5,394 news found

ReportItalian Foreign Affairs Ministry: Undersecretary Amendola in Nice with a flight organized by the Crisis management Unit
Rome, Italy - To visit the citizens injured and to bring the bodies of the Italian victims of the attack back to Italy
Undersecretary of State for Foreign Affairs Vincenzo Amendola, together with the Head of the Farnesina's Crisis Management Unit, Claudio Taffuri, flew yesterday to Niece to bring home the bodies of the... more

ReportSWISS airplanes: two emergencies in a few hours
Zurich, Switzerland - No problem for passengers. Airplanes landed safely
A CS-100 Bombardier airplane in the Swiss carrier's fleet with 65 passengers on board, has made a turnback that this morning conducted it to Manchester, UK, to return in emergency at the Zurich-Kloten... more

ReportRome: Farnesina confirms death of five Italians in the attack in Nice
Rome, Italy - The identification of four victims confirmed during the night, while yesterday evening that of the first one
The Foreign Ministry informs that during the night the French Authorities have confirmed the identification of four more Italians among the victims of the Nice massacre: Carla Gaveglio, Maria Grazia Ascoli,... more

ReportLibyan Armed Forces' helicopter crashed: four victims
Bengasi, Libya - Still confusion on model and causes: crash of enemy fire?
It crashed yesterday morning at Al-Magrun, 70 miles at West of the Bengasi center, during a war action that saw a fight the Governmental forces led by Libyan General Khalifa Belqasim Haftar and those by... more

ReportEmergency landing for Hawaiian airplane with 293 on board -VIDEO
Tokyo, Japan - Due to a malfunction to the hydraulic system, discovered half an hour after take-off
The captain of an A-330/243 airplane, flight HA458 with 293 people on board made this morning (Italian local hour) a turnback to the departing airport, in Tokyo-Haneda, after that a half an hour from taking-off... more

ReportAirplanes and terrorism. Evacuation at Nice Airport: alarm passed -VIDEO
Nice, France - Probably an abandoned suitcase in the baggage area has made to begin the measure
It's enough a suitcase seem left unsupervised in the baggage zone to make to start an alarm a few hours ago at Nice airport, after a massacre occurred yesterday evening on the famous Promenade des Anglais... more

ReportAttack in Nice: the Farnesina immediately activated its Crisis Management Unit
Rome, Italy - In close contact with the local authorities and checking the possible involvement of Italian citizens
Following the tragic events in Nice, the Farnesina immediataly activated its Crisis Management Unit which, in close contact with the Consulate, the Embassy in Paris and the local authorities, is following... more

ReportAirplanes and helicopters. Gunfire in Dallas: FAA limits air space. 5 policemen killed -VIDEO
Dallas, USA - Only the flight by Police is allowed
Limited air space by the US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) that following to a shooting during a protest last night (Italian hour) in Dallas that has seen involved at least 11 policemen and a not... more

ReportMinister Gentiloni and President Mattarella greet the return of the bodies of the Italian citizens -VIDEO
Rome, Italy - "The legal benefits for the victims of terrorism apply to our fellow-citizens killed abroad", the commitment on behalf of the minister with the President Mattarella
"Together with President Mattarella and on behalf of the government I have committed to assure that the legal benefits for the victims of terrorism apply to our fellow-citizens killed abroad. It is a dutiful... more

ReportRussia: IL-76 fireghting airplane disappeared from the radar, 10 on board. Airplanes and helicopters to search it
Moscow, Russia - In the region of Irkutsk; the aircraft was loaded of fire-estinguishing foam. Another Ilyushin 76 and two SSJ-100s ready to take off with rescue teams
The Russian Emergency situations ministry informed to have declared in these hours diseappeared an Ilyushin IL-76 airplane involved in firefighting operations on Bayanday, in the Irkutsk region. It was... more

ReportNewnesses on Regeni's case by Egyptair's airplane hijacker? The man under trial in Cyprus
Nicosia, Cyprus - He saw the Italian man tortured in jail in Cairo. He hijacked the plane to say to Italy his truth, Is he credible?
Raving revelations? Truth? Or clear plan to avoid the extradition to Egypt? All can be... but Seif Eddin Mustafa, the man who at end of last March forced the pilot of an A-320/232 airplane of Egyptair... more

ReportEgyptair A-320 airplane: also the second black box recovered, the Flight Data Recorder
Cairo, Egypt - The Cockpit Voice Recorder, already recovered, under examination by the experts
The "John Lethbridge" oceanographical ship's equipment has recovered also the second of the two black boxes of the A-320 airplane, MS804 flight by Egyptair, crashed last May 19 in the waters of the Mediterranean... more

