5,396 news found

ReportThe North-Korean Kim Jong-un's brother pulled aside at the Kuala Lumpur airport and killed
Pyongyang, North Korea - The Governmental sources would be reported it
The North Korean agency "Yonhap" mentioning Governmental sources unveiled it yesterday. Kim Jong-nam, debated half-brother of the North Korean leader Kim Jong-un would have been pulled aside by two women... more

ReportDutch C-130 airplane landed in emergency at Brindisi airport
Brindisi, Italy - It transported soldiers and material from Cyprus to Germany in the context of the "Unficyp" UN mission. Problem to an engine
It returned with material and ten soldiers from Cyprus in the context of the "Unficyp", the UN peacekeeping mission on Cypriot territory. The military airplane had a breakdown to an engine last Saturday... more

ReportCopilot's sudden illness: easyJet airplane delays departure from Venice
Venice, Italy - Waiting hours until a replacement arrival
It happens also to the pilots. An easyJet airplane has taken off around at midnight of yesterday rather than at 6:45pm as scheduled, from Venice-Tessera to Berlin as final destination. It would be departed... more

ReportFrance. Explosion in nuclear power station
Paris, France - Five people intoxicated but no danger of radioactive leakage
An explosion occurred this morning at around 10am in the French nuclear power station in Flamanville, low Normandy. The nr 1 reactor has been blocked and seems that there are no risks of a radioactive... more

ReportPresidential election of 2012: Sarkozy charged to have financed it with "illegal" funds
Paris, France - The ex-French president remanded
"Black" funds. Remanded the former President, Nicolas Sarkozy will have to to answer to the judges of a court about the funds used for his running at Eliseo in 2012. According to emerged by the inquiry... more

ReportUSA-Iran verbal crossfire. Khamenei to Trump: "The Iranian population will react to the threats"
Tehran, Iran - All it begins from the executive order on the entries into the USA
The ayatollah Sayyed Ali Khamenei speaks: the last "episode" ot the "tit for tat" between America and Iran caused from the executive order signed last January 27, which with the president Trump suspended... more

ReportPlanes and immigration. Appeal Court rejects Trump's request, people hurry up to enter USA
Washington, USA - A federal judge suspended his executive order and the Department of Justice lodged appeal: now the Court asks to advocate the reasons of the presidential decision
It's a race against time to boarding planes to USA after that yesterday the Appeal Court rejected the request by the United States Department of Justice against the decision of the federal judge from Seattle... more

ReportTrain disaster in Viareggio. Salvini (Lega nord) agrees with relatives: Moretti leaves Leonardo (ex-Finmeccanica)
Rome, Italy - The secretary of the party declared it in a post on web
In the aftermath of the verdict by the Lucca Court, that has imposed last Tuesday for the disaster in Viareggio (Tuscany) a 7 year sentence to the ex-CEO of RFI, Mauro Moretti, today CEO of Leonardo, ex-Finmeccanica,... more

ReportPlanes and crews. Trump's executive order creates troubles to workers
Washington, USA - Airlines are compelled to review the flying crews of aircrafts bound for Usa and to further control passengers
Donald Trump's executive order of January 27 -that banned citizens from Iran, Iraq, Siria, Libia, Sudan, Somalia and Yemen from entering the United States- created problems to air carriers. Airlines were... more

ReportAirplanes. Amsterdam Airport in tilt due to a failure to computer of the air traffic control system
Amsterdam, The Netherlands - After three hours from its beginning the delays are about a hour. Cancellations and redirections on other airports
Discomfort and long waits from this morning for delays, cancellations and redirections towards other airports due to a technical failure to the air traffic control computerized system of the Amsterdam-Schiphol... more

ReportViareggio train disaster (2). The verdict accepted in religious silence
Lucca, Italy - Same sentence of 7 years for Moretti and for Elia
A religious silence mainly by the families of the victims (32 people) of the Viareggio disaster, accepted the reading of the long legal ruling in the early hours of this afternoon. These are the last phases... more

Report14 kilos of cocaine in the nose of an American Airlines B-757 airplane
Tulsa, USA - The aircraft had just arrived from Colombia and had been stopped for maintenance
Fourteen kilograms of cocaine were found on Sunday night in the nose of a B-757 of American Airlines during a special maintenance. The plane was coming from Bogota (Colombia) and had landed in Miami, Florida.... more

