Science and technology
4,603 news found

Science and technologySeveral plans to increase English airports
London, UK - But it's important to verify the available budget
Many the proposals that in these last times have been formulated by the commission delegated by the English government to increase the capacity of the airports in Great Britain, and just Tuesdays some... more

Science and technologyInternet as part of our way to fly
Frankfurt, Germany - All the major airlines in the world are setting up
The gift of the ubiquity, the presence of being everywhere without being able to attend, has always been one characteristic that was Gods' own, to which the man has inspired. And just from the closest... more

Science and technologyGrowth of the travelling passengers in the English airports
London, Great Britain - Grown in all the bigger English airports the travellers
BAA (British Aviation Administration) communicates that in the bigger English airports, during the whole year 2002 it has been registered a big growth of the traveling passengers. The best figures have... more

Science and technologyPossible terroristic attack in the airport of New York
New York, United States - It asserts the police of the city
According to a note of allert that it has diffused from the police of New York and published from the New York Post, a group of Algerian terrorists that, in the next days, would have to enter in the United... more

Science and technologyScottish airports rise the number of travelling passengers
Edimburgh, Great Britain - The highest has been registered in Glasgow
High rising in Scottish airports in the field of the number of travelling passengers. The managing director of BAA (British Aviation Administration) Scottish airports, Donal Dowds, has declared: "The... more

Science and technologyFinally made clear the position of the Algerian arrested in Roissy airport
Paris, France - The man resulted to be the victim of a conspiracy
Abderakaz Besseghir, the 27 years old Algerian arrested in the last days in Charles de Gaulle airport with the accuse of illegal possession of weapons and explosives, has finally won part of his legal... more

Science and technologyUSA: closed three terminal of Dallas airport
Washinghton, USA – The airport has been reopened during the night (local hour)
The hard anti-terrorism measures have forced yesterday evening (local hour) the airport authorities of Dallas-Forth Worth, Texas, to close and to evacuate three international terminals. A decision that... more

Science and technologyCouple put a false bomb in their luggage to protest at San Jose hub: jailed
California, Usa - Hard blame coming from Tsa
They wanted to contest the way in which the Us government is depriving more and more its citizens of the their freedom, and they have made it in the most striking way, leaving that the screeners of the... more

Science and technologySearching for security in Charles de Gaulle airport in Paris
Paris, France - Failures in security systems in the French airport
Discovered by the satirical weekly magazine "Le Canard Enchainé" several failures in the security system in Charles de Gaulle airport. Among the most evident failures the discovery of a man with a shoe... more

Science and technologyThe airport of Nice has closed 2002 with a positive trend
Nice, France - Nine million passengers have travelled in the hub
The airport "Côte d'Azur" of Nice has closed, in spite of the crisis that has hit the aerial transport after September 11, 2001, 2002 positively, that it reconfirms Nice as the second airport of France... more

Science and technologyCopenhagen airport: after the chaos the critics arrive
Copenhagen, Denmark - The bad weather has nocked down the Danish airport
Thousand of passengers without food and attendance, vip room closed to families with children and to old persons, it was the situation to Copenhagen airport, in the worst Sunday of its history. A situation... more

Science and technologySatellite to permit the planes to fly closer and safer to each other
Tokyo, Japan - It will be operative in more than one year
The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport has announced that from 2004 it will be operating a new satellite for the flight control that will allow the commercial aircraft that operate in the north... more

Science and technologyDouble jet incident at Belfast City Airport on the last weekend: it's chaos
Belfast, North Irland - Embarrassment for the management of the hub
A calm weekend of confusion could be synthetized that one just passed at Belfast International Airport: two incidents on Saturdays and Sunday that have caused remarkable delays, with great uneasiness for... more

Science and technologyPassenger number record for Dubai International Airport
Dubai, Arabian Emirates - An increase that has not had alike in the world
"With 18 per cent growth this year, we have set a new precedent. With the increased capacity and excellent facilities offered by Sherik Rashid Terminal, We expect this growth to continue and hence have... more

Science and technologyAsleep who should supervise: it's caos at an Us airport
Washington, Usa - A bomb threat to worse the situation
Every technology remains lacking in sense if then who must use it he's sleeping: it is not a provocation, but what has happened at the Tacoma International Airport (Seattle - USA) where an assigned to... more

Science and technologyIndian government is on the way to decide the privatization of four airports
New Delhi, India - The decision is waited for today
New Delhi's government will decide today about the privatization of four airports of the greatest towns of the second most populated country in the world. The principal condition posed by the local Ministry... more

Science and technologyRoissy, Algerian accused of terrorism (2): the discovered fingerprints are not his
Paris, France - Incredible evolution in the enquiry
Changes in the enquiry that involved an Algerian, 27, accused of being involved in the preparation of a terrorist attack at Roissy airport. The found fingerprints on the weapons and on the explosives... more