ReportEgyptair aircraft: the Cockpit Voice Recorder (CVR) recovered
Cairo, Egypt - It would be damaged, but the data storage unit intact
"MENA" reported a note diffused by the Egyptian inquiry commission that works on the Egyptair A-320 airplane crash, fell last May 19 with 66 people on board, while it was operating the route from Paris-"CdG"... more

ReportEgyptair airplane wreckage found. Cairo said it but...
Cairo, Egypt - It is not the first time that the Egyptian inquiry commission denies itself
A news to take with the due reserve that diffused yesterday by the Egyptian commission that examines on the Egyptair's A-320 airplane crashed last May 19 with 66 people on board, while it was on the route... more

ReportSmugglers and arms trafficking, spokesman for the Libyan Navy accuses EU fleet
Tripoli, Lybia - "Operation Sophia has encouraged the traffickers", these the words of colonel Kasem in an interview
The spokesman for the Libyan Navy colonel Kasem said in an interview to "Aki-Adnkronos International" yesterday that arms traffickers operating in Tripoli adjacent waters have their best ally in the EU... more

ReportAirplane piece found in Mozambique: is it of the Malaysia missing flight?
Canberra, Australia - The Australian Transport Minister considered "Of interest" the recovered evidence, useful to the solution of the mystery
Darren Chester , the Australian Transport Minister, believes with hope that the last pieces belonged to a scheduled airplane, in particular on that one coming from a beach of the Mozambique that he defined... more

ReportBelgium attacks: the flights to Israel, Russia and USA were the terroristic objectives
Bruxelles, Belgium - Some security camera's images reveal Abrini's presence too
They had picked on very sensitive objectives: some security camera's images at Bruxelles-Zavantem's airport -where the last 22nd of march it had been a massacre in which more of 30 people have died - reveal... more

ReportBaby girl dies in aircraft: the tragedy on board of a Cathay Pacific Airways' airplane
London, UK - Emergency landing in Pakistan, useless aids
She was travelling with mam and daddy in an aircraft when she begins to feel suddenly bad. It has occurred on a Cathay Pacific Airways airplane where a 4-month baby girl has died. The flight has taken... more

ReportLondon, a drone crashed against British Airways airplane: only fear, no injured
London, UK - At Heathrow airport the accident
That was close to an air disaster last Sunday, at London-Heathrow airport, a British Airways airplane has collided against a drone in landing phase. The aircraft has taken off from Geneva airport. Only... more

ReportTerrorism and airports. Brussels: Galant, Belgian Transport Minister, gives up accusations and resigns
Brussels, Belgium - She denied to have received a report by EC that informed to reinforce the airport security
Jacqueline Galant, the Belgian transport minister, gave up this morning under the attacks by those who in the aftermath of the tragic attacks of last March 22, 2016 in Brussels, accused her to have neglected... more

ReportSweden: handcuffs to a wanted terrorist, before to embark on airplane
Stockholm, Sweden - Germany had an international warrant capture against him
He was ready to embark on an airplane towards Turkey, a 36 yo man (his personal data and nationality no diffused yet) arrested at the Stockholm-Arlanda Airport, according to a news unveiled by the local... more

ReportTwo Turkish fighter airplanes violate Greek air space: Athens complains
Athens, Greece - Over 1400 violations by the Ankara's Air Force only in 2015
Greece, as the national press reported widely today, complains for the nth violation of its air space by the Turkish fighters. Two F-16 airplanes today go through in the Greek skies at the level of the... more

ReportCrane collapsed at Hyderabad airport: it raises Air India airplane -VIDEO
Hyderabad, India - A-320 lied "No operating" in a hangar since 2007. It must be relocated towards a school
It happened yesterday evening at the Hyderabad-Begumpet airport when the collapse of a crane occured while this rose to enliven it, an Airbus A-320 of Air India. The airplane that wasn't in service was... more

ReportRussian flighter airplane shot down by Turkish: arrested killer of the pilot ejected from aircraft
Ankara, Turkey - The case created a diplomatic rift between the two countries
The case of the Russian Sukhoi SU-24 fighter aircraft, shot down in the Syrian skies on the border with Turkey from a Turkish F-16 airplane last November, created a diplomatic rift. Two on board of the... more

ReportAirplane hijacked in Cyprus: the event ended, the hijacker surrendered, all unhurt -VIDEO
Larnaca, Cyprus - No bomb on the aircraft or on the man, that the Cypriot authorities define him "Changing mentally"
"A variable mentally person": so the Cypriot Foreign Affairs Minister, Alexandros Zenon defines the man that this morning has been protagonist of the hijacking of the scheduled airplane A-320/232 of Egyptair... more

