Civil aviation
11,297 news found

Civil aviationEasa-Eurocontrol: new joint unit cements cooperation
The Office is designed to improve the efficiency of the two organisations’ joint activities
Director General EUROCONTROL Eamonn Brennan and the European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) Executive Director Patrick Ky together officially opened the joint EASA-EUROCONTROL Technical and Coordination... more

Civil aviationNew ICAO iPACKs to provide important support to States
During COVID-19 pandemic
ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization) has introduced a new series of implementation packages or ‘iPACKs’ to support States’ aviation response, recovery, and resilience efforts during COVID-19. The... more

Civil aviationIATA: post-COVID-19 green recovery must embrace Sustainable Aviation Fuels
Its call comes on the eve of the IEA Clean Energy Transitions Summit
The International Air Transport Association (IATA) emphasized the aviation industry’s commitment to its emissions reduction goals and called for the International Energy Agency (IEA) to prioritize investment i... more

AirlinesSmooth reopening of external EU borders jeopardised by uncoordinated national measures
Examples of diverging implementation of the EU Council recommendations include seven States
Despite agreeing at EU Council level to a scientific-based approach and endorsing their own “white list”1 recommendation just one week ago, EU States are adopting extremely diverging lists. As a result, the... more

Civil aviationICAO: cabin crew to be better equipped to prevent human trafficking
With the launch of the new on-line training to support the implementation of the guidelines
United Nations efforts to prevent trafficking in persons took an important step forward yesterday, with the launch of the new online training to support the implementation of the ICAO-OHCHR Guidelines... more

Civil aviationItalian ENAV signed contract with Swiss service provider for ATM platform
Born from an Italo-French project, the Coflight is innovative and sustainable technology to all flyers
ENAV (Italian Flight Assistance Company) announces that its CEO Paolo Simioni has signed yesterday an agreement with DSNA, the French air traffic control service provider, for the common provision and... more

AirportsIATA: traveller survey reveals COVID-19 concerns
Identified top three ones at the airport and on board aircraft -ATTACHMENT
The International Air Transport Association (IATA) released public opinion research showing the willingness to travel being tempered by concerns over the risks of catching COVID-19 during air travel. The... more

Airlinesoneworld launches customer information portal
In alliance commitment to health and well-being
oneworld has launched an information portal to provide customers the latest updates on the health and well-being measures they can expect while travelling, further underlining the commitment by the global... more

Civil aviationSingapore and the UK commence trials to improve public health safety for aircrew
ICAO, CAAS, CAA, Changi and Heathrow Airports, BA and SIA participate in the tests
Singapore and the United Kingdom (UK) are commencing a series of trials to test the crew module of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) Council Aviation Recovery Taskforce (CART) "Take-off"... more

Civil aviationICAO: new PNR data standards amendment to improve global counter-terrorism efforts
A detailed set of international SARPs to assist States was endorsed by its governing body
A detailed set of international Standards and Recommended Practices (SARPs) to assist States in establishing their capabilities to collect, use, process and protect Passenger Name Record (PNR) data to... more

AirlinesEasyJet: turbulence on the way
As the flights resume, there is growing concern among the aircrew. Possible industrial action
Peter Bellew, new Chief Operating Officer: hired to get results or to send the Company down? more

Civil aviationACI and IATA call for Governments to bear costs of public health measures
The pandemic’s effect on the industry and broader economy has halted aviation at global level
Airports Council International (ACI) World and the International Air Transport Association (IATA) have today urged that costs related to public health measures aimed at mitigating the spread of communicable... more

Civil aviationIATA welcomes ICAO Council decision on "Corsia"
In 2022, the ICAO Assembly will consider if further amendments are necessary
The International Air Transport Association (IATA) welcomes the decision by the Council of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) to use 2019 as a baseline for the Carbon Offsetting and Reduction... more

Civil aviationEuropean Commission on failure to comply with EU rules protecting rights of passengers
It opens infringement proceedings against Greece and Italy
The European Commission launched today infringement proceedings by sending letters of formal notice to Greece and Italy for being in violation of EU rules protecting rights of passengers. Both Greece and... more

Civil aviationICAO Council agrees safeguard adjustment for CORSIA in light of COVID-19 pandemic
To address gaps in aviation’s ability to reduce and eliminate its CO2 emissions
The Council of ICAO yesterday agreed to provide a clear safeguard, in light of the COVID-19 pandemic, to the CORSIA – Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation, the first ever g... more

Civil aviationThe delivery of the first MC-21 aircraft in 2021?
Russian industry minister Manturov almost certainly gives it
Deliveries of the Irkut MC-21 (or MS-21) passenger plane to the airlines that ordered it could begin at the end of 2021. Denis Manturov, Minister of Industry and Commerce stated it in an interview with... more

