5,866 news found

DefenseRussia and India will build BrahMos missiles
Moscow , Russia - They can be launched from surface, air and sea
In next ten years, Russia and India will build one thousand of BrahMos missiles and the half of these will be sold to other States. This kind of missiles can find different employments, can be launched... more

DefenseEADS (6): the Defence & Security Systems Division's performances
Amsterdam, Holland - From January to September 2006
The EADS Defence & Security Systems Division increased its revenues by 4% in the first nine months of 2006, reaching EUR 3.553bn, thanks to Eurofighter -the 100th series production- and to the security... more

DefensePakistan: an undermined barrier will be built to the border with Afghanistan
Islamabad, Pakistan - Disagreement of the Afghan president Karzai
The spokesman of the Pakistani Foreign Ministry on November 6 announced the proposal of the Islamabad government to built a undermined barrier along the border between Pakistan and Afghanistan. The Kabul... more

DefenseUS Armed Forces: Rumsfeld must go away
Washington, USA - The author of an article on the official military magazines asks for that
The magazines of US Armed Forces give no confidence to Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld. "Army Times", "Air Force Times", "Navy Times" and "Marine Corps Times" ask for the departure of the Chief of... more

DefenseThe Russian Army keeps track of attention to the missile testings of Iran
Moscow, Russia - The statements of the Army's Chief of Staff
The Russian militaries keep track of attention the evolution of the missile testing realized from Iran: the Russian Army's Chief of Staff, Yuri Baluevsky, has retailed it. During a press conference, to... more

DefenseMerkel and Beck: an European army
Berlin, Germany - Both of them said they agree
German Chancellor, Angela Merkel, and the President of the Social-democratic Party, Kurt Beck, said they want the constitution of an European army. On the field of European defense and security, the two... more

DefenseThe Italian supervision in Iraq is ended
Rome, Italy - The Italian soldiers come back and are replaced by the Australian troops
The handover between the Italian soldiers and the Canadian soldiers is completed, after the Italian supervision period in Iraq, called "Operational Overwatch", and started on September 21st after the transferal... more

DefenseIran: the trainings in the Persian Gulf with the Shahab missiles' launch are started
Teheran, Iran - They will last up to November 11
The military manoeuvres of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard in the Persian Gulf are started. The national TV announced dozen of Shahab-2 and Shahab-3 missiles are been launched, and they have a range more... more

DefenseIsrael: "We will go on with with the reconnaissance flights in Lebanon"
Tel Aviv, Israel - These are the words of the Defense vice-Minister against the international protests
Israel is thoughtless about the protests of the international community (the EU representative for foreign policy, Javier Solana, had expressed severe judgements about the Israeli overflights on Lebanon)... more

DefenseLebanon: the regular Army shots against Israeli aircraft
Beirut, Lebanon - Confirmation from Tel Aviv
It increases the tension between the Lebanese regular Army and the Israeli Armed Forces. The Army of Lebanon opened fire against Israeli fighters which passed over the South Lebanon. The Lebanese command... more

DefenseJoint naval trainings between Russia and Sweden in 2007
Stockholm, Sweden - The Russian Defense Minister visits a Swedish submarine
The Russian Defense Minister, Serguej Ivanov, during a visit in a submarine of the Swedish Navy, one of the more sophisticated in the world, has made known Russia will realize in 2007, in the Baltic sea,... more

DefenseNuclear matter: North Korea accepts to resume negotiations
Pyongyang, North Korea - The discussions were interrupted last November
Some international source stated North Korea has accepted to resume the negotiations about the nuclear matter with France, USA, China, Great Britain and Germany. It seems Pyongyang has been convinced to... more

DefenseNorth Korea (3): disappointment for the IAEA's report
New York, USA - Preoccupation of the International community
The Pyongyang government is disappointment from the report of the IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) Chief Executive presented in the UN General Assembly yesterday. "The North Korean delegation... more

