Military aviation
3,241 news found

Military aviationGovernment intends to reinforce operative facilities of Italian Civil Defense
Rome, Italy - The Department will work more and more for woody fires and great events
Italian Council of Ministers gathered at Palazzo Chigi yesterday, has approved, under proposal of Italian President of Council, Silvio Berlusconi, a law by decree aimed to maximize the functionality of... more

Military aviationItaly upgrades its fleet and buys one more Bombardier 415 amphibious aircraft
Montreal, Canada - The contract with Italy also includes the purchase of kits
Bombardier Aerospace, last Thursday, announced that the Italian Government has purchased one Bombardier 415 amphibious aircraft for its firefighting operations. The contract with Italy also includes the... more

Military aviationGreece: firefighting planes operated on the island of Evia
Athens, Greece - Strong winds have powered fire blazed on Sunday
A fire has destroyed 1000 hectares of pine forest in Northern area on the island of Evia (Greece): fire would be blazed for unverified reasons. Flames have been powered by strong wind blowing of the island... more

Military aviationAVIONEWS interviewed Giuseppe Spadaccini, President of Sorem
Rome, Italy - "The effort to be made in 2005 is the one of increasing efficiency in the firefighting and the performance of other missions"
AVIONEWS interviewed Giuseppe Spadaccini, President of Sorem, during the conference named "Safety and security in air transport, the role of politics into the low-cost competition", (Rome, March 7, 2005,... more

Military aviationAosta: great partecipation to the anti-avalanche exercise
Aosta, Italy - National and international rescue have taken part to this event
The rescuers have been a hundred during the the anti-avalanche simulation happened yesterday at beyond an altitude of 2000 metres, organized within the "Two Days on prevention and mountain rescue" (see... more

Military aviationItaly: "Two Days on prevention and mountain rescue"
Aosta, Italy - A workshop and anti-avalanche simulation with helicopters support
On Thursday and Friday a rescue anti-avalanche training will occur at Courmayeur (Italy) with the partecipation of several Italian and international rescue forces: the Guardia di Finanza, Valle d’Aosta M... more

Military aviationHelicopters overflew Madagascar to assess damages produced by "Ernest"
Antananarivo, Madagascar - And in order to aid population
Helicopters took off today in order to aid the civil population and perform its first monitoring of the effects produced by the violent tropical storm which affected the great isle in the Indian Ocean... more

Military aviationSorem provided AVIONEWS with info on the Be-200 tests
Rome, Italy - The group announced, in front of Beriev President, that additional airplanes of this type are likely to arrive next year
Sorem (Aeroservices Group), a company which operate and provide maintenance assistance for the Italian Civil Defence’s airplanes dedicated to firefighting, put into evidence the data related to the operations p... more

Military aviationItaly-Russia summit: collaboration also in civil defense
Moscow, Russia - In Italy and Mediterranean basin aircraft made in Russia, as BE-200, will be used
The document of joint statement following the Italy-Russia summit between the Italian Premier Silvio Berlusconi and President of Russia Vladimir Putin, runs on a collaboration engage about several lines,... more

Military aviationThe Beriev BE-200 comes to Italy
Rome, Italy - A leasing for some months will enable Italian Civil Defence Department to appraise the effectiveness and the reliability of the firefighter
The Beriev Be-200 comes to Italy. Italian Government has decided to perform an evaluation of the twin-engined firefighter on field by a leasing for one aircraft lasting for few months, at least till the... more

Military aviationFires: "Forestal terrorism" in Spain according to the Minister for Environment
Madrid, Spain - Nearly all fraudulent ones and connects between them fires summery
The Spanish Minister for Environment, Cristina Narbona, analyzing the data regarding the fires that have burnt 42.000 hectares of forest only in Andalusia this summer (see news AVIONEWS), raises the alarm... more

Military aviationFive boys stopped as alleged fire-bugs of the Coimbra fires
Lisbon, Portugal - The Portuguese authorities have already stopped 46 alleged arsonists since beginning of 2004
Five alleged fire-bugs probably involved in Coimbra area fires (Portugal), occurred in the last months (see news AVIONEWS), were stopped by Portuguese police. They are between 21 and 27, and they would... more

