20,295 news found

AirlinesAirplanes. Alitalia (3): Ambrosini, Gubitosi and Laghi will be the commissioners appointed by the Government
Rome, Italy - The council of ministers will name them at 6pm of today
The council of ministers will gather today at 6pm. It will elect three commissioners who will manage the Alitalia's extraordinary administration period and to decide also on the bridging-loan that must... more

AirlinesInaugural Korean Air flight now connects Barcelona to Far East Asia
Seoul, Korea - The route served by a B-777/200ER aircraft
Korean Air’s maiden flight KE915 from Seoul, South Korea to Barcelona, Spain touched down at Barcelona International Airport at 20:10 on Friday 28th April. The inaugural flight was welcomed by officials f... more

AirlinesEU: yes to bridging loan by the Italian Government to Alitalia up to 400 million Euros. But...
Rome, Italy - It is required that a sale be worked for, Minister Calenda says. Padoan excludes that the Italian Deposit and Loan Bank may intevene
The Italian Minister of Economic Development Carlo Calenda reported it in an interview to the tv show "Otto e Mezzo": Europe granted a "bridging loan of about EUR 400 million to the condition that a sale... more

AirlinesPlanes and crisis. CFO of Lufthansa about Alitalia: we do not want to buy it
Rome, Italy - This is the position of the German Group according to what was said in a conference call today. The possibility had been rumored by media and "hoped" yesterday by Italian Minister Calenda
The possibility that Lufthansa might be interested in buying Alitalia had been rumored so much by Italian media that yesterday the Italian Minister of Economic Development Carlo Calenda, being asked on... more

AirlinesEmirates: all flights to Spain operated by A-380 airplane
Dubai, UAE - As of next September 1st served with this model in a three class configuration
Emirates announced yesterday that all of its flights to Spain will be operated by the A-380 airplane. In addition to the existing double daily service to Barcelona, the airline will operate a double daily... more

AirlinesPlanes Alitalia (2). Poletti: to guarantee a continuity without that the airlines become an expense for citizens
Rome, Italy - The Italian Minister of Labour tells about the company in a radio interview: if shareholders will confirm the decision of the BoD it will be a duty of the special commissioners to study its future chances
The Italian Minister of Labour Giuliano Poletti confirms what he recently said and at the moment excludes that Alitalia might be nationalized. In a radio interview at the Rai show "Radio anch'io" Poletti... more

AirlinesAirplanes and Alitalia. Italian PM Gentiloni: disappointed for the missed opportunity, there aren't the conditions to nationalize
Benevento, Italy - The Italian Prime Minister on a visit in the Campania Region confirms the Government's committment to citizens, users and taxpayers. Now it is more difficult to take up the challenge
"I can't be silent about my concern for what is happening in these hours to an important Italian company as Alitalia", the Italian Prime Minister Paolo Gentiloni said this morning, commenting the situation... more

AirlinesEthiopian Airlines: for the reopening of Abuja Airport the carrier operated with first A-350/900 airplane
Rome, Italy - Currently it serves 20 weekly flights to four Nigerian cities
Africa’s largest airline group, Ethiopian Airlines, announced that it has decided to inaugurate the reopening of the Abuja Airport with its latest technology and the most modern airplane in the world, t... more

AirlinesVito Riggio President of ENAC: Alitalia (4) must appoint a special commissioner as soon as possible
Rome, Italy - He commented when reached over the phone
ENAC wants to leave the air operator's certificate (AOC) to Alitalia while waiting that in a couple of days a special commissioner will be appointed. The licence will then be suspended and a temporary... more

AirlinesPlanes and airlines. James Hogan regrets for the outcome of the referendum in Alitalia (2)
Rome, Italy - Etihad Airways backs the decision to convene a shareholders' meeting on April 27
James Hogan, President and CEO of Etihad Aviation Group and Vice-president of Alitalia said: "We deeply regret the Alitalia staff vote outcome, which means that all parties will lose: Alitalia’s employees, i... more

AirlinesPlanes. Alitalia: "Italy is a democratic Republic founded on labour"
Rome, Italy - The management must go home
The vote that was expressed by the workers of Alitalia, who rejected the pre-agreement which was signed by most of unions, airline and the Italian Government, was a vote against the current management... more

AirlinesPlanes. Alitalia (3): the BoD convenes a shareholders' meeting on April 27
Rome, Italy - After the rejection of the referendum
The Board of Directors of Alitalia, that met today, regretfully took note of the decision of their employees to not approve the pre-agreement which was signed on April 14 between the company and the union... more

