Government acts
1,448 news found

Government actsEuropean Parliament: question on ban on transporting wine and oil by airplanes
Strasbourg, France - By Georgios Karatzaferis (IND/DEM)
"Written question E-2744/07 by Georgios Karatzaferis (IND/DEM) to the Commission Subject: ban on transporting wine and oil by aeroplane The Chamber of Commerce of the island of Samos has protested... more

Government actsEuropean Parliament: question on EU agreements with third countries on security arrangements at airports
Strasbourg, France - By Seán Ó Neachtain
"Oral question H-0549/07 for Question Time at the part-session in September I 2007 pursuant to Rule 109 of the Rules of Procedure by Seán Ó Neachtain to the Council Subject: EU agreements with t... more

Government actsEuropean Parliament: question on viable alternatives to air travel
Strasbourg, France - By Jean Lambert (Verts/ALE)
"Written question P-2449/07 by Jean Lambert (Verts/ALE) to the Commission Subject: viable alternatives to air travel While studies have shown the major/harmful/negative impact of air travel on... more

Government actsQuestion on suitable seat for assembly and maintenance of Superjet 100 airplanes
Rome, Italy - By Senator Tommaso Sodano (Rifondazione comunista)
"The Italian Senator Tommaso Sodano (Rifondazione comunista) asks to the Prime Minister and Economic Development's one to know: which are the strategies by Government regarding the industrial activity... more

Government actsInterpellation on truth of secret agreement signed also by Italy that legalizes violation of human rights
Rome, Italy - By Honorable Elettra Deiana (Rifondazione comunista)
"The Italian Honorable Elettra Deiana (Rifondazione comunista) asks to interpellate the Prime Minister and Foreign Minister to know: which opinion gives the Government about the episode; if the news... more

Government actsEuropean Parliament: question on safety measures at EU airports
Strasbourg, France - By Seán Ó Neachtain
"Oral question H-0412/07 pursuant to Rule 109 of the Rules of Procedure by Seán Ó Neachtain to the Council Subject: safety measures at EU airports Will the European Council make a statement a... more

Government actsEuropean Parliament: question on safety measures in airports
Strasbourg, France - By Stavros Arnaoutakis (PSE)
"Written question E-2707/07 by Stavros Arnaoutakis (PSE) to the Commission Subject: safety measures in airports In its reply of 19 February 2007 to my written question of 12 December 2006 to the... more

Government actsEuropean Parliament: question on directive on safety of third country aircraft using European and Irish airports
Strasbourg, France - By Proinsias De Rossa (PSE)
"Written question E-1904/07 by Proinsias De Rossa (PSE) to the Commission Subject: directive on safety of third country aircraft using European and Irish airports What is the nature and current... more

Government actsEuropean Parliament: question on capacity increases at major European airports (Hubs)
Strasbourg, France - By Wolfgang Kreissl-Dörfler (PSE)
"Written question E-2293/07 by Wolfgang Kreissl-Dörfler (PSE) to the Commission Subject: capacity increases at major European airports ('hubs') In view of the increase in air transport passengers,... more

Government actsEuropean Parliament: question on noise restrictions at European airports
Strasbourg, France - By Proinsias De Rossa (PSE)
"Written question E-1846/07 by Proinsias De Rossa (PSE) to the Commission Subject: noise restrictions at European airports - 2002/30/EC When does the Commission intend to come forward with its... more

Government actsQuestion: for which reason Government has refused to provide necessary information to Aeroflot about Alitalia
Rome, Italy - By Senator Pierantonio Zanettin (FI)
"Italian Senator Pierantonio Zanettin (Forza Italia) asks to the Prime Minister and Transport Minister to know: for which reason the Government has refused to provide to the Aeroflot airline the necessary... more

Government actsEuropean Parliament: question on security or freedom for European citizens at airports
Strasbourg, France - By Marie Panayotopoulos-Cassiotou
"Oral question H-0280/07 pursuant to Rule 109 of the Rules of Procedure by Marie Panayotopoulos-Cassiotou to the Council Subject: security or freedom for European citizens at airports Has the... more

Government actsEuropean Parliament: question on security or freedom for European citizens at airports
Strasbourg, France - By Marie Panayotopoulos-Cassiotou
"Oral question H-0281/07 pursuant to Rule 109 of the Rules of Procedure by Marie Panayotopoulos-Cassiotou to the Commission Subject: security or freedom for European citizens at airports In order... more

