5,396 news found

ReportLiverpool. A man threats bomb: building evacuated, area isolated and flew over by an helicopter. Arrested
Liverpool, UK - Alerted the security forces; none wounded in the displacement. No connection with terrorism
From about 11:30am of today (in Italy) some hours of confusion in the center of Liverpool, where an entire area has been closed off and a 14 floor building in Tithbarn Street (and around it) evacuated... more

ReportDefence. Hellfire missile for US helicopters finishes in Cuba: theft or "Oversight"?
New York, Usa - The fact dated 2014, but the investigators inspect still today. The "Wall Street Journal" reported it
The "Wall Street Journal" reported in these hours a news on a matter that would be given many problems to US. A Hellfire antitank missile, born mainly to equip some types of helicopters of the attack capacity... more

ReportTerrorist attack in Libya. Dozens of people killed among recruits at a police training centre
Rome, Italy - Farnesina: Gentiloni expresses the solidarity to the victims, the people and the prime-minister designate
A terrorist attack hit this morning a military training centre in Zliten, Libya, at around 70 km west of Misurata. It seems that a water tanker with explosive blew up, exploded in front of the facility's... more

ReportAirplanes and safety. Deemed high profile, or No-fly-list: a black mark for the life?
Markham, Canada - It seems impossible to remove the name of a child from the list of the potentially dangerous people
"Ok the security of the country, but here it is exaggerated...", the parents of a child would have thought with a problem for years, and that is since the name of the Syed Adam Ahmed (today a lively 6... more

ReportAirplanes. French raid in Syria
Rome, Italy - At East of Aleppo four Rafale destroyed a production site of handmade arms
The "Chammal" operation doesn't stop. It was put in force by the French military forces to limit the expansion and the power of the caliphate of Daesh (known as ISIS). The French Defence Ministry has announced,... more

ReportMoscow uses submarine placed in the Mediterranean to hit targets in Syria
Moscow, Russia - The Russian defence minister confirmed it
The Defence Minister, Serghei Shoigu, communicated to the President Vladimir Putin, that the Rostov sul Don submarine launched Calibre cruise missiles against "Two terrorist bastions" around Raqqa, the... more

ReportTurkish F-16 airplanes shoot down Russian fighter: it's diplomatic crisis. One of the pilots killed by the Syrian rebels - 2 VIDEO
Damascus, Syria - The brutal images diffused by rebels. But the Syrian Observatory for the civil rights gives him still as missing
The F-16 airplanes of the Turkish Air Force have shot down a Sukhoi SU-24 fighter, in the late morning of today, guilty, according to Ankara, to have broken its air space. The military aircraft has been... more

ReportAir France aircraft: false alert following an anonymous threat on flights AF055 and AF065/November 17th
Paris, France - The sole priority is to ensure the safety of its passengers
Air France confirms that flights AF065 from Los Angeles (LAX) to Paris-"Charles de Gaulle" (CDG) and AF055 en route from Washington-Dulles (IAD) to Paris-"Charles de Gaulle" (CDG) were subjects of anonymous... more

ReportDead on Aer Lingus aircraft: the man, who had bitten a passenger, was filled of cocaine
Dublin, Ireland - The autopsy results expected, that appear clear: overdose
A man before had suddenly flown into a rage, he had bitten a travel companion, then dead after an illness, on an Aer Lingus airplane in flight from Lisbon to Dublin. This is the event of last October 18... more

ReportDead on Aer Lingus airplane, after have bitten a passenger: a woman arrested
Dublin, Ireland - The unknown reasons of the death; the body undergo to autopsy
Certainly it has not been a relaxed journey made yesterday by 168 passengers (plus six crewmembers) of a flight of the Irish airline Aer Lingus, took off from Lisbon to Dublin. A 24 year old young has... more

ReportA woman expelled from American Airlines airplane: video becomes viral -VIDEO
Phoenix, Usa - She threatens legal actions, after to have refused a reimbursement of USD 250
It was on web two days ago, and it has become viral the video that shows as a passenger of the American Airlines was banished in a bad way by a flight assistant, who made to disembark her before take-off. It... more

ReportAircraft. Air France (2). Broseta and Plissonier in an incredible "Escape" by angry employeers -VIDEO-
Paris, France - Violent unexpected event in the meeting of today by the enterprise central committee, that should decide about the lay-offs
The Air France's leadership gathered this morning in Paris at the headquarters building was deciding about their destiny. It is the number of "Cut" that seem in the lay-off of 300 pilots, 900 flight assistants... more