AirlinesPlanes and Alitalia. The president of Intesa Sanpaolo: the bank is willing to support the airline even if it is not pleased with the investment
Milan, Italy - Gros-Pietro believes that the company is important for the good of the Country and trusts Etihad for its relaunch
Being questioned today on the occasion of an event in Milan, the president of Intesa Sanpaolo Gian Maria Gros-Pietro said that he understands the disappointment that the CEO of Unicredit Jean Pierre Mustier... more

AirlinesCALC receives most promising new stock award
Hong Kong, China - Organized jointly by Finet and of Tencent
CALC, a full value-chain aircraft solutions provider for global airlines, has won the Most Promising New Stock Award at the 2016 Top 100 HK Awards Ceremony organized jointly by Finet and of Tencent. The... more

AirlinesAlitalia to launch its first ever direct Rome-Male flight from 31 October
Rome, Italy - Route operated for the whole winter season, until 24 March 2018
Alitalia will from 31 October launch its first ever scheduled direct flights between Italy and the Maldives. The new three-weekly Rome-Male service will operate for the whole winter season until 24 March... more

AirlinesIberia presents first aircraft with new Premium Economy Cabin -VIDEO
Madrid, Spain - This summer the Spanish airline will have five such airplanes in its fleet
Iberia presented yesterday its first A-340/600 airplane fitted with its new Premium Economy. Iberia Maintenance will install the new seats on the aircraft already in airline’s fleet at its Madrid hangars, w... more

AirlinesPlanes and Alitalia. Minister Calenda: Italian Government does not want to replace private partners, no to nationalization
Rome, Italy - If workers will reject the pre-agreement by the referendum Alitalia would be liquidated, according to Italian Minister of Economic Development
"If the agreement will be rejected, investors would move away" Italian Minister of Economic Development Carlo Calenda said when he was interviewed about the referendum by the means of which the employees... more

AirlinesPlanes and Alitalia. Unions meet today to decide the rules of the referendum
Rome, Italy - One week to approve or not the agreement which was reached on Thursday night between unions and airline, on April 26 a new meeting is scheduled at MISE
Air transport unions meet today to decide the rules and the referendum question with which about 12.500 employees of Alitalia shall express their opinion about the pre-agreement that was reached last week... more

AirlinesCALC purchases new A-320/200 series aircraft
Hong Kong, China - These aircraft are scheduled for delivery in the fourth quarter of 2017
CALC, a full value-chain aircraft solutions provider for global airlines, has entered into an Aircraft Purchase Agreement with Airbus for another new A-320/200 ceo aircraft in 13 April, on top of its order... more

AirlinesAirplanes and carriers. Ethiopian and Singapore Airlines expand code-share agreement
Rome, Italy - As of next June
Star Alliance members, Ethiopian Airlines (EA) and Singapore Airlines (SIA) will expand their code-share agreement as of 1st June, 2017 offering customers travelling between Africa and Asia seamless connectivity... more

AirlinesPlanes and Alitalia (2). April 19-24: the probable days for employees' referendum
Rome, Italy - The workers of the airline shall vote on the agreement that was reached last night between unions and the company management
Tuesday 18th of April there will be a meeting with all unions to decide the days and the rules of the referendum by which Alitalia's workers shall express their opinion about the agreement whihch was found... more

AirlinesPlanes and Alitalia. Unions and airline find preliminary agreement, now there will be a referendum
Rome, Italy - The proposed solution shall be approved by employees. 980 redundancies and salaries cut by 8%
Late last night the managers of Alitalia and air transport unions that had gathered at the Italian Ministry of Economic Development for the mediation of the Government agreed on a preliminary deal on the... more

AirlinesAirplanes and strategies. Africa as destination: new conquest territory
Rome, Italy - Not only the European airlines compete to grab the promising market
A new service Paris-Accra from February, that reinforces its presence in Ghana. Not only, besides Windhoek (Namibia) and to the routes to Dakar (Senegal), and Abidjan (Ivory Coast), increased the connections... more

AirlinesEllinair’s first flight at Cologne Bonn
Cologne, Germany - Operated by its A-319 airplanes
The inaugural flight of its new airline partner, Ellinair on 8 April at Cologne-Bonn Airport. Operated by its A-319 airplanes, the new three times weekly service to Thessaloniki will be the German airport’s s... more

