4,786 news found

HelicoptersWill Eurocopter prove the leader in the civil helicopters market in the next ten years?
Washington, USA - Forecast International forecasted it and its analysis revealed that the European producer is going to gain a 30% in the worldwide revenues
According to the lates forecasting data from Forecast International, the civil helicopters market will go on constantly growing during the next ten years and led by the major European producers in this... more

HelicoptersRobinson's Torrance facility has been expanded
Torrence, USA - The official showing to occur on the occasion of Heli-Expo 2005 scheduled from February 6 to 8
Robinson Helicopter, on the occasion of Heli-Expo 2005 occurring in Anaheim (California) from February 6 to 8, decided to show the innovations carried out for the Torrance's facility, a site just located... more

HelicoptersTurkey: the tender for a new combat helicopter to start in February
Ankara, Turkey - Turkish Government would have however decided to make produce some avionics components exclusively by national companies
Turkish Government decided to get the programme for the provision of combat helicopters for Army restarted, by a tender for which several helicopter companies are invited to compete starting next month.... more

HelicoptersTwo new Cougar for Spanish Government
Madrid, Spain - They will be deployed for VIP transport with crews coming from Spanish Air Force
Eurocopter, by its Spanish section, announced recently it performed the delivery of two AS-532UL Cougar transport helicopters to Spanish Ministry of Defence following an order going back to half 2003.... more

HelicoptersSelenia Communications promotes its LOA-1000 anti-collision system
Rome, Italy - As already scheduled for the NH-90 and the EH-101, it ensures a quick identification of several kinds of obstacles warning pilots on the potential danger
Selenia Communications (as this is the new name of previous Marconi Selenia Communications) has recently revealed that the company is ready to promote its LOA-1000 anti-collision system (laser obstacle... more

HelicoptersMarine One: the victory chances for the US-101
Washington, USA - A proven and safe aircraft produced by loyal allies of the United States in the fighting against international terrorism
Pentagon asked US Navy, as responsible for the selection of the new aircraft destined to renew the USA Presidency's helicopter fleet, for starting the remaining evaluations for the final choice which will... more

HelicoptersMarine One: the victory chances for the VH-92
Washington, USA - Sikorsky's experience for the provision of the President's helicopters and political reason
Sikorsky is promoting a special version of its S-92 and named VH-92 as the new US Presidential chopper. The US helicopter group hopes that Bush-led Government and US Navy select this aerial vehicle by... more

HelicoptersIreland selected the AB-139 for Irish Air Corps
Dublin, Ireland - A contract for the purchase of four helicopters was signed and they will perform several missions among which troop transport and SAR
Irish Government signed recently a contract for the purchase of four AgustaWestland/Bell AB-139 helicopters. These aircraft are going to perform several mission types among which one must in particular... more

HelicoptersUS-101: thousands jobs in the USA
Washington, USA - The team promoting the aircraft for the new American Presidential fleet proves convinced of it in the light of the several US partners
The 90% of the entire US-101 programme in terms of life cycle costs during its development and service/maintenance will depend on US companies. The US-101 group, which is carrying on the production and... more

HelicoptersAvalanches and landslip in California: helicopters to evacuate habitants
Los Angeles, USA - Corona Airport is underwater
The non-stopping rains which hit California in last 72 hours (see for details AVIONEWS), caused avalanches and landslips at Santa Conchita, South to Santa Barbara: an entire hill collapsed on about 20... more

HelicoptersBelarus: Mil Mi-34 for the protection of national borders
Minsk, Belarus - The new aircaft to replace the Mil Mi-8s currently deployed by the law enforcement authorities for such task
Law enforcement authorities competent for the protection of national borders in Belarus would intend to renew the available helicopter fleet. The related units are currently operating the Mil Mi-8 Hips... more

HelicoptersFly-by-wire for the VH-92: British Aerospace to provide it
London, UK - The British group hopes for the victory of the Sikorsky's helicopter for the Marine One competition to increase its role in the avionics market
British Aerospace will provide the fly-by-wire system (wire network for the actuators able to facilitate manoeuvres and make the aircraft later) for the VH-92, the special version of the Sikorsky S-92... more

