Weather forecasts
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Weather forecastsStill fickleness on the Italian northern regions
Rome, Italy - For the first week in August
As already announced through an issue of a notice for adverse weather conditions, the first week in August will have a fickleness conditions, with two Atlantic perturbations in transit on the Italian Country... more

Weather forecastsBad weather in Italy: still fickleness on the North
Rome, Italy - The Italian Civil Defense Department has issued a notice for adverse conditions
A new bad weather phase arrived on the central-western sectors on the Alps, from yesterday evening, due to a perturbation from Atlantic. The Italian Civil Defense Department, on the basis of available... more

Weather forecastsBad weather in Italy: storms and strong winds also on central-south from this evening
Rome, Italy - An additional notice for adverse conditions has been issued
The perturbation flow from North-Atlantic, already announced, has reached the Italian northern regions and gradually to interest also the center and the South locally. The Italian Civil Defense Department,... more

Weather forecastsWeather in Italy: storms on the North and on the Middle
Rome, Italy - Stable on the remaining of the Peninsula
The Italian Civil Defense Department, on the basis of available models, has issued a notice for unfavourable weather conditions from this morning, on Thursday July 29, with diffused precipitations, with... more

Weather forecastsWeather in Italy: still intense hot
Rome, Italy - Storms on North arriving
The Italian Civil Defense Department, on the basis of the available models, has issued a notice for adverse weather conditions that predicts from this early morning, on Friday July 23, 2010 precipitations... more

Weather forecastsBad weather in Italy: storms arriving on the North
Rome, Italy - The Civil Defense Department has issued a notice for adverse conditions
As predicted from the weather scenario already diffused, tomorrow a perturbation system, coming from France, will reach the Italian Alps sector, where will be recorded conditions of a marked fickleness,... more

Weather forecastsWeather: intense hot in the week-end on all the Italian Peninsula
Rome, Italy - Temperatures at seasonal levels from next week
Hot and sultry will continue to interest Italy during week-end. The wide anti-cyclonic structure that has invested the Mediterranean basin to bring conditions for a Summer stable weather on all the Peninsula... more

Weather forecastsWeather in Italy: storms on North today and tomorrow, stable on the remaining of the Country
Rome, Italy - Temperatures in a marked increase until week-end
Thunderstorms on the Alps and Apennines sectors today and tomorrow, but from Wednesday increasing temperatures on all Country: this is the weather scenario for next days. To a Summer climate of the last... more

Weather forecastsStorms on the North-East of the Italian Peninsula
Rome, Italy - From yesterday afternoon and for the successive 24-30 hours
A depression focused on Romania, with another of the Atlantic origins, is causing conditions of marked fickleness on Northern-Eastern regions, that could continue until Wednesday, mainly during the hottest... more

Weather forecastsBad weather in Italy: week-end with storms on the North and on the Middle
Rome, Italy - From tomorrow and for the next 24-36 hours
The break for bad weather on North of Italy has been short. A new perturbation will be present tomorrow, on Saturday June 19, on central Mediterranean basin, bringing conditions of strong fickleness still... more

Weather forecastsBad weather in Italy: strong thunderstorms on the north of Peninsula
Rome, Italy - An additional notice for adverse conditions issued
Still unstable weather on northern Italy interested from 48 hours by diffused precipitations. Today the perturbation, coming from southern France, will continue to have its effects with strong storms on... more

Weather forecastsBad weather in Italy: still perturbation on North
Rome, Italy - As announced yesterday
As already announced yesterday, the perturbation between France and Spain will continue to bring perturbation until tomorrow on the northern regions, with diffused rains and storms on the western sides... more

Weather forecastsBad weather in Italy: from this evening storms and strong wind on North and on Sardinia
Rome, Italy - Week with a fickleness
The Italian Civil Defense Department, on the basis of the available models, has issued a notice for adverse weather conditions that predicts from this evening, on Monday June 14, precipitations of downpour... more

Weather forecastsWeather in Italy: still fickleness
Rome, Italy - Storms on the South
"A perturbation coming from the Balkans' area with fickleness conditions with cool air flows in the central Italy will interest the South of the Peninsula, in the next hours, in particular on the Adriatic... more

Weather forecastsWeather in Italy: a week with variability
Rome, Italy - The temperatures increasing during the week-end
"The first week in June will remain with marked variability due to a new perturbation flow that, from tomorrow and Friday, will interest the Triveneto and central-southern regions, with downpours or frequent... more

Weather forecastsBad weather in Italy: strong winds on North and two main Isles from yesterday evening
Rome, Italy - A notice for adverse weather conditions has been issued
"A quick perturbation coming from northern Europe towards the Balkans with a reinforcement of winds, in particular on northern regions and on two main isles. The Italian Civil Defense Department, on... more

Weather forecastsBad weather: unstable conditions on the South of Italy from today
Rome, Italy - As already announced previously
"As already announced from a notice of adverse weather conditions issued by Italian Civil Defense Department, the perturbation coming from northern Europe, that has interested yesterday the central-north... more