ReportEgyptair hijacked airplane emergency: still 7 on board. An Italian involved -VIDEO
Cyprus, Cyprus - Confusion about the attacker's identity
Seven people are still hostages on the flight 2079 served by Egyptair with a A-320/232 airplane, hijacked while it was on the route from "Borg el-Arab" airport in Alexandria and the Cairo International... more

ReportEgyptair hijacked airplane (2): A-320 with 56 passengers and 7 crewmembers -VIDEO
Alexandria, Egypt - Negotiations are undergoing with the hijacker
An EGYPTAIR official declared that flight number MS181 heading from HBE Airport (Borg El- Arab Airport in Alexandria) to Cairo Airport was forced to be diverted to Larnaca airport in Cyprus as the aircraft... more

ReportBrussels attacks. Farnesina: confirmed the death of an Italian woman
Rome, Italy - And for another one
The Italian Embassy in Belgium has received confirmation from the Belgian authorities of the identification of the body of compatriot Patricia Rizzo, who died following the attack at the Maelbeek station... more

ReportLarnaca. Hijacked airplane (3): the Italian released. Who is the hijacker -VIDEO
Larnaca, Cyprus - Negotiations are ongoing to free the last seven (or nine) on board
After the confusion caused by the excitement and from a fragmentary of the news to clarify regarding the identity of the hijacker of the Egyptair's A-320 airplane, forced to land in Larnaca, Cyprus, while... more

ReportItalian Minister Gentiloni in Moscow (2) recalls to a cooperation between intelligence and military
Moscow, Russia - Necessary a common effort to avoid the radicalization of those Islamic minorities that practice violence
During the work conversation just ended had today with his Russian counterpart Sergei Lavrov, the Italian Foreign Affairs Paolo Gentiloni recalled Moscow to enhance the bilateral cooperation in terrorism... more

ReportItalian Minister Gentiloni in Moscow paves the way to the Renzi's visit in June
Moscow, Russia - Economic and embargo bilateral relationships, Mediterranean and immigration, Syria, Libya and the Daesh's advance at the focus of the talks
Paolo Gentiloni, the Italian Foreign Affairs Minister, arrived in Moscow where he met his counterpart Sergei Lavrov to discuss important bilateral and international issues. Among these the current situations... more

ReportMozambique's wreckage are of the Malaysia's missing airplane
Canberra, Australia - The Australian Transport Minister, Darren Chester, said it
Darren Chester, the Australian Transport Minister, declared to "CNN" in these hours that after a careful technical examination the Australian experts have verified that the aircraft pieces found recently... more

ReportAttackers at Brussels' airport (9): here the faces -VIDEO
Brussels, Belgium - "Wanted" five suspect men
The images firstly have been published exclusively by Belgian "": they are the probable faces of two of attackers of the Brussels-Zaventem airport, hit at 8:00am from an attack of at least a suicide... more

ReportAirplanes. Events in Brussels (7): three Italians wounded. Nuclear plant in Tihange evacuated. Chaos in the European air transport
Brussels, Belgium - "Wanted" 5 men
This is the toll of the tragic events of this morning in Brussels, in two attacks at the Zavemtem airport before, and then at the metro station, near to the EU office. Attacks claimed by Daesh; 35 the... more

ReportUnited Airlines offers the following statement on the tragedies in Brussels
Chicago, Usa - It had two arrivals at the European city this morning
The United family is deeply saddened by the tragedies in Brussels earlier today, and our thoughts and prayers are with the victims and their families. The safety of our customers and crew remains our top... more

ReportSuspected package set off at Brussels airport (4): 15 dead in the metro -VIDEO
Brussels, Belgium - Fixed to 13 victims and 35 wounded the toll in Zaventem
The number of the dead increased to 15 at the Mavelbek station of the subway in Brussels, while it is fixed to 13 that one of the explosions at the Zaventem airport, where the wounded are at least 35.... more

ReportBelgium (2): increased to 13 the death toll in Brussels Airport. 28 in total -VIDEO
Brussels, Belgium - Other 15 victims for the attack at the subway
The Europe's core hit. Brussels, where this morning two bombs exploded (but it seems that also three ones) one at the Zaventem airport and one of the metro stop in Maalbek, not far from the European Commission... more

ReportA woman lost Flydubai crashed airplane (3): alive only for a fate
Dubai, UAE - After to have celebrated with friends the previous evening, slept when the flight has taken off...Now she is shocked
If this is not luck.. It is only for a lucky event, due to the too many celebrations the previous evening, that Elvira Isayeva avoided the death. After to have celebrated with her friends, the following... more

