5,396 news found

ReportUkraine: ammunition depot exploded. Closed air space -VIDEO
Kiev, Ukraine - The second fire on a facility of this kind from the beginning of the year
One of the greatest Ukraine ammunition depots located near Kalynivka, in the central region of Vinnytsia, 200 km west of Kiev, has been interested in the last days from a wide fire that has provoked a... more

ReportAttack at the London Tube, an improvised bomb explodes
London, United Kingdom - About twenty people got injured, according to British police it would be terrorism
The explosion that occurred this morning at 8:20 in a carriage of the London (United Kingdom) underground was caused by an improvised explosive device, it was the English police to confirm it and to say... more

ReportSerious North-Korean risk: one of its missiles threatens Japan and the United States
Pyongyang, North Korea - The rocket travelled 3700 km, flying over the Japanese island of Hokkaido and falling into the Pacific
On Friday morning at 6:57 am (local time) North Korea launched another missile. The rocket probably a medium-range ballistic missile departed from the Sunan base -next to the airport of the North-Korean... more

ReportHoax bomb threats in Moscow, thousands of people evacuated
Moscow, Russia - The telephone calls warning about the presence of explosive devices would have been over one-hundred; in recent days similar threats in other Russian locations
About fifty-thousand people were evacuated yesterday in Moscow (Russia) following over one-hundred telephone calls that were received by local authorities that warned about the presence of bombs. The established... more

ReportHurricane "Irma": "the greatest airlift" since the last war to help French Antilles
Basse-Terre, Guadeloupe - President Macron said that while visiting the region just after the passage of the storm
The French President Emmanuel Macron landed in the overseas French department of Guadeloupe, a territory marked by the recent passage of hurricane "Irma". From the devastated region he said about the aid... more

ReportIrritant gas at the airport of Frankfurt, 6 people treated
Frankfurt, Germany - The incident is being investigated, airport operations continue
Six people got intoxicated this morning at about 11 am at the Frankfurt Airport, experiencing breathing problems, eye irritation and needing medications. The incident took place in the Terminal 1 of the... more

ReportDrone over Saint Peter's Basilica, aircraft confiscated and charges for the owner
Rome, Italy - Italian carabinieri catched yesterday a Russian tourist who was filming in violation of Italian laws
Over the historic centre of Rome and over Vatican City there is for safety reasons a ban on flights, a no-fly zone that some tourists continue to ingnore, we do not know if for a lack of information about... more

ReportTrainer aircraft went missing in Myanmar
Yangon, Myanmar - Contacts with the airplane of the Myanmar Air Force were lost on Tuesday
Reaserches are being conducted in Burma -formerly known as Republic of Myanmar- for a trainer airplane of the Country's Air Force, that went missin on Tuesday during a training flight. The news was officially... more

ReportHurricane Irma: evacuations in the Caribbean and in Florida, the airplane of the Pope changed its route
Rome, Italy - Expected winds up to 295 km/h, the hurricane is the strongest one ever from the Atlantic Ocean
Hurricane "Irma" that with category 5 and sustained winds up to 185 miles per hour (almost 300 km/h) is the strongest one ever recorded among those started in the Atlantic Ocean, touched the first Antilles... more

ReportAirports closed in Houston for the tropical storm "Harvey"
Houston, USA - Flooding made the roads to the airports unusable. Severe damages to the region and five confirmed dead because of the bad weather
Airplanes have been cancelled and airports closed in Houston, Texas (USA) since yesterday, following the flooding caused by the tropical storm called "Harvey" by meteorologists. Arriving from the Gulf... more

ReportA Barbie doll and a luggage overweight: the attack at the airplane from Sydney was avoided in this way
Rome, Italy - The Minister of Interior of Lebanon explained it yesterday
Further details on the attack wich was blocked this July in Australia were released yesterday by the Minister of Interior of Lebanon Nohad Machnouk. According to what the press reported the four men who... more

ReportBaggage handlers strike at Brussels airport. It's chaos: a list of interested air carriers
Brussels, Belgium - Demonstration without notice of the workers
Chaos in these hours at the Brussels-Zaventem airport, where a strike without notice of the company which is responsible of baggage handling is creating many problems to passengers. The turmoil is affecting... more

ReportMan arrested in Turkey: Russian citizen close to Daesh is suspected of wanting to shoot down a US aircraft by a drone
Ankara, Turkey - The man would be also involved in the preparations for an attack to a religious minority
A man of Russian nationality -Renat Bakiev- was detained yesterday by Turkish police on charges of preparing an attack to a military aircraft of the United States by an airplane-helicopter drone. The arrest... more

