4,786 news found

HelicoptersTwo Erickson for firefighting missions in Australia
Canberra, Australia - It's the best aircraft to fight the flames
Two Erickson firefighting helicopters will reach soon Australia in order to support the operations that since weeks have been carrying in order to try to tame the flame fury, that last week have destroyed... more

HelicoptersChina has acquired 40 Russian Mi-17 multipurpose helicopters: the technical sheet
New Delhi, India - Still unknown the economic details on the agreement
The delivery of 40 helicopters Mi-17 had already been completed by the Russians the last year but only now the news has been officialized, although economic details have not been still known. More than... more

HelicoptersDestroyed an helicopter base in Canberra's fire
Canberra, Australia - Drammatic the situation in the whole region
The fire that in these last days is besieging the Australian city of Canberra saves nobody, even who fights against an element that of natural does not have anything. Therefore it has been destroyed... more

HelicoptersIsrael to joint India in the development of the civil Ahl
New Delhi, India - Also the technical sheet of the helicopter
India and Israel will cooperate for the construction of the civil version of the Alh(Advanced Light Helicopter) manufactured by Hal (Hindustan Aeronautics Limited); indeed an agreement has been reached... more

HelicoptersTwo Mi-8 to patrol New Delhi for the Repubblic Day celebration
New Delhi, India - Also the sharp-shooters on board
It will be a manifestation to which all the Indian people will take part that one scheduled for the next January 26, day in which the republic is celebrated. But it will be a situation to hold under... more

HelicoptersTo continue the program between Turkey and Usa for the helicopter supply
Washington, Usa - 8 more aircraft to be bought for a value of USD 324m
Turkey will continue at least for 10 years more the important agreement with the USA regarding the program stipulated with the Export-Import Bank for the supply of war helicopters. The understanding... more

HelicoptersEurocopter more and more present in Australia
Sydney, Australia - 278 helicopters are already operating in the region
The presence of Eurocopter in Australia is strengthened, thanks to the creation of the Australian Aerospace subsidiary on January 1st, 2003: while they are 278 the helicopters of the European consortium... more

HelicoptersA good 2002 for Enstrom
Mesa, USA – 9 deliveries for the company
"We are a small company, but we don’t think small. We will nearly double our deliveries in 2003, and we’re laying the groundwork for additional growth from there". This is the statement of Steve Daniels, th... more

HelicoptersDefense minister of Kazakhstan piloted a Mi-17V/5 (2): the technical sheet
Astana, Kazakhstan - Mi-17V/5 is the Mi-8 export version
Mi-17 is a multipurpose helicopter that can also be armed with an immense assortment of rockets and missiles, often used in order to supply support to the ground forces. But the varied employment is... more

HelicoptersDefense Minister of Kazakhstan piloted a Mi-17V/5: "A nice experience"
Astana, Kazakhstan - The government to acquire 14 units
An authoritative opinion that one of which it has been invested Mi-17V/5, the Russian multirole helicopter; indeed the Defense Minister, Mukhtar Altynbayev, has had the chance to pilot the aircraft on... more

HelicoptersBritish helicopter carrier ship will sail tomorrow for the Persian Gulf
London, Great Britain - It will sail from the Plymouth harbour
During the daytime of tomorrow is previewed the departure from the English harbour of Plymouth, to the Persian Gulf of the helicopter carrier ship Ocean of the Royal Navy (British military marine). The... more

HelicoptersHeli-Dyne Partners is developing a new system sonar
Hurst, United States - For antisubmarine warfare helicopters
The foreign industry Heli-Dyne System and some naval companies are developing a sonar system on seven Agusta Bell 212, the antisubmarine warfare helicopters. Heli-Dyne initially has planned, manufactured... more

HelicoptersBoeing could build its helicopters in Russia
Saratov, Russia - Economic and strategic reasons the motive of the decision
Boeing could delegate a Russian industry for the construction of its helicopters, a news which few years ago nobody would have believed. Indeed a representative of the American Congress, but also a Boeing's... more

HelicoptersIt's almost ready the first BA-609 flight
Washington, Usa - It's thought it can furrow the skies already this spring
The BA-609 is going to enter the History, for the first flight of the civilian aircraft that can lift as an helicopter but that is able to fly as a plane. The presentation has been delayed a lot, also... more

HelicoptersIsraeli helicopters kill two Palestinian boys
Jerusalem, Israel - The fact has happened yesterday
Israeli helicopters during yesterday's morning have attacked a group of Palestinians in Gaza's Strip. The result of the attack has been the killing of two boys and several injured. The boys have been... more

HelicoptersDelivered the first helmet for Rah-66: to be the real weapon
California, Usa - The pilot will have a complete vision, in any flight condition
It continues in the best way the development of the helicopter Rah-66 Comache whose program can, since now, to benefit of an other futuristic solution, the Hidss (Helmet Integrated Display Sigthing System),... more

HelicoptersIranian government to begin a massive production of the Shabaviz military chopper
Teheran, Iran - 4 more type of helicopters are ready to be manufactured
It's already begun the production in Iran of the seventh Shabaviz, a military cargo helicopter used for the transport of troops and means on which the government of Teheran points a lot. Indeed, shortly,... more

