5,396 news found

ReportSupposed terrorist blocked at Catania airport
Catania, Italy - Arrested after further controls. Today important day for new measures regarding fight to the Islamic terrorism
An Albanian man, who thought to fool the security measures, has been blocked at Catania airport. He had two tickets purchased on internet: a first with his real personal details for a link from Catania... more

ReportAirAsia aircraft accident: last phases of the QZ8501 flight before tragedy
Jakarta, Indonesia - The Indonesian Transport minister said them, in a hearing at the Chamber
Change of step in inquiries on the causes that have brought to Airbus A-320/200 airplane tragedy of AirAsia low-cost, went down in the Java Sea with 162 people on board. After the examination of the two... more

ReportAirAsia airplane: CVR listening seems to keep out terrorist attack
Jakarta, Indonesia - No other voice in the cockpit, only that of the pilots
After Cockpit Voice Recorder (CVR) listening of the AirAsia's Airbus A-320/200 airplane, went down in the Java Sea last December 28, the terrorist act theory seems to lose substance as cause of the disaster... more

ReportAirplanes. Man on board with fake passport: stopped at Rome-Fiumicino airport
Rome, Italy - The event launches anti-terrorist measures and the airplane blocked at ground for over a hour
An episode that contributes to increase the level of stress after the recent events in Paris and the unsuccessful attack in Brussels. The words said by the Italian home office minister Angelino Alfano... more

ReportSheveluc’s eruption: new orange alert for aircraft on Kamtchatka
Moscow, Russia - Ash coming out of the crater reached an altitude of 10.000 metres
The Sheveluch volcano is again threatening aircraft traffic over Kamtchatka peninsula, in the far east of the Russian Federation. Authorities assigned an orange aviation alert code, the second after the... more

ReportAirplanes and safety. The French police surrounded alleged "Charlie Hebdo" attackers close to “Charles de Gaulle” airport
Paris, France - Two runways have been closed and landing flights have been diverted to avoid flying over the area
The two brothers Said and Cherif Kouachi, suspected to have participated in the massacre inside the offices of the French magazine "Charlie Hebdo" on 7 January, barricaded inside a printing business in... more

ReportTurkey. Airplane crash in Isparta: eight sentences among them then top of World Focus Airlines and of AtlasJet
Ankara, Turkey - Also then two high officials of the Turkish civil aviation condemned
A MD-83 airplane with 50 passengers and 7 crewmembers on board crashed last November 30, 2007 against a rocky while it was approaching to the runway of the Ispart airport, in Turkey. No survivor. The... more

ReportTravellers stuck for 12 hours inside Etihad aircraft on the runway
Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates - Passengers, going to San Francisco, say the airline did not give them information or assistance
Passengers of an Etihad Airways aircraft flying from Abu Dhabi to San Francisco on 3 January say the airline left them 12 hours stuck inside the plane, standing on the runway before take off, without information... more

ReportViareggio train disaster. The victims’ relatives complain about Moretti’s and Elia’s designations
Viareggio, Italy - In an open letter to Viareggio prefectural commissioner they accuse the Italian institutions
The prefectural commissioner Valerio Massimo Romeo, who is running the city of Viareggio until the election of a new mayor, received an open letter by the relatives of Viareggio train disaster’s victims. T... more

ReportAirplanes and assistance. Australian bushfire: race against time
Adelaide, Australia - Firefighters and aircraft to stop the blaze
A huge bushfire hits the South Australia and it seems to not stop. The RAAF (Royal Australian Air Force) made available six water bombers and three observation aircraft, in addition to 700 firefighters... more

ReportAirplanes and volcanoes. Aviation on alert in Kamchatka after Sheveluc’s eruption
Moscow, Russia - The volcano is one of the most active in the Russia’s far east peninsula
Air traffic is on alert on Kamchatka peninsula, in the far east of the Russian Federation, after the eruption of Sheveluc’s volcano. Aviation authorities have assigned the orange level of aviation risks, b... more

ReportPress conference by Italian ministers Lupi-Pinotti on "Norman Atlantic": the ferry boat seized. Helicopters, airplanes and ships intervened
Rome, Italy - The delegates of the Coast Guard, Italian Navy and Air Force present with the two ministers
The Italian Transports Minister Maurizio Lupi and Defence one Roberta Pinotti held yesterday a press conference at Palazzo Chigi (Italian Government's headquarters) on the rescue operations to the "Norman... more

