5,866 news found

DefenseIndia: fail test of missile's launch Agni III
New Dehli, India - Policy of auto-moderation for missile tests
Yesterday morning. from Island Wheeler, in front of Indian coast of Bhadrak en Orissa, is been executed test’s launch of missile Agni III that because of a leak hasn’t had positive result. At the event was... more

DefenseItalian Navy and the Libyan one in joint training in Mediterranean Sea
Rome, Italy - The fifth edition of the "Nauras 06" two sided drill
"Since next July 10 to 15 it will take place in central Mediterranean Sea, under Italian guide, the fifth edition of ’Nauras 06’ two sided drill between Italian and Libyan Navies. ’Nauras 06’ is part of... more

DefenseDirect line between George W. Bush and Hu Jintao for Korean situation
Beijing, China - Diplomatic conjoint action
In a dispatch of Chinese Foreign Ministry it informs that, last Friday, is passed a telephone conversation between President of United States George W. Bush and Chinese President Hu Jintao on Korean missilistic... more

DefenseVisible on the web for a mistake the data about 100.000 Usa soldiers
Washington, Usa - Violated identities for 6 months, the Pentagon inquiries
It has already happened one month ago, when somebody dectract to a officer of the ministry of Veterans a pc on which have been charged the data concerning 26,5 million of veterans (see for details AVIONEWS). This... more

DefenseNorth-Korea: today it polls United Nation resolution
NewYork, Usa - Security Council assembled for North-Korean missile crisis unleashed last week
American diplomatic sources announced that United Nation Security Council, today, is called to vote about a conviction’s resolution for North-Korea due to missile experiments put to use last week. According t... more

DefenseJapan lines up anti-missile shield
Tokyo, Japan - New measures of defence
Japanese Defence Agency decided to fulfil the system of anti-missile defence, after that last Wednesday North-Korea Republic carries out the missile tests. Defence Agency immediatly established to position... more

DefenseGreen light for sonar in US Navy drill
Washington, USA – But only providing several conditions
After the denial of using sonar by a federal judge, US Navy will be allowed to use these tools providing several conditions in naval drill occurring in the Pacific Ocean, off the Hawaii Islands coasts... more

DefenseGreen light to the birth of the new united Bosnian Armed Forces
Sarajevo, Bosnia-Erzegovina - They will be formed by 16,000 soldiers
New step of the Bosnian Government to achieve the complete pacification of the souls after the end, 12 years ago, of the civil war. Yesterday in fact Sarajevo’s Executive approved the unification of t... more

DefenseCooperation between Russia and Indonesia for satellite launching
Moscow, Russia - The agreement will be signed in August
The spokesman of Lapan (National Aviation and Aeronautics Institute) Wisnu Marsis has announced that in August Indonesia and Russia will sign a memorandum of understanding on satellite launching cooperation. "After... more

DefenseCanada could adhere to Usa anti-missiles defence program
Washington, Usa - Opening of Harper towards the "Space shield"
In a joint press conference of United States President George W. Bush and Canadian Premier Steve Harper, the President of Canada has expressed the possibility that in the future his country could adhere... more

DefenseStrengthen military relations between China and Singapur
Beijing, China - Renewed mutual promises of cooperation between two Countries
Singapur’s Chief of Defense, Ng Yat Chung, in visit to Beijing in last days, has met Chinese Minister of National Defense Cao Gangchuan to renew mutual promises of cooperation between Armed Forces of t... more

DefenseMilitary post of Punta Indio will not close
Buenos Aires, Argentina - Unification of the Armed Forces to training of pilots
Argentinean Ministry of Defense will unify the basic training of Navy and Air Force’s pilots in the School of Military Aviation of Còrdoba, however will keep in operation air-naval base of Punta Indio. Depending on... more

