4,786 news found

HelicoptersBrindisi: Italian Firemen's AB-412 object lesson
Brindisi, Italy - During Italian Minister Pisanu's visit to the new headquarters
An Italian Firemen’s AB-412 is going to show an object lesson during the visit of Giuseppe Pisanu, Italian Home Secretary, to the new headquarters in Brindisi (south-east of Italy). The member of Italian g... more

HelicoptersEurocopter conquers Asian market
Marignane, France - The French group wants to enlarge its business focus towards East
Eurocopter, one of the world’s largest helicopter manufacturers, is conquering rapidly Eastern market (see for details AVIONEWS). From its office in Bangalore (India), the French group is enlarging its b... more

HelicoptersAlso five MI-35M in the wide Venezuelan helicopter-park
Caracas, Venezuela - Already composed by different models of the Russian Mil
Last June 10, 2005 the Venezuela’s Defense Minister signed with the Rosoboronexport State Corporation a contract for purchasing five attack helicopters MI-35 for a total of USD 35m. It deals of the second a... more

HelicoptersMilestone year for Robinson Helicopters Company
Torrace, USA - R-22 continues to be successfull
2005 has been an other record year for Robinson Helicopters Company, that produces one of the most widespread helicopter in the world: R-22. After thirty years from first test, last year the industry delivered... more

HelicoptersFour CH-53 "Sea Stallion" sold by Israel to Mexico
Mexico City, Mexico - The sale would be happened in 2005, but wouldn't be still deliveries because of payment's delays
The Fuerza Aerea Mexicana has acquired four helicopters CH-53 "Sea Stallion" by Israel cost 299 million of pesos. The payment date have to occurred within the end of 2005 but seems that didn’t happened, a... more

HelicoptersEurocopter increases its turnover in 2005
Marignane, France - French group undersigned new agreements around the world
Eurocopter, the European civil and military helicopters maker, reported its total amount about 2005. The turnover for the company was estimated around EUR 3,52bn, and the company’s current backlog amounts u... more

HelicoptersThe last three MI-35 helicopters delivered to Prague
Prague, Czech Republic - They belong to an agreement for the settlement of a debt of former URSS
Czech Republic has received the last three MI-35 helicopters (on a total of 26) that Russia delivered it by way of refund to back to URSS period. A spokesperson of LOM, Prague arsenal, announced it. The... more

HelicoptersFinmeccanica and AgustaWestland JV in Libya in the aeronautics and security systems sector
Rome, Italy - EUR 80 million contract signed for ten A-109 Power helicopters
"Finmeccanica, AgustaWestland and the Libyan Company for Aviation Industry have signed an agreement to form a joint venture called the Libyan Italian Advanced Technology Company (LIATEC). LIATEC will be... more

HelicoptersAgustaWestland launched Heat programme for EH-101 Merlin
Cascina Costa di Samarate, Italy - The launch follows the award of the MCSP programme contract announced by the UK Ministry of Defence (MoD)
"AgustaWestland has launched its Helicopter Electro Actuation Technology (HEAT) programme for the EH-101 Merlin HM Mk.1 helicopter. The launch follows the award of the Merlin Capability Sustainment Plus... more

HelicoptersAgustaWestland awarded a EUR 584 million for the upgrade of 30 Royal Navy’s EH-101
Rome, Italy - With an option for a further eight
"AgustaWestland, a Finmeccanica company, is pleased to announce it has been awarded a major contact by the UK Ministry of Defence for the upgrade of 30 EH-101 Merlin HM Mk1 helicopters under the Merlin... more

HelicoptersEnstrom received Korean and Brazilian certification
Michigan, Usa - This accomplishment follows a recent delivery of an Enstrom 280FX and a 480B to Hanseo University in Korea and a 480B to Bringer Corporation of Brazil
Enstrom Helicopter Corporation has received Korean certification for its full product line and added the 480B certification to its Brazilian ticket. Earlier this month the Republic of Korea, Civil Aviation... more

HelicoptersEurocopter: Royal Jordanian Air Force placed order for an additional four EC-635s
Marignane, France - Two of these helicopters will be delivered at the end of 2006, the other two early 2007
The Royal Jordanian Air Force (RJAF) has placed a firm order for four additional EC-635 light twin-engined helicopters. This new order will further increase the existing fleet of EC-635 already in operational... more

