5,397 news found

ReportAirplane seats: Japanese firm falsified safety tests
Tokyo, Japan - The cheat regarded 150,000 seats installed on airplanes of 32 world carriers
Koito Industries, the most important Japanese producer of airplane's seats, has falsified the results of safety checks regarding 150,000 seats, then installed on aircraft of 32 world airlines. Takashi... more

ReportThe helicopters of "Cavour" ship landed in Port-au-Prince
Port-au Prince, Haiti - Sailed last January 19 from La Spezia, after a short stop in Fortaleza, the flagship of the Italian Navy is still offing of the Hispaniola isle
The first helicopters have finally landed in Port-au Prince, took off from "Cavour", the flagship of the Italian Navy, the aircraft carrier sailed last January 19 from La Spezia and arrived today in the... more

ReportHaiti, airlift to the USA reopened
Port-au-Prince, Haiti - To carry people with critical injuries
The airlift to carry seriously injured people from Haiti to the USA, previously closed due to Florida's protest against the heavy support cost, has been reopened. In particular, Florida asked the federal... more

ReportCagliari, Elmas airport reopened
Cagliari, Italy - After Alcoa workers' protest
The situation at Cagliari-Elmas airport has been unlocked by the intervention of Cagliari prefect. The airport had been occupied by Alcoa workers who stopped all airport operations. Several flights had... more

ReportItaly, Cagliari airport blocked by Alcoa workers
Cagliari, Italy - Ryanair and Meridiana airplanes stopped on the runway
Workers of Alcoa this morning occupied Cagliari-Elmas airport, blocking its operations. Also a Ryanair airplane bound for Treviso has been stopped on the runway with 131 passengers on board, who have been... more

ReportEthiopian air accident: last disposal ignored by the pilot?
Rome, Italy - The airplane would have turned the opposite direction than what the control tower had indicated
The pilot of Ethiopian Airlines' Boeing 737/8AS that ditched yesterday off the coast of Lebanon would not have followed the last disposal issued by the control tower, which indicated the direction that... more

ReportEthiopian tragedy: the Boeing 737-8AS crashed into the sea sold from Ryanair
Rome, Italy - Ethiopian Airlines has purchased the aircraft in leasing from Cit Aerospace
Michael O'Leary, Ryanair's CEO, in a press-conference took place today in Rome, has communicated that the B-737/8AS aircraft, code ET-ANB, Cn/Msn 29935/1061, of Ethiopian Airlines crashed yesterday off... more

ReportFloods in Peru: air lift to evacuate tourists from Machu Picchu
Lima, Perù - Police and Armed Force's helicopters used
After the abundant precipitations that have caused flooding in Perù, in particular in two provinces in Apurimac and Cuzco, in the Calca, Cuzco, Urubamba, Canchis Quispicanchi, Anta and Convention localities... more

ReportHaiti: goods launched from a C-17 cargo
Rome, Italy - 40 packages of about 25 tons
From yesterday in Haiti the goods are launched by airplanes and helicopters. This morning a C-17 cargo airplane took off from Pope base in North Carolina has launched a load of 40 packages of goods... more

Report"Cavour" aircraft carrier ready to sail to Haiti
La Spezia, Italy - New flagship of the Italian Navy
On "Cavour" aircraft carrier, led by captain Gianluigi Reversi, the preparation (embark of vehicle, men and materials) for an its use in humanitarian mission for assistance to the Haiti's population is... more

ReportUSA. Cocaine found in a NASA's hangar: it's a scandal...
Cocoa, Usa - An internal inquiry started
Last Friday a bag full of cocaine has been found at Kennedy Space Center, in Florida, in the hangar of Discovery shuttle. The finding has been made by a technician who has delivered the drug to the security... more

ReportHaiti earthquake - the EU coordinates aid
Brussels, Belgium - An initial € 3 million is being channelled into relief efforts and more may follow
"An earthquake measuring 7.0 on the Richter scale struck Haiti on 12 January. Within hours of the disaster the EU provided €3 million for immediate relief activities. EU countries reacted swiftly b... more