ReportFight and knives at the airport of Istanbul: scuffle among 40 workers
Istanbul, Turkey - The conflict happened the night between Friday and Saturday: the employees of two rival firms operating at the airport accused to steal each other's customers
The employees of two rival transport firms operating at the "Sabiha Gökçen" Istanbul International Airport (Turkey) -the second airport of the town after that of Istanbul-Atatürk- had a fight on the ni... more

ReportMan sentenced for the airplane disaster on August 6, 2005, will not be extradited to Italy
Rome, Italy - The association of the victims calls the Minister Orlando, the French court of appeal said there was an error in the documentation
The court of appeal of Paris rejected the request of Italian authorities to extradite the Tunisian copilot -who is currently in France- that in 2013 was considered by the Italian High Court to be among... more

ReportSuspected of planning to crash an airplane, four arrests in Austrialia. Security has been raised at airports
Sydney, Australia - Police stopped four people Saturday night during searches and investigations that are not yet concluded
Very limited information were released by Australian police authorities on the details of the investigation that Saturday led to searches in the suburbs of Sydney (Australia) and to the arrest of four... more

ReportQatar and the diplomatic crisis: Saudi Arabia, UAE, Bahrain and Egypt published a new blacklist
Rome, Italy - The number of organizations and people accused of links with terrorism rises to eighty-nine
Following the diplomatic crisis that started in June between Qatar -on one side- and Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Egypt and Bahrain -on the other one- with consequences also on air transport, the... more

ReportSwitzerland reopened the case of the Swissair airplane exploded in '70, known as "Würenlingen"
Bern, Switzerland - 47 victims. The guilty parties, reknown, did never suffer a trial. New light on the matter that concealled the PLO shadow
The public ministry of the Helvetic Confederation (MPC) received a request for the reopening of the inquiry of that defined as the "Würenlingen case", when on February 21, 1970 a bomb exploded and a Convair... more

ReportNew test by Pyongyang: North Korea launches intercontinental ballistic missile, Russia and China propose a solution - VIDEO
Pyongyang, North Korea - The latest provocation heats up diplomatic relations three days before the G20
With a message on its State television North Korea celebrated on Tuesday the launch of an intercontinental ballistic missile, the last one of the many tests that were conducted this year and the first... more

ReportWoman arrested at Heathrow Airport: suspected of terrorism
London, United Kingdom - The arrest was yesterday evening, the twenty-one year old woman had just returned from the Middle East
The Metropolitan Police of London arrested yesterday at Heathrow International Airport a twenty-one year old woman under suspicion of Syria-related terrorist activities. The young woman was detained just... more

ReportHelicopters. "Bribes" by Finmeccanica to India. Second appeal towards a double international rogatory
Milan, Italy - After that asked by Delhi to Italy, one also asked by the Milan's General prosecutors. Orsi and Spagnolini still under indictment
The supposed bribes by Finmeccanica (today Leonardo) to India are again reported in these hours. It is in the context of the tender for purchase of 12 helicopters announced by the Delhi's Government (worth... more

ReportThe tension on the Baltic raises: F-16 of NATO gets close to the airplane of the Russian Minister of Defence
Moscow, Russia - According to Russian sources the aircraft would have been pushed away by a SU-27 that showed its weapons
The airplanes of the USA, NATO and those of Russia continue to fly at close range on the skies of the Baltic Sea. According to Russian sources yesterday a F-16 aircraft of NATO would have got very close... more

ReportFire in Portugal kills more than sixty people, among whom also children. More than 1500 firemen in the region, Canadair aircraft have been sent too
Lisbon, Portugal - The fire that started in the forests of the Pedrógão Grande region on Saturday spread very quickly and is not extinguished yet
Sixty-two deads -of whom four children- and fifty injured people of whom 5 in serious conditions is the not yet final death toll of the huge fire that since Saturday devastated the region around Pedrógão G... more

ReportAirlift from Iran to Qatar: four cargo planes deliver food to the emirate
Doha, Qatar - The Iranian Republic sent yesterday the first support to the Country that one week ago was cut off by Saudi Arabia and some other Arab Countries
Four cargo planes from Iran Air landed yesterday in Doha -the capital of Qatar- with fruit, vegetables and other foods to supply the population of the emirate after that Arabia Saudita, United Arab Emirates,... more

ReportAirplanes, terrorism and Gulf crisis: stop to the flights to Qatar. But "the agreement with Meridiana is not at risk"
Rome, Italy - The most serious break since constitution in 1981 of the Council of Cooperation of the Gulf
In the middle of the most serious diplomatic crisis never recorded since 1981 - year of the birth of the Council of cooperation of the Persian Gulf Countries- there is the charge to fund the terrorism... more