AirlinesEmirates receives important award
Dubai, UAE - Named Best Airline in the World in TripAdvisor Travelers’ Choice Awards for Airlines 2017
Emirates has been recognised as the "Best Airline" in the World in the inaugural "TripAdvisor Travelers’ Choice Awards for Airlines". In addition to clinching the grand prize, the carrier was the biggest w... more

AirlinesAirplanes and jobs. 100's of Cabin crew: selections in Italy
Dublin, Ireland - The dates in April and part of May
The low-cost Ryanair is currently investing over €1 billion in its Italian network, with the airline due to carry over 35 million passengers to/from Italian airports during the year. It is also currently o... more

AirlinesBritish Airways invests to boost customer experince for all -VIDEO
London, UK - £400m for the new service in the long range business class
British Airways (BA) has launched its investment plans for customers, focusing on the premium cabins and more choice and quality for all. The investments include: - £400m in Club World (long-haul... more

AirlinesRyanair warns Theresa May: if an agreement with EU will not be found soon with Brexit its planes will fly elsewhere
London, United Kingdom - For the chief financial officer of the airline without a quickly signed deal there is the risk of a long interruption of flights
Ryanair's chief financial officer Neil Sorahan sent a very clear message to the British Prime Minister Theresa May: a decision on air transport deals must be quickly taken to keep British aircraft flying.... more

AirlinesAvianca Brasil announces launch of Miami-Sao Paulo service
Miami, Usa - Daily flights on June 23
Oceanair Linhas Aéreas SA (Avianca Brasil) has announced that it will launch daily passenger service between Miami International Airport and Sao Paulo on June 23, 2017. The flights will be served by A-330/200... more

AirlinesEmirates to offer double daily services to Bali (Indonesia)
Dubai, UAE - It will connect with a number of destinations across Europe
Emirates announced yesterday that it will introduce a second daily service to the island of Bali in Indonesia, on 2 July 2017. The new service will be added to meet the growing demand for travel to and... more

AirlinesAirplanes. Alitalia: industrial action forces it to cancel 60% of flights for tomorrow
Rome, Italy - Six hour ‘window’ guarantees normal flight schedule. More than 90% of passengers already rebooked
A 24-hour trade union strike tomorrow (Tuesday 5 April) has forced Alitalia to cancel 60 per cent of its flights but the carrier will operate a normal schedule for six hours during the day of industrial... more

AirlinesAirplanes and strikes. Alitalia to minimise customers inconvenience on April 5
Rome, Italy - The airline has already rebooked 92 per cent of its customers
Alitalia has already rebooked 92 per cent of its customers impacted by industrial action on Wednesday 5 April and will operate a normal schedule for six hours during a 24-hour strike called by trade unions. A... more

AirlinesKorean Air and Delta Air Lines to deepen partnership
Atlanta, Usa - Highlights of the agreement, subject to regulatory approvals and signing of definitive contracts
Korean Air and Delta Air Lines, founding members of SkyTeam have reached an agreement to deepen their historic partnership with an expanded cooperation in the trans-Pacific network that will increase travel... more

AirlinesRyanair calls for aviation to top "Brexit" negotiations agenda
Dublin, Ireland - UK could be left with no flights to/from Europe after it
Ryanair today called on the UK Government to put aviation at the forefront of its negotiations with the EU and provide a coherent post-Brexit plan, or risk leaving the UK without any flights to/from Europe... more

AirlinesAirplanes. Alitalia: from today it moves all check-in operations to T1 in Fiumicino
Rome, Italy - New Premium Check-in Area
From 29 March Alitalia moves its check-in operations from T3 to T1 at Rome-Fiumicino International Airport. Therefore, T1 will now facilitate all its domestic, international and intercontinental flights... more

AirlinesCathay Pacific Airways and Lufthansa Group agree cooperation
Frankfurt, Germany - Connecting flights via Hong Kong to Australia and New Zealand under same flight number in future
Cathay Pacific Airways, the Hong Kong–based airline, and the Lufthansa Group, Europe’s leading airline group, will offer their passengers selected flights under their partner’s flight number in future (code... more

AirlinesEthiopian Airlines: new destinations at the end of March 2017
Rome, Italy - Victoria Falls, Oslo and Antananarivo, three of seven routes launched during the first six months of this year
Ethiopian Airlines announced the launch of flights to three new destinations (Victoria Falls, Oslo and Antananarivo) within three days, 26-28 March 2017. They are three of the seven new destinations to... more

