1,934 news found

MiscellaneousIsrael-Lebanon: telephone conversation between Prodi and Bush about UN contingent
Rome, Italy - Bush appreciates the role played by Italy
Last Thursday the President of United States George W. Bush has telephoned to the Italian Premier Romano Prodi to analize together the situation in Lebanon. The main point of the telephone conversation... more

MiscellaneousMalpensa airport: a 23-year-old boy was arrested with 100 ovules in his stomach
Milan, Italy - About 800 grams of drugs
A 23-year-old student from Tuscany was arrested yesterday being charged of drugs detention with passing off purposes. When the boy disembarked at Milan-Malpensa airport, the agents of Financial Police... more

MiscellaneousThe apologizes of Holland to India for the arrest of the 12 passengers of the flight landed in Amsterdam
Amsterdam, Holland - The Dutch ambassador has expressed regret for what has happened
After the Indian Government saud he was upset for the incident that involved the 12 Indian passengers of Northwest Airlines flight arrested in Amsterdam ("It’s a fact that should have never happened," j... more

MiscellaneousIt's ended the alarm for New York-Ireland flight
Dublin, Ireland - No trace of the explosive a telephone call saud it was on board
After that all the 239 passengers of the Airbus A-330 of Aer Lingus landed at Shannon have been interrogated, the Irish Police has ascertained that there was no explosive on board. It’s been another f... more

MiscellaneousEmergency landing yesterday for an airBaltic flight in Latvia
Riga, Latvia - On board of the plane also the Foreign minister of Latvia Artis Pabriks
Press sources retail today the news about an emergency landing occurred yesterday to a plane of the Latvian air company airBaltic, that landed at Riga (Latvia), because of a "Slit appeared on the fore... more

MiscellaneousAlarm on a New York-Ireland flight
Dublin, Ireland - A telephone call this morning warned about a bomb on board, all the passengers have been interrogated
"There has been an security alarm on board of a flight of our company from New York to Shannon after that the Irish Police received a telephone call at 4:00am", has told a spokesman of the air company... more

MiscellaneousReleased the 12 passengers of the US flight returned to Amsterdam: it hasn't been terrorism
Amsterdam, Netherlands - The Dutch judges have ascertained that the 12 were not threatened the security of the flight
First there have been the Dutch minister of Justice Piet Hain Donnern’s statements, according which there were not "Elements that make think of a terroristic threaten in the plane returned to Schiphol", t... more

MiscellaneousBomb alert at Miami Airport
Miami, USA - For a suitcase containing soap, music player and cell
A suitcase containing soap, a portable music player and a cell terrified Miami airport yesterday morning. In the days following terrorist hand-made bombs alarms, even a harmless bar soap can paralyze an... more

MiscellaneousGaza: Israeli air raid, injured three Palestinian civilians
Gaza, Gaza Strip - Two different attacks this night has made 8 injured among the Palestinians
This night two different air raid by Israel on Gaza Strip has caused the wounding of 8 Palestinians, according to what retailed by some witnesses. The first air attack has taken place at the refugee camp... more

MiscellaneousUs plane returned to Amsterdam (2): it should leave to Mumbay today
Amsterdam, Netherlands - There won't be the 12 arrested people on board, held back in Holland for interrogatories
It should leave within today, destination Bombay (India), the DC-10 returned yesterday at Amsterdam-Schiphol airport from where it had took-off, after that 12 of the 149 passengers on board had kept behaviour... more

MiscellaneousUS air raid in Afghanistan kills 7 civilians
Kabul, Afghanistan - At the first light of the day the US aviation hit a building in Kunar province
Local sources retail that at the first light f today 7 civilians have been killed in Afghanistan following a bombing by US aviation in the Eastern province of Kunar, at the boundary with Pakistan, The... more

MiscellaneousGreece keeps burning, anti-fire planes in action
Athen, Greece - Since Monday a 4000-hectare-area on risk, thousand of tourists evacuated
It’s still not under controll the situation in greece, where a large fire is burning since Monday on the Polychrono zone, threatening thousand of hectares of forest. The flames, burned up along a 30-kilometers f... more

MiscellaneousAn Excel Airways B-747/300 lands with engine on fire
Sharm el Sheik, Egypt - No injured people
The flight XLA-2260 made by Excel Airways Boeing 747/300, which took off yesterday at Manchester headed to Sharm el Sheik, landed on the Egyptian airport with an engine on fire because of a short circuit.... more