DefenseMeeting between the President of Italian Senate Defense Commission and US and NATO ambassadors
Rome, Italy - They talked about Italian Armed Forces role in international missions
Yesterday there was a meeting between the President of Italian Senate Defense Commission, Sergio De Gregorio, the American ambassador in Italy, Ronald Spogli, and the US ambassador at NATO, Victoria Nuland.... more

DefenseNew bomber TU-160 Blakjack for Russian Air Force
Moscow, Russia - Delivery expected within the year
The Russian Minister of Defence, Sergei Ivanov, attending yesterday to a ceremony at Kazan’s plant for the delivery of a bomber TU-160 Blakjack of last generation, has announced that within the year t... more

DefenseNew law on Venezuelan Armed Forces
Caracas, Venezuela - Statements of American Ambassador William Brownfield
American ambassador in Venezuela, William Brownfield, in an interview of last hours, states that by the side of Usa is not any intention to invade the Country. President Hugo Chàvez has an adverse idea,... more

DefensePyongyang's Government unleashs an international crisis
Tokyo, Japan - Reactions from the whole international community
Yesterday, North Korea proceeded to launch at least seven missiles, but according to other sources, missiles tested in the last night, was eleven, and among these is been noticed the presence of a intercontinental... more

DefenseUSA leans on a possible entry of Georgia in the NATO
Washington, USA - Negatives response by the side of Russia
Yesterday, Wednesday 5 July, in a press conference, President of Usa George W. Bush stated the will on the part of American government to lean on a possible entry of Georgia in the NATO. To the conference... more

DefenseItalian Alpine soldier drill in Alto Adige
Bolzano, Italy – There will be also the Italian Defense Minister Parisi
It will start today, at the presence of the Italian Defense Minister Parisi, the e drill "Falzarego 2006". In the operations they will be engaged about 200 Alpine soldiers of "Julia" and "Taurinense" brigade... more

DefenseMissile crisis in Far East (2): China's concern
Beijing, China - It is necessary a diplomatic solution to the problem
Chinese Government expressed today, through its Foreign Minister Liu Jianchao, its concern for the crisis triggered by missile tests carried out this morning by North Korea (see for details AVIONEWS).... more

DefenseAmerican Government grants two billion of dollars in military supports to Afghanistan
Kabul, Afghanistan - The American Army engages in suppling equipments to the Afghan Army
The United States engage in giving weapons, military vehicles and facilities to the Afghanistan’s Army for a total value of two billion dollars. This is what the White House announced Monday. The re-built A... more

DefenseMissile crisis in Far East
Seoul, South Korea - North Korean missiles launched towards Japan
High tension in Far East. This morning North Korea carried out a series of missile tests with several launches toward Japan and USA. According to South Korean agency Yonhap 10 missiles, among which an... more

DefenseJSF programme: bilateral deal Italy-Holland
Rome, Italy - Ordinance of a merit medal of honor to General Giovanni Fantauzzi
Yesterday, in the Palazzo Aeronautica, in the Office of Undersecretary of Defense, the Honorable Emilio Casula, the Dutch Undersecretary of Defense, Cees van Der Knapp, bestowed on General Giovanni Fantauzzi... more

DefenseCooperation in defense between China and Japan
Beijing, China - "Taking history as a mirror and looking forward to the future"
During a meeting of the Japan-China Friendship Fund between China and Japan, Xu Caihou, Vice Chairman of the Central Military Commission of People’s Republic of China, issued a statement pertaining to t... more

DefenseLaunch of the second russian missile
Moscow, Russia - Military training in the Barent Sea
The russina nuclear submarine of the North’s Motor Pool, in training in the Barent Sea, executed the launch of a ballistic missile RSM-54, toward Kura’s zone, in the Kamchatka’s peninsula. It’s the sec... more

DefenseCIOR Convention in Viterbo
Viterbo, Italy - From today to July 8
The annual Convention of CIOR, the Interallied Confederation of Reserve Officers, has started today in Viterbo, gathering all on leave Officers who are willing to be enlisted again in case of need. Almost... more