Civil aviationEASA programme to monitor COVID-19 operations gains traction
Adding four major carriers and Istanbul hub
Istanbul Airport, Air France, Iberia, Scandinavian Airlines and Turkish Airlines are among the latest aviation companies to sign up and commit to implementing EASA/ECDC guidelines for safe travel in the... more

Civil aviationIATA proposes alternatives to quarantine
It encourages safety measures in two areas
The International Air Transport Association (IATA) urged governments to avoid quarantine measures when re-opening their economies. IATA is promoting a layered approach of measures to reduce the risk of... more

Civil aviationAIRE joins a united European aviation call for green recovery support
From the COVID-19 crisis
Aire, Airlines International Representation in Europe communicates in a press release that: "With the gradual restart of air services in the coming weeks, leaders from 14 air transport associations representing... more

Civil aviationICAO: continued progress toward implementation of its CORSIA
Despite the challenges of COVID-19
Separate developments last week marked significant progress toward the global implementation of ICAO’s Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation (CORSIA), despite the challenges o... more

Civil aviationRyanairization: necessary or just a pretext?
Ryanair advanced against all governments that do not align with the low-cost’s requests -VIDEO
The idea of introducing minimum prices for airline tickets is "completely insane", says Michael O'Leary, CEO of Ryanair.A minimum price would affect the free movement of people in Europe, he says in a... more

Civil aviationAci Europe: airports call for data-driven approach to establishing the post-COVID aviation landscape
The European association has responded to IATA's call
ACI EUROPE has yesterday responded to IATA’s premature call to extend the current waiver from the 80-20 use-it-or-lose-it rule for airport slots into the Winter season, warning of potential negative c... more

Civil aviationAircraft and transport. IATA: criteria for COVID-19 testing in the air travel process
Based on three elements: speed, scale and accuracy -ATTACHMENT
The International Air Transport Association (IATA) released criteria for the use of COVID-19 testing in the travel process. Should governments choose to introduce COVID-19 testing for travelers arriving... more

Civil aviationUzbekistan will reopen 10 airports to foreign carriers
To stimulate the recovery of tourism, from next August 1st
Uzbekistan will reintroduce a regime of open skies in 10 national airports starting from next August 1st, to boost the arrivals by foreign tourists, the Ministry of Transport has announced today. The new... more

Civil aviationIATA: continued Government relief measures needed
To get airlines through the Winter season
The International Air Transport Association (IATA) warned that the airline industry faces a hard Winter and called on governments around the world to continue providing relief measures as the COVID-19... more

Civil aviationEurope's airlines and airports issue clear message
As EC calls for lifting of all intra-EU travel restrictions from Monday
ACI EUROPE (Airports Council International), the International Air Transport Association (IATA) and Airlines for Europe (A4E), representing Europe’s airports and airlines, today welcomed and amplified t... more

Civil aviationFrench Government launches aid plan (15 bn) for aviation and supply chain
Without which 100,000 jobs would vanish, Minister Le Maire said it
The sectoral consolidation package includes the financial assistance of EUR seven billions already granted to Air France-KLM, and aid to support research on "carbon neutral" aircraft: in the projects a hydrogen aircraft, zero CO2 emissions, within 2035 more

Civil aviationRussian air transport agency proposes reopening abroad
To initially business destinations from July 15
Short from the world. Russian Federal Air Transport Agency Rosaviatsia has suggested restarting air links from Russia to abroad from July 15. The recovery should staragain from a certain number of cities... more

Civil aviationChina reopens to international flights: "Every airline chooses a city of entry"
The concept of qualified country introduced to which will go particular concessions
The Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC) has decided to reopen to international flights while specifying the criteria for accepting international passengers and allowing foreign carriers to reactivate... more

Civil aviationLow Cost workers versus low cost
Low cost workers in Italy write to Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte to ask for help and report the harassment of which they continue to suffer in exchange for a job
“Dear President Conte, we are low cost workers. We ask you to please also listen to our voice ... "so begins a very long letter sent this morning to the Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte, a letter written i... more

Civil aviationEASA to monitor COVID-19 operations in practice
First ten companies sign up to the programme
The first aviation companies have signed up to the European Union Aviation Safety Agency’s (EASA) charter for the return to normal operations under COVID-19, pledging to work with their national authorities t... more

Civil aviationAircraft and transport. IATA: after April passenger demand trough
First signals of uptick
The International Air Transport Association (IATA) announced that demand for air services is beginning to recover after hitting bottom in April. Passenger demand in April (measured in revenue passenger... more

Civil aviationRyanair: colonialism 2.0
Low-cost ask still money to the Italian State
New attack on the choices of the Italian Government, promoted by the CEO of Ryanair which claims equal treatment with Italian companies and accuses Italy of violating EU rules on financial aid to face... more