Science and technologyRoissy. Algerian accused of terrorism: signs of explosives have been found inside the car
Paris, France - The man continues to proclaim himself innocent
Even if his legal position is even more heavy, because signs of explosives have been found on the seat of his car, the Algerian arrested in the last days at the airport of Roissy with the accuse of terrorism,... more

Science and technologyBosnia controls again Sarajevo airport
Sarajevo,Bosnia - Important step to the complete coming back of the normality
In prevision of a total coming back of a normal situation and in application of the treaties of Dayton signed in 1995, that put an end to the bloody Serbian-Bosnian war and to the savage besiege made to... more

Science and technologyOfficially accused employee of the airport of Roissy
Paris, France - The man has been accused of terrorism
Abderakaz Besseghir, the employee of Roissy airport, of Algerian origin arrested in the last days because he was stopped by police while he transported arms and explosives in the boot of his car, has been... more

Science and technologyInaugurated in China the new railway connection between Shangai and its airport
Shangai, China - First train in the world to magnetic maintenance
It has inaugurated the new railway line that will connect Shangai to its airport. Called Transrapid, the new magnetic segment train, carryed out from the German technicians of the Siemens and the ThyssenKrupp,... more

Science and technologyStrike of the baggage checking employees has blocked French airports
Paris, France - Even seven hours of wait to have the baggages back
A strike decided by the baggage checking employees of the French airports belonging to Alyzia Handling that asked salary raisings and new assumptions has nearly paralyzed the activity in several French... more

Science and technologyUnauthorized aircraft over DC skies: military jets take off
Washington, Usa - They are already 28 thousand the missions of this kind since the terroristic attacks
It cannot certainly be spoken about panic but surely there have been tension moments at Dulles international airport (Washington) when the hub was closed for 20 minutes because of the emergency measures... more

Science and technologyA "Charles de Gaulle's" employee seized with an arsenal
Paris, France - More pressing the security measures in the transalpine hubs
It's still unknown the identity of the 27 years-old Algerian, assigned to the baggages at the Parisian airport "Charles de Gaulle", arrested yesterday by the French police: on its car a real arsenal, among... more

Science and technologySnow storm blocks the Usa
Washington, Usa - Blocked several airports of the Confederation
A big snow storm blocks by some days the area of the Great Plains and all the central area of the Confederation. An important consequence of meteorological event has been verified with the total and in... more

Science and technologyNew device to make safer the civilian aviation
St Petersburg, Russia - It will give clear images even in blind conditions
An important outcome that one caught up by the department of the Nita (New Information Technologies in Aviation) at St Petersburg's university that will allow, concretely, to change the way to fly in... more

Science and technologyHeathrow airport ready to increase fees, alarms for the carriers
London, UK - A dangerous attitude in a crisis period
According to the chief economist of BA (British Airways) Andrew Sentance, the raises planned by the Baa (British Airport Authority) would create those conditions to discourage the airlines to land on the... more

Science and technologyFarmers invade the airport of Larnaca: chaos in the whole island of Cyprus
Larnaca, Cyprus - Tension in Larnaca airport
During the daytime of Saturday 300 Cypriot farmers have invaded with their farm tractors the airport of Larnaca to reclaim the missed payment of the funds promised after the bad crop of the last year. The... more

Science and technologyBy January grants for the Bulgarian airports on the Black Sea
Sofia, Bulgaria - The decision has been taken by the Prime Minister
According to a recent disposal licensed by the Bulgarian government during this week, by the next Jennaury grants will be made available for the airports of Varna and Burgas on the Black Sea, that until... more

Science and technologyTsa orders to unlock the baggages for security reason
Florida, Usa - To be a bit patient until the screeners are installed
It could be needed of a control when the owner of the baggage is absent: at that point the emergency has the absolute priority and it can be proceeded to open also damaging the suitcase. In order to... more

Science and technologyFir to give a new tracing system to the US National Guard
Oregon, Usa - The contract has a value of USD 7,8m
The Flir System, American company that produces infrared imaging system for a variety of applications, will supply a new technology to the National Guard Bureau in order to improve the present apparatuses.... more

Science and technologyNew Redhill airport raises first doubts
London, UK - Scotland unsure about the benefit of the sixth Londonian hub
It has still not been constructed and already the sixth airport of London, after Heathrow, Gatwick, Stansted, Luton and City, has raised the first fears and judgments, in positive and negative. Firstly... more

Science and technologyNew airport to be built near the Londonian Gatwick
London, UK - A possible solution after the High Court's sentence
It will have a cost of approximately GBP 800m and will have the facilities designed for 15 million passengers a year: it is the plan of the new airport that the minister of the English Transport has preannounced... more

Science and technology"The project of an airport in central Scotland will never start"
Edimburgh, Scotland - Opposition of the President of the SCDI
The President of the SCDI (Scottish Council for Development and Industry) Donald Dowds has declared: "The project of building an airport in central Scotland will not be practically done because conditions... more