ReportEarthquake in Haiti: Cuba opens the air space to USA
Washington, Usa - Allowed for flights with humanitarian aids and transport of wounded
White House has announced to have had the authorization to use air space in Cuba to make flights with the humanitarian aids and transport of wounded people of earthquake that has hit Haiti three days ago. The... more

ReportEarthquake in Haiti: the imposing rescue machine started by Obama
Washington, Usa - Airplanes, helicopters, ships, civilians and 2000 Marines towards Caribbean
The first aids are arriving or have been already arrived in the Hispaniola Caribbean isle, occupied in the western part by Haiti Republic and on east by Dominican's one, of an imposing rescue operation... more

ReportEnemy fire on ISAF helicopters in Afghanistan
Helmand, Afghanistan - Shots of small caliber but the aircraft has no had damages
The ISAF (International Security Assistance Force of UN) helicopter against which today some shots have been fired has not had damages, while it was in flight in Nad Ali district, in Helmand province,... more

ReportItalian Falcon to arrive today in Haiti
Port-Au-Prince, Haiti - Carrying the advanced team that will coordinate rescue operations
The Italian advanced team that will coordinate rescue operations to the population hit by the earthquake in Haiti is going to arrive today, after a technical stop-over, on board of a Dassault Falcon aircraft... more

ReportEarthquake: Italian C-130 fails to land in Haiti
Port-Au-Prince, Haiti - Diverted to Santo Domingo due to damages suffered by the airport
An Italian C-130 flying to Haiti to supply first aid following the huge earthquake that has hit the island (see AVIONEWS) this morning could not land at Port-Au-Prince due to the serious damages suffered... more

ReportThe passenger's behaviour forces pilot to make an emergency landing in Ireland
Dublin, Ireland - The man arrested at his arrival in Shannon
A pilot of a Boeing 767 with 224 passengers on board has been forced yesterday to ask to make a landing at Shannon's airport, Ireland, while was in flight from Amsterdam to Aruba's isle, into the small... more

ReportStrike by French flight controllers: airplanes with delay and cancellations into airports
Paris, France - Hardships today and tomorrow in all Country
The 48 hour strike by French air traffic controllers today and tomorrow is added to the heavy snowfalls and ice, that for days have paralyzed the air traffic in France and UK. After the cancellation of... more

ReportHaiti earthquake (2): the airport runway might have been damaged
Port-Au-Prince, Haiti - It might cause difficulties for the rescues to arrive
According to local sources the runway of Port-Au-Prince airport, Haiti, might have been damaged by tonight's earthquake, differently from what reported by the first news issued after the event (see AVIONEWS).... more

ReportViolent earthquake in Haiti, thousands of victims feared
Port-au-Prince, Haiti - Hospitals, hotels and governmental palaces collapsed
An earthquake more violent than the 7th degree Richter hit Haiti during the night, devastating the capital Port-au-Prince. Thousands of victims are feared and first witnesses said that there are hundreds... more

ReportFailed attack in Christmas: two US senators asks sanctions against security delegates
Washington, Usa - McCain: "Someone should be retained guilty"
"Someone should be retained guilty", has resounded to "CNN" the Republican senator John McCain, losing candidate to the US Presidential elections won by Obama, referring to the mistakes made by American... more

ReportRome-Fiumicino, anonymous call announced the presence of a bomb on an aircraft
Rome, Italy - But it was only a hoax
An anonymous phone call advising yesterday that on an Alitalia Boeing 767 due to take off for Accra (Ghana) there would have been a bomb, provoked panic at the airport for a couple of hours. After disembarking... more

ReportWhy Ryanair wants to leave Italy?
Rome, Italy - The possible reasons behind the Irish carrier's protest
Ryanair and the Italian Civil Aviation Authority (ENAC) are currently arm wrestling officially about the fact that Italy considers the equivalence of certain documents, different from ID cards and passports,... more

ReportCivil victims for Saudi air raids in Yemen
Sanaa, Yemen - Counter offensive by Yemeni guerrilla
A spokesperson by Yemeni ziditi guerrilla has unveiled that there are more 50 civil victims, killed in the extreme north of the country by a dozen of air raid made by Saudi aviation in the night. A hundred... more

