4,786 news found

HelicoptersRussian plant developing new version of Mi-8 helicopter
Kazan, Russia - It will be powered by a new Klimov engine
The Kazan helicopter plant (KVZ) in cooperation with Moscow's Mil helicopter plant is developing a new variant of the Mi-8 Hip helicopter designated Mi- 8MTV 7. The new helicopter will be powered by a... more

HelicoptersUS delays delivery of helicopters and planes to Pakistan
Islamabad, Pakistan - For unknown reasons
The US has begun delivery of motor vehicles and communication equipment to Pakistan for conducting surveillance at the Pak-Afghan border to prevent infiltration of Al-Qeada terrorists but delayed the handing... more

HelicoptersRussia sells eight Mi-171 transport helicopters to Pakistan
Moscow, Russia - Mi-171 is a modernised version of Mi-17 fitted with nightflying avionics
Russia's major aircraft plant Ulan-Ude has shipped the first batch of four Mi-171 transport helicopters to Pakistan and four choppers will be airlifted by the end of the week. Though the contract with... more

HelicoptersElta awarded a USD 5.6m contract for Missile Warning Systems
Tel Aviv, Israele - A device to protect Israel Air Force Black Hawk
The Israel Air Force has purchased Elta's proven Electronic Missile Warning Systems to protect its new fleet of Black Hawk helicopters. Elta Electronics Industries, a wholly owned subsidiary of Israel... more

HelicoptersSudanese rebels announced to have shot down a Sudanese army helicopter gunship
Cairo, Egypt - SPLA has been fighting for self determination of south Sudan since 1983
Forces of the Sudan People's Liberation Army (SPLA) in Western Upper Nile claimed to have shot down and destroyed an helicopter gunship of the Sudanese army around the oilfields, in the south of the country.... more

HelicoptersBAE Systems and Israel Aircraft Industries showed interest in the ALH project
Bangalore, India - The light helicopter manufactured by Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd
The two aeronautical manufacturers British Aerospace Systems and Israel Aircraft Industries, have evinced keen interest to co-operate with Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd (HAL) to take its advanced light helicopter... more

HelicoptersLybia gives 4 military helicopters to Namibia
Tripoli, Libya - Two Mi-8s and two Mi-25 Hinds
Mu'ammar al-Qadhafi's Libyan government donated 4 military helicopters to the African state of Namibia. The aircraft, two Mi-8s and two Mi-25 Hinds, have been delivered earlier this year and Namibian pilots... more

HelicoptersIsrael orders eight AH-64D Apache Longbows
McDonnell Douglas Helicopter was awarded a USD 51.8m modification to a firm-fixed-price contract for delivery of eight Longbow AH-64D, government of Israel-unique new build aircraft and all efforts associated... more

HelicoptersBoeing delivers 30th AH-64D Apache to Royal Netherlands Air Force
Mesa, Usa - The first AH-64D for The Netherlands was delivered in April 1998
The Royal Netherlands Air Force, or RNLAF, has accepted delivery of its 30th Boeing AH-64D Apache multirole combat helicopter in a ceremony held at Boeing in Mesa. The commander in chief of the RNLAF,... more

HelicoptersMDHI further expands presence in China with MD 500 sale
Beijing, China
MD Helicopters, Inc. (MDHI) today announced the sale of a single-engine MD 500E to a customer in the People’s Republic of China. Three MD helicopters have been sold in the last 18 months to customers i... more

HelicoptersSpain commits itself with Eu to buy 24 helicopters
Madrid, Spain - A EUR 1.2bn worth deal
Spanish government committed itself with Eu to buy 24 helicopters by 2007, a EUR 1.2bn worth deal. The choice to be made is between the "Tiger", manufactured by European Eads, and "Apache", by Boeing. Political... more

HelicoptersSimulation of a crash between two helicopters for emergency rescue exercise
Brussels, Belgium - Next June 4 at Koksijde Air Force base in Belgium
A simulated emergency rescue exercise will be carried on next June 4 at Koksijde Air Force base in Belgium. A crash between two helicopters with civilians and soldiers on board will be simulated to improve... more

HelicoptersHelicopters in rural Chinese province to combat crime
Faced with rising crime in remote rural areas, a central Chinese province has created a helicopter-borne fast-reaction police unit, as diffused by local sources. Officers in the unit in Henan province... more

HelicoptersSecond Comanche flies with new software and engines
West Palm Beach, Florida
The RAH-66 Comanche prototype No. 2 made its first flight with the newly installed Mission Equipment Package (MEP) software and new engines here today, reaching the critical milestone weeks ahead of schedule.... more

HelicoptersAgrotors buys Paper corporation
AgRotors Inc., a helicopter services company from Gettysburg, Pa., is buying International Paper Co.'ss helicopter operation here to create a new Southern Division. The new division will probably... more