HelicoptersIraq: American helicopter crashed
Baquba, Iraq - Two embarked militaries dead
An American military helicopter has crashed nearby of the village of Jezani al-Chol, 25 km east of Baquba, situated far from 60 km North-East of Baghdad. The Iraqi Police of Diyala unveiled it today, that... more

HelicoptersAVIONEWS visited the Italian Navy's MariStaEli Base (2). Site's history
Sarzana, Italy -
Italian Navy decided during the 60s to set a helicopter base to support ships located at La Spezia. The airport located in Luni (Sarzana) appeared an ideal solution. Such base was available for Navy in... more

HelicoptersAVIONEWS visited the Italian Navy's MariStaEli Base
Sarzana, Italy - Also two AB-212 ASWs included in the 5th Helicopter Squadron's fleet
Two AB-212 ASWs have been shown to AVIONEWS during its visit at Italian Navy’s MariStaEli Base in Luni-Sarzana, as even suitable for Special Operations. Such vehicles have been involved by changes in a... more

HelicoptersLebanon: two R-44s for training activities
Beirut, Lebanon - The Robinson helicopters available for the armed force rose to four but it is being thought to purchase additional vehicles
Lebanese Army has recently taken delivery of two new Robinson R-44 Raven II helicopters for training activities. The armed force is already provided with two aircraft of this type and so the total number... more

HelicoptersRussian Army wants 300 Mil Mi-28Ns
Moscow, Russia - The special all-weather version of the attack helicopter could gain good chances also in the international market, according to its maker
Russian Army requested some 300 Mil Mi-28N Night Hunter (Havoc), a version of the well known Russian maker with all-weather capabilities. The first one has been officially shown in recent days and the... more

HelicoptersJapan: first Longbow Apache for Army
Tokyo, Japan - With the special AH-64DJP version also optimized for aerial dogfight
Fuji Heavy Industries took delivery of the first Longbow Apache helicopter destined to Japanese Army. The armed force is going to take delivery of two AH-64DJP choppers next March, a dedicated version... more

HelicoptersUSA: too accidents during EMS operations, training and equipment must be checked
Washington, USA - The main reasons would be operations with bad weather and environmental conditions, while the FAA and the NTSB would be about to rule this sector in a firmer manner
The US Federal Aviation Administration and the National Transportation Safety Board would be about to release new rules which will restrict Emergency Medical Service activities further in the United States... more

HelicoptersLUH: US-139 configuration complete
Philadelphia, USA - The special version of the AgustaWestland A-139 proves able to fully meet the US Army's programme requirements
AgustaWestland, as partnered with L3, is ready to compete for the bid related to the new US Army’s utility helicopter (LUH, Light Utility Helicopter) and accomplished the special configuration of the A... more

HelicoptersSouth Korea: Elbit and KAI to transform the Black Hawks into SAR aircraft
Seoul, South Korea - A necessary solution in the light of the US Pave Hawk fleet withdrawal
The United States will withdraw from South Korea their Pave Hawk helicopters and South Korean authorities have to find a solution to manage the search and rescue operations. So, Government requested modifications... more

HelicoptersIndia: Army about to order 200 new helicopters
New Dheli, India - As manufactured under license, they will replace the old Chetaks and Cheetahs
Great changes are going to involve the Indian armed forces, as recently reminded by representatives from Army. The most important one certainly appears to be the one of the future integration of the three... more

HelicoptersAgustaWestland: Italian Navy NH-90 first flight
Cascina Costa, Italy - The flight lasted 35 minutes
"AgustaWestland, a Finmeccanica company, announces that the first Italian Navy serial production NH-90 took to the air on Thursday the 15th of December at AgustaWestland’s Vergiate facility in Italy. T... more

HelicoptersPawan Hans: two Dauphins for off-shore operations
New Dheli, India - The Indian company has got a fleet of some 21 AS-365s in various versions
Pawan Hans, as an important Indian company based in New Dheli and competent for providing helicopter transport services all over the country, purchased two Eurocopter AS-365N3 choppers and intends to request... more

HelicoptersEurocopter: FOCA officer investigated for a letter against the French company
Berne, Switzerland - The Helvetic officer was opposed to Army acquiring Eurocopter helicopters
He is under judicial investigation for having written a letter to Federal MPs saying he was against the purchase of new Eurocopter helicopters for Swiss Army. The matter comes from the tender for helicopter’s s... more