Military aviationFlooding emergency in Cornwall: SAR operation helicopters in action
Boscastle, UK - Search and rescue operations are being coordinated by Royal Air Force
The pouring rains which involved some small cities in Cornwall have in fact destroyed a part of the infrastructures of the small Boscastle, sweeping away the parked cars along the streets and forcing the... more

Military aviationSummer: The fires danger is constant in the Mediterranean area
Roma, Italia - WWF denounces a significant increase of fires in the last decades
After the last incidents concerning the fires in Portugal, Spain and France, ( see news published by AVIONEWS ) the WWF reported about the woods emergency in the Mediterranean area: 800.000 woods hectares... more

Military aviationCanadair airplanes in Spain against the flames
Madrid, Spain - Fire in Andalusia: 2 victims and 600 evacuees
The fire raged on Tuesday afternoon in Andalusia in the Huelva area, consumed nearly 5.000 hectares of wood and slaughtered two persons. The fire brigade and Civil Defense worked in order to put down the... more

Military aviationEU decides to act against fires in Portugal
Lisbon, Portugal - Italy has ensured its support with the deployment of a Canadair
Portuguese green areas are involved by several fires even this year and country’s authorities and civil defence units cannot succeed in properly managing the situation. As a consequence, Lisbon Government h... more

Military aviationItalian Civil Defence Department: an Italian Canadair took off due to Portuguese fires
Rome, Italy - A team of technicians was on board
"Italian Government meets Portugal's need for help in order to face fires which are affecting the country and has decided for sending a CL-415 Canadair aircraft. The airplane has already left towards Beja,... more

Military aviationForest fires in Russia: personnel and vehicles are working in order to face the emergency
Moscow, Russia - Thousands hectares are affected by flames while airplanes and helicopters are constantly performing firefighting operations
Russian authorities are facing during the last 24 hours a delicate emergency situation, related to fires which are affecting several sites actually scattered all over the wide national territory. From... more

Military aviationFirefighting aircraft deploy to Arizona
Mesa, USA – This is the first effect after civil tankers have been grounded
Two Air Force Reserve Command C-130 Hercules aircraft and their crews deployed to Arizona on May the 23rd to prepare for fire season. This new dislocation is due to US government that grounded civil tanker... more

Military aviationRussian Civil Defence service's fleet has been strengthened
Moscow, Russia - Three new helicopters and five transport and firefighting airplanes to be delivered by the end of the year
Russian Ministry for Emergency Situations (which attends to Civil Defence service in this country) is performing a significant strenghtening of its own fleet, through the purchase of both airplanes and... more

Military aviationUS Government grounds 33 firefighting planes
Washington, USA - Forestal service says the aircraft are risky
The US Government has grounded the firefighting fleet of 33 air tankers, saying the safety of the aging aircraft cannot be assured. The Forest Service and the Interior Department are terminating contracts... more

Military aviationFirst European anti-fire simulation in France
Gemenos, France – Italy send personnel and means
In an area between Nice and Marseilles is occurring the first European anti-fire simulation to verify the command and control of civil protection coming from different countries. The scenario is not one... more

Military aviation87 cameras for the new operations room of Genoa's prefectural offices
Genoa, Italy - They will transmit real-time information on the disasters occurring in the area
87 cameras, 20 fixed and 67 mobile, will transmit images of the area to the new operations room of Genoa's prefectural offices allowing an immediate intervention by the environmental services in case of... more

Military aviationContract: "Aerial forest-firefighting services in Regione Lazio - Italy"
Rome, Italy - The notice publicated on the Official Journal of the European Union
Official Journal of the European Union S235 of 5 December 2003 I-Rome: aerial forest-firefighting services Contract notice - Services I. 1) Official name and address of the contracting authority: Regione... more

Military aviationBertolaso: If the money was used to enlarge the aircraft fleets, the damages caused by fire would have been extremely restricted
Milan, Italy - First day of the International Conference on Prevention
The first day of the International Conference on Prevention, which started today in Milan, has seen the Intervention of the head of the Italian Civil Protection Department, Guido Bertolaso, who said: "EU... more

Military aviationAnti-missile systems for commercial planes
Washigton, USA - The Bush administration tries to avoid another September 11
Several preliminary contracts will be awarded to one or more companies for a program for an anti-missile systems for airliners. The program will adapt existing anti-missile military technologies for use... more

Military aviation"Isabel" scares America
Washington, Usa - It's feared a tragedy as
They are tens of thousand the American citizens who live on the east coast to have left in these hours their houses, because of the approaching of the fury of one of most terrible hurricanes in the last... more