Weather forecastsBad weather: a new perturbation on central-southern of Italy from today
Rome, Italy - After a short break
"The break from bad weather on the Italian Peninsula has not been so long. A new perturbation, as announced in the last days, in fact, coming from northern Europe already from last night, will arrive on... more

Weather forecastsBad weather in Italy: downpours and sparse storms until Sunday
Rome, Italy - The Italian Civil Defense Department has issued an additional notice for adverse conditions
"The Italian Civil Defense Department, on the basis of available models, has issued a further notice for unfavourable weather conditions that expands that diffused yesterday. In particular from tomorrow,... more

Weather forecastsBad weather in Italy: storms and strong winds continue on North
Rome, Italy - A fickleness on central and cloudless sky on the South
"The Italian Civil Defense Department, on the basis of the available models, has issued an additional notice for adverse weather conditions that expands that diffused and that predicts from this afternoon,... more

Weather forecastsBad weather in Italy: new worsening on central-northern regions
Rome, Italy - A week with bad weather
The Italian Civil Defense Department, on the basis of the available models, has issued a notice for adverse weather conditions that predicts from tomorrow in the early morning, on Tuesday May 11, downpour... more

Weather forecastsBad weather: intense storms and strong winds on the Italian central regions
Rome, Italy - From tomorrow in the early morning
"The bad weather wave that has hit central-northern Italy in the first half of the week will continue in the next hours on most part of the Country with an intensification of phenomena on central regions... more

Weather forecastsBad weather in Italy (2): storms on central-northern and on Sardinia
Rome, Italy - An additional notice for adverse weather conditions has been issued
A flow of polar air on western Mediterranean will favour, in the next hours, the expanding on most part of central northern of Italy conditions of fickleness that will continue for great part of the week,... more

Weather forecastsBad weather in Italy: today storms on North and rains on Central part
Rome, Italy - But also for tomorrow
"Today, diffused rains on Northern regions and in particular on northern Piedmont, Lombardy, north of Veneto, Trentino Alto Adige, Friuli Venezia Giulia, central-northern Tuscany, Apennine of the Emilia. Rains... more

Weather forecastsBad weather in Italy: storms arriving on South
Rome, Italy - From tomorrow in the early morning
A cold air flow at altitude, coming from the Balkans, will bring fickleness conditions on the South of Italy tomorrow. The Italian Civil Defense Department, on the basis of available models, has issued... more

Weather forecastsBad weather: a perturbation arriving on northern Italy
Rome, Italy - From tomorrow storms also on the most part of the central side
A perturbation, coming from France, will arrive on northern Italy in the next hours, causing strong downpours and storms locally. Tomorrow the phenomena will interest also part of the central-southern... more

Weather forecastsBad weather in Italy: thunderstorms and strong winds on most part of central-south
Rome, Italy - An additional notice for adverse conditions
As already announced, the perturbation that is interesting the central Mediterranean from today, will continue to determine fickleness conditions on central-meridional regions. The Italian Civil Defense... more

Weather forecastsBad weather in Italy: perturbation arriving on Sardinia
Rome, Italy - Storms and strong winds on most part of central-south from tomorrow
An Atlantic perturbation, currently on the Iberian Peninsula, is close to central Mediterranean today, causing a perturbation phase before on Sardinia and then on the remaining central-southern regions. The... more

Weather forecastsBad weather in Italy: storms arriving on southern regions
Rome, Italy - From this evening and for tomorrow
From this evening and tomorrow some western flows will cause fickleness conditions on Italian Country, in particular on the southern regions, where will be possible downpours and storms also of strong... more

Weather forecastsBad weather in Italy: rains on Sardinia from tomorrow
Rome, Italy - A notice for adverse weather conditions has been issued
A flow from Atlantic origin will interest the western Mediterranean in the next hours, bringing sparse precipitations also of stormy aspect in particular on Sardinia. The Italian Civil Defense Department,... more

Weather forecastsBad weather in Italy: fickleness conditions during Easter week-end
Rome, Italy - And also on Easter Monday
"Atlantic flows persist on central-western Mediterranean and during the hot hours of the day, could create weak fickleness condition on central-northern Apennine's areas. Bad weather conditions could... more

Weather forecastsBad weather in Italy: worsening between Easter and Easter Monday
Rome, Italy - On all Peninsula
"A modest perturbation is affecting today the northern regions, while tomorrow an other weak depression will interest southern part, in particular Sicily and Calabria, except that local cloudy formations... more

Weather forecastsWeather in Italy: week-end with fickleness
Rome, Italy - In particular on north-west of the Country
"The week-end will be with a fickleness of the weather, in particular on north-west of the Country, with rains locally of strong intensity, for the quick passage of a perturbation from Atlantic. Tomorrow,... more

