4,786 news found

HelicoptersAustralia: 12 NH-90s to face the terroristic threat
Sydney, Australia - To be all available by 2008 and devoted to country's special forces
Australia has decided to purchase 12 NH-90 transport helicopters in order to increase the anti-terrorism capabilities of its own special forces. The value of the related contract would consist of about... more

HelicoptersCertifications for the Tiger helicopter
Berlin, Germany - The combat aircraft produced by Eurocopter will be able to fully enter the service in France, Germany, Spain and Australia
The Eurocopter Tiger combat helicopter has recently achieved both the certifications which are considered as unavoidable for fully entering the service in Germany and France. The competent agencies in... more

HelicoptersRolls Royce aims to the KMH programme
Seoul, South Korea - The British group promotes its solutions for the new South Korean military helicopter
Despite the difficulties that the South Korean programme regarding the new multirole helicopter devoted to the national armed forces is facing in this period (see for details AVIONEWS), it seems that Rolls... more

HelicoptersNew partners for the US-101 programme
Washington, USA - Other companies could be added to the long list of participating firms soon for the production of the helicopter
Lockheed Martin, as the prime contractor for the US-101 programme related to the AgustaWestland's solution for the new US President's helicopter based on the EH-101, recently unveiled that other 13 partners... more

HelicoptersUCAR and Apache: a perfect symbiosis
Washington, USA - Lockheed Martin successfully simulates a joint operation between the new unmanned helicopter and an AH-64
Lockheed Martin would have recently completed an important testing activity regarding the new UCAR (Unmanned Combat Armed Rotorcraft) programme, for an unmanned aircraft which should be deployed for various... more

HelicoptersSAS selects the NH-90
London, UK - Four new helicopters to be deployed by the British special units in the fight against international terrorism
SAS (Special Air Service), the special unit devoted to the early British national security, has taken delivery of four new NH-90 helicopters. British Government decided to provide this important unit with... more

HelicoptersAttack against Italian Police's helicopter in Albania: the aircraft would have been hit
Rome, Italy - Maybe by a Kalashnikov's bullet fired by marijuana's cultivator
The Italian Police’s helicopter involved by an attack with light weapons in Albania some days ago would have been hit and forced to immediately land (see for details AVIONEWS). Now, Rome Attorney would h... more

HelicoptersA-109: the first AgustaWestland helicopter again in the market after operating in China
Washington, USA - The American company Loudoun Aviation would have sold one of this chopper to a German customer
An AgustaWestland A-109 helicopter would have recently been sold by the US company Loudoun Aviation to Germany, to a not clear customer which would have already taken delivery of it. Such aircraft would... more

HelicoptersUCAR: Lockheed Martin concludes the first development stage of its own alternative
Washington, USA - Among the partners of the US company there are Bell, Raytheon and L-3
The UCAR (Unmanned Combat Armed Rotorcraft) programme, designed by US Army in order to provide its own troops on the ground with an unmanned aerial support, able to operate as a multirole vehicle both... more

HelicoptersAn Albanian helicopter carries in Puglia a burnt female child
Brindisi, Italy - The "Perrini" burns unit in Brindisi welcomed the kid
Yesterday, an Albanian helicopter of Healthcare Office left from Tirana, carried to "Perrini" hospital in Brindisi an only 2 years female child, heavy burned in her house in Tropoja. Leonard Solis, the... more

HelicoptersIsrael helicopters attack a Qassam missiles' factory
Tel Aviv, Israel - It would have occurred last night in the Palestinian city of Gaza as a retaliation against an attack involving Israeli colonies
Israeli armed forces' military activity in the Gaza Strip goes on, most of all following the attacks against some Israeli colonies and against the small city of Sderot performed by Palestinian warriors.... more

HelicoptersItalian Police's helicopter under light weapons attack in Albania
Tirana, Albania - No consequences occurred anyway for the crew and the aircraft
An Italian Police's helicopter in service in the Albanian territory, within the cooperation agreements between Italy and Albania against the organized crime, would have turn into a target yesterday due... more