MiscellaneousThe Dalai Lama visits Mongolia: China stops the flights
Beijing, China - The Chinese Government is contrary to the space given by Mongolia to the buddhist leader
The chief of Tibet Buddhism, the Dalai Lama, arrived yesterday evening at "Gengis Khan" airport of the Mongolia Capital Ulaanbaatar, with a flight coming from Japan, for an 8-days-visit of the Asian State.... more

MiscellaneousThird day of flights in Congo: Kinshasa's airport has been occupied
Kinshasa, Congo - The troops faithful to President Kabila guard the Capital's terminal, 13 diplomats evacuated
The tension is growing in Congo after the presidential elections that have taken place last July 30, the first democratic voting after 40 years in the African Country (see for details AVIONEWS). After... more

MiscellaneousNuclear matter. North Korea: a preventing attack to US-South Korean drill
Pyongyang, North Korea - Bush's Phone call to Hun Jintao, Seoul sends humanitarian aid
North Korea said it is considering a preventing attack to contrast a US-South Korean joined military drill, which started last Monday and is considered a "War action" by Pyongyang, State media have announced... more

MiscellaneousFalse bomb-alarm yesterday in a flight Sydney-Guangzhou
Sydney, Australia - The aircraft of China Southern Airlines has been forced to do an emergency landing after a note with terroristic threats was found
Yesterday afternoon a plane Airbus A-330 of the air company China Southern Airlines, in flight from Guangzhou to Sydney was forced to came back to the Chinese airport because of a false bomb-alarm, according... more

MiscellaneousIsrael-Lebanon (3): UN is managing UNIFIL mission
Beirut, Lebanon - Today Roed-Larsen and Nambiar in Jerusalem
After their visit in Beirut, UN delegates Terje Roed-Larsen and Vijay Nambiar are in Jerusalem today to talk about their fears on truce between Israel and Hezbollah militants. UN is trying to gather a... more

MiscellaneousThey have been changed for terrorists and made been get off the plane directed to Malaga
London, United Kingdom – The two men had a strange look according to the other passengers
Still keep starting the terrorism alarm all around the world (fortunately false until now). This time the fact has happened last Wednesday, but only yesterday the air company Monarch Airlines, owner of... more

MiscellaneousIsrael-Lebanon (2): last Saturday Israeli air raid on Bekaa, cease-fire at risk
Beirut, Lebanon . Strong condemnation by Kofi Annan, Tel Aviv threatens: we'll go on if the weapons supply from Siria won't be ban
Last Saturday the fragile cease-fire between Israel and Lebanon has been put to an hard test by an air raid of special air-transported units of the David’s star aviation in the Bekaa valley. The blitz, t... more

MiscellaneousLampedusa shipwrecks (2): searches of missing people pass to Malta
Lampedusa, Italy - New disembarkings this morning
Another ship with about 150 immigrants on board has been sighted today 40 miles South of Lampedusa by an Italian fishing boat and two Coastguard ships have been sent there. Italian authorities stopped... more

MiscellaneousGerman tourist missing on Trasimeno lake: his body has been found
Perugia, Italy - The researches have been done by Fire Fighters with the help of an helicopter and of divers teams
It has been found yesterday evening, at about 400 meters far from the shores, the life-less body of the German tourist missing from last Friday in the water of Trasimeno lake, while was swimming with the... more

MiscellaneousExplosion in a market in Moscow: 9 deads, 25 injured
Moscow, Russia - The Government excludes the terroristic attack
At about 10:30am (local time) a violent explosion happened in a market of a north-east quarter in Moscow. The Russian MInister for Emergency Situations talks about 9 ascertain deads (among which several... more

MiscellaneousLampedusa shipwrecks: six corpses were sighted, one was recovered
Lampedusa, Italy - Today searches have been re-started
Today at dawn searches of clandestines lost in the two shipwrecks off the Lampedusa island costs have been re-started. Four guard ships by Italian Coastguard, two by Financial Police, one by Carabinieri... more