HelicoptersSt. Lucie County Sheriff's A119 Koala In Service
St. Lucie, USA
Agusta Aerospace Corp., an AgustaWestland company, has delivered in early May, 2002, an Agusta A119 Koala to the St. Lucie County Sheriff's Office and Fire District. The aircraft, purchased jointly by... more

HelicoptersBae Systems Avionics signed a huge contract with AgustaWestland
London, Great Britain
Bae System Avionics has recently signed a multi-million pound development contract with AgustaWestland to develop an helicopter electric flight control system Bae Systems will be a member of a team,... more

HelicoptersKeystone Helicopter Airframe maintenance division earns FAA's Diamond Award
Washington, USA
Keystone Helicopter's Airframe Maintenance Division recently received the annual FAA Diamond Certificate in recognition of its commitment to safety and training. Keystone earned this prestigious award... more

HelicoptersBelgian Navy helicopter seized a large drugs haul in the Caribbean
Brussels, Belgium - 900kg of cocaine
Last week an "Alouette III" helicopter of the Belgian Navy, took part to a joint anti-drugs operation with a Dutch Navy ship in the Caribbean sea, seizing 900kg of cocaine. "Alouette III" and its crew... more

HelicoptersCongress' green light to sell Apache to Taiwan
Taipei, Taiwan
The US government has approved the sale of 30 AH-64D Apache Longbow attack helicopters to Taiwan, to help boost its capability to fend off any invasion from China, a report said on Friday. The USD1.29bn... more

HelicoptersMD Helicopters not involved in RDM financial operations
The Netherlands
The Netherlands' RDM Holding and Stork Group said they have signed a declaration of intent for a consolidation of the Dutch defense industry that would include RDM's acquisition of the land systems activities... more

HelicoptersDenver police forced to cut hours due to money lack
Denver, USA
The Denver Police Department, which is facing a nearly $9 million budget crunch, has decided to cut by more than half the number of hours it will fly its helicopter. The helicopter, which costs... more

HelicoptersSan Francesco police experiences difficulties for helos use
San Francisco, USA
Unlike the police departments in other major cities, San Francisco's Police Department doesn't still have a helicopter. Or, at least, it has a helicopter -- for now -- but the helicopter doesn't... more

HelicoptersTajikistan receives two "complimentary" helos from India
New Delhi, India
India's Defense Ministry has presented two military helicopters as a gift to the Tajik Defence Ministry. The first deputy defence minister and head of the General Staff of the Tajik armed forces, Ramil... more

HelicoptersUS Navy’s new MH-60S fails tests
Washington, USA
The U.S. Navy’s new Sikorsky MH-60S helicopter received a ‘not effective’ grade at the end of its OPEVAL tests last week for failing to meet a critical fuel endurance target. But, says Capt Bill Shann... more

HelicoptersCHC Scotia will lease an S61 helicopter to Irish Air Corps
Irish Air Corps is to lease an S61 from CHC Scotia for SAR ops from its base at Finner, in the north-west of Ireland. The helicopter will serve as an interim SAR solution while the wrangle over the IAC's... more

HelicoptersSlovakia will modernize its combat helicopters
Bratislava, Slovakia
The Slovak parliament approved yesterday a document draft intergovernmental agreement between Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland on cooperation in the modernization of Mi-24 helicopters... more

HelicoptersQuery on helicopter repair tender in Thailand
Bangkok, Thailand
First choice dumped after new bids called Wassana Nanuam and Wut Nontarit An opposition MP brandished confidential air force papers at yesterday's censure debate to support power abuse accusations against... more

HelicoptersTroubles for UK Navy helicopters
London, Great Britain
Serious failings in the management of Britain's military helicopters are having a "severe" impact on their availability for operations, the National Audit Office (NAO) has revealed. During last... more

HelicoptersTwo Us helicopters rescued two crew members on board a yacht
London, Uk - 400 miles far off Cornwall coasts
Yesterday two Us Jolly Green Giant helicopters of the Suffolk Air Force base rescued two injured crew members from a stricken British yacht in mountainous Atlantic seas, 400 miles far off Cornwall coasts.... more

HelicoptersTestore, Finmeccanica: nothing defined in Japan helicopters competition
Rome, Italy
According to Italian Group Finmeccanica's Roberto Testore, there is "nothing defined" in Japan competition for procurement of 13 military helicopters. However, after U.S. company Sikorsky Aircraft withdrawal... more

HelicoptersSchweizer gains Lockheed Martin Star Supplier award
Elmira, New York
In a May 16th ceremony at its Elmira, New York facility, Schweizer Aircraft received Lockheed Martin Corporation’s STAR Supplier Award. This prestigious award is made only to a very limited number of L... more

HelicoptersAustralia spending $920m on old helos
Sydney, Australia
The Australian Defence Department will pay $920 million for 11 second-hand helicopters, seven of which are up to 38 years old, and which are expected to complete service for the next 25 years. Defence... more