DefenseNo sonar in US Navy drill
Washington, USA - A federal judge agreed granted environmentalists protests
Environmentalists and animalists protested against sonar use during US Navy drill occurring off the Hawaii coasts (see AVIONEWS for details), because these tools puzzle whales and sea mammals. Florence-Marie... more

DefenseParisi announces the sending of a C-130 and aeronautical staff to Congo
Rome, Italy - Support to the UE mission in view of next elections
After forty years, in Congo (ex-Zaire), the first free politic and administrative elections will be held next July 30. The UN observers have been charged of supervising in order to avoid that once again... more

DefenseItalian Defense: EUR 488m allocated for foreign missions
Rome, Italy - 8000 Italian military men engaged in 18 Countries
The Italian Defense Minister, Arturo Parisi, announced that the Government allocated EUR 488m for all the national missions abroad, which currently amount to 29 in 18 Countries. The main presence of Italian... more

DefenseBush will make his speech next July 4 in the base of Fort Bragg
Washington, Usa - It will be the third time that the President visits the special forces base
On the occasion of the Indipendence Day, July 4, US President George W. Bush will go to the military post of Fort Bragg in North Carolina, where are located the army special forces. In a press release... more

DefenseIraq: the Italian contingent has been halved
Nassiriya, Iraq - The turnover between Sassari and Garibaldi Brigades is over
The long-time turnover between Sassari and Garibaldi Brigades in Nassiriya, which lasted more than one month through a huge air lift, is over. There are 1600 Italian military men in Iraq now, half the... more

DefenseIt will end tonight the retreat of the Sassari Brigade from Iraq
Cagliari, Italy - Big contribute to the pacification of the Arab country
They will come back tonight, at 0:45 am, at Cagliari-Elmas airport, the last 50 soldiers of the Sassari Brigade, from January engaged in Iraq in a peace mission (see for details AVIONEWS). In the Arab... more

DefenseMission in Afghanistan. Rossi: the money saved with the retreat of our troops could be used to improve the welfare state
Boulogne, Italy - A note of the Emilia Romagna's Italian Communists, signed by Senator Rossi, said that our contingent is bigger than the British one
The Secretary of the Italian Communists of the Emilia-Romagna asked to the Italian Government to retreat our military contingent. The party is against an increase of our soldiers at Kabul to allow to US... more

Defense"Steadfast Jaguar 2006": simulation in Sao Vicente island
Praia, Capo Verde - The NRF military drill ends tomorrow
On the field of the military drill named "Steadfast Jaguar 2006" which has been occurring until tomorrow in Capo Verde (see AVIONEWS for details), 300 men on ground, 14 air units and 12 naval units of... more

DefenseItaly-Philippines: meeting between Defense Ministers
Rome, Italy - Parisi and Cruz want to deepen cooperation
Italian Defense Minister, Arturo Parisi, met the Secretary of National Defense of Philippines Republic, Avelino Cruz, in Rome yesterday. They talked about possible future cooperation ways between Armed... more

DefenseNew patrolship for the Italian Navy
La Spezia, Italy - It will be put in service in Egypt
The new patrolship "Staffetta" was delivered to the Italian Navy to be put in service in Egypt, to control Tiran Strait. This is the 4th ship of this type delivered to Italian Navy. At the delivery ceremony,... more

DefenseMore funds for the Italian Army
Rome, Italy - That were requested by Italian Army Chief of Staff General Cecchi
Italian Army Chief of Staff, General Cecchi, expressed his anxiety because of the problems that very soon could arrive for the Armed Force if more funds will be not given. Despite the economic problems... more

DefenseChavez elected a new Defense Minister
Caracas, Venezuela - There is the fear of a US's attack
Venezuelan President, Hugo Chavez, announced a change to the military vertex of his country. During a military parade last Saturday in Caracas, the Head of the State elected as new Defense minister the... more