HelicoptersChina launches its own first helicopter for civilian use
Beijing, China - All the required tests have been passed
Z-11 has been designed, planned and constructed entirely in China by Changhe Aircraft Industries Group and turns out to be the greatest Chinese effort to equip itself with an helicopter for civil use.... more

HelicoptersGermany grounds its remaining helicopters in Afghanistan
Kabul, Afghanistan - In the while the enquiries are carried on by German experts
Even if the German technicians in Afghanistan will bring in their country the wreckage of CH-53 crashed on Saturday, that has caused the dead of 9 persons, it seems however known that the cause of the... more

HelicoptersAB-139: first tests in Usa to get the indispensable certifications
Phoenix, Usa - A lots likes this helicopter
It's arrived in the USA the last week, in the Honeywell's facilities at Phoenix, the AB-139, the last Baac creature (Bell/Agusta Aerospace Company) in order to carry out the necessary tests that will serve... more

HelicoptersThe Slovenian ministry of Defence has announced the decision to procure one A-109 Power
Lubiana, Slovenia - It will be used in the emergency field
The Slovenian ministry of Defence has formally awarded the decision to procure one A-109 Power from AgustaWestland, a Finmeccanica and GKN company. The decision also envisages an option for an order... more

HelicoptersOfficial: armed guards to defend English flights
London, UK - The decision to have immediate effect
A position that was just waiting for formally rendering official, therefore also Great Britain will have, onboard its own flights, the "sky marshalls", in order to assure the due control while flying.... more

HelicoptersMD Explorer celebrates 10 years
Arizona, Usa - In 1992 MD introduced a new helicopter topology
It was on December 18, 1992 when the first MD Explorer raised in flight for the first time, completing a test of 20 minutes. Since that moment many successes and satisfactions were reached for this,... more

HelicoptersEurocopter delivers the last EC-155 to the Hong Kong government
Marignane, France - 8 helicopters have been delivered since 1999
The contract of USD 93m between the Eurocopter and the Gfs (Government Flying Service), government agency Hong Kong-based, had been signed in the September of 1999 for the delivery of 3 Super Puma AS-332L2... more

HelicoptersRussia to produce the new Mi-28N
Moscow, Russia - First deliveries will begin next year if all the tests are positive
Russia is ready to launch in the helicopter market its last creature that, in the intentions of its constructors, would have to be superior to every western combat aircraft: we are talking about Mi-28N.... more

HelicoptersPerù asks Russia to take care of its planes and helicopters
Lima, Perù - The fleet, not just the military one, is falling to pieces
It's desperate the situation of the civil and military aviation in Perù, forcing the president Alexandro Toledo to ask the aid of Moscow government. Russia has been, in fact, the greatest supplier,... more

HelicoptersFirst Black Hawk celebrates 10000 hours of fly
Alabama, Usa - Sikorsky is ready to launch a new model
Usually it's waited for that an aircraft to show the first problems in order to send it in pension or to operate with drastic upgrades that improve the reliability. But this is not sure the case of the... more

HelicoptersChc to deliver the helicopters to UN team in Iraq
St John's, Canada - The technical sheet of the AB-212
Chc Helicopter Corporation, a Canadian company that supplies helicopters at world-wide level, has gained the contract of USD 14m in order to supply, to the team of the United Nations operating in Iraq,... more

HelicoptersEnstrom to strengthen its dealer network in America
Michigan, Usa - It's tried to double its orders by the next year
The old dealer network that has made the fortunes of Enstrom until 1992, year of its billeting, will return again in function by the next year in the USA and Canada, while the European one will be ulteriorly... more

HelicoptersBond Offshore Helicopters gets a GBP 255m contract
Glasgow, Scotia - It's the largest contract of the sort
The Offshore Bond Helicopters is the third largest helicopter operator in Great Britain and has been chosen by BP Exploration oil company as the supplier of aircraft. The contract, with a value of GBP... more

HelicoptersSikorsky picks out Turbomeca Arriel 2S2 for its new S-76
Washington, Usa - It should be ready in 2005
The agreement reached between Turbomeca and Sikorsky Aircraft Corporation will allow a strategic association between two important operating companies in the helicopters field. The new Sikorsky S-76... more

HelicoptersReliance Industries to buy 10 helicopters
New Delhi, India - Eurocopter or Sikorsky among the possible suppliers
Sikorsky and Eurocopter will fight in order to adjudicate the important construction job that previews the purchase by Reliance Industries of 10 helicopters. The new aircraft are indispensable, according... more

HelicoptersVandals damage three helicopters
Sydney, Australia - They were firefigthing aircraft
Without any doubt an action carried by some stupids that one that has caused serious damages for three Bell Jet Ranger helicopters, used in firefighting work. Serious damages that have forced the responsibles... more

HelicoptersIndia buys several Ka-31 helicopters from Israel
New Delhi, India - The government plan is to renew its Navy
Indian Navy will be able to be equipped, by the next year, with the sophisticated KA-31 supplied by the Israeli Army. The agreement, caught up some days ago, falls back in the wider program of modernization... more