HelicoptersMalaysia: three new bases for Civil Defence to face emergencies
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia - Malaysian Government restarted the building of three new structures to which an unclear number of helicopters will be destined
Despite no clear indication to the recent seaquake which involved also Malaysia's territory was pointed by Malaysian Civil Defence Department, it would seem self-evident that such disaster could have led... more

HelicoptersRobinson won the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum
Washington, USA - The helicopter group recently delivered two choppers for exhibition to the well known museum
Robinson unveiled that two among its helicopters have been exhibited at one of the most important museums dedicated to general aviation in the United States, that is to say the Smithsonian National Air... more

HelicoptersUS Army: new light and transport helicopters
Washington, USA - It needs new aerial vehicles for such classes in order to replace old aircraft
US Army appears to appreciate the results achieved in Afghanistan and Iraq by its military helicopters such as the Apaches, the Kiowas and the Chinooks much. Nevertheless, US Army's representatives think... more

HelicoptersThe second S-64 for the Italian State Forestry Corps to be unveiled at Heli-Expo 2005
Anaheim, USA - The cornerstone of the firefighting in Italy concerning the rotor-winged aircraft
Erickson Air-Crane will show the secondo S-64 Helitanker firefighter helicopter destined to Italian State Forestry Corps during the next edition of Heli-Expo, expected to occur in Anaheim (California)... more

HelicoptersMarine One: will the final decision occur after Iraqi election?
Washington, USA - US press is focusing on such possibility but it underlines the relevance of the competition for the American Presidential chopper
The decision related to the new US Presidential helicopter during the Marine One competition, as awaited for the end of January, could be postponed till a date following Iraqi election expected to be held... more

HelicoptersSouth Korea ready to relaunch the programme for the new military helicopter
Seoul, South Korea - It will be necessary however to resort to the contribution by foreign partners and Bell, Eurocopter and Boeing would have already offered their collaboration
South Korean Government would intend to carry on the programme for the production of a national-made military helicopter able to perform both transport and attack missions. Such a project could be re-launched... more

HelicoptersMarine One: the war of words between Team US-101 and Sikorsky got worser
Washington, USA - Both the competitors for the new US Presidential helicopter rely on quality and the "American" content of their solutions
The promotional struggle involving Team US-101 (AgustaWestland-Lockheed Martin-Bell) and Sikorsky in the competition for the production of the new USA's Presidential helicopter fleet is getting fiercer... more

HelicoptersSwitzerland: cableway evacuated by Air Glaciers helicopter
Berna, Switzerland - Towing line has been damaged
Fifty-three persons who were travelling by a broken-down cableway on Swiss Alps have been evacuated by an Air Glaciers copter yesterday: the towing line fault occurred at 1:40pm and has quite blocked the... more

HelicoptersFAA Certification for the AB-139
Cascina Costa,, Italy - Following the flight and ground tests with particular reference to the all weather activities
AgustaWestland revealed that the AB-139 helicopter produced in collaboration with Honeywell was granted with a US FAA (Federal Aviation Administration) Certification following the accomplishment of a series... more

HelicoptersChina produced its first combat helicopter
Beijing, China - It deals with the Zhi-11, a Chinese-made armed version of the well known Ecureuil
Chinese aerospace company Changhe announced recently that the armed version of the Zhi-11 civil helicopter performed its maiden flight successfully. It deals, actually, with a Chinese variant of the well... more

HelicoptersMalaysia likes the Dhruv
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia - Malay Prime Minister felicitated with India for the remarkable progress achieved in the aerospace sector
Malaysia proves particularly interested in the new Indian-made Dhruv military light helicopter. Malay Prime Minister would have in fact watched a demonstrative flight recently performed by three aircraft... more

HelicoptersTwo A-109 Power for EMS operations destined to Maine
Lewiston, USA - The helicopters produced by AgustaWestland to operate at two hospitals
LifeFlight, a medical care unit located in Maine (USA) selected the AgustaWestland A-109 Power as the new aircraft dedicated to EMS (Emergency Medical Service) operations. Two helicopters of this type... more

HelicoptersThe Sikorsky S-92 for Turkey's Presidency
Ankara, Turkey - The well known American producer achieved a significant result by a provision destined to a relevant institutional role
Turkey selected the Sikorsky S-92 medium transport helicopter as the new aircraft destined to the Head of State's travels. While waiting for about one month from the US military authorities' final decision... more