ReportItalian Coast Guard and "Norman Atlantic" ferry boat (3): all passengers evacuated
Rome, Italy - Nine crewmembers on board to inspect the ship
After the 379 people rescued, the number was increased to 407 and now all passengers have been evacuated. Nine crewmembers onboard to inspect the ship. The "Cruise Europa" towards the Ancona port... more

Report"Norman Atlantic" ferry boat rescue (2): "San Giorgio" ship of the Italian Navy exit from the Brindisi port; helicopters operated in the area
Rome, Italy - Under the management of the Italian Maritime Rescue Coordination Center in Rome
The rescue operations continued to the "Norman Atlantic" ferry boat under the management of the Italian Maritime Rescue Coordination Center (MRCC) in Rome. The "Cruise Europe" (Italian flag) and the "Evinos"... more

Report"Norman Atlantic" ferry boat. An ATR-42MP "Manta" airplane of the Italian Coast Guard deployed
Rome, Italy - The flames suppressed, at least those seen from outside
The rescuers on the site communicated that the flames began yesterday on board of the Italian ship "Norman Atlantic" have been suppressed, at least seen outside. The unit continues to hide a dense smoke,... more

ReportAlleged witness to Russian press: Malaysian aircraft was shot down by Ukrainian fighter-bomber
Moscow, Russia - The Russian Federation investigative agency is already looking for the man, whose identity has not been revealed
The Russian newspaper “Komsomolskaja Pravda” published today a new hypothesis on the Malaysia Airlines Boeing B-777/220 crash occurred in the Donetsk region on July 17. The daily interviewed an alleged eye... more

ReportAirplanes and eruptions. Indonesia: airport closed because of volcano ashes
Jakarta, Indonesia - Ternate’s airport could reopen on Saturday
The Gamalama volcano’s eruption forced Indonesia to close the airport on the island of Ternate (in the Moluccas Sea) on Friday December 19. “We closed the ‘Sultan Baabulah’ this morning as the volcani... more

ReportRussian military airplanes over the Baltic Sea (2): Denmark and Sweden take diplomatic action
Brussels, Belgium - The two Scandinavian countries have summoned Russian ambassadors to give explanations on the event
Sweden and Denmark have decided to give a strong diplomatic response to Russia after last near-accident on the Baltic Sea. They summoned Russian ambassadors in Stockholm and Copenhagen to give explanations... more

ReportRussian military airplanes over the Baltic Sea: Finland requests ICAO’s involvement
Helsinki, Finland - A Swedish airliner had to change its route to prevent an accident last Friday
The increase of Russian military flights on the Baltic Sea is raising concerns among the authorities of the countries of the area. In the last two weeks only, two potentially dangerous episodes have been... more

ReportAir India urges a decision on VVIP aircraft
New Delhi, India - New Delhi has to replace its Boeing 747 fleet
An inter-ministerial workgroup in New Delhi is evaluating which airplane to adopt as a replacement for Boeing 747 (also called Jumbo Jet), a four-engine aircraft used by the Indian Air Force (IAF) to fly... more

ReportAirplanes and conflicts. A car exploded at the entrance of Mogadishu airport
Mogadishu, Somalia - At least four dead in a terrorist attack probably made by al-Shabaab, an organization affiliated with al-Qaeda
A United Nations armoured vehicle convoy was hit by a terrorist attack close to the entrance of Mogadishu airport today December 3. The suicide bomber rammed a car packed with explosives against the cars.... more

ReportMalaysia Airlines airplane: victim’s mother sues Ukraine
Donetsk, Ukraine - Kiev is accused for failing to close its airspace after civil war burst out
The mother of a German woman killed in the airplane shot down in Donetsk’s sky on July 17 sued Ukraine in the European Court of Human Rights for negligence. Kiev is accused for failing to close its airspace t... more

ReportVolcanic eruption in Japan: dozens of airplane flights suppressed
Tokyo, Japan - Columns of ash coming out of the crater rose to 1 km
Dozens of flights were cancelled in the Japanese town of Kumamoto after the eruption of Mount Aso volcano, at 1000 km southwets of Tokyo on Kyushu island. The crater spewed out lava and debris, while columns... more

ReportAgustaWestland’s helicopters bribe: money was laundered through a Tunisian company
New Delhi, India - New Delhi Court held today the first hearing of the trial against the suspected kickback’s middlemen
The New Delhi’s tribunal following the case on alleged kickbacks paid by the Italian holding Finmeccanica for the supply of 12 AgustaWestland AW-101 helicopters examined today the first charges expressed b... more