ReportMoscow-Rome flight. A man tries to provoke fire on an airplane: stopped at Fiumicino
Rome, Italy - Alerted by the captain during the route, the authorities have arranged psychiatric checks for him
Probably an insane action pushed an American man to try to set on fire in the toilette of an airplane of the Russian Aeroflot, that in the early afternoon of yesterday was in flight from Moscow to Rome-Fiumicino,... more

ReportItalian Minister Alfano: 200,000 euros for the people struck by the floods in Sri Lanka
Rome, Italy - "Used to distribute food rations to the civilian population in the Country’s monsoon-struck centre-southern provinces"
“Italy has immediately wanted to make a contribution to face the serious humanitarian crisis caused by the recent floods in Sri Lanka", said the Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, A... more

ReportBomb explodes after concert in Manchester, twenty-two persons including children died and dozens got wounded
Manchester, United Kingdom - The attack probably by a kamikaze happened yesterday night at an arena crowded with young people
An attack happened yesterday night in Manchester (United Kingdom) at the end of Ariana Grande's concert at the Manchester Arena, a place that may accomodate twenty-one thousand people. The young American... more

ReportHybrid aircraft: the Airlander 10 is back to skies, it is the largest aircraft in the world -2 VIDEOS
Bedford, United Kingdom - After the accident that happened last year Hybrid Air Vehicles successfully made a new flight test
After the accident that occurred in August of last year when it crashed to the ground on his second flight test, on Wednesday night the largest hybrid aircraft in the world, the Airlander 10 returned to... more

ReportAlfano: "Grief and dismay for the terrible attack in Paris"
Rome, Italy - The Italian Foreign Ministry's Crisis Unit is operative
"Grief and dismay for the terrible attack on the French Police in Paris. We are close to the families of the people involved and to France. The Foreign Ministry's Crisis Unit is operative. We advise Italians... more

ReportPlanes and fuel, BP asks 59 million dollars in damages to subsidiary of Delta Air Lines
Rome, Italy - According to the petrol giant the company Monroe Energy would have used an unfounded pretext to terminate a three-year contract for the purchase of oil
The oil Group BP started a lawsuit against Monroe Energy, a subsidiary company of Delta Air Lines that in 2012 acquired a 185,000 barrel-per-day oil refinery in Philadelphia with the aim to process oil... more

ReportPassenger pulled off United Airlines plane. CEO apologizes publicly - VIDEO
Chicago, USA - The flight was overbooked. The airline had drawn people who should leave the aircraft to board a crew and the man had refused to do so
The CEO of United Airlines Oscar Munoz appeared on television yesterday to end the controversy of the last days that followed the publication of the videos of the passenger who was brutally dragged off... more

ReportUSA launches 59 missiles against military base in Syria. Aircraft and infrastructures were hit. Russia suspends memorandum with US on Syria
Washington, USA - Trump's Tomahawks hit the Assad's base from where the Syrian military operation with chemical weapons of last Tuesday in Idlib probably started
59 Tomahawk missiles where launched last night by the United States against the Al Shayrat military base in Syria. The attack happened at about 3:40 am (local time). Aircraft, arsenals and airfield infrastructures... more

ReportBombing in Saint Petersburg, it was a kamikaze. USA ready to collaborate to defeat terrorism
Saint Petersburg, Russia - Investigations continue in the subway of the Russian city. Meanwhile Trump called Putin on Tuesday and received the Egyptian President Al-Sisi
The carnage that happened last Monday in the subway of Saint Petersburg was caused by a kamikaze who was on the train. Russian investigators also identified his name. The suicide attacker would have been... more

ReportSaint Petersburg. The train driver prevented a greater number of victims
Saint Petersburg, Russia - Authorities declared three days of mourning. Condolences offered by leaders from every part of the world
Three days of mourning were declared by the Governor of Saint Petersburg Georgy Poltavchenko to commemorate the victims of the bombing in the subway of the Russian town that caused the death of 9 people... more

ReportAirplane transported rhinos from South Africa to Botswana: towards a free life from the poaching
Cape Town, South Africa - A project to contributes to salvage of the species
"It called 'Rhino without borders' and it is an organization that aiming at the salvage of the species, works to the transfer project from South Africa to Botswana of 100 examplaries of white rhino. The... more

ReportPlanes and security. Saint Petersburg attack (2): the airport increases surveillance -VIDEO
Saint Petersburg, Russia - Inspections and controls have been tightened after the bombing occurred in the subway station
The airport of Saint Petersburg has tightened the controls at the entrance, on luggage and before boarding the airplanes after that an explosion in the subway of the city killed 9 and wounded dozens of... more