ReportAfghanistan: two Italian soldiers lightly wounded, an American dead
Bala Morghab, Afghanistan - An Afghani, under police interrogation at the moment, would have hit them
The causes that have brought this morning to the wounding in a light manner of two Italian soldiers and to the death of an American one, are not yet clear. The episode would be happened while they were... more

ReportAbout 25 British extremists ready to hit on western airplanes
London, UK - All prepared in Yemen, as Mutallab, the attacker in Christmas day
The British daily, "The Sun", citing sources near to Scotland Yard, unveils today on its pages that there would be around 25 young people, mainly of Somali or Pakistan origins but British citizens, engaged... more

ReportFini in Shama praises the work by the Italian soldiers
Shama, . - Engaged within the UNIFIL mission
Gianfranco Fini, the President of the Chamber, together with an Italian parliamentary delegation has gone, on board of a military airplane, to Shama, a ground strip that divides Lebanon and Israel, to... more

ReportAlarm-security on airplanes to USA: a second Nigerian arrested for aggressive behaviour on Delta's flight
Detroit, Usa - Obama convokes the counsellors in tele-conference
A new episode, after terrostic attack's threat happened in Christmas on an American Delta Airlines' airplane that had to serve the Amsterdam-Detroit route by the 23 year Nigerian Umar Farouk Abdul Mutallab,... more

ReportIran denies links with aircraft seized in Thailand
Bangkok, Thailand - It was carrying a load of weapons coming from North Korea
Iran denied media reports stating that the weapons-carrying airplane that had been seized in Thailand would have been bound for Iran, coming from North Korea (see AVIONEWS). The reply has been issued today... more

ReportAircraft seized in Thailand possibly bound for Iran
Bangkok, USA - A report by today's "Wall Street Journal"
It would have probably been bound for Iran the airplane, coming from South Korea, that was seized some days ago in Bangkok with a load of weapons on board, as reported today by the "Wall Street Journal",... more

ReportWeapons-carrying airplane from North Korea seized in Bangkok
Bangkok, Thailand - The five crewmembers will be detained for 12 days. They say they weren't aware of the nature of their load
Anti-aircraft missile launcher, grenades, explosive and missile components weighing 30-35 tonnes: this was the war-load found on Saturday at "Don Muang" Bangkok airport on board of a Russian-built cargo... more

ReportRussia: 1.4 billion investment on St. Petersburg airport
St. Petersburg, Russia - Aeroflot, traffic down 9% in the first 9 months of the year
The Northern Capital Gateway (NCG) consortium signed a public-private partnership agreement for the St. Petersburg-Pulkovo airport concession, which was awarded in June 2009. This bodes well for future... more

ReportThai Airways sues protesters who blocked the airports in Bangkok
Bangkok, Thailandia - The protests between November and December 2008
The airline Thai Airways sued the leaders of the protesters who, between November and December 2008, performed a series of sit-ins against the government of fugitive premier Thaksin Shinawatr, causing... more

ReportBomb-alarm on Transavia airplane departing from Treviso
Rome, Italy - Passengers were blocked to allow controls
A bomb-alarm today interrupted airport operations in Treviso, northern Italy. An anonymous phone call informed that a bomb had been placed on board a Transavia flight which was about to depart towards... more

ReportFlightcare workers to AVIONEWS: "We want a regulation of the sector"
Rome, Italy - The national secretary of UGL Trasporti, Roberto Panella, interviewed by the agency
Roberto Panella, national secretary of the trade union UGL Trasporti, yesterday told AVIONEWS that the main issue concerning the handling industry is the excessive liberalization. "Today there are six... more

ReportFlightcare to AVIONEWS: "We are not seeking a clash"
Rome, Italy - This agency interviewed the CEO of the handling company, Roberto Bruni
The CEO of Flightcare, Roberto Bruni, yesterday told AVIONEWS about his company's position concerning the events that took place in recent days, when workers had held several assemblies and protests. "We... more

