups in the field
Even international investors are banking on the attractiveness of its airport, which is growing rapidly
According to confidential rumours that reached AVIONEWS, there are four offers for the purchase of Gesap, the company that manages Palermo airport (Sicily), advanced by four groups:- One from Argentina:... more

Civil aviationAircraft and electric engines. ENGINeUS (2): certification, an important milestone for EASA
First test bed for SC E-19, an innovative regulation for an evolving sector
Safran has today received the first type certificate for an engine compliant with Special Condition (SC) E-19, the first in the world for electric and/or hybrid propulsion systems. The certification by... more

Civil aviationRussia. MC-21 aircraft: serial production postponed again
By one year, it will be launched in 2026; certification tests by 2025
A troubled project, marked by significant delays caused by a combination of technological, geopolitical and logistical factors more

AirlinesAircraft and transport. Iata: passenger demand up 8.1% in November 2024
Load factors at record levels, but capacity lags behind demand -2 SHEETS
The International Air Transport Association (IATA) today released data on global air passenger demand for November 2024, with the following highlights: - Total demand, measured in passenger kilometers... more

Civil aviationEurostat estimates the number of air passengers to increase in 2023
Up 19.3% on 2022. However, a slight decrease in total freight and mail transport (-5.2%)
Specifically: Malta (+33.3%), Slovenia (+30.9%) and the Czech Republic (+29.4%) recorded the highest increases, while the lowest ones were recorded in Estonia (+7.9%), Greece (+9.6%) and Lithuania (+12.3%) more

AirportsSingapore-Japan cooperation on air safety and connectivity
Deepening collaboration on Saf fuels, ATM, innovation, Uas and Aam
At the third Singapore-Japan Aviation Cooperation Dialogue, co-chaired by Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore (CAAS) Director General Han Kok Juan and Japan Civil Aviation Bureau (JCAB) Senior Deputy... more

AirlinesAci Europe. Draghi report puts back transport on the radar screen
With clear priorities for sustainable infrastructure development
Reacting to the publication yesterday of the Draghi report on "The future of European Competitiveness", ACI EUROPE endorsed its analysis of the transport sector and welcomed its proposals to tackle the... more

DefenseRussia-Ukraine: one year after the war
Awaited Russian offensive in the Spring, while China and the USA work for peace
A year passed since the start of the Russia-Ukraine war. It was February 24, 2022: that night vehicles and soldiers of the armed forces of Moscow penetrated enemy territory, for what was to be a "blitzkrieg",... more

AccidentsEgyptAir plane crash: pilots were smoking in the cabin
According to French report aircraft crashed into sea due to fire caused by oxygen leakage
A document sent to the Paris court of appeal about a month ago would shed new light on the Paris-Cairo air link (flight MS804), operated by EgyptAir with A-320 aircraft, which had crashed in the Mediterranean... more

AirportsItalian Ansv: final report on serious incident to a Boeing aircraft in Fiumicino in 2019
Registration LN-LND, occurred to the B-787/8 on August 10 -ATTACHMENT
The Agenzia nazionale per la sicurezza del volo (ANSV, Italian Civil Aviation Safety Investigation Authority) published on its website the investigation final report about the serious incident involving... more

AirlinesIf 5G really threatens aviation safety
Answers to questions about new wireless service in the US
US telecommunications companies and air carriers have been fighting for weeks over the potential impact of 5G wireless services on aircraft safety. Elsewhere in the world, this issue has not been the subject... more

AirlinesCarriers using B-737 Max airplane
To date, there are 480 aircraft in passenger-transport service
As of January 1st 2022 there are approximately 480 B-737 Max aircraft operating in passenger-transport service for 38 airlines worldwide. Half of the aircraft of this type fly in the United States and... more

AirlinesAircraft. Alitalia, its story lasted 75 years
It was founded in 1946 as ALII, then the various transformations
Alitalia, founded in 1946 as Italian international airlines (ALII) by British European Airways and the Institute for Industrial Reconstruction, the company began operations on May 5, 1947, changing its... more

AirlinesPhoto. ITA plane with new livery leaves hangar
The take-off scheduled for next October 15; the main steps
Photo-news. The photo shows an A-320 from the fleet of ITA (Italia trasporto aereo) with “Born in 2021” livery, celebrating the birth of the new carrier, which leaves the hangar ready for take-off sch... more

DiscussionsIt happened today. 20th anniversary attacks by airplanes of 2001
Four ones caused the death of nearly three thousand people
It seems like yesterday (perhaps due to the recent events in Afghanistan) and yet twenty years have passed since that Tuesday on September 11, 2001.The attacks on that terrible day were a series of four... more

AirlinesAVIONEWS interviews Alfonsi (Ugl): worries for the future of ITA
For the national secretary it is not yet clear how the Government wants to relaunch the sector -VIDEO
Francesco Alfonsi Italian secretary UGL Trasporti union in the interview with AVIONEWS says he is worried about the employees of Alitalia and Air Italy, he asks the government for layoffs to cover the... more