HelicoptersIsraeli helicopters hit Hamas' militiamen in Gaza
Tel Aviv, Israel - A leader of the Palestinian movement has been wounded
Last night the Israeli Army performed an air strike in the Gaza Strip, heavily hitting some Hamas' militiamen. According to what has been released by Hospital's sources in the Al-Shihaiya quarter in Gaza,... more

HelicoptersGoodrich to provide the new IVHMS system for the US Army's UH-60
Washington, USA - It will ensure higher reliability and a significant lowering of operating and maintenance costs of the vehicles
Sikorsky, within the upgrading programme for the UH-60 Black Hawk helicopters of the US Army, has selected the IVHMS (Integrated Vehicle Health Management Systems) management and diagnostic system produced... more

HelicoptersIreland: six new helicopters for Air Corps by the end of the year
Dublin, Ireland - Sikorsky, Eurocopter and AgustaWestland would have already been approached in order to analyse the respective proposals
Irish Defence Ministry would be willing to purchase by the end of this year six new multirole helicopters, with an option for further two aircraft, maybe of a different type. Such exigency, to which a... more

HelicoptersSteadicopter promotes its UAV after development delay
Tel Aviv, Israel - The production problems were caused by the theft of the remote-controlled aircraft prototype
Steadicopter Ltd, an Israeli company competent in designing advanced solutions in the unmanned aircraft's sector, would be ready to start marketing its new UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) helicopter, after... more

HelicoptersVought: a possible partnership with Sikorsky for the VH-92
Dallas, USA - A contract could be signed between the two companies soon
The development and the promotion of Sikorsky's alternative solution for the new US President's helicopter, represented by the VH-92, goes on and a new partner could join the related team soon. It deals... more

HelicoptersGeneral Electric to provide engines for the Canadian Navy's H-92s
Ottawa, Canada - The Sikorsky Cyclones to operate as multi-role aircraft
The new Sikorsky H-92 Cyclone helicopters ordered by Canadian Navy will be powered by General Electric's engines (see for details AVIONEWS). The selected engine is the CT7-8A, which represents the latest... more

HelicoptersEADS MILDS system for the German CH-53 helicopters
Berlin, Germany - It will provide a higher electronic protection degree during Afghanistan activities against the anti-aircraft missiles
German CH-53 transport helicopters, which Government would be thinking to employ in Afghanistan, will be equipped with the new missile warning system soon, a system produced by EADS. It deals with the... more

HelicoptersAH Mk1 Apache-Hellfire II: lethal mix
Toronto, Canada - Six successes of about six during the fire tests with the new version of the well known air-to-surface missile devoted to British Army
British Army has recently tested, during the combat simulation performed at the Alberta shooting range (Canada), the new Lockheed Martin AGM-114K Hellfire II air-to-surface semi-active laser guided missiles.... more

HelicoptersAgustaWestland-Serco: cooperation for the Royal Navy's helicopters
London, UK - The quality of services related to the IOS assistance programme will be increased
AgustaWestland and Serco will collaborate for the implementation of the IOS (Integrated Operational Support) programme regarding the Royal Navy's helicopter fleet. Such programme, which is already dedicated... more

HelicoptersThe first Super Lynx 300 for the Thai Navy flies
Bangkok, Thailandia - Two helicopters to enter the service by the first months of 2005
Thailandia has ordered two AgustaWestland Super Lynx 300 helicopters, which will be destinated to its own Navy. The first one has performed its maiden flight at the end of July and its producer has recently... more

HelicoptersIsrael missile hits a refugee site in Gaza
Tel Aviv, Israel - The attack was performed by a helicopter and some 12 persons would have been wounded
Israel is massively deploying its own combat helicopters in the Gaza Strip against Palestinian armed movements, and today a missile fired by one among this kind of aircraft would have heavily hit the refugee... more

HelicoptersUS-101: "it is as American as the workers who build it in the USA"
Fort Worth, USA - Lockheed Martin's representatives are convinced of it, after the joining by new US partners
New partners have been added to the list of those which are cooperating in the United States to carry on the US-101 programme, the AgustaWestland EH-101 helicopter's version dedicated for the new USA President's... more

HelicoptersEurocopter and Northrop Grumman as partners for the PRV programme
Paris, France - The NH-90 to be jointly promoted by the two companies in the USA as the new SAR helicopter
US Air Force and US Navy need a new SAR (Search and Rescue) helicopter and a proper specification has been released, so starting a competition called Personnel Recovery Vehicle (PRV), scheduling to perform... more