AirlinesWizz Air commence flights to Craiova from LJLA
Liverpool, UK - This is its seventh destination from this city
Wizz Air, the low-cost airline in Central and Eastern Europe has commenced flights from Liverpool "John Lennon Airport" (LJLA) to the Southern Romanian city of Craiova. This is its seventh destination... more

AirlinesIberia: Mexico a strategic market for the airline
Madrid, Spain - The Spanish airline and Interjet tighten the links established three years ago with the signing of a code-sharing
Members of the Iberia Plus loyalty programme may now earn and redeem Avios when they fly to or from the 34 Mexican cities that Iberia offers under code-sharing with Interjet in connection with Iberia flights... more

AirlinesEuroAirport accepts Iberia new flight
Madrid, Spain - With a water salute carried out by the airport fire service upon arrival
Iberia’s first flight from Madrid to EuroAirport, serving Basel in Switzerland, Mulhouse in France and Freiburg in Germany, was accepted yesterday with a water salute carried out by the airport fire s... more

AirlinesEmirates: new A-380 airplane destinations, three continents, one day
Dubai, UAE - Tokyo-Narita, Casablanca and Sao Paulo
Emirates launched yesterday three A-380 destinations, bringing its flagship three-class double-decker aircraft from Dubai to Tokyo- Narita, Casablanca and Sao Paulo on the same day. With this triple deployment,... more

AirlinesAirplanes. Emirates introduces laptop and tablet handling service for US flights
Dubai, UAE - Electronics ban does not apply to its US-bound connections via Milan and Athens
Emirates will introduce a new service to enable customers to use their laptops and tablet devices until just before they board their flights to the US. Its customers travelling to the US via Dubai will... more

AirlinesAirplanes. Emirates reinstates third daily flight between Rome and Dubai
Rome, Italy - The link will be available as from next 26 March 2017, in conjunction with its summer schedule
Emirates announced the reinstatement of its 3rd daily flight from Rome to Dubai, offering Italian travellers with more choices for flights to Dubai and beyond to over 150 destinations via its ultra-modern... more

AirlinesCALC delivers two A-320 airplanes to AirAsia Group
Hong Kong, China - To AirAsia Berhad and Thai AirAsia
China Aircraft Leasing Group Holdings Limited (“CALC”), a full value-chain aircraft solutions provider for global airlines, announced that the Group has completed the deliveries of one A-320 each to Air... more

AirlinesAlitalia planes. Technical meetings on the new business plan started today at Italian Mise with company managers and unions
Rome, Italy - 14 long-range aircraft should enter the fleet by 2021
The first one of the technical meetings which are scheduled between Alitalia and air transport unions to discuss the business plan presented by the airline started this morning. At the meeting -that took... more

AirlinesAir Astana and Lufthansa sign codeshare agreement
Milan, Italy - With effect from 26th March 2017
Air Astana and Lufthansa have enhanced their cooperation with the signing of a code-share agreement. It is valid on its flights between Astana and Frankfurt and its connections from Frankfurt to Almaty... more

AirlinesPlanes Alitalia. 2037 dismissals and cut in salaries. The business plan of Alitalia challenges unions
Rome, Italy - Details of the plan have been reported: unions announce a strike
The rumors of the last months on the new business plan of Alitalia were confirmed on last Friday at the meeting of the management of the airline with the unions. The managers want to fire 2037 employees... more

AirlinesARI purchases six B-737/700 aged aircraft from Xiamen Airlines
Hong Kong, China - Laying a practical foundation for the asset management of mid-to-late- life fleet
Aircraft Recycling International Limited (“ARI”, the “Company”), a member company of CALC (“China Aircraft Leasing Group Holdings Limited”), the first full value-chain aircraft solutions provider in Asia, to... more

AirlinesAirplanes and pilots. Lufthansa-VC union: reached agreement until 2022
Frankfurt, Germany - Agreeement on all, and opened career prospects for pilots and trainees
Lufthansa and Vereinigung Cockpit (VC) reach comprehensive agreement on a deal to last until 2022 - Long duration and balance-sheet reduction through changes to pension liability - In return, Lufthansa... more

AirlinesAirplanes and strikes. Alitalia was forced to cancel almost 40% of its flights on 20 March
Rome, Italy - It pledges to minimise inconvenience due to air traffic controllers and air transport sector protests
Alitalia was forced to cancel almost 40% of its flights, both domestic and international, due to industrial action made by some unions of the Italian air traffic controllers that have confirmed on 20 March... more