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Press release

3,391 news found

Press releaseFinmeccanica: statement of its CEO and GM, Moretti, on the Cameri site as facility for logistics and maintenance activities of F-35 airplanes

Rome, Italy - "It is further confirmation of the level of excellence achieved by the Group in the aerospace sector at international level"

Mauro Moretti, Finmeccanica’s CEO and General Manager said: "The acknowledgment of the Cameri site (Novara) as the only facility capable of undertaking the high-tech logistics and maintenance activities r... more

Press releaseCourt of Justice of the EU: if mobile boarding stairs collide aircraft is no extraordinary circumnstance. The airlines pay compensation for a flight delay of more than three hours

Luxembourg, Luxembourg - It must be regarded as an event inherent in the normal exercise of the activity of an air carrier

"Under EU law, air carriers are required to pay passengers compensation in the event of the cancellation of a flight or a delay of more than three hours.However, the air carrier is relieved of that obligation... more

Press releaseFinmeccanica related to the investigation conducted by the Prosecutor's Office of Milan: if the alleged illicit behaviour would be confirmed, it will promote all possible initiatives to defend its interests and its image

Rome, Italy - Under investigation dating back to 2008

"Referring to press reports of yesterday related to the investigation conducted by the Prosecutor's Office of Milan, Finmeccanica hereby informs that, if the alleged illicit behaviour under investigation... more