ReportJudgement on Viareggio's train disaster is expected today at 3:00 pm
Viareggio, Italy - Among the defendants there is also Mauro Moretti ex-CEO of Ferrovie dello Stato and today CEO of Leonardo-Finmeccanica
The Court just met to decide the sentences at the trial for the disaster of Viareggio, in Tuscany. Judgement is expected by 3:00 pm. Judges will have to establish responsibilities of defendants regarding... more

ReportAirplanes. Heathrow Airport informs: fog on London, hardships on the air traffic
London, UK - Until now about 100 cancelled flights. Problem on the South of the Country and also at Stansted
The London-Heathrow airport informed about possible hardships today to its air traffic due to a thick fog on London and on South region of the Country. In this moment in which we write, in its account... more

ReportDonald Trump's Cabinet team
Washington, Usa - A list of the main appointments made by the new President of the United States
Donald Trump just charged the last member of his Cabinet. The appointees started working on Friday, when the President installed at the White House. A list of some key-roles follows: Vice-president... more

ReportSearch of the Malaysia Airlines airplane, flight MH370 finished
Canberra, Australia - The press release issued by JACC about it
JACC (Joint Agency Coordination Centre) of the Australian Government communicated in a press release that "Yesterday the last search vessel has left the underwater search area. Malaysia Airlines flight... more

ReportDonald Trump: NATO is obsolete and EU is not important. After decades USA and Russia walk arm in arm
Washington DC, USA - The words of president-elect give rise to controversies in Europe, and Kremlin laughs
The statements issued by the future president of the United States Donald Trump give rise to controversies all around Europe and get Russia's approval. In a joint interview to British newspaper "The Times"... more

ReportICAO condemns Ft. Lauderdale Airport attacks
Montreal, Canada - The Organization maintains international security provisions for both airside and landside airport terminal areas
The leaders of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) have expressed their strong condemnation of the shootings at Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport in Florida, USA, and their... more

ReportSnake on board: the Emirates' link from Muscat to Dubai cancelled
Muscat, Oman - Passengers depart with delay hours, but safely
Departure cancelled due to a snake. "BBC" reported it yesterday and it makes reference point to the local press after that declared yesterday by an Emirates' spokesperson: the flight EK0863 that would... more

ReportTerrorist attacks near the airport of Mogadishu
Mogadishu, Somalia - A car and a truck-bomb exploded next to the airfield of the Somalian capital
A car-bomb exploded this morning at a security check-point at the entrance of the "Aden Adda" international airport of Mogadishu, in Somalia, killing some people. Shortly after the first attack a truck-bomb... more

ReportNiloofar Rahmani, first Afghan female pilot of military airplanes asks asylum to USA. It is treason...
New York, Usa - The Kabul's Government: "It is shameful". But the woman fears revenges after the death threats received
It has originated a case of international importance from the request of political asylum made to USA by a 25 years old Niloofar Rahmani, Afghan, first female pilot of military airplanes of the male chauvinist... more

ReportAirplane hijacked in Malta (3): perhaps the hijackers wanted to direct on Rome
Rome, Italy - The traffic at Valletta airport reopened. Some flights redirected to Catania
A post on Facebook of "Libya Channel" emerged it and reported the declarations by the pilot of the A-320's hijacked airplane, Ali Millad: "The hijackers wanted to land with the airplane in Rome". According... more

ReportFlight data and voice recorders recovered from Russian Il-18 aircraft
Jakutia, Russia - Updates on the military airplane crashed in emergency landing on Monday morning
According to Russian Defense Ministry’s sources flight data and voice recorders were recovered from the Ilyushin-18 aircraft forced to make an emergency landing on Monday, December 19, at 39 kilometers f... more

ReportMinister Alfano: "To Ukraine, from Italy, 1 million euros in humanitarian aid"
Rome, Italy - Divided into two funding packages
The Italian Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation Angelino Alfano declared: "Italy has approved an emergency contribution of 1 million euros, divided into two funding packages: an initial... more

ReportManhattan: that airplane at low altitude that has terrorized citizens and authorities
New York, Usa - It was a C-130 in mapping mission of the area around the Trump Tower
The American authorities, according to the "NBC" reported in these hours, have been to clarify a fact that has put an alarm status all Manahattan, when a C-130 military airplane has begun to fly over persistently... more

ReportThe new Italian Government: the Gentiloni's ministers. Delrio remains at the Transports. This morning the presentation at the Chamber
Rome, Italy - No change at Defence, where Roberta Pinotti stays took office
The ministers of the Gentiloni's Government: All confirmed: Pier Carlo Padoan, Economy ministry Carlo Calenda, Economic development Roberta Pinotti, remains at the Defence Beatrice Lorenzin Health... more