ReportCo-pilot of American Arlines B-737 plane dies during commercial flight: 142 people were on board
Albuquerque, USA - It happened on Wednesday afternoon. The aircraft departed from Dallas with destination New Mexico and regularly landed to its destination
A pilot from American Airlines died on Wednesday afternoon while he was co-piloting a B-737 plane which had departed from the Dallas-Forth Worth International Airport in Texas (USA) and was heading to... more

ReportPlanes and industry. Judge of preliminary hearing puts Alessandro Profumo on trial as former president of MPS
Rome, Italy - In 2014 a businessman accused two Italian banks -among which MPS- to practice interest rate exceeding the allowed limits
According to press reports the future CEO of Leonardo Alessandro Profumo would have been put on trial as former president of the Italian Bank Monte dei Paschi di Siena (MPS) for a legal proceeding that... more

ReportAirplane crashed in South Sudan (2): occupants all safe
Wau, South Sudan - A spokesperson of the South Supreme Airlines affirmed it
Further details on the crash occurred to the airplane of South Supreme Airlines on the runway of the South-Sudanese airport of Wam arrive always by the local newspaper "National Courier", that on its... more

ReportPlanes and denials. Trump's executive order on entries into the United States is blocked again
Washington, USA - Judge in Hawaii suspends the ban nationwide, believing it is discriminatory
The executive order which was signed on March 6 by the US President Donald Trump has been temporarily suspended just before it became effective. Because of the disputes and the problems in airports that... more

ReportPlanes and industry. 82 notifications to people under investigation: Italian Financial Police controls the account books of Finmeccanica
Rome, Italy - The behaviour of managers and employees who are accused to misappropriate money and dodge taxes is under investigation
82 people -managers and employees of Finmeccanica- would have misappropriated resources of the company between 2008 and 2014: this is what the Financial Police (Guardia di Finanza, GdF) of Rome (Italy)... more

ReportThe plane of discord. Diplomatic relations between Turkey and Holland become more and more fiery
Istanbul, Turkey - The reaction of Turkish President Erdogan does not stop, after that two of his ministers who wanted to attend electoral meetings in Rotterdam were drived back
We do not know if Dutch authority imagined such a serious diplomatic reaction when on last Saturday denied landing in Rotterdam (The Netherlands) to the plane of the Turkish Foreign Affair Minister Mevlut... more

ReportSWISS airplane landed safely in Dakar for a technical problem
Dakar, Senegal - The pilot has observed a trouble to the fuel pumping system
A spokesperson of the same Helvetic airline SWISS (Lufthansa Group) commented news on technical inconvenience. A scheduled airplane of the carrier while it was on Zurich-Sao Paulo route yesterday night,... more

ReportAirbus Foundation and IFRC fly relief goods to Uganda by an A-330
Toulouse, France - To transport 17 tons from UK to Entebbe
The Airbus Foundation has used an A-330 test aircraft to transport 100m 3 (17 tonnes) of relief equipment and specialized water and sanitation equipment from East Midlands Airport, United Kingdom, to Entebbe,... more

ReportAirplanes. France: March 6-10, strike by air traffic controllers. Cancellations
Paris, France - From 25% to 33% of the flights annulled from/to South and West. Discomforts predicted in all Country and with a domino effect
The French air traffic controllers belonging to the UNSA-ICNA unions go on strike from today to March 10. Five days of protest that will cause the cancellation from 25% to 33% of the links (and airplanes... more

ReportAirplanes and security. Trump revises his rule of access to USA: no restriction for the Iraqi
New York, USA - The new version of the measure will be signed soon
Close sources to the White House unveiled it. It is nearly ready the new version of the measure that the new President Trump has taken compared to the visa of the access to USA that many debates had caused.... more

ReportKim Jong-nam murder in Kuala Lumpur: killed by nerve gas. The airport decontaminated
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia - The theory of hired assassins sent by North Korea damages relationships between Pyongyang and Malaysia
The Malaysian security forces unveiled the results of the autopsy on the Kim Jong nam's body, half brother of the current North Korean leader Kim Jong un, killed at half of February at the Kuala Lumpur... more

ReportEmergency landing for an Air France airplane in Brindisi: a child on board had a myocardial infarction
Brindisi, Italy - The first aid and the race to the hospital led by AMI were vain
He had already had surgery, in order to have that journey of hope from Madagascar to Paris, to be accepted in a French Center where he would be put up for adoption. But unfortunately the child, who was... more

ReportAttack at Istanbul Airport: life sentence for 45 people
Istanbul, Turkey - 41 arrested and 4 still at large
It has been about eight months since the terrorist attack that took place at the "Ataturk" airport in Istanbul, one of the most important airports in the world, on 28 June 2016 at 10:00pm (9:00pm Cet).... more