HelicoptersKa-52 Alligator to fly again soon
Moscow, Russia - The test activities to start again early in 2005 and they will deal in particular with the Arbalet radar system
The Russian Kamov Ka-52 Alligator combat helicopter is going to be involved by test activities soon by its produced during the first quarter of 2005. It would have been announced by sources from the helicopter... more

HelicoptersPortugal took delivery of the first EH-101 helicopter
Lisbon, Portugal - Twelve aircraft of this type were ordered late in 2001
The first AgustaWestland EH-101 military medium helicopter destined to Portugal was delivered yesterday. Lisbon's Government had ordered a total amount of 12 vehicles late in 2001, when it was preferred... more

HelicoptersGraphic restyling for the AgustaWestland Internet site
Milan, Italy - It is more dynamic and practical
The Milanese L.G.O. Communication digital agency attended it: the new web site www.agusta.com is more dynamic and practical, instead of the previous page which appeared enough static. It has been created... more

HelicoptersMaiden flight for the civil version of the Bell 210
Fort Worth, USA - The helicopter is a derivative version of the UH-1H but it is also based on some solutions used for the AB-212
The civil version of the Bell 210, the new helicopter of the well known US group, accomplished recently its maiden flight at the Fort Worth headquarter (Texas). The Bell 210 is a special version of the... more

HelicoptersNATO standard for the Bulgarian armed forces' Mi-24s and Mi-17s
Sofia, Bulgaria - Elbit and Lockheed Martin to attend to provide the necessary changes within a relevant upgrade programme
The Bulgarian armed forces, within the adaptation process in line with NATO's standards, decided to agree after the green light warranted by Bulgarian Government to Israeli Elbit and US Lockheed Martin... more

HelicoptersSikorsky VH-92: there are 225 American firms attending to the programme
Washington, USA - The version of the S-92 competing for the new US Presidential helicopter tender is being offered for its cost/effectiveness qualities
Sikorsky unveiled recently that there are 225 firms making efforts for the production of the S-92 transport helicopter, US companies which employ many workers all over some 41 states' territories in the... more

HelicoptersUS Homeland Security selected Eurocopter and Enstrom protested
Washington, USA - A firm criticism against the solution based on the EC-120, as preferred compared with the 480, due to reasons related to cost and capabilities
US authority competent for national security decided to award Eurocopter with the sign of a provision contract in order to equip the units attending to border monitoring with 55 EC-120 helicopters. Enstrom... more

HelicoptersSouth Africa still relies upon the Rooivalk
Pretoria, South Africa - The national-made military helicopter has not achieved a significant commercial success yet but Denel thinks it can improve the situation
Denel, as the major South African aerospace company, attends to the Rooivalk programme related to a combat helicopter whose original project goes back to half 90s but that achieved a scarce commercial... more

HelicoptersNew partners for the US-101
Washington, USA - Additional 24 firms of the aerospace sector to provide their contribution for the development of this special version of the EH-101
Team US-101. within the development of its alternative solution for the new US Presidential helicopters fleet, revealed recently it signed cooperation contracts with additional 24 companies of the sector... more

HelicoptersThe first two Tiger helicopters ordered by Australia have been delivered
Brisbane, Australia - They will be mainly deployed by Australian Army for armed reconnaissance missions
Eurocopter announced the delivery of the first two Tiger combat helicopters to Australia. The two aircraft were carried aboard a cargo airplane from Marignane French facility towards the Brisbane Australian... more

HelicoptersThe international promotion of the Mil Mi-28 started
Moscow, Russia - The new Russian combat helicopter is being offered by rely most of all upon the protection and survivability degrees
Despite the great success achieved in the market by the combat helicopters belonging to the Hind family (the Mi-24/35s), Mil proves to be aware about the fact that it is necessary to aim to offer a completely... more

HelicoptersItalian Minister Martino: "We are not going to send the Mangusta helicopters to Iraq"
Rome, Italy - It would have been confirmed by Italian Minister of Defence who would not consider to resort to such a measure as necessary
Italian Minister of Defence, Antonio Martino, focused recently on the hypothesis of sending the AgustaWestland A-129 Mangusta combat helicopters to Iraq, maintaining that it is not under Italian Government's... more