ReportMother falls asleep while breastfeeding, daughter smothered
London, UK - The tragedy on board of a United Airlines' flight
A 4-week-old baby died on board of a United Airlines' airplane. Her mother, 29-year-old with Egyptian origins, would have fallen asleep while breastfeeding her, leaning forward and smothering the baby.... more

ReportUN helicopter attacked in Congo-Kinshasa, at least 4 wounded
Dugu, Congo-Kinshasa - Members of a peacekeeping unit
At least four people belonging to a UN peacekeeping unit in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (Congo-Kinshasa, formerly known as Zaire and ex-Belgian colony) have been injured yesterday when the helicopter... more

ReportNew European commissioners appointed
Brussels, Belgium - Italian Tajani will be in charge of Industry extended to Galileo sat programme and Tourism
Josè Manuel Barroso, president of the European Commission, today presented the new commissioners that will take their roles starting from January 2010. As anticipated (see AVIONEWS), Italian Antonio Tajani... more

ReportAntonio Tajani will be in charge of the Galileo sat programme for the European Commission
Brussels, Belgium - The Italian man will almost certainly be the new EU commissioner for Industry and Tourism
Antonio Tajani, as anticipated by the Italian "Adnkronos" quoting informed sources, will be appointed to the role of European commissioner for Industry extended to the Galileo sat programme and Tourism.... more

ReportEU requests passengers-refunds in case of airlines' bankruptcy
Strasbourg, France - Insurances, reserve compensation fund and mutual responsibility
During a plenary session underway in Strasbourg the European Parliament has requested new regulations concerning passengers refunds in case of airlines' bankruptcy. In particular, the EP has suggested... more

Report17 Eads-Airbus managers charged with "Insider trading": hearings began yesterday
Paris, France - Also involved high officers of DaimlerChrysler and Lagardère
AMF, the French watchdog for the financial market, yesterday began the hearings of the first of 17 people, all former or current managers of the European consortium EADS and of its subsidiary Airbus, charged... more

ReportItalian transport minister defers November 25 strikes
Rome, Italy - As stated in a note by the ministry
The Italian transport minister, Altero Matteoli, has decided to defer the strikes announced by Alitalia-CAI personnel on Wednesday, November 25, "In order -is explained in a note- to avoid a serious and... more

ReportAfghanistan: German minister's helicopter attacked
Kunduz, Afghanistan - No injuries or damages
The German minister for defence, Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg, was a victim of an attack while he was on helicopter during his surprise visit in the Kunduz province, in northern Afghanistan. No one belonging... more

ReportMike Tyson arrested at Los Angeles airport
Los Angeles, USA - Following a row with a paparazzi
The ex-boxer, heavy weight world champion, Mike Tyson, was arrested at Los Angeles airport yesterday following a row with a paparazzi, who at the end of the confrontation (at no surprise) reported head... more

ReportUSA: jealous former astronaut will not go to jail
Orlando, USA - She had threatened an ex colleague, her rival in love
Lisa Nowak, US former navy captain and astronaut who on February 5, 2007, had attacked a colleague, Air Force captain Colleen Shipman, because of her relationship with Nowak's ex partner, NASA astronaut... more

ReportTwo new directors for the English Civil Aviation Authority
London, UK - David Gray and Michael Medlicott
The UK Secretary of State for Transport, Lord Andrew Adonis, has today appointed David Gray and Michael Medlicott as Non-Executive Members of the Board of the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA). The first... more

ReportSafety in Italy: "The national Police will have to be provided with the same type of helicopter"
Rome, Italy - The minister for Internal affairs, Roberto Maroni, denounced the fact that 75% of the aircraft park has more 25 years
A 10-year plan to equip all the Italian security forces, national police, Carabinieri, and fire-fighters, with a single unique helicopter model. It was announced by the Internal affairs minister, Roberto... more

ReportMajor black-out in Brazil: affected also the airports
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil - The situation is returning to normality
A great part of Brazil was in panic last night due to a maxi black-out that struck Rio de Janeiro, San Paolo and other big cities of South America for a number of hours. The situation now seems to be back... more