MiscellaneousWeapons storage explodes in Ukraine: two injured
Kiev,Ukraine - 1500 civilians evacuated, the reason could have been the heat
A military weapons storage in Ukraine, already site of a sequence of explosions lasted for a week in 2004, has been involved again in an incident, that injured two persons. A press release by the Ukraine... more

MiscellaneousIsraeli air raid to Gaza: three injured
Rome, Italy - The objective was a machine shop, considered as a rockets factory by Israel
Local sources retail that last night an Israeli air raid at Gaza would have hit a building used as machine shop, that according to Israel was a "Weapons factory", where the rockets that are launched against... more

MiscellaneousA charter lands for mistake in a Nato base in Poland
Warsaw, Poland - Maybe an error in the data input of the automatic pilot
We can imagine what was the surprise of the tourists that at the arrival at the airport found armed militaries waiting for them. That what happened to the Polish passengers of a charter flight of the Turkish... more

MiscellaneousBomb alarm at Sydney airport: no explosive device on board, stop the alert
Sydney, Australia - a phone call from Filippine had warned about a bomb
It’s finished the alarm started today at 5:45pm (local hour), 9:45am in Italy, at Sydney for the possible presence of a bomb on a plane landed at international airport of the Australian city (see for d... more

MiscellaneousEtiopia: at least 125 dead for flood
Adis Abeba, Etiopia - The rescue solely pass through helicopters and watercrafts
The assessment of dead reached the 125 people following up to floods, provoked by the overflowing of the Omo river, after a nonstop week of torrential rains that have been downed on two villages in the... more

MiscellaneousUsa: suspect toy on board, plane evacuated
Los Angeles, Usa - A transmitting toy made start the alarm before the landing
An aircraft Boeing 737/400 of Alaska Airlines, with 129 passengers and 6 crew members on board, has been evacuated Monday soon after the landing at Los Angeles airport, after finding on board -short before... more

MiscellaneousAir Algerie employees make a strike after Piacenza incident
Algeri, Algeria - Discomforts on the links operated by the Algerian air company
After the crash of the C-130 of Air Algerie near Piacenza of last Sunday, the flight attendants of the Maghreb carrier have called a strike, strictly connected to the incident happened in Italy. It has... more

MiscellaneousSingle-engine aircraft falls in an Austrian river
Salzburg, Austria - Three italians embroiled in the accident
Yesterday, a single-engine aircraft, type "Robin", with on board four passengers, two women and a man of Italian nationality, that was carring out a turistic air excursion in the Salzburg area, has fallen... more

MiscellaneousIsrael-Lebanon (14): launch deodorants against Nasrallah on Lebanon
Tel Aviv, Israel - The Israeli aviation has launched them instead the usual leaflets
The war in Lebanon has been fought since the beginning also on the plan of propaganda and psychology, but the last Israel’s initiative to try bring on his side the Lebanese public opinion, is surely d... more

MiscellaneousA 12-year-old boy board on plane without documents in London
London, United Kingdom - The severe security measures have been eluded, but the airport authorities assure: "No danger for passengers"
While the travellers directed to or departing from England keep suffer from the strict controls in th airports, a 12-year-old boy from Liverpool has mocked the controls at boarding, managing to board on... more

MiscellaneousRussian plane forced to make an emergency landing
Moscow, Russia - The reason the smoke that invaded the cabin, no consequences for passengers
Yesterday a plane of the Russian air company Aeroflot-Nord, lifted off from Arkhanghelsk (Russia), and directed to Moscow has been forced to make an emergency landing. According to the passengers’ testimonies, s... more

MiscellaneousYesterday the funeral of Angelo Frammartino. The corpse arrived Monday at Ciampino airport
Rome, Italy - Many people for the last greet to the young volunteer, present also the president of Chamber fausto Bertinotti
It has taken place yesterday at Monterotondo the funeral of Angelo Frammartino, the young Italian volunteer killed at Jerusalem by a Palestinian boy, that still hasn’t been identified. The corpse of t... more

MiscellaneousHot mid-August holiday for the stars' mansions in Saint-Tropez: a fire threatened them
Saint-Tropez, France - 3000 people displaced, burnt 80 hectares of pine forest
A large fire burned up Monday in the well-know touristic locality of Saint-Tropez, in the Blue Coast in France. The fire, that started at about 4:00pm from the zone of Ramatuelle, spreaded quickly because... more