HelicoptersMore orders than expected for Robinson Helicopter R44 Raven II
California, Usa - The rise just after Faa certifications
Regarding its predecessor, Raven I, the Robinson R44 introduces small but essential modifications: great resistance to the high temperatures and an improved silence of the rotor. This last peculiarity... more

HelicoptersFrench Special Forces to buy 10 EC 725 from Eurocopter
Paris, France - To be delivered not before 2006
The delivery will begin not before the end of 2004 to conclude in 2006 and it will allow the French Special Forces to take advantage of the newest creation of Eurocopter, the EC 725. Indeed the Spaé... more

HelicoptersSikorsky and US Army make up a support partnership for the military helicopters
Stratford, Usa - An useful union for both contracting parties
It has been signed last December 2nd an important USD 275m agreement between Sikorsky and Ccad (Corpus Christi Army Depot) in order to supply all the needs to the helicopters "Black Hawk", "Pave Hawk"... more

HelicoptersVenezuelan National Guard acquires 4 Enstrom F280FX
Michigan, Usa - The American industry has strengthened its position in the South America
The four Enstrom F280FX will be delivered the next December 6th to the Venezuelan National Guard, during a ceremony to which the Enstrom president, Steven Daniels, will participate, as well as the Minister... more

HelicoptersEnglish government to supply two Mi-17 to the Royal Nepalese Army
London, UK - They'll not be involved in attack missions
According to some sources known on last Monday London would have had intentions to supply two Russian attack Mi-17 helicopters to the Royal Nepalese Army in order to suffocate the Maoist rebellion in... more

HelicoptersGamesa to be the sole maker of the Apache rotors
Madrid, Spain - The contract at least for 10 years
It will be Boeing company to supply the Gamesa of the essential "know how" in order to carry out the activity of construction and maintenance of the rotors of the Apache attack helicopters. An agreement... more

HelicoptersAlso two AS-350s as last resort to put out a fire near Sydney
Canberra, Australia - They'll an important support for the firefighters
The incredible long period of drought that is hitting this Australian summer has caused strongest uneasiness, not last the frightful fire that in these hours threatens the city of Sydney. A lot of houses... more

HelicoptersMD helicopters "main character" in the last 007 (2): the technical file of MD Explorer
Arizona, Usa - Over 250 of these aircraft are in service
The MD Explorer, whose first flight was in 1992, mounts the double-engine Pratt & Whitney 207E, one of most quietest of its category in the world, and it's able to perform the take-off also with a single... more

HelicoptersMD helicopters plays "main character" in the last 007
Arizona, Usa - They're among the most favourite for the spectacular shots
Probably it's thanks to their incredible practicalness that the MD helicopters have found important roles in the cinematographic Hollywood studios: from "Apocalipse Now" to "Die Another Day" there have... more

HelicoptersMD helicopters plays "main character" in the last 007
Arizona, Usa - They're among the most favourite for the spectacular shots
Probably it's thanks to their incredible practicalness that the MD helicopters have found important roles in the cinematographic Hollywood studios: from "Apocalipse Now" to "Die Another Day" there have... more

HelicoptersRussia to supply a new radar system for the Chinese Ka-28 helicopters
Moscow, Russia - The "Sea Snake" is the most powerful radar helicopter system
China continues in the plan of modernization of its helicopter fleet, thanks to the acquisition of the new radar equipment "Sea Snake" that will be supplied by Leninets, Russian industry headquarted in... more

HelicoptersHelicopters to support UN inspectors' operations
Baghdad, Iraq - The delivery to be defined in the next days
According to the declarations of the spokesman of the Unmovic (United Nations Monitoring and Inspection Commission) Hiro Ueki, the UN inspectors who are operating in the Iraqi territory will receive some... more

HelicoptersMission impossible for a rescue helicopter of the Scottish Coastguard
Glasgow, Scozia - Just five minutes of autonomy left
They will surely have to think about the crew of an helicopter S61N of the Scottish Coastguard that, last Monday, have carried out one of the most-ever dangerous rescue mission: indeed only the fortune... more

HelicoptersGreece to buy 12 helicopters from Boeing and 40 from NH industries
Athens, Greece - The decision has been voted yesterday by the parliament
It has been ratified by the Greek parliament the will of Athens' government to reinforce its own aerial defense with the massive purchase of helicopters from the American Boeing and the European consortium NHI.... more

HelicoptersTo begin the next year the construction of the second prototype of a new Mi-28N
Rostov-na-Donu, Russia - The program should last three-five years
The project of construction of the new model Mi-28M (mitic attack helicopter of the former Red Army), financed entirely by the Rostvertol, will begin officially the next winter and will last not more... more

HelicoptersJapan will armed its chopters in Arabian Sea
Tokyo, Japan - They'll support US and British warships patrolling the area
They will be equipped with 7.6 mm machine guns the helicopters that the Agency of Japanese Defense has decided to give as logistic support to the Anglo-American troops patrolling the Arabian Sea. The... more