DefenseNorth Korea (2): realizes the launch of five missiles
Seoul, South Korea - Training against a possible attack by the side of United States
South Korean Journalistic sources make known during a military training realized last week, North Korea has carried out the launch of five missiles at short range. From the polygon based in the Western... more

Defense"Leading Eagle" military trainings in the Persian Gulf
Washington, USA - 25 States will take part to the manoeuvres
The representatives of 25 States participate to the "Leading Eagle" military trainings as from yesterday it is developing in the Persian Gulf: the press office of the American department of State has retailed... more

DefenseNATO air raid in Afghanistan, 12 died
Kabul, Afghanistan - The NATO military planes hit several buildings in the south
There would be 12 victims, according to NATO sources, of the air raid made by NATO planes last night in Afghanistan. The jets bombed some buildings in the southern zone of the Country, where the militants... more

DefenseRussia at top in the world as major supplier of armaments
Washington, USA - A worth USD 7 billion
According to a study sponsored by United States Congress, it shows in 2005, Russia has sold weapons for a value of USD 7 billion to the developing world, which represent the 23,2% of the global bargaining,... more

DefenseOlmert apologizes with Germany for the attacks to the German ships
Jerusalem, Israel - The Israeli Prime Minister also promised everything will be done to avoid these incidents to happen
Last Thursday the incident between Israeli fighters and German ships happened again near the Lebanese coasts (see for details AVIONEWS). It has been confirmed by the German Ministry of Defense. The magazine... more

DefensePakistan: air raid on a Muslim school, 80 died
Khar, Pakistan - The Pakistani Air Force bombed a "Madrasa" where some militants were hidden
The Pakistani Air Force has bombed a Muslim school in the village of Chenagai, in the northern Pakistan, killing 80 people, mostly militants. The aim of the air raid was to find some terrorists, according... more

DefenseUSA Base in Vicenza: the ok by municipal administration
Vicenza, Italy - Now the Defense Ministry must decide
With 21 favorable votes and 17 black-ball, the Vicenza's municipal administration has given the go-ahead to doubling of the Ederle Base. In reality, the Defense Ministry will have the last decision. Arturo... more

DefenseFrance and China request the end of the weapons' embargo to Beijing
Beijing, China - Since the Tian an men's repression
Yesterday, the French and Chinese government request the end of the European weapons' embargo to Beijing, in progress since 1989, following up the repression of the June 4 in Tian 'an men square. In a... more

DefenseThe "Intrepid" aircraft carrier is under restore
New York, Usa - It has been moved from New York port to Bayonne after a farewell ceremony
The museum aircraft carrier "Uss Intrepid" on November 6th will be moved from the port of New York to Bayonne in New Jersey to be put before a restore. The "Uss Intrepid" was very important during the... more

Defense"Malabar-09" training between India and USA in the Arabic Sea
Washington, USA - It predicts also a simulation of a disembark operation
Indian and the US forces have kicked off a big joint land and sea exercises off the Goa coast. US marines and specialised Indian army troops would be attempting to land sea-born expeditionary forces during... more

DefenseRussia: sea-launched ballistic missile test fails
Moscow, Russia - The first in-flight test launch was conducted September 7, 2005
Bulava intercontinental ballistic missile launched from the "Dmitry Donskoi" nuclear submarine in the White Sea self-destructed after it deviated from its trajectory, the Russian Navy press service said... more

DefenseMysterious Israeli air attack to German ships in Lebanon
Beirut, Lebanon - Yesterday evening the news of an Israeli overflight of some German ships; Tel Aviv denied
It is not very clear what happened yesterday when some F-16 airplanes of the Israeli Air Force seemed to having shot some rockets near German ships on the Lebanon water. The Israeli planes were flying... more

DefenseBush: "More troops to Iraq"
Washington, Usa - The American President launches a warning to the Iraqi Premier
President of the United States, George W. Bush, launched a clear warning to the Iraqi Premier, Nouri al Maliki, asking for a serious engagement for peace in the Country. "Our patience is not unlimited-... more