ReportAirplane raids against Mitiga airport in Tripoli
Tripoli, Libya - Forces loyal to the government elected in June claimed responsible for the air strike
Mitiga airport, the second in importance in for Libya’s capital Tripoli, was hit by two airplane strikes between Monday 25 and Tuesday 25. General Khalifa Haftar’s forces claimed responsible for the act... more

ReportAgustaWestland’s helicopters bribe: New Delhi’s court sets hearing for November 28
New Delhi, India - Meanwhile the Government may lift its ban from foreign companies accused of corruption
The New Delhi’s tribunal following the case on alleged kickbacks paid by the Italian holding Finmeccanica for the supply of 12 AgustaWestland AW-101 helicopters, set a hearing for November 28 to examine t... more

ReportMalaysia Airlines airplane: recovery operations concluded
Donetsk, Ukraine - Investigation will go on in the Netherlands with the analysis of the aircraft wreckage
After one week of work, the Dutch mission in Ukraine finished on Sunday 24 the recovery operations of the Malaysia Airlines Boeing B-777/220 shot down in the Donetsk region last July 17. Pieces of the... more

ReportAgustaWestland’s helicopters bribe: Indian court sets first hearing for November 24
New Delhi, India - Prosecutors filed their charge for some of the indicted
A New Delhi’s court set for November 24 the first hearing on alleged Finmeccanica and AgustaWestland kickbacks to Indian officials for the delivery of 12 AW-101 VVIP transport helicopters. The Indian a... more

ReportMalaysian Airlines airplane shot-down in Ukraine: Dutch investigators recover first parts of the aircraft
Donetsk, Ukraine - Wreckage will be used to ascertain the causes of the crash
The Dutch Safety Board (DSB), L’Aja’s government agency responsible for transport accidents investigations, began recovery operations of some fragments from Malaysia Airlines B-777/220 shot down on Jul... more

ReportArmenian helicopter shot down: Russia tries to cool down Erevan and Baku
Moscow, Russia - Yesterday’s episode could revive the conflict between the two countries after a twenty-year old ceasefire
Russian Foreign Affairs Ministry urged Azerbaijan and Armenia to avoid steps which could escalate tensions at the border between the two countries. Moscow’s plea comes the day after an Armenian air force M... more

ReportMalaysian Airlines airplane shot-down in Ukraine. Dutch investigators: impossible to reach the crash site
Donetsk, Ukraine - Meanwhile in Beijing Australian Prime Minister puts pressure on Putin to unblock the situation
Dutch investigators’ team arrived in Donetsk region in Ukraine on November 11, but it cannot still begin the recovery of the wreckage of Malaysian Airplane shot down last July 17 (for details see AVIONEWS). T... more

ReportReport reveals civil airplane and Russian reconnaissance aircraft came close to collision
London, United Kingdom - A study published yesterday lists several potentially dangerous episodes happened in the last months
A SAS airline B-737 airplane on flight from Copenhagen to Rome with 132 Passengers on board came close to collision with a Russian reconnaissance aircraft that was flying with its transponder off. It might... more

ReportMalaysia Airline airplane shot down in Ukraine: Netherlands commemorate the victims
Amsterdam, Netherlands - The ceasefire is at risk: investigations and the recovery of bodies are getting more difficult
Amsterdam remembered today the victims of the airplane disaster that happened in Ukraine on July 17 in Ukraine. Around 1600 people went to the “Amsterdam Rai Arena” where, together with the king, the que... more

ReportUnmanned airplanes. Three youth arrested close to a French nuclear plant
Paris, France - But the episode does not appear to have any link to the recent mystery drone flights
Three people have been arrested on Wednesday November 5 in France for “voluntarily flying an aircraft over a forbidden area”. Two men aged 24 and 31 and a woman aged 21 were found with two unmanned air... more

ReportMalaysia’s airplane shot down in Ukraine: Dutch investigators will reconstruct part of the aircraft
The Hague, Netherlands - Wreckage should be recovered in the next days and sent to the Netherlands
The Dutch Safety Board (DSB), a Netherlands government agency investigating over transportation accidents, announced yesterday November 6 that in a few days it will be possible to start the wreckage recovery... more

ReportFraud on presidential helicopters: three ex-marines charged in the USA
Columbia, USA - They are suspected of rigging a maintenance tender
Three ex-marines have been accused in South Carolina of fraud in the tender for a maintenance contract regarding the “Marine Helicopters Squadron One”, the helicopter fleet that transports the president and... more

ReportUnmanned airplanes. Drones over French nuclear plants: hypothesis to solve the mystery
Paris, France - From terrorist attack to safety tests, here are the possible solutions
Who was piloting the drones flying over French nuclear plants? As reported by AVIONEWS, several Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) have been detected over reactors all over France since the beginning of October.... more