HelicoptersEurocopter launched the new multirole Tiger
Paris, France - The new HAD version able to perform both attack and close support missions and devoted to French and Spanish armies
The Eurocopter Tiger combat helicopter has got a new version: it deals with the HAD, which combines both the features of a rotor-winged aircraft dedicated to attack and the ones of e specialized chopper... more

HelicoptersTeam US-101: "We offer a product, not a promise"
Washington, USA - The recent statement by a Lockheed Martin's representative in defence of the solution promoted for the new US Presidential chopper
Team US-101 deepened some aspects related to its alternative solution for the new US Presidential helicopter for the Marine One competition, and seized also a chance to criticize its competitor, even already... more

HelicoptersSAS Flight Academy AB: signed an exclusive agreement for training of helicopter pilots
Stockholm, Sweden - With Aerogulf Services Company LLC
SAS Flight Academy has reached a three-year agreement with Aerogulf Services for training of helicopter pilots. Aerogulf Services is one of the longest-established aviation companies in Dubai having been... more

HelicoptersSikorsky accused for corruption regarding the provision of helicopters to South Korea
Washington, USA - The helicopter company answered the criticism shown by part of international press
Sikorsky is waiting with bated breath the decision related to the future US Presidential helicopter, a decision which is expected to be released on January 28, 2005. The promotion in favour of the VH-92,... more

HelicoptersTurkey proves interested in the Russian-made combat helicopters
Ankara, Turkey - Russian Minister of Defence to promote the solutions offered by Kamov and Mil for the provision of some 50 aircraft
Turkish Minister of Defence is going to meet his Russian counterpart soon in order to analyse an important matter for the strengthening of the Turkish defensive system. It deals with the possible provision... more

HelicoptersFinmeccanica: the relevance of AgustaWestland for the future growth of the Italian holding
Rome, Italy - The important role played in the United Kingdom's market is already a reality, but the United States and China are the next major stages
Representatives from Finmeccanica group together with the CEO himself, Pierfrancesco Guarguaglini, pointed out recently a series of goals whose achievement appears a major one for the future growth of... more

HelicoptersRussia: "Our combat helicopters do not fall short of the ones produced abroad"
Moscow, Russia - It would have recently been stated by representatives from Russian Air Force
Representatives from Russian Air Force would have recently commented regarding the future development of the armed force, concerning the modernization of its combat helicopters fleet. It would have been... more

HelicoptersNew Zealand: a centralized aerial EMS service
Auckland, New Zealand - The programme for the creation of a single coordination centre and bases spread all over the country started
New Zealand's Government would intend to create a centralized aerial EMS (Emergency Medical Service) service. The representatives from the authorities and the structures performing such activities prove... more

HelicoptersAgustaWestland delivered the first AB-139 to Aga Khan Development Network
Vergiate, Italy - Three additional helicopters to be provided to the foundation for the transport activities during the building of universities in Asia
AgustaWestland unveiled that it delivered the first of the four AB-139 helicopters ordered by Aga Khan Development Network (AKDN), a foundation promoted by some Central and South Asia states such as Khazakhstan... more

HelicoptersMilitary helicopters market is increasing
Washington, USA - It was unveiled by a Forecast International's survey and the US helicopter producers should play a major role
Forecast International unveiled recently its forecasting data related to the future development of the helicopter industry in the defence sector for the 2004-2013 period. According to the company's analysts,... more

HelicoptersIndia: 200 new light helicopters for the armed forces
New Dheli, India - The first company invited to compete to the tender is Bell
Indian Government would need some 200 new light helicopters for its armed forces and it would have enunciated the name of the first company invited to compete to the related tender. It deals with the US... more

HelicoptersAgustaWestland about to appeal to Italian Council of State against the Lazio Administrative Judge's sentence
Rome, Italy - The helicopter company to defend the provision of choppers for the Italian law enforcement units halted by the Administrative Judge
AgustaWestland answers to the Italian Lazio Region Administrative Judge about the provision of helicopters for the Italian law enforcement's units by announcing a forthcoming appeal to Italian Council... more

HelicoptersIndia testing the Dhruv antisom
New Dheli, India - Such version of the national-made light helicopter is destined to the new Indian Navy's air carrier
Indian Navy is performing the first tests of the HAL Dhruv national-made helicopter's antisom-dedicated version. The representatives from the Navy prove particularly satisfied of the vehicle, which has... more