HelicoptersSikorsky UH-60M to enter the service in 2005
Washington, USA - The latest version of the well known helicopter has been updated by new avionics, structural and self-protection's devices
The development of the last version of the Sikorsky Black Hawk has almost been completed, and its producer is scheduling to start the aircraft's mass production in 2005. The UH-60M, actually an updated... more

HelicoptersUpdating activities for military helicopters are increasing
Washington, USA - The related market would be involved by an impressive extension which should last for ten years
According to recent analyses carried out by some US researchers with reference to the helicopter sector, during the next ten years the military helicopter market will be involved by a massive business... more

HelicoptersNorthrop Grumman: "The VH-92 is the safest one becuase it is an all-American product"
Chicago, USA - The US aerospace company has underlined the quality of Sikorsky's solution for the Marine One programme
The Sikorsky VH-92 has recently been deployed for a promotional activity in Chicago, aimed to show the quality of such US producer’s alternative for the Marine One programme, with reference to the new h... more

HelicoptersThe UCAR programme could be cancelled
Washington, USA - The project for the production of an armed unmanned aircraft devoted to US Army could be abandoned by DARPA
The UCAR (Unmanned Combat Rotorcraft) programme related to a new armed unmanned aircraft to be devoted to US Army could be cancelled (see for details AVIONEWS). DARPA (Defence Advanced Research Project... more

HelicoptersThe first Lombardia's all-weather helicopter rescue service to be opened in Como. The bids have been called
Como, Italy - The new helicopter maybe destinated to replace the AB-412 in service will be selected
Como city (Italy) is going to achieve a new hospital but it will have the availability of the first Lombardia region's 24 h all-weather EMS (Emergency Medical Service) helicopter. A call for bids occurred... more

HelicoptersChile: possible orders for the Dhruv Indian helicopter
Santiago, Chile - The vehicle would have made a good impression for military personnel in such South American country
Indian Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) had already released that some Dhruv helicopters had to go to Chile for some technical and military appraisals by such South American country’s armed forces (... more

HelicoptersCeres Group to promote the EC-120 in the United States
Charlotte, USA - Such light helicopter will have more chances to win in a hard but major market
American Eurocopter signed an agreement with Ceres Group for the promotion and selling of the EC-120B Colibri light helicopters in the US market. So, Eurocopter carries on its promotional activity regarding... more

HelicoptersItalian Air Force lands on Eurphrates River water
Tallil, Iraq - A HH-3F helicopter has so effectively ensured its own protection for amphibious units warranting a surprise effect
On last Wednesday, July 28, an Italian Air Force's helicopter (more precisely, a chopper belonging to the 6th Autonomous Operative Unit) became the first Italian aircraft to perform a landing on water... more

HelicoptersMD-600N for Turkish Police
Ankara, Turkey - Ten helicopters to be delivered by the end of 2004
Turkish Police has selected the MD-600N as the new light helicopter, aiming to destinate it at special units for several operative missions which need air support in many cities of the country. Ten aircraft... more

HelicoptersMalaysia: SAR helicopters are needed
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia - The Asian country would urgently need to purchase aircraft able to efficiently perform such missions
Malaysian Government would be willing to purchase an unspecified number of new helicopters to be destinated to its armed forces and civil defence service, in order to fill what is being presently felt... more

HelicoptersIs the EH-101 more expensive than the H-92? Not in the least
Ottawa, Canada - Canadian military analysts would be convinced of it, as they disagree with Government's statement which instead opted for Sikorsky
Sikorsky achieved few days ago a particularly important contract, regarding the provision of new helicopters for Canadian Navy, so winning with its H-92 against the AgustaWestland EH-101 (see for details... more

HelicoptersSikorsky starts building its first Chinese facility
Shanghai, China - It will be produced in Shanghai and the helicopter company will take care of Schweizer productive and commercial interests as well
Sikorsky has started the building of its manufacturing facility in China, in Shanghai. In this way, such worldwide leading helicopter company seizes a chance to increase its own presence in the international... more

