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20,295 news found

AirlinesAircraft and transport. Soon the new business plan of Alitalia. Satisfaction with the agreement on contracts, but there is concern for the future

Rome, Italy - Hypothesis of additional cuts and of receivership: to know what will really happen it's necessary to wait for the intentions of the company and shareholders

The Italian Minister of Economic Development Carlo Calenda welcomed the agreement on the renewal of the contract that Alitalia and the Italian unions of air transport signed last Friday. While waiting... more

AirlinesAircraft and transport. Alitalia. Unions: no meeting with Assaereo, too late to avoid the strike planned for tomorrow

Rome, Italy - After the convocation of Cramer Ball at MISE yesterday morning, the association of Confindustria had fixed an appointment to discuss on the renewal of the contract

The Italian unions Filt Cgil, Fit Cisl, Uiltrasporti and Ugl Trasporto Aereo declined the invitation for this afternoon received by Assaereo, the national association of airlines and operators of air transport... more

AirlinesPlanes Alitalia. A meeting today between unions and Government, waiting for the strike on next Thursday

Rome, Italy - Air transport is growing, in Europe +5.1% in 2016 but the Italian airline is losing money. Impossible to find a solution for employees before knowing the business plan

It is planned for today the meeting of the air transport unions' with the ministers Graziano Delrio -Infrastructure and transport- and Carlo Calenda -Economic development- in representation of the Italian... more

AirlinesMore planes to Usa, Canada and Mexico? If Alitalia wishes can pay the penalty and exit the jv

Rome, Italy - This is the position of the partners of Alitalia. The agreements with Delta and Air France-Klm prevent Alitalia from increasing the flights to the three Countries

According to an article by Gianni Dragoni published last Thursday on the newspaper "Il Sole 24 Ore", on the sidelines of the conference held in Brussels last week by Airlines for Europe (A4E) -the association... more