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5,396 news found

ReportFire in Portugal kills more than sixty people, among whom also children. More than 1500 firemen in the region, Canadair aircraft have been sent too

Lisbon, Portugal - The fire that started in the forests of the Pedrógão Grande region on Saturday spread very quickly and is not extinguished yet

Sixty-two deads -of whom four children- and fifty injured people of whom 5 in serious conditions is the not yet final death toll of the huge fire that since Saturday devastated the region around Pedrógão G... more

ReportUSA launches 59 missiles against military base in Syria. Aircraft and infrastructures were hit. Russia suspends memorandum with US on Syria

Washington, USA - Trump's Tomahawks hit the Assad's base from where the Syrian military operation with chemical weapons of last Tuesday in Idlib probably started

59 Tomahawk missiles where launched last night by the United States against the Al Shayrat military base in Syria. The attack happened at about 3:40 am (local time). Aircraft, arsenals and airfield infrastructures... more

ReportPlanes and industry. 82 notifications to people under investigation: Italian Financial Police controls the account books of Finmeccanica

Rome, Italy - The behaviour of managers and employees who are accused to misappropriate money and dodge taxes is under investigation

82 people -managers and employees of Finmeccanica- would have misappropriated resources of the company between 2008 and 2014: this is what the Financial Police (Guardia di Finanza, GdF) of Rome (Italy)... more

ReportThe plane of discord. Diplomatic relations between Turkey and Holland become more and more fiery

Istanbul, Turkey - The reaction of Turkish President Erdogan does not stop, after that two of his ministers who wanted to attend electoral meetings in Rotterdam were drived back

We do not know if Dutch authority imagined such a serious diplomatic reaction when on last Saturday denied landing in Rotterdam (The Netherlands) to the plane of the Turkish Foreign Affair Minister Mevlut... more