HelicoptersSAR: the "First time" of the S-92
London, UK - The new Sikorsky's helicopter begins operating in the Search and Rescue field with British company CHC
Despite disputes with Bristow to perform the future SAR (Search and Rescue) operations in the United Kingdom, CHC proves more quite satisfied about the choice made and based on the S-92 (see for details... more

HelicoptersKamov: a successful 2005
Moscow, Russia - Efforts in firefighting operations grew for the well known Russian helicopter group
The Russian helicopter group Kamov analysed the situation with reference to results achieved during 2005 and can really feel satisfied. The well known shipped military aircraft maker is actually increasing... more

HelicoptersUSA: helicopter market performing well but import increased
Washington, USA - US analysts would appear worried about the strong penetration capability of foreign products
Analysts put into evidence the excellent performance of US helicopter industry during 2005, most of all concerning the civil sector. Both national and international orders regarded an additional 120 choppers... more

HelicoptersWashington D.C. Metropolitan Police Department: a second Ecureuil is coming
Washington, USA - It will be even operated early in 2006
After using just one AS-350B3 Ecureuil helicopter for four years to monitor Washington’s security from above, the US city’s Police Department chose to resort to another aircraft and the second Ecureuil wil... more

HelicoptersEurocopter: multimillionaire order from South Korea
Seoul, South Korea - Bell and AgustaWestland beaten by the EADS-owned group
A spokesperson for South Korea’s Defence Ministry revealed that Eurocopter obtained an order to renew Asian nation’s military helicopters fleet totally. The tender was also attended by Italy’s AgustaWestland and B... more

HelicoptersPakistan: AB-139 supporting population hit by earthquake
Islamabad, Pakistan - Four helicopters of this type have been used by the Aga Khan-owned organization
Project named University of Central Asia designed by Aga Khan in collaboration with governments from Khazakhstan, Kyrgyzistan and Takjikistan, purchase four AgustaWestland AB-139 helicopters between 2004... more

HelicoptersBelgium selected the NH-90
Brussels, Belgium - Defence Ministry thinks about an order for ten multi-purpose helicopters
Also Belgium entered the NHI NH-90 medium multi-purpose helicopter customers list, actually the 14th state which seriously takes the hypothesis of providing with the new aircraft into account. Brussels’ D... more

HelicoptersBlack Hawk helicopters to reinforce task force "Sinai" in Egypt
Washington, USA - A record airlift on board an AN-124 aircraft
From Pope Air Force Base (North Carolina) on board a Russian AN-124 Condor plane the first five UH-60 Black Hawk choppers destined to task force "Sinai" troops in Egypt, departed last December 2. Helicopters... more

HelicoptersAmerican helicopters for next presidential elections at Haiti
Washington, USA - The final decision is a Pentagon's responsibility
Washington is considering the urgent United Nations request for 10 US helicopters to provide logistical support during upcoming elections to select both Haiti’s president and congress members. The final d... more

HelicoptersKHP: Eurocopter as a partner of KAI
Seoul, South Korea - It will produce a new military transport helicopter together with the South Korean group
Finally Eurocopter is the real winner of the bid for the KHP (Korean Helicopter Programme) programme cooperation regarding the new South Korean military transport chopper, beating Bell and AgustaWestland... more

HelicoptersRussia delivered two Mi-35 to the Republic of Burkina Faso
Ouagadougou, Republic of Burkina Faso - They were produced at Rostvertol PLC plant
Russia sent from the city of Rostov (in the South of country) two Mi-35 helicopters destined to the Republic of Burkina Faso (Western Africa). Aircraft manufactured by Rostvertol PLC plant, have been carried... more

HelicoptersLUH: Bell 412, for those who believe in a "proven" aircraft
Washington, USA - US company relies on traditional relations with US Army for the provision of choppers and the Huey heir apparent's reliability
The Us Army’s LUH (Light Utility Helicopter) programme schedules that the future utility vehicle which will replace the ageing UH-1 Huey is able to perform several tasks at best such as transport, support f... more

HelicoptersCSAR-X: flight demonstrations for the Boeing Chinook
Washington, USA - The aerospace group is competing for the USAF's bid by a special version of the CH-47
The final decision on the future Combat SAR (Search and Rescue) aircraft of USAF will be revealed by Spring next year. Boeing, which is competing for the related bid by a dedicated version of its CH-47... more