ReportAirplanes. France: strike by air traffic controllers next March 20 and 21
Paris, France - Announced by the UNSA-ICNA unions. 20% of flights cancelled
DGAC, the French civil aviation general Direction informs that next Sunday 20 and Monday 21 of March the UNSA-ICNA unions have fixed a strike by the French air traffic controllers, that will interest the... more

ReportItalian Finance Police searched Ansaldo STS' offices in Genoa and Naples: supposed stock manipulation on transfer to Hitachi
Genoa, Italy - Also the alleged to impede the surveillance activity depend upon unknown
The Italian Finance Police is making from this morning some searches in the Ansaldo STS offices, (ex-) Group Finmeccanica, in Genoa and Naples, in the context of the inquiry by the Milan prosecutor regarding... more

ReportMalaysian plane flight MH370 passed two years since mysterious disappearence
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia - Families in pain: Malaysian and Australian governments unremitting efforts
In the second anniversary of the tragic disappearance of the Malaysian Airlines flight MH370, investigations remain in the pitch dark. Malaysian and Australian governments unceasingly trying to solve... more

ReportAirplane stabilizer found: probable belonging to the Malaysia flight disappeared two years ago
Maputo, Mozambico - Found on sand, between Mozambico-Eastern Africa and Madagascar
It is perhaps a tail horizontal stabilizer, the wreckage (news in these hours) found by an American on sand of the water part between Mozambico-Eastern Africa and Madagascar, in the same side of the meridional... more

ReportSU-25 "Frogfoot" fighter airplane crashes in Russia: one dead
Budennovsk, Russia - It seems due to a technical failure, returning from an exercise
A Sukhoi Su-25 airplane of the Russian Air Force crashed yesterday evening in the Stavropol region, near to the airfield of Budennovsk from which it was taken off, while the fighter was approaching to... more

ReportAirplanes. Bring the Egyptian tourism to its knees. Meridiana intensely cuts the links to Egypt
Cairo, Egypt - Morsi's deposition, attacks, Metrojet crash and "Regeni case": all has contributed to the crisis of the holiday-maker industry
"From 44 to 4 per week": this is the fall of the links served by Meridiana to Egypt. Massimo Crippa, the director of the charter sales of the airline said it to "Nova": "The tourism in Egypt has been strongly... more

ReportLibya: "It is not easy to choose the path of reconciliation, but addressing Country's humanitarian, economic, and security crises requires great courage"
Rome, Italy - Joint statement by the Governments of France, Germany, Italy, Spain, the UAE, the UK, and the USA
The governments of France, Germany, Italy, Spain, the United Arab Emirates, the United Kingdom, and the United States welcome the Libyan Presidency Council's February 14 announcement of a Government of... more

ReportSomalia airplane attacked, arrested two airport workers - VIDEO
Mogadishu, Somalia - Surveillance video films bomb exchange
Only a few days ago 'Something' caused a large hole in the Daallo Airlines Airbus A-321 fuselage close to its right wing, it happened only 15 minutes after it had taken off from Mogadishu heading for Djibouti.... more

ReportMetal wreckage found: is it of the Malaysia missing airplane? Or of the Japanese H-IIA launcher?
Nakhon Si Thammarat., Thailandia - The piece on the middle of the analysis by experts
The recovery of a metal wreckage of great size happened in the last days on a beach of the Nakhon Si Thammarat province, in the South of Thailandia, revives the hopes that finally can clarify on the missing... more

ReportAircraft and transport. Strike in France: 20% of flights cancelled
Paris, France - Over 24 hours of hardships on all national territory
The French unions (CGT, FO and SNCTA) have announced for all today, on Tuesday January 26, 2016 a national protest that interests the aircraft sector. After the strike notice deposited by the unions, DGAC... more

ReportLiverpool. A man threats bomb: building evacuated, area isolated and flew over by an helicopter. Arrested
Liverpool, UK - Alerted the security forces; none wounded in the displacement. No connection with terrorism
From about 11:30am of today (in Italy) some hours of confusion in the center of Liverpool, where an entire area has been closed off and a 14 floor building in Tithbarn Street (and around it) evacuated... more

ReportDefence. Hellfire missile for US helicopters finishes in Cuba: theft or "Oversight"?
New York, Usa - The fact dated 2014, but the investigators inspect still today. The "Wall Street Journal" reported it
The "Wall Street Journal" reported in these hours a news on a matter that would be given many problems to US. A Hellfire antitank missile, born mainly to equip some types of helicopters of the attack capacity... more