ReportAirplanes. Ex-top management of Alitalia at judgment: 8 years and eight months to Cimoli; also Mengozzi, Spazzadeschi and Ceschia sentenced
Rome, Italy - Zeni, Conforti and Tocci absolved. Millionaire compensations
The sixth branch of the penal Court of Rome declared on the sequence of events that saw the ex-top management of Alitalia indicted in the period more and less from 2001 to 2008. Year in which then CEO,... more

ReportB-777/236ER airplane by BA in flames on runway of Las Vegas -VIDEO
Las Vegas, USA - Only light injuries for 13 of 172 occupants, crew included
A British Airways' airplane, flight 2276, caught fire yesterday on the "McCarran International Airport" runway in Las Vegas, while it was preparing to take-off. The crash happened shortly after 4:00am... more

ReportIt is sure: wreckage of La Reunion is Malaysian airplane missing in March 2014
Rome, Italy - The specialists who have examined the piece in France have not doubts
The tiles are gradually recreating also with difficulties, pieces that cast new light on the mistery of the B-777 airplane missing in March 2014 with 239 people on board, while it was flying on the route... more

ReportAirplanes. Moscow's airport: flames at "Domodedovo", 3000 evacuated. Traffic blocked and then restored (VIDEOs)
Moscow, Russia - The fire under control after two hours, but delays are cumulated. Hardships
According to the first evaluations, it seems due to a short-circuit, an intense fire advanced this morning at the Moscow'-Domodedovo International airport. The evacuation for about 3,000 people has been... more

ReportPlanes. The air traffic reactivated in Dublin after a fire of this morning
Dublin, Ireland - Flames on hangar, stop to flights. After about 90 minutes it has been brought under control
The Dublin Airport Authority unveiled this morning the temporary suspension of all flight activities, due to a fire evolved around at 7am (local hour) in one of the hangar. Besides the aircraft facility,... more

ReportIt is confirmed: the wing part found at La Reunion is of the same model of the missed Malaysian airplane
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia - If it belongs to the MH370 flight it will be unveiled only after August 5
From the first analysis of the wing part, known as Flapperon, the news arrives that the code still readable impressed on the evidence is about one of B-777 airplanes, according also by the same Boeing. The... more

ReportMalaysian missing airplane: wing wreckage compatible with B-777. Victims' relatives sharpen (VIDEO)
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia - The farce of the compensations restarts the cadence
The discovery of a wing part has happened last Wednesday on the coast of the La Reunion island, in the Indian Ocean. Today the news from Malaysia that the code imprinted on the wreckage would confirm to... more

ReportAn airplane wing wreckage found at La Reunion: the piece will be examined in France (VIDEO)
La Reunion, France Department - The part is compatible with a B-777 model. It is suspected that it could belong to the missing Malaysian flight
The hope is revived after the founding on La Reunion island of a wing part that according to the experts could be compatible with a B-777 airplane of Boeing. Immediate the approaching with the B-777 Malaysia... more

ReportEuropean Parliament approves an extra budget to help cope with migrants
Strasbourg, France - Equal to EUR 69.6 million
Three agencies managing migration flows into the EU and two EU funds for migration measures should get a €69.6 million budget boost for extra staff and other expenses for this year, after Parliament b... more

ReportJapan, the volcano active: airplanes redirected, Kuchinoerabujima isle evacuated (VIDEO)
Tokyo, Japan - Alert level 5; the Shindake mountain and smoke column supervised
Alert status at level 5 (the maximum) for the sudden wake of the volcano on Shindake mountain of the Kuchinoerabujima Japanese isle, in the North-East of the Country and at about 1000 km on the South-West... more

Report"Frontex" expands its joint operation "Triton" with airplanes, helicopters, vessels, boats and team
Warsaw, Poland - Another important development is the establishment of a regional base in Sicily
"Frontex" Executive Director, Fabrice Leggeri, signed the amended operational plan of the Joint Operation "Triton", expanding its operational area and bringing in a number of additional experts, vessels... more

ReportSpy-aircraft: rising tensions in the South China Sea (VIDEO)
Beijing, China - Chinese media accused Washington of "Raising the tension" in the area
The Chinese authorities are "Strongly dissatisfied" and have defined "Irresponsible and dangerous" the overflight by a US P8-A "Poseidon" in the airspace of the disputed Spratly Islands, in the South... more

ReportSpy-aircraft. Skirmishes on the South China Sea: Beijing Navy "Expesl" P-8A Poseidon aircraft from the international airspace (VIDEO)
Beijing, China - On board of the American aircraft also a correspondent from "CNN"
The Chinese navy would had "Invited" an US spy-aircraft to not fly over the artificial islands that Beijing is building in the disputed area of the South China Sea: the warning was repeated 8 times despite... more