Airlines40 years since Iberia’s first Airbus aircraft was delivered
The Captain Reixa landed an A-300 in Madrid - ATTACHMENT and VIDEO
On 18 March 1981 Iberia Captain Joaquin Reixa landed an A-300 in Madrid. The aircraft, christened “Doñana”, was Iberia’s first Airbus, and it began a story that has lasted 40 years.Because of their large... more

AerospaceOnly silence from PM Conte and Minister Gualtieri about Profumo's problems
Sentence on Leonardo's CEO is a risk for company reputation
It is called reputationin the Anglo-Saxon economic world which now considers it a fundamental asset for the evaluation of a company. And today in Leonardo, led by Alessandro Profumo (sentenced in first... more

Civil aviation50 years ago the second Italian raid Rome-Tokyo by a tourism plane
La lunga trasvolata di 19 mila km compiuta in 26 tappe e 90 ore di volo
On November 15, 1970, one month after its departure from Rome-Urbe city airport, the SIAI-Marchetti S-205 single piston engine four seater aircraft, piloted by Mario Panvini Rosati (1935-1997) landed in... more

AerospaceLeonardo: foreclosed on a fifth of Profumo's salary
Bari court ruled on Divania crash and sentenced it to a precautionary patrimonial measure
Another rather heavy tile falls on the head of Alessandro Profumo, CEO of Leonardo. After being sentenced to six years in prison for rigging and false corporate communications relating to the line of inquiry... more

AerospaceProfumo: "smell" of resignation
Tomorrow's Board of Directors could be the last for Leonardo's CEO
It will be an incandescent Board of Directors the one convened in videoconference tomorrow, on Thursday November 5, 2020 at 5:30 pm. Leonardo's board meets with the stock market closed, but on the table,... more

AerospaceNovember 3, 1957: mission to space of the dog Laika
63 years ago the launch of Sputnik 2
A "sacrifice" in the name of science. The date of November 3 is one of the most important in the history of space, since exactly 63 years ago the second ever artificial satellite, Sputnik 2, was launched... more

DefenseLeonardo: Alessandro Profumo is surrounded
He's focusing on hi-tech but Leonardo stock is at its lowest in five years, € 4 per share
The tsar is surrounded. Not only the voices for the resignation of Alessandro Profumo as CEO of Leonardo are increasing, even the stock market share seems not to comfort him. Does that market to which... more

CuriositiesOctober 23, 1934: Francesco Agello's unbeaten speed record
His seaplane flew 86 years ago in Desenzano
A record still unbeaten almost nine decades later: this clarification would be enough to understand how incredible the feat of Francesco Agello on October 23, 1934 was, precisely 86 years ago. It was 2:56... more

Civil aviation9 October 1890: first take-off by Clément Ader's Eole aircraft
He departed near Paris for a distance of 50 metres and a height of 20 centimetres
On 9 October 1890, French engineer Clément Ader’s Eole (Avion I) aircraft took off from the grounds of Château d’Armainvilliers near Paris for a distance of approximately 50 metres and a height of aroun... more

AerospaceSeptember 17, 1976: entire world discovers Space Shuttle
The very first spacecraft was the Enterprise
Today's date is one of the most important in history of space flights. On September 17, 1976, exactly 44 years ago, Space Shuttle was presented to the public for the very first time. NASA proudly announced... more

AerospaceThe aerospace sector looks to the environment for recovery
According to a study published today - ATTACHMENT
According to a study published today, the key to recovering from the pandemic in the aerospace sector will have to focus on greater respect for the environment. The second chapter of the "Horizon Shift"... more

DefenseOn August 6 and 9, 1945 the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki
Two American military aircraft razed two cities to the ground
Enola Gay, you should have stayed at home yesterday: this is how Orchestral Maneuvers in the Dark sang in 1980, a song that has remained the band's main success, precisely “Enola Gay”. It is the same nam... more

DiscussionsThe US leaves the "Open Skies" treaty
Is arms control in Europe no longer of interest?
With one of the unconventional decisions that made him famous, Donald Trump decided, alone without informing Congress, that the United States will exit the "Open Skies" treaty, that is the international... more

DiscussionsGreen light from the markets for carriers
State aid and a rapid recovery in demand push air transport stocks
Financial newspapers around the world have gotten into different articles but all in the same direction: the stock market for carriers is clearly on the rise. The examples - AVIONEWS writes it- are global:... more

DiscussionsPakistan International Airlines flight 8303: updates
Was the RAT (Ram Air Turbine) in an extended position due to the loss of the two engines?
Last Friday on May 22 a plane of the PIA company (Pakistan International Airlines) an Airbus A-320/200 crashed near runway 25R at Karachi, the international airport in Pakistan. From the database it is... more

DiscussionsDrone planes: military push continues to Boeing
US Navy carries on with UAS air refuellers: USD 85 million
An internet note by the US Department of Defense reports that the US Navy (USN) has awarded Boeing a contract worth $ 84.7 million to build three more units of the MQ-25A Stingray unmanned refuelling aircraft..The... more