Government actsEuropean Parliament: question on contradictory application of the new security measures at airports
Strasbourg, France - By Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert (ALDE) and Ignasi Guardans Cambó (ALDE)
"Written question E-1229/07 by Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert (ALDE) and Ignasi Guardans Cambó (ALDE) to the Commission Subject: contradictory application of the new security measures at airports In... more

Government actsEuropean Parliament: question on protection of travellers from abuse in the implementation of the new security rules at airports
Strasbourg, France - By Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert (ALDE) and Ignasi Guardans Cambó (ALDE)
"Written question E-1230/07 by Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert (ALDE) and Ignasi Guardans Cambó (ALDE) to the Commission Subject: protection of travellers from abuse in the implementation of the new security... more

Government actsEuropean Parliament: question on increasing use for passenger transport of former military airports at locations which are relatively inaccessible for passengers and which are competing with regular airports by charging
Strasbourg, France - By Erik Meijer (GUE/NGL)
"Written question E-1522/07 by Erik Meijer (GUE/NGL) to the Commission Subject: increasing use for passenger transport of former military airports at locations which are relatively inaccessible for... more

Government actsEuropean Parliament: question on Commission consultations on the impact of the new security measures at airports
Strasbourg, France - By Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert (ALDE) and Ignasi Guardans Cambó (ALDE)
"Written question E-1228/07 by Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert (ALDE) and Ignasi Guardans Cambó (ALDE) to the Commission Subject: Commission consultations on the impact of the new security measures at... more

Government actsEuropean Parliament: question on security rules at EU airports
Strasbourg, France - By Seán Ó Neachtain
"Oral question H-0167/07 pursuant to Rule 109 of the Rules of Procedure by Seán Ó Neachtain to the Council Subject: security rules at EU airports Does the Council have any intention to review t... more

Government actsEuropean Parliament: question on airport users
Strasbourg, France - By Ar?nas Degutis (ALDE)
"Written question E-0924/07 by Ar?nas Degutis (ALDE) to the Commission Subject: airport users (Directive 96/67/EC) Article 5 of Council Directive 96/67/EC of 15 October 1996 defines what constitutes... more

Government actsEuropean Parliament: question on confiscation from transit passengers of "Duty-Free" products at EU airports legally purchased at non-EU airports
Strasbourg, France - By Charles Tannock (PPE-DE)
"Written question E-0669/07 by Charles Tannock (PPE-DE) to the Council Subject: confiscation from transit passengers of 'Duty-Free' products at EU airports legally purchased at non-EU airports It... more

Government actsEuropean Parliament: question on monitoring of passengers in airports and on board airplanes by way of RFID tags, cameras and microphones
Strasbourg, France - By Sophia in 't Veld (ALDE)
"Written question P-0173/07 by Sophia in 't Veld (ALDE) to the Commission Subject: monitoring of passengers in airports and on board airplanes by way of RFID tags, cameras and microphones SAFEE... more

Government actsEuropean Parliament: question on security requirements at airports
Strasbourg, France - By Margrietus van den Berg (PSE) and Edith Mastenbroek (PSE)
"Written question E-0978/07 by Margrietus van den Berg (PSE) and Edith Mastenbroek (PSE) to the Commission Subject: security requirements at airports During a working visit to Schiphol airport,... more

Government actsEuropean Parliament: question on confiscation from transit passengers of "Duty-Free" products at EU airports legally purchased at non-EU airports
Strasbourg, France - By Charles Tannock (PPE-DE)
"Written question P-0666/07 by Charles Tannock (PPE-DE) to the Commission Subject: confiscation from transit passengers of Duty Free products at EU airports legally purchased at non-EU airports It... more

Government actsEuropean Parliament: question on new law on taxation of airline tickets in the Netherlands
Strasbourg, France - By Kartika Tamara Liotard (GUE/NGL)
"Written question E-3211/07 by Kartika Tamara Liotard (GUE/NGL) to the Commission Subject: new law on taxation of airline tickets in the Netherlands 1) Is the Commission aware of the article in... more

Government actsEuropean Parliament: question on denied boarding compensation for airline passengers
Strasbourg, France - By Brian Simpson (PSE)
"Written question E-2376/07 by Brian Simpson (PSE) to the Commission Subject: denied boarding compensation for airline passengers Can the Commission indicate when it intends to modify the existing... more