MiscellaneousSri Lanka: raid on an orphanage. Killed 50 girls
Colombo, Sri Lanka - The governmental Authorities confirm the bombing on the area
The Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam have denounced today the dead of 50 girls and the wounding of others 60 for a raid realized by governmental Forces in the North-East of the Sri-Lanka. According to... more

MiscellaneousIt's flying to Rome the corpse of the Italian volunteer killed at Jerusalem
Rome, Italy - The landing is scheduled for this afternoon at Ciampino
There is the father of Angelo Frammartino in the plane that is taking the young Italian volunteers back home in his last flight. The Italian State airplane has taken-off this morning from the "Ben Gurion"... more

MiscellaneousA plane comes back to London after a mobile phone started to ring
London, United Kingdom - Fear on board, despite the controls someone managed to bring a cellular
This night a plane of the air company British Airways directed to New York was forced to come back to London, after a cellular, that seemed to belong to no-one of the 217 passengers, started to ring. The... more

MiscellaneousPrivacy: PC thefts again in USA
Miami, USA - Data of 133 thousand people were stolen
Umpteenth computer theft with personal data of thousands of people in the United States. This time it is the case of an officer of US Transport Department, whose laptop with 133 thousand residents in Florida... more

MiscellaneousAn Italian young man was killed in Jerusalem
Jerusalem, Israel - Possible the political motif
Yesterday evening, at 8 pm, an Italian young man, Angelo Frammartino, 25, lived in Monterotondo, Rome, has been killed in front of Herodes Gate, in the Old City, in the East zone near to Damascus Gate. The... more

MiscellaneousOld granny celebrates 90 years launching with parachute
London, United Kingdom - A series of launches to beneficial purpose
Mary Armstrong, a madam of 90 years, has chosen an unusual way to celebrate his ninetieth birthday: she has launched by an aircraft with parachute from 3650 meters of altitude for charity, attacked to... more

MiscellaneousSpain: Zapatero visits the area hit by fires
Santiago de Compostela, Spain - Assessment of three victims
Yesterday afternoon, tha Spanish Premier, José Luis Rodriguez Zapatero, went to Galitia to personally realize of the situation in the region, created by fires. In the afternoon, journalistic sources have... more

MiscellaneousIsrael-Lebanon: Tel Aviv extends its offensive in Southern Lebanon
Beirut, Lebanon - Chirac talks about an "American reservation" stopping an agreement on truce
Israeli Government Security Council approved yesterday the extension of military operations in Southern Lebanon. The attack order has not been given yet, waiting to verify a possible diplomatic understanding.... more

MiscellaneousIndia: flash floods in the South provoke at least 200 dead and 860,000 displaceds
Hyderabad, India - Rescue helicopters to take foods and medicines to survivors
From hour to hour it worsens the dead and displaceds’s assessment of the South India, flogged by monsoon rains of these last days. The Bombay Authorities have informed about at least 200 dead and 860,000 d... more

MiscellaneousIsrael-Lebanon (2): Welch-Siniora meeting in Beirut
Beirut, Lebanon - While attacks are going on in the whole territory
The assistant of US Secretary of State for the Middle-East, David Welch, arrived in Beirut this morning and met Lebanese Premier Fuad Siniora, probably on the new UN resolution draft that is being prepared... more

MiscellaneousA TAM Fokker 100 loses a hatch in flight
Sao Paulo, Brazil - No consequences either for passengers and on ground
A Fokker 100 by Brazilian airline TAM lost its rear door after landing at Sao Paulo-Congonhas airport at 1:47 pm (local time) yesterday. The aircraft, headed to Salvador da Bahia, was forced to turn back... more

MiscellaneousUS Navy will leave La Maddalena base within 2008
Rome, Italy - Italian Defense Minister has announced that today
The Pentagon said to Italian Defense Ministry that US Navy will leave its nuclear propulsion submarines base at La Maddalena archipelago within the first semester of 2008. Italian Defense Minister, Arturo... more

MiscellaneousProblems in altitude for an aircraft of the Turkish Airlines
Tokyo, Japan - Seven hurts, all women
Yesterday, an aircraft of the Turkish Airlines, an Airbus A-340/300 in flight towards Istanbul with 196 passengers on board, half-hour before landing in Tokyo, has encountered in strong upheavals, that... more