ReportVnukovo airplane accident: official charges pressed against all the arrested employees
Moscow, Russia - Now there are five people accused of violation of safety regulations
Russian investigators pressed official charges against four Vnukovo airport employees for the October 24 accident. Three crew members of a Falcon 50 airplane died together with the only occupant of the... more

ReportUnmanned airplanes. Unidentified drones fly over French nuclear plants
Paris, France - Aircraft of different sizes flew over plants and research centres during the month of October
Unmanned airplanes (UAV) have been detected over several French nuclear plants in October. Electricité de France (EdF), French largest producer of electricity, filed a complaint about drones flying over... more

ReportAlleged Finmeccanica kickbacks: former Minister’s defence
Milan, Italy - The former minister rejects Milan prosecutors’ accusations
As reported by AVIONEWS, Milan district attorney's office transmitted the Court of Ministers a file carrying an accusation against Giulio Tremonti, for alleged kickbacks received by Finmeccanica when he... more

ReportAirplanes and history. Aluminium fragment could help solving Amelia Earhart’s disappearance mystery
Washington, USA - Investigators claims it belongs to the 1937 aviator’s airplane
Seventy seven years after the disappearance of Amelia Earhart, the American pioneer pilot who passed into the annals of aviation history in the 20’s and 30’s, new evidence reopens a still unresolved cas... more

ReportAirplane and justice. Air traffic controller trainee charged for Vnukovo accident
Moscow, Russia - Svetlana Krivsun can be sentenced up to seven years of jail for violating aricraft safety rules
Investigators in the Vnukovo airplane crash pressed official charges against Svetlana Krivsun, the trainee who was in control tower the night of October 24, when a Falcon X business jet collided with a... more

ReportAirplanes and industry. Finmeccanica accused of kickbacks to former Italian Minister
Milan, Italy - The bribe would have been paid for the acquisition Drs Technologies in 2008
According to Milan district attorney's office, Finmeccanica bribed Giulio Tremonti in 2008, when he was minister of Economy of Italy, to get the approval for the purchase of the American defense contractor... more

ReportDonetsk airplane disaster: Dutch prosecutor to request information to Moscow
Amsterdam, Netherlands - The ground-to-air missile trail is still the more likely, but the magistrate is open to consider the hypothesis of another plane
“Based on the information available, a shooting-down by a ground-to-air missile is the most likely scenario, but we aren’t closing our eyes to the possibility that it could have happened differently”. Dutch... more

ReportAirplanes and justice. Former Boeing employee sentenced for corruption
Saint Louis, USA - The man provided subcontractors with non-public information about other competitors’ bids
Deon Anderson, a former Boeing procurement officer, was sentenced to 20 months of prison for corruption in the United States. Between November 2009 and April 2013, the man revealed non-public information... more

ReportVnukovo airplane accident: court decrees precautionary measures for three airport employees
Moscow, Russia - Provisions hit control tower operators and runway service supervisor
On Friday, 24 October a Moscow tribunal disposed precautionary measures for two people in service in the control tower and for the airfield service responsible at Vnukovo airport at the moment of the accident... more

ReportTransport strike in Italy: Vueling airplanes grounded at Italian airports
Rome, Italy - Chaos in Fiumicino: passengers had not been informed of the cancellations
Great inconveniences today, Friday October 24, in many Italian airports, after Spanish low-cost carrier Vueling employees decided to participate at the strike proclaimed by the union USB. In Fiumicino,... more

ReportAirplanes and health. False Ebola alarm: a man dies without medical assistance in Madrid airport
Madrid, Spain - Airport health authorities were waiting for a team specialized in infectious diseases emergencies
A man remained unconscious on the floor for 50 minutes, waiting for help, before dying at Madrid airport. Medical and paramedic staff did not intervene, thinking he was infected by Ebola. Only when it... more

ReportVnukovo airplane accident (2): Falcon 50 pilots noticed the snowplough on the runway 14 seconds before take-off
Moscow, Russia - The airplane was running at 250 km/h when it collided with the vehicle
Investigations go on in Moscow over Vnukovo airport disaster, in which Total CEO Christophe de Margerie died (for details see AVIONEWS). New details emerged today, October 23. The runway was free when... more

ReportVnukovo airplane accident: four airport employees detained
Moscow, Russia - Meanwhile the airport CEO and his deputy resigned
New detentions in Russia in regard to the Vnukovo airport disaster (for details see AVIONEWS). After the snowplough driver, investigators arrested four more employees: chief engineer of the airport’s s... more