Defense"Euronaval 2006" (2): Stealth technology employed on the Russian units
Paris, France - The latest fourth-generation diesel-powered submarines
Around 20 Russian shipbuilding companies will display a total of 130 units of naval equipment, many featuring stealth technology, at the "Euronaval 2006" exhibition opening in Paris on Monday, an official... more

DefenseNATO: the General Secretary Jaap de Hoop Scheffer arrived to Moscow
Moscow, Russia - The official visit started today
The General Secretary of NATO Jaap de Hoop Scheffer started today his official visit in Moscow. Scheffer will meet the Russian Foreign Minister, Serguej Lavrov, and the Undersecretary of Russian Security... more

DefenseA rocket against a French military aircraft: the rebels admit
N'Djamena, Ciad - The chief of the Ciad rebel admitted the launch; but the rocket did not hit the plane
After the initial denial, and after a few hours the rebels in Ciad admitted they had launched a missile against a French military aircraft, without hitting it. The news was given by the spokesman of the... more

DefenseIran case: short-time the resumption of the negotiations
Moscow, Russia - It will not be accepted any pressures
The Iranian ambassador in Moscow, Golam Reza Ansari, has stated his State is disposed in short time to restart the negotiations on the nuclear problem. "The Teheran government is disposed to treaty with... more

DefenseUSA: Congress oks sale of F-16 warplanes to Turkey
Washington, USA - An order for a value of USD 2,9 billion
The US Congress has formally approved a planned sale to the Turkish Air Force of 30 advanced F-16 Block 50 fighters aircraft. According to the report, Pentagon on September 28 notified the Congress of... more

DefenseLebanon: the Blue Caskets will never shoot against the Israeli fighters
Tel Aviv, Israel - By the side of UN these flights are unacceptable
Yesterday evening, the chief of the mission UNIFIL, the French general Alain Pellegrini, during an interview to the Israeli tv affirmed the UN Forces would have never opened fire against the Israeli aircraft... more

DefenseKosovo: turn over of the Italian detail
Pristina, Kosovo - General Santo leaves a post to General Borreca
Turn over of the Multinational Task Force West (MNTF-W) and in the Italian detail in Kosovo: the General Vincenzo Santo has left a post to General Claudio Attilio Borreca. The "Pinerolo" Brigade taking... more

DefenseNATO: exhibition on the special forces in Brussels
Brussels, Belgium - In occasion of the Conference Directorfor Armaments National
In occasion of the six-monthly meeting of the Conference National Armaments Director(CNAD), on October 25 and 26 the Special Operations Forces. A Strategic Enabler" exhibition will take place in the NATO... more

DefenseNorth Korea (2): a war should cost to the USA the life of 100 thousand soldiers
Washington, USA - In 1994 Clinton studied the possibility to launch an attack
A war against North Korea should cost to the USA 100 thousand lives of soldiers and should cause damages to the American economy for USD 100 thousand million: the "Newsweek" paper made known it. An article... more

DefenseLebanon: Peretz announced the overflights will continue
Tel Aviv, Israel - The Israeli Defense Minister replies to the accusation of Unifil commandant
The Israeli overflight will go on, at least until the weapon transfer from Syria to Hezbollah will continue. It has been stated by the Israeli Minister of Defense, Amir Peretz, in reply to the statements... more

DefenseNorth Korea: Japan is ready to deploy the Navy and Air Force
Tokyo, Japan - Tokyo will use ships and planes to ensure the UN sanctions to be respected
The Japanese newspaper "Yomiuri Shimbun" wrote yesterday Japan is ready to deploy all its naval and air means to ensure the sanctions imposed by the UN Security Council to the North Korea after the atomic... more

DefenseItalian Navy: the "San Marco" ship came back in Brindisi
Rome, Italy - Yesterday, on Sunday October 22
"The 'San Marco' ship by Italian Navy has returned yesterday in Brindisi's port at the end of its participation at the 'Leonte' operation for the disembarking of staff and support means to the Unifil forces... more