DiscussionsAircraft and transport: the future of aviation? How will we fly again?
The epidemic paves the way for a sector revolution: fewer actors
Greg Foran, CEO of Air New Zealand, may be the last, in chronological order, of the leaders of the air transport sector to say that his airline will emerge from the crisis of the epidemic, smaller and... more

DiscussionsCovid-19 and carriers: global default risk
From Russia to the USA, passing through Europe
The global air transport system risks an unprecedented crisis. The president of Copasir (Parliamentary Committee for the Security of the Italian Republic, Editor's note), asks Conte to intervene in defense... more

DiscussionsAircraft and transport: volcanic ash and aviation
Operating and monitoring methods
Today the Catania-Fontanarossa airport, following a new issue of ash from Etna, has decided for security reasons to close two sectors of the air space and reopened at 2pm (Italian hour). In 2010, the Italian... more

Discussions"Oshkosh 2019": fact and figures for a record year
AVIONEWS was present at the event
AVIONEWS was present at the "Experimental Aircraft Association Air Venture" which took place from July 22 to 28, 2019 at Oshkosh, in Wisconsin.Some fact and figures about the event in brief:Attendance:... more

DiscussionsProfumo, CEO Leonardo: "We confirm guidance for 2019"
Will Raytheon and United Technologies merge? "We'll be happy if the asset value increases"
The press presentation meeting of the newness that Leonardo will bring to the next "Le Bourget" Air Show that will open its doors next June 17th was held at the Piazza Monte Grappa site in Rome. The CEO... more

DiscussionsLeonardo (2): first the new drone, then the ATR
At the Le Bourget show the group will present the latest model of "Falco" family
The novelty that Leonardo will present at the "Paris-Le Bourget air show" will be new "Falco" drone, an evolution of the previous Falco Evo, with greater autonomy of flight and load capacity. The name... more

DiscussionsThe Tupolev Tu-134 turns off the engines
The last example of the historic Soviet aircraft is expected to the Novosibirsk museum
The Tupolev Tu-134 airplane turns off the engines definitively. The last aircraft, belonging to the fleet of the company Alrosa, has concluded its service covering the route from Irkutsk to Mirny, in Russia.... more

Discussions600 million of passengers transported in 2018
China's impressive growth in aircraft and transport
In 2017, China could count about 3290 aircraft for a total of over 9 million flight hours, mainly on domestic routes. Only 2 million hours for international traffic, the most profitable.Already in 2018... more

DiscussionsSuperjet 100 aircraft: the great rejection by the western market
But what are the reasons for the failure that led to the exit by Finmeccanica/Leonardo from the Italian-Russian jv?
In light of the recent tragic airplane crash in Moscow it would seem easy to download the causes that determined it to the machine. But in these cases it is good practice to stick to a prudent expectation... more

Discussions"Brexit": EU completes preparations
For possible “no-deal” scenario on 12 April
As it is increasingly likely that the United Kingdom will leave the European Union without a deal on 12 April, the European Commission has today completed its “no-deal” preparations.At the same time, it... more

DiscussionsBOAC to the future as BA 747 plane landed yesterday at Heathrow; today route to NY (BA117)
Arrival coincides with the B-747 first flight anniversary
Large crowds gathered at Heathrow yesterday to watch the much-anticipated arrival of a British Airways B-747 painted in the design of its predecessor British Overseas Airways Corporation (BOAC).The aircraft... more

DiscussionsItaly-France tensions: what are the risks for Fincantieri and Alitalia?
It could skip potential important agreements
Some members of the Italian government could not choose a worse time to attack -again- France, because between the two countries there are "at stake" many potential agreements for the future that are added... more

DiscussionsAlitalia: tight rhythms to find a solution from January
New meetings with Lufthansa. Meanwhile losses for almost 500 million
The Christmas holidays have slowed (just apparently?) the discussions on the table of Ferrovie dello Stato (FS) to find the international partners suitable to revive Alitalia, but from the first week of... more

DiscussionsLeonardo between the cuts and the carousel of the armchairs
Does the Government also want to change the leaders of Leonardo?
The main problems of the Italian aerospace and defense company Leonardo are linked both to the few important contracts signed in the last year, and to the Government political-industrial choices. On the... more

DiscussionsItalian Enav: Roberto Scaramella resigns
Soon the name of the next president
Roberto Scaramella, appointed president of ENAV (the Italian Flight Assistance company) in April last year, leaves the Presidency in advance of the institution and has called for the next November 8 the... more

DiscussionsLion Air incident (2): problem with Pitot tubes the cause?
The data collected by "Flight Radar 24" if confirmed go in this direction
New hypotheses continue to emerge about why and how yesterday morning the Boeing B-737 MAX 8 aircraft of Lion Air crashed, in fact the data recorded by "Flight Radar 24" of the Sunday evening flight between... more