ReportPakistan: talibans claim MI-17 helicopter shooting down with ambassadors (2): the victims are 8 (VIDEO)
Islamabad, Pakistan - The premier Nawaz Sharif real target of the attack? But the authorities deny in favour of a technical failure
New elements added on the crash occurred this morning at an MIL MI-17 helicopter of the Pakistanian Army, crashed with 17 people on board (11 foreign and 6 Pakistani) in the Naltar valley, in Gilgit in... more

ReportAirplanes. Fire at Rome-Fiumicino Airport, under control after seven hours: delays and cancellations are also expected from other airports
Rome, Italy - Alitalia invites all passengers not to reach the airport until it will be reopened
A fire broke out at Terminal 3 of the Rome-Fiumicino airport. For the disposal of the Aviation Authorities, the Airport is closed to all departures until noon and it is opened only for the arrival of intercontinental... more

ReportAirplanes and hardships. Europe in a chaos: strike by Tap Portugal's pilots grounded passengers
Rome, Italy - Ten days of union protest and thousands cancelled flights until now block the airports
Despite the efforts by Tap Portugal to alleviate effects of the heavy strike announced by the pilots' union from May 1st to 10, the airline seems incapable in front of the numerous hardships occurring... more

ReportAgitated man announced bomb onboard: Air Arabia's airplane landed in emergency
Dubai, UAE - The aircraft landed on a military base; he arrested by the authorities
The passenger-airplane took off yesterday evening from Kuwait was close to the destination airport in Sharjab, UA, when an agitated man announced a bomb to burst. Panic on board, the captain of the... more

ReportAirplanes. List of strikes in Italy in May
Rome, Italy - Also other sectors interested
The list of the strikes fixed in May in Italy: 7/5: - Filt-Cgil/Fit-CislL/Uilt-Uil/Ugl Trasporto aereo, staff of the Bologna airport (SAB and Marconi Handling, Aviation Services, Aviapartner), from... more

ReportEarthquake in Nepal: Unted customers can contribute money and miles to support the airline's disaster relief partners
Chicago, Usa - American Red Cross, Americares, Airlink and Operation USA
United Airlines announced yesterday that it will work with its disaster relief partners the American Red Cross, Americares, Airlink and Operation USA to provide aid to those affected by the earthquake... more

ReportEU leaders agree actions to tackle Mediterranean tragedy
Brussels, Belgium - EU leaders held a special meeting on the situation and committed to step up both resources and financing to stem the dramatic loss of life
EU leaders held a special meeting to tackle the crisis in the Mediterranean. Leaders agreed to mobilise all efforts at their disposal to prevent further loss of life at sea and to tackle the root causes... more

ReportItalian Coast Guard and migrants tragedy: the rescue operations for survivors and recovery of bodies still ongoing
Rome, Italy - The SaR activities see the intervention of 17 naval units
The search operations of the survivors and bodies rescue activities are still ongoing from Saturday night in the Libyan waters, after the boat overturn with an overload of migrants. The tragedy happened... more

ReportAircraft and seats of power: after Strasbourg, can De Gennaro still be the Finmeccanica president?
Rome, Italy - Two "Discussed" people in key-roles of the major Italian industrial Group
Can Gianni De Gennaro remain president of the Finmeccanica Group? Nicknamed the "Shark" in the circles of security, the ex-police chief and the former under-secretary for intelligence was absolved from... more

ReportSwitzerland: historic agreement on the Iran's nuclear plan
Lausanne, Switzerland - Obama: "The agreement with Iran is not based on trust, but on unprecedented checks"
Yesterday evening, April 2, 2015 in Lausanne has been agreed between the West and Iran on nuclear power. The president of the United States Barack Obama talks about "Historical agreement". Also very satisfied... more

ReportGermanwings aircraft: the researches for the second black box are in progress
Barcelonnette, France - Andreas Lubitz would have suffered a retinal detachment
With every passing day, new details are emerging about the terrible incident of the A-320 plane from Germanwings (Lufthansa Group), crashed on March 24, 2015 against the Massif des Trois-Évêchés in so... more

ReportItalian Foreign Affair Ministry about the aircraft crash (2): Gentiloni, united with victims and their families
Rome, Italy - Italy is united with all the countries involved
"I was deeply struck by the news of the air disaster in the Alps and wish to express my solidarity with the victims and their families. Italy is united in grief with Germany, Spain, Turkey, Belgium and... more