Government actsEuropean Parliament: question on bilateral air-service agreements and kerosene tax
Strasbourg, France - By Caroline Lucas (Verts/Ale)
"Written question E-2049/07 by Caroline Lucas (Verts/ALE) to the Commission Subject: bilateral air-service agreements and kerosene tax With which states has the Commission concluded new Community-wide... more

Government actsEuropean Parliament: question on air passenger rights
Strasbourg, France - By Konstantinos Hatzidakis (PPE-DE)
"Written question E-2199/07 by Konstantinos Hatzidakis (PPE-DE) to the Commission Subject: air passenger rights According to a recent statement by the Commission, airlines are failing to fully... more

Government actsEuropean Parliament: question on aircraft refuelling
Strasbourg, France - By David Martin (PSE)
"Written question E-1780/07 by David Martin (PSE) to the Commission Subject: aircraft refuelling Is the Commission aware that in order to escape higher fuel charges, airlines will often take on... more

Government actsEuropean Parliament: question on climate tickets - Compensation option in flight ticket booking procedures
Strasbourg, France - By Ivo Belet
"Oral question H-0141/07 pursuant to Rule 109 of the Rules of Procedure by Ivo Belet to the Council Subject: climate tickets - Compensation option in flight ticket booking procedures The Council... more

Government actsEuropean Parliament: question on climate tickets and compensation option in flight ticket booking procedures
Strasbourg, France - By Ivo Belet
"Oral question H-0142/07 pursuant to Rule 109 of the Rules of Procedure by Ivo Belet to the Commission Subject: climate tickets - Compensation option in flight ticket booking procedures The Commission... more

Government actsEuropean Parliament: question on air passenger rights
Strasbourg, France - By Proinsias De Rossa (PSE)
"Written question E-0717/07 by Proinsias De Rossa (PSE) to the Commission Subject: air passenger rights One of my constituents recently contacted me regarding his and his wife's complaint to Air... more

Government actsEuropean Parliament: question on commissioners to offset air miles
Strasbourg, France - By Robert Kilroy-Silk (NI)
"Written question E-0654/07 by Robert Kilroy-Silk (NI) to the Commission Subject: commissioners to offset air miles Following the lead set by the UK ’s Prime Minister, will all Commissioners a... more

Government actsEuropean Parliament: question on airline tickets
Strasbourg, France - By Robert Evans
"Oral question H-0110/07 pursuant to Rule 109 of the Rules of Procedure by Robert Evans to the Commission Subject: airline tickets In general it is either not permitted or very expensive to change... more

Government actsEuropean Parliament: question on EU restrictions on liquids that passengers can carry on aircraft
Strasbourg, France - By Martine Roure, Saïd El Khadraoui, Edith Mastenbroek and Willi Piecyk, on behalf of the PSE Group
"Oral question with debate O-0007/07 pursuant to Rule 108 of the Rules of Procedure by Martine Roure, Saïd El Khadraoui, Edith Mastenbroek and Willi Piecyk, on behalf of the PSE Group to the Commission Subject:... more

Government actsInterpellation on agreement Italy-USA regarding the anti-missile system
Rome, Italy - By Honorable Severino Galante (Comunisti italiani)
"The Italian Honorable Severino Galante (Comunisti italiani) asks to the Defence Minister to know: if the Minister interrogated not retains, to have to specify, in Parliamentary seat, what are 'Information... more

Government actsQuestion on grant by Pentagon of the order for C-27J airplanes
Rome, Italy - By Honorable Stefano Saglia (AN)
"The Italian Honorable Stefano Saglia (AN) asks to the Italian Economic Development Minister to know, considering that: in regarding to article signed by Pica published last June 26 on 'Corriere della... more

Government actsEuropean Parliament: question on pets and flights
Strasbourg, France - By Kyriacos Triantaphyllides (GUE/NGL)
"Written question E-1956/07 by Kyriacos Triantaphyllides (GUE/NGL) to the Commission Subject: pets and flights There has clearly been a misunderstanding, given that the purpose of my question E-0271/07... more

Government actsEuropean Parliament: question on safety problems with Onur Air
Strasbourg, France - By Bart Staes (Verts/ALE)
"Written question E-0075/07 by Bart Staes (Verts/ALE) to the Commission Subject: safety problems with Onur Air On Tuesday, 9 January it came to light that, during a flight by an aircraft belonging... more