DefenseUS anti-missile test was successful
Washington, USA - Off the Hawaii coasts
The anti-missile test in the Pacific Ocean, which was already announced by the Pentagon in the last days, was successful (see AVIONEWS for details). The boat Shiloh intercepted with a "Standard" missile... more

DefenseThales. "La Tribune": the merger with DCN shipyard is postponed in 2007
Paris, France - The cause for the delay is the due diligence not being over yet
More delays in the merger between naval activities of Thales, the French electronics and defense company, and DCN State shipyard. According to French economic-financial newspaper, "La Tribune", the merger... more

DefenseUS Army will recruit 42-year-old soldiers
Washington, USA - In order to meet lack of staff
After enlistment maximum age boost from 35 to 40 years last January, US Army goes further and leads maximum limit to 42 years. The target is to recruit 80,000 new soldiers within the end of 2006: until... more

DefenseUS Navy Commander meets Sigonella base Commander, Antonio Di Fiore
Catania, Italy - He was in the Sicilian base to be present at command exchange of Task-Force 67
"The Commander of US Navy 6th fleet, Admirer Boomer Stufflebeem, was at the base in Sigonella, Sicily, to be present at the command exchange of Task-Force 67 and visited the base Commander, Colonel Pilot... more

DefenseVernetti: helicopters sending to Afghanistan is right
Rome, Italy - Today the Italian Foreign Undersecretary is in Kabul
The Italian Foreign Undersecretary, Gianni Vernetti, has gone to Kabul today and, with the occasion, he made some comments about the request of new troop transport helicopters by the Italian military contingent... more

DefenseItaly could send Predator aircraft in Afghanistan
Washington, USA - It was retailed by US weekly "Defense News"
According to US weekly "Defense News" Italy could send in Afghanistan some Predator aircraft. The decision should be part of the re-definition of our mission in Kabul as consequence of the retreat of the... more

DefenseIran nuclear matter. D'Alema: I don't think they have atomic bomb
Rome, Italy - Italian Foreign Minister's comments after his meeting with Mottaki
"I don’t think they are about to get nuclear weapons", that is what Italian Foreign Minister, Massimo D’Alema, said this morning on TV after having had talks with his Teheran counterpart, Manuchehr Mot... more

DefenseAmerican anti-missile test
Washington, USA - Off the Hawaii coasts
The Pentagon is making a new test to prove its future anti-missile missile system in Hawaii: a false mid-range missile will be launched from Kauai island and a US military boat will shoot an anti-missile... more

DefenseSummit in Cagliari between the President of Sardinia and the Italian Defense Minister
Cagliari, Italy – Too much military servitude for the island
It took place yesterday in Cagliari a summit between the President of Sardinia Soru and the Italian Defense Minister Arturo Parisi. At the center of the talks there was the problem of the military servitude... more

DefenseNATO. Dini: the Alliance will be more cohesive and it will suggest again its role
Rome, Italy - It was declared by the President of the Senate's Foreign Commission, Lamberto Dini
"NATO, in sight of the next Atlantic Consilium, started to change its face, being more cohesive and suggesting again with more power its role. Riga’s meeting will be important for the future development o... more

DefenseIran nuclear matter (2): Ahmadinejad will reply UN offer in August
Teheran, Iran - The International Community asked for a reply within the end of June
Iranian President, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, keeps on dilate negotiation times with the International Community: today he made known that Teheran will answer the incentives package offer within August 22. So... more

Defense"Como 06" in Costanza
Costanza, Romania – Naval drill by NATO, Partnership for Peace and Mediterranean Dialogue Programme
The naval drill called Cooperative Mako ("Como 06") is taking place in these days until June 30 in Costanza, Romania. About 2000 military and 50 civil men, 25 boats and 6 airplanes of NATO, Partnership... more

DefenseTirana: air traffic training course by Italian military men
Tirana, Albania - On the field of DIE projects
Military men of the Italian Experts Delegation (DIE) in Tirana, Albania, on the field of their activities which aim at developing local Armed Forces, managed a training course for air traffic controllers,... more