Civil aviationChina eases restrictions on scheduled international connections
CAAC announces it, starting from June 8. Bonuses for "diligent" carriers predicted
Chinese civil aviation regulator CAAC (Civil Aviation Administration of China) said today that it had relaxed restrictions on scheduled international air connections by allowing more foreign companies... more

Civil aviationCovid: Greece reopens travel by aircraft to 29 countries
Starting from next June 15, the Hellenic Ministry of Tourism announces it today
The Greek Tourism Ministry announced today the list of countries for which the skies of Greece will be reopened from next June 15, with connections allowed to/from the airports of Athens and Thessaloniki.The... more

Civil aviationBalpa and UK unions denounce: "Carriers take advantage of the Covid-19 crisis"
The aviation industry is in despair ...
The British unions denounce: "Airlines are taking advantage of the Covid-19 crisis to exclude personnel labor from the world of work with more onerous wages in favor of leaner and less protective contracts"."It... more

Civil aviationECA: "There is a disease affecting the air transport industry, and it is not Covid"
Jon Horne: it is the very serious situation linked to the working conditions of the pilots
Jon Horne, president of ECA (European Cockpit Association, an organization representing European pilots), launches an alarm: “A disease is persecuting carriers, and it is not Covid-19 ..... it is contagious i... more

Civil aviationIATA outlines layered approach for industry re-start
Pre-flight, at the departure airport, in-flight and at the arrival airport -ATTACHMENTS
The International Air Transport Association (IATA) revealed details of its proposed temporary layered approach to biosecurity for re-starting passenger flights amid the COVID-19 crisis.The Association... more

Civil aviationIATA: EASA/ECDC guidelines welcomed
Essential that European States adopt harmonized measures
The International Air Transport Association (IATA) welcomed the release by the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) and the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) of the COVID-19 Aviation... more

Civil aviationACI and IATA outline roadmap for aviation industry restart
Global coordination needed to ensure new measures are driven by data and evidence
Airports Council International (ACI) World and the International Air Transport Association (IATA) have called on governments to ensure any new measures introduced for airports and airlines in the wake... more

Civil aviationIATA Board declares principles for industry re-start
A commitment by the airline CEOs -ATTACHMENT
The International Air Transport Association (IATA) announced a commitment by the airline CEOs on its Board of Governors to five principles for re-connecting the world by air transport. These principles... more

Civil aviationIATA: don't make a slow recovery more difficult with quarantine measures
The COVID-19 outlook for air travel in the next 5 years presentation -ATTACHMENT
The International Air Transport Association (IATA) released new analysis showing that the damage to air travel from COVID-19 extends into the medium-term, with long-haul/ international travel being the... more

Civil aviationAirlines and airports welcome EC guidelines as encouraging step towards recovery
Urge Member States to follow through with co-ordinated approach -ATTACHMENT
IATA and ACI EUROPE, representing the airline and airport sectors, have welcomed the issuance yesterday by the European Commission (EC) of a comprehensive framework aimed at effectively coordinating the... more

Civil aviationCoordinated response critical to recovery of Pacific Island aviation and economies
By ICAO Secretary General Fang Liu
Stressing the heightened vulnerability of island societies to external shocks, ICAO Secretary General Fang Liu explained to a videoconference of Pacific Islands Directors General last Monday that the same... more

Civil aviationAirlines decry lack of leadership and clarity from EC recommendations
On use of travel vouchers during COVID-19 -ATTACHMENT
Airlines for Europe (A4E), Airlines International Representation in Europe (AIRE), European Regions Airline Association (ERA), and the International Air Transport Association (IATA), representing the collective... more

Civil aviationEuropean Commission: guidance on how to safely resume travel
And reboot Europe's tourism in 2020 and beyond
The European Commission presents today a package of guidelines and recommendations to help Member States gradually lift travel restrictions and allow tourism businesses to reopen, after months of lockdown,... more

Civil aviationEuropean airports, transport workers and aviation suppliers call for urgent support
The joint statement by Aci Europe, ETF and ASA
ETF (European Transport Workers Federation), ASA (Airport Services Association) and ACI EUROPE (working together as Social Partners) reiterated today the need for the European Parliament to support an... more

Civil aviationIATA: to support African travel and tourism sector
Five bodies have launched an appeal to international community
Five international air transport and tourism bodies have launched an appeal to international financial institutions, country development partners and international donors to support Africa’s Travel & T... more

Civil aviationICAO issues new guidance on COVID-19 aviation safety risks
The Organization will host a webinar to introduce the handbook -ATTACHMENT
ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization) has developed a new publication aimed at helping countries to address the aviation safety risks arising due to the global effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.Produced... more

Civil aviationPlanes. First direct connection Madrid-Tehran after 16 years
The pandemic flight brought Iranian citizens home
Unfortunately, a historic flight marked by the Covid-19 virus, the one that brought a group of Iranians to Spain back home on Monday. The extraordinary thing is that it is the first direct air connection... more