HelicoptersMH-92: a laboratory devoted to the fly-by-wire system
Washington, USA - As made by Sikorsky together with its partners, while Taiwan would intend to purchase some S-92s for SAR operations
Sikorsky group opened recently a laboratory entirely devoted to the development, integration and test of the fly-by-wire system for the MH-92 helicopter, the military version of the well known S-92 Helibus.... more

HelicoptersCJ Systems Aviation Group selected the EC-135 and the EC-145
Washington, USA - In order to modernize part of the fleet for emergency medical services operations
CJ Systems Aviation Group, as an important US company competent for providing emergency medical services, selected Eurocopter to improve its activities at some medical centres in various states. Three... more

HelicoptersTurkey: four helicopters competing for the new combat aircraft
Ankara, Turkey - Tiger, Mangusta, Rooivalk and "Erdogan" still competing while the Cobra and the Apache withdrew due to problems related to technology transfer
The US helicopter companies will not compete for the bid related to the provision of the new Turkey’s combat choppers. Problems concerning technology transfer would have led Bell (AH-1Z King Cobra) and B... more

HelicoptersHelicopter getaway: French convicts made a break from a prison
Aiton, France - Police's researches resulted vain so far
Despite of several helicopter getaways performed in the last years there are still prisons which allow choppers to land on jail’s area. On Saturday afternoon a mountain rescue aircraft landed on the y... more

HelicoptersSwitzerland: twenty EC-635s for Army
Berne, Switzerland - A spending effort for a Super Puma's simulator has also been included
Switzerland decided to purchase twenty Eurocopter EC-635 military helicopters (as the combat version of the EC-135) for its Army within the defence programme 2005. A long debate involved the selection... more

HelicoptersEnstrom: the 280 FX will monitor Republic of Georgia's security from above
Tbilisi, Georgia - Police took delivery ot two aircraft but additional orders could be made; also a 480B has been purchased in Slovenia
Republic of Georgia took deliver of two Enstrom 280FX helicopters which will be deployed by Police forces and Interior Ministry for aerial surveillance missions, within a strengthening policy for the related... more

HelicoptersCSAR-X: here are the USAF's requirements
Washington, USA - However, the armed force could ask for something more to the future Combat-SAR helicopter
USAF made requirements for the future Combat-SAR (Search and Rescue) helicopter clearer. The armed force thinks that the CSAR-X programme aircraft (some 141 airframes are scheduled to be ordered for a... more

HelicoptersPoland: competition for the provision of the new VIP institutional transport helicopter started
Warsaw, Poland - AgustaWestland, Eurocopter and Sikorsky are ready to compete
A new competition for the provision of VIP institutional transport helicopters has started. It happens in Europe as Polish Government intends to provide with new vehicles to replace the ageing Mil Mi-8s,... more

HelicoptersLIMA Air Show 2005 (2): Eurocopter proves a protagonist on the Asian market
Langkawi, Malaysia - Orders for two EC-135s, an EC-120 has been delivered to its customer and there is great interest for the AS-365N3 for offshore missions
Eurocopter’s great success on the Asian market goes on. The EADS-owned helicopter group is remarkably competitive with its products during the LIMA Air Show 2005. First of all, this company reported a... more

HelicoptersLIMA Air Show 2005. AgustaWestland delivered the first A-109 LOH for Malaysian Army
Langkawi, Malaysia - A total number of 11 helicopters of this type have been ordered
AgustaWestland officially delivered the first A-109 LOH (a special version of the LUH) utility helicopter to Malaysian Army during the LIMA Air Show 2005 (December 6-11). This aircraft, with an order for... more

HelicoptersAgustaWestland: Deftech appointed by the industry as an authorised service centre in Malaysia
Langkawi, Malaysia - The agreement was signed on December the 7th at the Lima 2005 Airshow
"AgustaWestland, a Finmeccanica company, is pleased to announce DRB-HICOM subsidiary Deftech (DRB-Hicom Defense Technologies Sdn Bhd) has been appointed as the Agusta Authorised Service Centre in Malaysia... more

HelicoptersBulgaria: 18 Eurocopter's helicopters arriving for Navy and Army
Sofia, Bulgaria - Respectively six Panthers and twelve Cougars to support the NATO standardization programme for Bulgarian armed forces
Bulgaria’s Navy and Army will take delivery of new military helicopters. Eurocopter will provide a total number of 18 rotor-winged aircraft among Panthers (six for Navy) and Cougar (twelve for Army) w... more