ReportAirline and espionage: convicted of stealing technical data F-35
Washington, Usa - The intent of the former employee was to sell the documents to Iran
Mozzafar Khazaee was found guilty for stealing technical data related to F-22 and F-35 aircraft with the intention of selling them, probably to Iran, according to a statement by the FBI. He had been... more

ReportDagospia. Moretti-Al Shemmari meeting (Finmeccanica-Mubadala fund):"Emirates' manager stands and walks away..."
rome, Italy - Diplomatic aftermath would have followed to a point that Renzi was forced to send a diplomatic peace mission, his emissary
The web publication "Dagospia" has today reported what is affirmed to have taken place during the meeting between the Finmeccanica CEO Mauro Moretti and the Emirates manager Homaid Al Shemmari at the... more

ReportFinmeccanica: Landini (FIOM CGIL) and Fedriga (League) criticize the Government and Finmeccanica on the sale of Ansaldo STS and Breda
Naples, Italy - Reactions from politicals and unions on the sale of the two Ansaldo subsidiaries to the Japanese Hitachi
After lengthy negotiations, Finmeccanica sold its stake (about 40%) of Ansaldo STS and Breda to the Japanese Hitachi; the sale of the two companies will be used to reduce the indebtedness of the Group... more

ReportThe attorney is appealing against the acquittal of the former CEO of Finmeccanica Giuseppe Orsi
Rome, Italy - Another cold shower for future relations between the companies Finmeccanica and India?
Judicial sources report that the Public Prosecutor of Busto Arsizio would appeal to the Court of Milan in opposition to the acquittal for the former CEO of AgustaWestland Bruno Spagnolini and the ex-CEO... more

ReportAircraft carrier "De Gaulle" sent in the Persian Gulf against Isis
Paris, France - The french flagship to support the international coalition
The flagship of the Marine Nationale is operating from today in the sea of the Persian Gulf to support the international coalition in the complex of military actions that are hindering the advance of the... more

ReportAirports and safety: suspected of terrorism arrested in London-Heathrow
London, United Kindom - The woman was travelling with the child on a flight from Turkey
Yesterday evening the British police have arrested a 25 year old woman living in Birmingham, with a flight from Turkey landed at London Heathrow Airport for the suspicion of terrorist activities. British... more

ReportFinmeccanica’s CEO Moretti: absent at the process, "Sanction and forced accompanying by public Force"
Rome, Italy - Despite being on the injured side in the proceedings, he didn’t show up
The Court of Genoa has ordered the forced accompaniment to Mauro Moretti; as well as reported by the agency "Ansa" last night, it will be accompanied by the police at the next audience of the trial in... more

ReportViareggio trial: the families of victims testify in Court (VIDEO)
Viareggio, Italy - Relatives of the victims remember the terrible moments lived in those days
These days continue the trial for the massacre of Viareggio: June 29, 2009 the accident claimed the lives of 32 people. The serious train crash saw the derailment of the freight train 50325 Trecate-Gricignano:... more

ReportRailway disaster in Viareggio: the observations about actions by Mauro Moretti (VIDEO)
Rome, Italy - The declarations of the relatives of the tragedy on the figure of the new Finmeccanica's CEO
AVIONEWS published a video with the declarations and the depositions of some of the people various involved in the tragic sequence of events. The railway tragedy, happened on June 29, 2009, following... more

ReportPaolo Pozzessere: archived the presumed bribe in Brasil
Rome, Italy - Gip close the instance for the kickback
The legal action ended with a dissmissal in charge of Paolo Pozzessere, former commercial director of Finmeccanica, accused in the March 2014 for complicity in international corruption for the promise... more

ReportGreek F-16 aircraft crash: dead one of the wounded soldiers, now victims are 11
Madrid, Spain - The conditions of two seriously injured are stable, a French and an Italian. Albacete's base at environmental risk for dispersion of hydrazine
A note issued by the Spanish Ejercito del Aire confirms today the death of another soldier, a French, remained seriously burned after the Greek F-16 airplane crash, fell down in Spain the day before yesterday. He... more

ReportDrone aircraft breaks White House’s security
Washington, USA - The series of intrusions into the home of the president of the United States keep on
At about 3:00 am last Monday, a UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) breached without consequences the so-called "P56". The area overhead in question covers approximately 3 miles around the White House and inside... more

ReportMalaysia Airlines' website under attack by ISIS: aircraft crashes' victims in 2014 insulted
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia - Technicals at work to reactivate the service
The Malaysia Airlines' website is impossible to reach in the moment in which we write. The technicals are at work to reactivate the internet link after the attack that the Malaysian airline has suffered... more