ReportPakistan B-777 airplane executes an emergency landing in Manchester due to bathrooms fault
Rome, Italy - An airline passenger threw “something solid” in the toilet, causing the aircraft a forced stop in the UK
A Pakistan B-777 airplane was flying yesterday –Sunday 20th November- from Toronto to Lahore, when it had an unscheduled stopover in Manchester. In a statement, Pakistan International Airlines said t... more

ReportHelvetic fighters escort Russian airplane: it is conflict with Moscow
Berne, Switzerland - It is standard and police procedures of the skies, Berne replies
The fact that a Russian aircraft has been escorted last Saturday by three Helvetic FA-18 Hornet fighter airplanes while it flew over the Swiss air space didn't like to Moscow. More exactly it was of an... more

ReportDiscussions. Smolensk tragedy. Anomalies inquiry and explosive on airplane: bodies to exhume -VIDEO
Warsaw, Poland - Suspects that Moscow would have changed the bodies, and traces of an explosion on board will be searched
The news reported by the Polish press in these hours. In the middle the Tupolev TU-154M airplane tragedy crashed on April 10, 2010 while it was in approaching phase at fourth attempt to landing at the... more

ReportTurkey, handcuffs in airport. Censorship to the press and political arrests: it is the Erdogan's regime
Istanbul, Turkey - After the supposed coup that made only the political game of the President
Only last facts of an escalation after the strange "Golpe" that has given reason -and justification- to the Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan to enlarge his power and make the opposition feeble,... more

ReportSnake creates panic on an Aeromexico airplane -VIDEO
Mexico City, Mexico - Slithered outside from one of the baggage compartment
A thriller scene last Sunday on an Aeromexico's passenger-airplane took off from Torreon in the North of the Country and bound for Mexico City, when a snake has appeared hanging from ceiling of the cockpit,... more

ReportAirplanes and elections. Leonardo-Finmeccanica and ENI, and the money for the White House race
Rome, Italy - Can companies at State interest bankroll political campaign of foreign Countries. An interesting article on "L'Espresso" unveils us that it made so...
"L'Espresso" on-line wrote it yesterday. The political campaign of the USA "Doesn't involved only US companies, but also Italian Groups", as the aerospace giant Leonardo-Finmeccanica and ENI (Ente nazionale... more

ReportSyrian false refugee arrested in Berlin: supposed Daesh terrorist
Berlin, Germany - He was observed for months together with a German "partner"
A Syrian 27 years old has been arrested yesterday at 9:00pm after a blitz in an apartment of the central district of Schoeneberg in Berlin. The man together with a German "Partner" was supervised for months... more

ReportEmergency in flight for A-380 airplane of BA: 25 crewmembers with sudden illness -VIDEO
Vancouver, Canada - Symptoms of smoke intoxication, according ot the Vancouver's health authorities
A British Airways' A-380 airplane, BA286 flight, that made yesterday a service from San Francisco to London, has landed at the Vancouver airport, in Canada for safety reasons. The emergency action after... more

ReportAirplanes. Strike (2): strong hardships. The ensured flights in the SPECIALS by AVIONEWS
Rome, Italy - It is recommended to inform at the airline on the flight status before arriving at airport
A bad day for the public transports today in every sectors, included transport (airplanes grounded). And strong hardships here and there that passengers suffer on many sides, included the public cars or... more

Reportal-Baghdādī Daesh leader escaped from air attack in Mosul, Iraq
Baghdad, Iraq - For only a few minutes, the Iraqi intelligence said it. A meeting among heads of the so-called caliphate was ongoing
The Iraqi security sources unveiled that Abū Bakr al-Baghdādī, the Daesh leader, has escaped for a few minutes from an air attack conducted in the Iraq territory, where it believed a meeting among heads of... more

ReportA handful of seconds avoids collision between airplanes at Brussels Airport
Zaventem, Belgium - Two passenger-aircraft involved: one in taking-off and one in landing on the same runway
The Brussels' authorities opened an inquiry on a fact happened last October 5 at the Brussels-Zaventem airport and reported only in these hours by the local edition of "Echo". A plane served by Air Dolomiti... more

ReportA ground responsible remained trapped in an airplane cargo hold that takes off: hypothermia
Lisbon, Portugal - The alarm of the colleagues has begun only after 40 minutes. The aircraft' pilot, informed, has landed in emergency
All it was calm on the scheduled flight DT-655 served last Saturday by TAAG Angola Airlines carrier from Porto (Portugal) to Luanda (Angola) and the B-777/300 plane was en route 60nm at South-East of Lisbon... more