Government actsEuropean Parliament: question on Gibraltar Airport suspension
Strasbourg, France - By Glyn Ford (PSE)
"Written question E-2909/07 by Glyn Ford (PSE) to the Commission Subject: Gibraltar Airport Suspension Can the Commission detail what steps have been taken by the United Kingdom and the Kingdom... more

Government actsEuropean Parliament: question on VAT on the building of Spata airport, Athens
Strasbourg, France - By Herbert Bösch (PSE)
"Written question E-2737/07 by Herbert Bösch (PSE) to the Commission Subject: VAT on the building of Spata airport, Athens In reply to my Written Question E-4479/2006 of 10 October 2006, the Commission... more

Government actsEuropean Parliament: question on Ota - statements by the Macebearer of the Order of Engineers
Strasbourg, France - By José Ribeiro e Castro (PPE-DE)
"Written question E-2704/07 by José Ribeiro e Castro (PPE-DE) to the Commission Subject: Ota - statements by the Macebearer of the Order of Engineers In a report newly published in the Portuguese... more

Government actsEuropean Parliament: question on plans for third runway at London-Heathrow airport
Strasbourg, France - By Baroness Sarah Ludford
"Oral question H-0365/07 for Question Time at the part-session in June 2007 pursuant to Rule 109 of the Rules of Procedure by Baroness Sarah Ludford to the Commission Subject: plans for third runway... more

Government actsEuropean Parliament: question on building the "Single European Sky" through functional airspace blocks (COM(2007)0101final)
Strasbourg, France - By Paolo Costa
"Oral question with debate O-0035/07 pursuant to Rule 108 of the Rules of Procedure by Paolo Costa, on behalf of the Committee on Transport and Tourism to the Commission Subject: building the Single... more

Government actsEuropean Parliament: question on case of discrimination at Luton Airport involving six students of the Bergamo-based "Vittorio Emanuele" Technical College
Strasbourg, France - By Pia Elda Locatelli (PSE)
"Written question P-2393/07 by Pia Elda Locatelli (PSE) to the Commission Subject: case of discrimination at Luton Airport involving six students of the Bergamo-based 'Vittorio Emanuele' Technical... more

Government actsEuropean Parliament: question on alternative to the Ota airport project and Lisbon City Council Study
Strasbourg, France - By José Ribeiro e Castro (PPE-DE)
"Written question E-1874/07 by José Ribeiro e Castro (PPE-DE) to the Commission Subject: alternative to the Ota Airport project and Lisbon City Council Study The President of the Lisbon City Council... more

Government actsEuropean Parliament: question on plans for airport in Ota and consideration of alternatives for new Lisbon airport
Strasbourg, France - By José Ribeiro e Castro (PPE-DE)
"Written question P-1832/07 by José Ribeiro e Castro (PPE-DE) to the Commission Subject: plans for airport in Ota - Consideration of alternatives for new Lisbon airport In the evening (Monday... more

Government actsEuropean Parliament: question on viability of Ota airport, in Portugal
Strasbourg, France - By José Ribeiro e Castro (PPE-DE
"Written question E-1107/07 by José Ribeiro e Castro (PPE-DE) to the Commission Subject: viability of Ota airport (Portugal) According to media reports, the Portuguese Order of Engineers is 'not... more

Government actsQuestion about the security of the enlargement works at "Dal Molin" after an incendiary attack of last June 12
Rome, Italy - By Honorable Giorgio Conte (AN)
"The Italian Honorable Giorgio Conte (Alleanza nazionale) asks to the Interior Department that: which is the state of the inquiries to individualize the actors of the incendiary attack of last June... more

Government actsQuestion on the enlargement of US base at Vicenza's airport "Dal Molin"
Rome, Italy - By Senator Lidia Brisca Menapace (Rifondazione comunista)
"The Italian Senator, Lidia Brisca Menapace, (Rifondazione comunista) asks to the Defense Minister that: if the news regarding the possible presence of 'Nuclear, biological and chemical' weapons, or... more

Government actsInterpellation: "Global Hawk Aircraft Maintenance & Operations Complex" deployed in Italy?
Rome, Italy - By Honourable Elettra Deiana (Rifondazione comunista)
"The undersigned person asks to interpellate the minister of Defence in order to know - since: an article by Antonio Mazzeo published on '' says literally: 'Global Hawks are remote-controlled... more