HelicoptersCriticism still exists against the US-101 programme in the USA
Washington, USA - Sikorsky's consultants would have denied AgustaWestland is really able to create jobs in America
Another critical attack by Sikorsky against AgustaWestland solution for the Marine One competition aimed to provide the new US President helicopter has occurred (see for details AVIONEWS). According to... more

HelicoptersBotswana: new helicopters for the Police
Gaborone, Botswana - The country must still select these vehicles but they appear relevant in order to fight against crime
Botswana's Government is trying to encourage investments in the African country in order to warrant higher development chances, but security and fighting against crime situation appears a quite delicate... more

HelicoptersRAF reorganization also involves helicopter fleet
London, UK - Some Pumas should in particular be retired
British Government has started a deep reorganization programme for Royal Air Force, which schedules the lowering of exceeding personnel, in order to highly increase armed force's effectiveness on the basis... more

HelicoptersStockholm. Blocks in and nearby the city. Also helicopters to the search of four escapees
Stockholm, Sweden - The men, more dangerous, are armed
The Swedish Police is actively engaged in a massive "head hunting", in the search of four dangerous prisoners (one of them condemned to the life imprisonment in order to have murdered a policeman), armed... more

HelicoptersIndia promotes the Dhruv in Chile
Santiago, Chile - HAL and IAI carry on the promotion in the international market of the Indian-made multirole helicopter
Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) and Israel Aircraft Industries (IAI) are jointly promoting in the international market the Dhruv multirole light helicopter, produced thanks to the cooperation between... more

HelicoptersPoland: the updating programme devoted to the Hinds could be given up
Warsaw, Poland - BAe would lose an important order in case Polish Government decided to avoid of carrying on the update
Poland could decide soon to give in the updating programme related to its Russian-made Mi-24 Hind combat helicopters. Government would have in fact recently realized that it cannot afford a so expensive... more

HelicoptersThe KMH helicopter programme is at risk
Seoul, South Korea - Development cost could be unaffordable for the Asian country
The KMH (Korean Multirole Helicopter) programme is at risk (see for details AVIONEWS). According to some analysts, South Korean Defence Ministry did not properly appraise project cost, a project which... more

HelicoptersEagle Eye for the United Kingdom?
London, UK - The unmanned tilt-rotor could be adopted for monitoring coasts and cities
The Bell Eagle Eye, the UAV (Unmanned Aeral Vehicle) tilt-rotor which has already been selected by the US Coast Guard, could be adopted even by Great Britain, in order to warrant a proper monitoring and... more

HelicoptersOman selects the NH-90
Muscat, Oman – 20 helicopters have been ordered to be devoted to Air Force
Oman’s Minister of Defence signed on last Saturday July 24 an agreement for purchasing 20 NHI NH-90 multirole helicopters. These orders would be devoted not only to the replacement of aircraft which a... more

HelicoptersThe deployment of the A-109 Power with the European Union Military Police
Brussels, Belgium - The AgustaWestland's helicopter is currently used even in the Balkans in order to warrant security and perform rescue operations
The deployment of the AgustaWestland A-109 Power as the major aircraft for several law enforcement units all over the world is increasing and, even in Europe, such chopper is achieving a remarkable success.... more

HelicoptersSikorsky outstrips AgustaWestland for the new helicopter devoted to Canadian Navy
Ottawa, Canada - 28 H-92s to be delivered within the next nine years
Canadian Navy will take delivery within nine years of some 28 H-92 helicopters, produced by Sikorsky. The final selection by Canadian Government of the new aircraft devoted in particular to perform anti-ship... more

HelicoptersA-129 CBT: ready for exercises and operative deployment
Lignano, Italy - The new Mangusta's version could protect the Italian troops operating in Iraq from next September
On the occasion of "Viva Lignano Air Show 2004" (Italy) occurred on last July 22, people could admire the latest version of the AgustaWestland A-129 Mangusta combat helicopter, the A-129 CBT. This aircraft,... more

HelicoptersThe NH-90 for the USAF’s PRV programme
Farnborough, UK – Eurocopter could sign an agreement with Northrop Grumman in order to reinforce its presence in the American market
Eurocopter is making efforts to search a partner in the United States in order to strengthen its presence in the American market. The helicopter group would be particularly interested to offer a winning... more