Military aviationEUR 31m proposed to help Portugal
Brussels, Belgium - Commissioner Barnier proposed a European Civil Defense
Today the UE Committee proposed an appropriation of EUR 31,6m from the solidarity funds to help Portugal in its emergency measures after the serious damages provoked by the fires of this summer. Michel... more

Military aviationEU Commission confirmed funds to aid Portugal
Brusselles, Belgium - "We'll make the possible" promised the commissioners visiting Lisbon
European Executive announced today that it made the proposal to give additional sums to Portugal chargeable to the UE anti-disaster solidarity fund. The measure wants to help Portugal in the expenses deriving... more

Military aviationAntidrug flight may soon be resumed in Colombia
Washington, Usa - Bush answer is expected
US officials said yesterday that the United States and Colombia are close to resuming US-backed drug interdiction flights by the Colombia military. Secretary of State, Colin Powell, has made a recommendation... more

Military aviationEU Commissioner of Social Affairs will arrive tomorrow at Lisbon
Brussels, Belgium - It is necessary to cooperate in the fire-fighting
Anna Diamantopoulou, EU Commissioner of Social Affairs, will be tomorrow in Lisbon to discuss on European aid Portugal needs in its difficult fire emergency situation. At her side there will be technics... more

Military aviationLisbon asks UE aid
Brussels, Belgium - Portugal bent by fires
After the depredation flames provoked on Monday night, which devastated especially the North and the centre of Portugal, Lisbon decided yesterday to formally submit an aid request to EU Commission. Brussels... more

Military aviationThe creation of an European fire-fighting task-force is brought into question
Brussels, Belgium - EU answers to the Italian proposal
After the proposal of Giovanni Alemanno, the Italian Minister of Agrarian Politics, EU Commission declared yesterday through a spokeswoman that it is ready to cooperate to the creation of a European fire-fighting... more

Military aviation17 days adrift in the South Pacific
Wellington, New Zealand - A plane found the stricken boat
A New Zealand maritime search airplane and a Japanese fishing boat together rescued 13 Fijians who spent 17 days adrift on the South Pacific in a broken-down wooden boat. The Fijian vessel Manu Duatagi... more

Military aviationThe Italian Force in Iraq is under British Operative Control
Rome, Italy – Today the transfer of military authority
The Italian Force in Iraq which is operating to garantee security and aid to the Iraqi people, is from today, July 15, under the operative control of the South East Multinational Division, controlled by... more

Military aviationTwo French C-160 today in Algeria with two aid teams
Paris, France - This morning other tremors
Today two French Transall C-160 aircraft will take off for Algeria, with on board two aid teams of 120 persons, supported by dog units. France decided the shipment of aids in Algeria, as a result of the... more

Military aviationIt's worse than ever the situation of the fires surrounding Sydney
Sydney, Australia - All the national means are involved
It's one of the situations of national emergency that is difficult to remember in the Australian history. The fires of different sizes are, at this point, approximately 70 and are besieging the New Wales's... more

Military aviationAn Ilyiushin II-76 and a Mi-8 to extinguish fires in the Moscow province
Moscow, Russia - Russian emergencies ministry said
According to what stated by the Russian Emergencies ministry, an Ilyushin II-76 aircraft and a Mikoyan Mi-8 helicopter are going to support operations at work since few days to extinguish fires in the... more

Military aviationBorneo: huge fires create troubles to air traffic
Jakarta, Indonesia - Zero visibility because of the smoke
The huge fires that since few days are burning in the Borneo's forests, create loads of problems to air traffic. The high columns of smoke generated in fact reduced to zero visibility forcing the planes... more

Military aviationFirefighters bring large blaze under control in Turkey
Ankara, Turkey - The fire killed 2 people and destroyed 1,500 hectares of forest
Firefighters brought under control a large fire broken out last Monday in the countryside near the western Anatolian city of Balikesir, in Turkey. Before the successful intervention of local Civil defense... more

Military aviationInternational fire fighting exercise in the southern coasts of Croatia
Rome, Italy - It has been organized by the Stability Pact and Nato
Joint fire fighting exercise is been conducting along the southern coasts of Croatia. It started yesterday and will end next May 24. This exercise was proposed by Croatia as early as 2000 in the framework... more