DefenseIsrael will not accept Iran had no conventional armament
Moscow, Russia - The Olmert statements
Israel will never accept Iran had a no conventional armament: the Israeli Premier, Ehud Olmert, has stated it. "We have not privileges to allow Iran have no conventional weapons. The Israeli government... more

DefenseNorth Korea (4): Kim Jong-Il does not want to make other nuclear tests
Beijing, China - The northern Korean dictator reassured the Chinese delegate about his intentions
Kim Jong-Il has no intention to make other nuclear tests. According to the southern Korean press agency "Yonhap", which quoted a Chinese diplomatic source, the news about three other atomic experiments... more

DefenseUnifil commandant: we must react to the Israeli air violations on Lebanon
Beirut, Lebanon - Alain Pellegrini proposed to modify the enlistment rules to react
The Unifil commandant in Lebanon, Alain Pellegrini, talks about the continuous Israeli violations of Lebanon air space. He said these violations "Cannot be accepted". The commandant of the Blue helmets... more

DefenseNorth Korea (3): dialogue of three nations in Hanoi in November
Tokyo, Japan - In occasion of the Asia-Pacific Economic Organization Forum
In November, the Japan, USA and South Korea leaders will meet in Hanoi, Vietnam Capital, to analyse the situation on the North-Korean nuclear programme: the South-Korean Department of Diplomacy has retailed... more

DefenseNorth Korea (2): China is optimistic about a revival of negotiations with Pyongyang
Beijing, China - After the visit of the Chinese delegation to Pyongyang Beijing is confident
After the meeting of yesterday between the Chinese delegation, led by State Councillor Tang Jiaxuan and Pyongyang's dictator Kim Jong-Il, China is optimistic about the good outcome of the negotiations... more

DefenseNo nuke for Japan
Tokyo, Japan - Summit between Taro Aso and Condoleezza Rice
The Japan Foreign Minister, Taro Aso, has confirmed the State has not intention to develop or dotate itself of atomic weapons. The announce has been made known during a press conference at the end of a... more

DefenseIndonesia purchases Russian submarines
Jakarta, Indonesia - Reliable and economically competitive
The Indonesian Navy plans to buy several modern diesel submarines from Russia, the Antara news agency said Thursday. The agency quoted Navy Chief of Staff Admiral Slamet Soebijanto as saying that the... more

DefenseRussia and Belarus will create an unified air defense system
Moscow, Russia - An area with an intense air traffic
Russia and Belarus will sign an agreement in the near future on forming a unified air defense system, the Russian Air Force commander said Thursday. "The documents on formation a unified air defense... more

DefenseIran case: according to Russia and Qatar have no altenative to the politic deal on the nuclear problem
Moscow, Russia - Summit between the Foreign Ministers
Russia and Qatar consider it has no alternative for the politic and diplomatic means to solve the nuclear problem of Iran: the Russian chancellery has stated it after the meeting between the Russian Foreign... more

DefenseNorth Korea (2): under control three suspicious nuclear sites
Washington, USA - Rice has started her diplomatic tour. First step Tokyo
In fear of a second nuke test, the American intelligence is observing the activities of three suspicious North-Korean sites. It is revealed by "CNN", according to which, the movements in progress in the... more

DefenseNorth Korea. Rice: "The USA will not attack Pyongyang"
Tokyo, Japan - The American government is studying any sanctions in view of the possible nuclear test
The USA has not intention to launch a military attack against North Korea and bets on the negotiations to solve the existent crisis, this has been the focus of American Secretary of State, Condoleezza... more

DefenseUkraine illegally sells the armaments to Georgia
Kiev, Ukraine - The statements of an Ukraine parliamentarian
The communist faction's manager of the Ukraine Parliament, Pyotr Simonenko, has revealed Kiev illegally sells the armaments to Georgia. "Ukraine has supplied 40 tanks to the Tblisi government, which now... more