ReportAlitalia's airplane redirects on London-Heathrow for medical emergency on board
Rome, Italy - The aircraft took off from Rome was bound for Chicago
According to that underlined by "", that reported globally the plans of all aircraft in flight, an Alitalia's airplane this morning, flight AZ628 has abandoned the scheduled route from Rome... more

ReportInspection in Fiumicino on a Vueling airplane due to a writing on the fuselage
Rome, Italy - After the controls on the aircraft the passengers departed also if with almost a 3 hour delay
It is not possible to overlook on nothing in these days, not even on an inscrutable writing marked with the index finger on a dust layer, if it is placed on the fuselage of an airplane ready to take-off.... more

ReportJetairfly airplane. Drunk steward: for the series "How to delay a flight"
Rome, Italy - Waiting hours in airport in a full hardship. And then the airplane takes off in delay with 11 passengers less
While the airplane of the Belgian Jetairfly carrier was gradually loading of passengers that from the Greek isle of Zante had to to reach Brussels, some of them already noticed the strange behaviour of... more

ReportCart rolls over passengers of an airplane at landing: five injured
Ottawa, Canada - It's happened on an Air Canada flight served on an Embraer E-190
A trolley of those used by the hostesses, not fixed well surely, during landing phase unfastened and rolling over alongside the aisle of the passenger-cabin, devastated five people, who are lightly wounded... more

ReportManila. SOS for hijacking airplane: only error by pilot that pushes a wrong button -2 VIDEO
Manila, Philippines - Strong security measures put in place at ground. Passengers "Hostage" of the authorities for two hours
On board of a B-777 airplane Flight 872 of Saudi Arabian Airlines took off this morning from Jedda, on the Red Sea, there were 410 passengers, 17 crewmembers and four pilots; clear then the alarm sprang... more

ReportIsrael: Peres had a stroke. Tension with Syria for airplane and drone shot down, but Tel Aviv denies
Tel Aviv, Israel - Rockets that have not threatened our aircraft, according to an Israeli military spokesperson
The former Israeli President, Shimon Peres, 93 years old, after a suspected stroke last Monday, following to it he has been dismissed from the hospital that had rescued him, he has had a new sudden illness... more

ReportTwo drunk pilots of United Airlines arrested
Glasgow, UK - Scheduled Flight UA162 # Departing from Glasgow
Two pilots of United Airlines (UA) of 35 and 45 years have been arrested on Sunday morning at Glasgow airport (UK) before going on board to the aircraft which would have flown from Glasgow to Newark (USA).... more

ReportF/A-18 airplane of the Swiss Air Force disappeared: the pilot trained to combat battle
Berne, Switzerland - The Swiss Confederation unveiled it in a note
A F/A-18 airplane (single seat) of the Swiss Air Force disappeared yesterday at 4:30pm resulted still so today in the area of Susten. The searches of the airplane have been started immediatly. No news... more

ReportDarrell Ward died in an airplane crash. He was one of the protagonist of the “Ice Road Truckers”, the American reality series
Clinton, Usa - Twist of fate, he was beginning the records of a documentary on airplane wreckage
Darrell Ward, the Ice Road Trucker Hero died on Saturday. The man who excited his supporters during the reality broadcast on "History Channel", which filmed him driving his colossal truck while he went... more

ReportMilitary aircraft almost "Touches" bathers on the coast of Portugal - VIDEO
Costa Nova, Portugal - The airplane was flying at low altitude because of the smoke provoked by the fires of last few days
It happened yesterday afternoon in Costa Nova do Prado, District Aveiro in Portugal. It seemed a typical day at the beach, but suddenly a thunderous noise coming from the sky. An airplane appeared from... more

ReportTask unit notice issued by the Italian Foreign Affairs Ministry on explosions in Thailandia: roads, air transports and airports regular
Rome, Italy - In case of emergency contact the Italian Embassy in Bangkok
Five explosions recorded in the morning on August 12, 2016 in Surat Thani (two), city at about 600 km from the capital, and minor explosions in Phuket (Patong) and Phang-nga (Kao Lak area) and in Hua Hin... more

ReportFloods in Skopje and Tetovo, Italy grants 200,000 euros in emergency aid
Rome, Italy - The contribuiton will help finance providing essential supplies
In response to the Government of Skopje's call for aid after the recent floods that have caused severe damage and displaced thousands, especially in the rural areas of Skopje and Tetovo, the Italian Foreign... more