Science and technologyChicago airport could be delayed its expansion
Chicago, Usa - Ual and AA situation affect in rilevant way
The dramatic financial condition of American Airlines and, above all of United Airlines that loses approximately USD 20m per day, is revealing the first concrete consequences in the US civil aviation market.... more

Science and technologyIn Miami six luggage attendants are waiting for the process
Miami, United States - They stole in luggage of passengers
Like it's happened in Malpensa the last months, six luggage attendants of Miami airport are waiting for the process for robbery of valuable objects inside the luggage of passengers of British Airways;... more

Science and technologyFbi arrested 21persons of Chicago airport staff
Chicago, Usa - Already 800 arrested during the "Tarmac" operation
The Tarmac operation continues its investigative way, begun after the terroristic attacks of the last year and still in full development. This action is lead by the Fbi as service for the Ins (Immigration... more

Science and technology10 pictures of 17th century are exposed in Amsterdam's airport
Amsterdam, Netherlands - Rijksmuseum exposes inside the Dutch capital's airport
By yesterday in the new terminal of Schiphol airport are exposed 10 pictures of the 17th century, between them also one painting of the great Dutch painter Rembrandt. The painting are exposed in a hall... more

Science and technologyTwo US fighters land in the civil airport of Osaka: angry among the citizens
Osaka, Japan - It's the sixth in this year
Several citizen associations, but also the airport authority, protested yesterday when an US fighter has made an emergency landing at Osaka international airport, because the passengers safety would have... more

Science and technologyInterrupted the Siberian air traffic controllers' hunger strike
Moscow, Russia - The protest was going on from last week
The hunger strike, from some days, of the air traffic controllers of six siberian airports that were asking a salary increase and social benefits to the local air carrier Kolavia, has been interrupted... more

Science and technologyA light snowfall cancelled a lot of flights in Japan
Tokyo, Japan - It has been being since eleven years a snowfall didn't occur in December
The Japan panics for a light snowfall: a lot of trains are late and many flights are cancelled. It doesn't snow since eleven years in December and this exceptionality has generated many discomforts. In... more

Science and technologyAt Kerman airport in Iran some students were hitted from Islamic extremists
Teheran, Iran - They attended an Islamic liberal dissident
In Iranian airport of Kerman a group of Islamic integralists would have assaulted and hitted some students that they would have attended a famous Islamic liberal dissident, Ezatollah Sahabi. A lot of newspapers... more

Science and technologyPoliceman aims a gun to youth's head at Heathrow
London, UK - "How would you like it if someone pointed it at you in an aircraft?"
It has been surely an unfortunate action that one conducted by Avtar Bhamra, a 39 years old policeman in service at Heathrow airport, on September 5th. Indeed the agent, asking to a boy of 15 years,... more

Science and technologyThe new ASR-11 DASR Raytheon radar will be implemented in US Air Force bases
Washington, Usa - More than 200 to be installed
Raytheon has signed an important contract with the US Air Force for the supply of the new revolutionary radar ASR-11 DASR. The decision has been taken after that all the tests are turn out positively and... more

Science and technologyMost of flying passengers would pay more to have an Internet connection
Seattle, Usa - Boeing to offer the necessary technology
If it is not possible to do without connecting Internet while flying, this would not have a problem anymore. The model of passenger of 21st century demands more and more optionals on the flight and the... more

Science and technologyHunger strike of twenty Russian flight attendants
Moscow, Russia - The protest is going ahead by some days
Stormy air in the airport of Siberia. A group of employees, nearly twenty, are going ahead with an hunger strike against the local air carrier "Air Navigatsia" to raise of the salary and the dismissals... more

Science and technologyUSA, airports are closed because there is a snowstorm
New York, United States - It has caused serious damages
Many airports are closed in United States because there is a snowstorm that has provoked many discomforts in every transport. The storm has caused serious damages in Texas and in Virginia and now is directed... more

Science and technologyTomorrow inaugurated the new terminal in airport of Nice
Nice, France - It will can receive 13 millions of passengers
The new Terminal 2 will be inaugurated tomorrow from Francis Perugini, president of Chamber of Commerce, and from Dominique Bussereau, undersecretary of Transport but only Tuesday 17 December it will be... more

Science and technologyIn Madrid a meeting about a new Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS)
Madrid, Spain - In 2020 air traffic will double
Today in Madrid a two working days about "GNSS", Global Navigation Satellite System for civil aviation. Organised by Eurocontrol (European Organisation for the Safety of Air) in cooperation with the European... more

Science and technologyUSA, tested new technics to identify victims
Washington, Usa - Results will issue in December
According to New York Times new technics on analysis of Dna would test from legal doctors to recognize victims don't identify. The results will be issue within December and they would can to consent the... more