HelicoptersPrototype of Fire Scout autonomous unmanned system successfully completes first flights
San Diego, California
The third prototype of the U.S. Navy's RQ-8A Fire Scout vertical takeoff and landing tactical unmanned air vehicle system successfully completed its first two flights May 19, at Naval Air Warfare Center,... more

HelicoptersEgypt interested to upgrade six CH-47D helicopters
Cairo, Egypt
Defense Security Cooperation Agency notified U.S. Congress of a possible Foreign Military Sale to Egypt of upgrade to existing CH-47C Chinook cargo helicopters to the CH-47D configuration, together with... more

HelicoptersAgustaWestland will be present at Undersea Defence Technology exhibition
Varese, Italia - From June 18 to 20 at La Spezia, Italy
The helicopter manufacturer AgustaWestland will be present with its own exhibition pavilion at Undersea Defence Technology. The exhibition will take place in La Spezia, in the north-west of Italy, from... more

HelicoptersBoeing delivers Republic of Singapore's first AH-64D Apache
The Republic of Singapore accepted its first Boeing AH-64D Apache Longbow helicopter in a ceremony here. Singapore recently contracted with the U.S. government to buy AH-64D Apaches, considered the... more

HelicoptersIran interested to buy 20 Russian helicopters
Teheran, Iran
According to local sources, Teheran government intends to purchase through the FGUP Rosoboronehksport state company 20 helicopters produced by OAO Kazan Helicopter Plant The announcement made by the Iranian... more

HelicoptersBoeing delivers first CH-47F Chinook to U.S. Army
Wilmington, Delaware
Boeing has completed delivery of the first remanufactured CH-47F Chinook helicopter to the U.S. Army. The new Chinook was prepared for display at the Army Aviation Association of America, or... more

HelicoptersFirst flight for Nightsun on a AS350
Montreal, Canada
Meeker Aviation in partnership with Amtech Aeronautical has introduced a new aft searchlight mount for the Eurocopter AS-350 series helicopter. The mount designed by Amtech and sold exclusively through... more

HelicoptersUs helicopter killed, by mistake, 10 people invited to an Afghan marriage
Islamabad, Pakistan - In the province of Khost
Because of a tragic mistake, a Us army helicopter shot on group of Afghans gathered to attend a marriage in the province of Khost. According to Aip, the Afghan press agency, the incident caused 10 victims.... more

HelicoptersPublic mea culpa of Comanche project managers
Nashville, USA
During a packed press conference at Army Aviation Association of America exhibition, the Comanche team admitted their responsibilities in delays and problems emerged for the RAH-66 Boeing-Sikorsky helicopter... more

HelicoptersHelicopter seizure likely for poachers
New Zealand
The power to seize helicopters and other vehicles used by deer poachers is likely to be granted to Agriculture and Forestry Ministry officials in a crackdown against this practice. Issuing the recommendations... more

HelicoptersJapanese military helicopter procurement: Sikorsky leaves, AgustaWestland remain alone
Tokyo, Japan
Military helicopter builder Sikorsky Aircraft Corp. said it decided not to bid for a Japanese contract, noting the navy made it clear it wanted something other than Sikorsky's H-92. The contract from... more

HelicoptersIndia signs contract with Russia for procurement of nine AEW helicopters
New Delhi, India
The Indian Government has signed two contracts with a Russian firm for the acquisition of 9 special purpose helicopters to equip the Navy with the Airborne Early Warning (AEW) capability. These helicopters... more

HelicoptersSikorsky Irish helicopter contract challenged by Eurocopter
Dublin, Ireland
A legal challenge to the Government over the selection of a helicopter contract for the Defence Forces re-opens this morning at the High Court. Franco-German company Eurocopter is seeking a judicial review... more

HelicoptersA recently inaugurated Irish coast guard helicopter performed its first rescue mission
Dublin, Ireland - A man was lifted to safety in Wexford, south-east of Ireland
A recently inaugurated Irish coast guard helicopter has performed its first rescue mission. A man was lifted to safety in Wexford by the coast guard helicopter when he experienced difficulties on a cliff... more

HelicoptersWestern Australia government announces new helicopter rescue service
Perth Australia - An amount up to AUD 3.5m (EUR 2.1m)
Western Australia government will contribute up to AUD 3.5m (EUR 2.1m) towards establishing an emergency rescue helicopter service in Western Australia. Local Emergency Services minister said the service,... more

HelicoptersChc Scotia to transfer 90 jobs to sister company Astec
Aberdeen, Uk - In total, it expects to transfer 117 jobs to its sister company
North Sea helicopter operator Chc Scotia announced it would transfer 90 staff from its Aberdeen operations to its sister company, Norwegian Astec, by August. The jobs will remain in Aberdeen but further... more

HelicoptersEnstrom Helicopter: new CEO named
Menominee, Usa - He’s Steve Daniels
Enstrom Helicopter, the piston and light turbine helicopter manufacturer, has appointed Steve Daniels as its new CEO. Daniels, formerly business development director for the K-Max at Kaman Aerospace,... more