Weather forecastsStill raining on some regions of Italy
Rome, Italy - Atmospheric disturbance is present on the Mediterranean sea
Atmospheric disturbance present on the Mediterranean sea is causing bad weather on some Italian regions. On the basis of available informations downpours or storms have foreseen locally very bad in... more

Weather forecastsBad weather in Italy: thunderstorms on Sicily and Calabria
Rome, Italy - During next week-end
"The week-end will be hit from a perturbation on south, in particular on Sicily and Calabria, for the arrival of a new perturbation from Mediterranean that will bring storms and strong winds tomorrow. The... more

Weather forecastsHeavy snowfalls in Spain and France
Barcelona, Spain - Discomforts to terrestrial and air transportation
A freezing and snowing cold wave felt down on western Europe. To pay the bill are France and Spain, where there were several discomforts to terrestrial and air circulation. In a large part of Spain... more

Weather forecastsBad weather in Italy: a marked worsening arriving
Rome, Italy - On Tuesday and on Wednesday
"The beginning of the week will be hit from the arrival of a perturbation from Mediterranean that will bring diffused bad weather on Italy tomorrow and on Wednesday. Today, on Monday March 8, a deep... more

Weather forecastsBad weather in Italy: still wind and thunderstorms on central-south
Rome, Italy - Possible tidal waves
"The perturbation, as already announced, arriving from the Balearic Islands towards central Mediterranean has reached yesterday evening Sardinia, with rains and storms during the night expanded to the... more

Weather forecastsBad weather in Italy: strong winds on South and on Isles from this evening
Rome, Italy - A notice for adverse conditions has been issued by Department
"An area of low pressure to reach in the next hours Sardinia, where will be recorded sparse precipitations and a marked reinforcement of airing, that then will interest also Sicily and southern regions. The... more

Weather forecastsBad weather in Italy: still storms on Central-South and Sicily
Rome, Italy - An additional adverse weather conditions has been issued
"After some hours of pause, from tomorrow in the early morning a passage of quick perturbation impulses on Italy of Atlantic origin will return to bring conditions of fickleness on central-south and on... more

Weather forecastsBad weather in Italy: thunderstorms on central-southern Tyrrhenian regions
Rome, Italy - For the successive 24-36 hours
"Flows with perturbations from Atlantic origin continue to interest the Italian regions and today and tomorrow (February 22 and 23) will bring intense fickleness conditions on Sardinia and on central-southern... more

Weather forecastsBad weather in Italy (2): storms on south arriving
Rome, Italy - Still snowfall on the Alps
"Following to a perturbation already present on Italy, a new flow of Atlantic origin to reach from tomorrow the Italian regions bringing conditions of fickleness on southern Tyrrhenian sectors. The... more

Weather forecastsBad weather in Italy: today snow on Piedmont and Alps
Rome, Italy - Rains and winds on north and on central-southern regions
"A wide perturbation of Atlantic origin is moving in these hours from Balearic Islands towards Italian Peninsula. From today are predicted diffused precipitations on central-northern regions, starting... more

Weather forecastsBad weather in Italy: arriving rains on isles and southern regions
Rome, Italy - Other two perturbations during the week
"The Italian Civil Defense Department has issued a notice for adverse weather conditions that predicts from tomorrow morning, on Tuesday February 16, intense precipitations, also of downpour or storm aspect,... more

Weather forecastsBad weather in Italy: cold and snowfalls from tomorrow
Rome, Italy - Until low altitudes on the Peninsula
"As already announced in the last days, a cold air wave from Arctic will reach Italy tomorrow and cause conditions of a perturbation on the most part of Country. Strong winds, rains, snowfalls until low... more

Weather forecastsBad weather in Italy (2): thunderstorms with strong winds on South
Rome, Italy - And snow until low altitudes on North
"As already announced, a wide depression system, coming from northern-western Europe, is causing perturbation on Italian territory, in particular on central-southern regions. The national Civil Defense... more

Weather forecastsBad weather in Italy: storms and winds from today on central-south
Rome, Italy - A week with a fickleness
"A perturbation coming from Iberian Peninsula will reach in the next hours Italian Peninsula and will bring conditions of fickleness of weather on the central-southern regions, mainly on two major isles... more

Weather forecastsBad weather in Italy (2): snowfalls at low altitudes on north arriving
Rome, Italy - And rains on the central-southern regions
"A deep Atlantic depression, with action on the west of Ireland, will bring diffused bad weather on the Italian Peninsula in the next hours, with precipitations at snowy aspect on the northern regions... more

Weather forecastsBad weather in Italy: a gradual worsening from today
Rome, Italy - As of north-western of the Peninsula
"After a week beginning with harsh and dry climate, with temperatures below of the averages of the period, from this evening is predicted the arrival of an Atlantic perturbation that will bring decreasing... more

Weather forecastsBad weather in Italy: snowfalls at low altitudes, storms and strong winds
Rome, Italy - During next week-end
"The Italian Civil Defense Department, on the basis of available models, has issued a notice for unfavorable weather conditions that forecast from this evening, on Friday January 29, moderate snowfalls... more