5,866 news found

DefenseMBDA has received notification of the Scalp Naval contract
Rome, Italy - The value of the contract is about EUR 910 million
"MBDA has received the notification by French DGA (Délégation Générale pour l’Armement) of Scalp Naval contract last December 29, 2006. The agreement regards the development and the production of 250 c... more

DefenseThe nuclear strategy of China
Beijing, China - Published the "White Paper on the National Defense"
A few days ago, the "White Paper on the National Defense" that the government publishes every year, revealed. According to the data of this report, China officially stated will not use the atomic weapons... more

DefenseJapan: it negotiates the relocation of the US air base
Tokyo, Japan - For the danger that the American aircraft represent for the local inhabitants
Japanese government and the Okinawa prefecture's executives restart the talks on the relocation of the Futemma US Air Force. Premier Shinzo Abe and current Governor of the prefecture, Hirokazu Nakai,... more

DefenseUSA proposes to Japan a radar for the DAM System
Tokyo, Japan - In order to improve the detection of the North Korea's ballistic missiles
USA proposed to Japanese government to install on own territory a radar for the anti-missile system DAM, in order to improve the detection of the North Korea's ballistic missiles against the American bases... more

DefenseRussia: scraped 148 out of 197 decommissioned nuclear submarines
Moscow, Russia - The cost for each submarine is equal to USD 7 million
Russia has dismantled 148 out of 197 decommissioned Soviet-era nuclear submarines, a Russian Federal Nuclear Power Agency official said Wednesday. Russia has signed cooperation agreements on the disposal... more

DefenseThe chiefs of the European Government ask to Israel to stop the air violations in Lebanon
Brusselles, Belgium - Today it will end the summit of the European Chiefs of States in Brussels
"The European Council ask to Israel to stop the violations of the Lebanese air space by the Israeli Air Force". This is what contained in the provisional proof with the conclusions of the meeting of the... more

DefenseMMI: the ships "Etna" and "Comandante Foscari" return
Rome, Italy - On Monday morning at Taranto base
"On Monday morning December 18th 2006 the two ships 'Etna' and 'Foscari' will return to Taranto Navy Base after having operated for six months in the Arab Sea and Indian Ocean for the 'Enduring Freedom'... more

DefenseThe USA gives the go-ahead to the development of nuclear weapons of next-generation
Washington, USA - They are characterized by the "Self-destruction Technology"
The American Council for the nuclear weapons, a structure guided by five high Officers of the Pentagon and of the Department of Energy, has given the green light to the development of the war heads of... more

DefenseFinancial law 2007: a summary of the military expenses
Rome , Italy - A total expense of EUR 21 billion and 144 m
In 2007 the expense of the Italian Armed Forces will be EUR 21 billion and 144m (18.134 m of the Defense balance and 3010 added by the Financial law). The expenses has grown for several reasons: the... more

DefenseTaiwan proposes a military alliance to Japan
Taipei, Republic of China - USA as major ally
Today, an international network of Taiwan communicated the leader Chen Shui-bian proposed a military alliance between the island and Japan. "Japan, USA and Taiwan have to assume the joint responsibility... more

DefensePakistan: realized the launch of the Hatf-4 missile
Islamabad, Pakistan - The Military Department did not make known the details of the the test
Pakistan yesterday test-launched a nuclear-capable Hatf-4 (Shaheen-1) short-range ballistic missile, ables to take nuclear warhead. Hatf-4 is believed to have a range of 750 km (433 miles) and is designed... more

DefenseIndia: tested the anti-missile system
New Delhi, India - Missiles able to give nuclear warhead
In the polygon of the Orissa's State, India has realized the test of the anti-missile defense system. A Prithvi-2 ballistic missile (surface-surface class) was launched from Balasor, and in two minutes,... more

DefenseAfghanistan: Italy will not increase the military detail
Riga, Latvia - The Prodi's statements during NATO's summit
There will not be any changes in the number of Italian soldiers and means in Afghanistan: Italian Premier, Romano Prodi, has stated this one during NATO's summit in Latvia. "The extraordinary cases... more

DefenseItaly goes away from Iraq by December 2nd
Rome, Italy - It has been stated by Premier Romano Prodi
Within Saturday the last Italian soldiers will go away from Iraq, and particularly from the Nassiriya base. The operation of dismantling the Italian troops in Iraq will be completed soon. About 60/70 men... more

DefenseNATO summit in Riga today
Riga, Latvia - The USA ask for more engagements in Afghanistan
George W. Bush is looking for a receipt to solve the situation in Iraq and Afghanistan in the Baltic Countries. The American President landed in Estonia for a brief visit before the start of the NATO summit... more

DefenseNuclear matter: North Korea is ready to negotiate
Beijing, China - The Chinese summit without Russia
North Korea is ready to turn back to negotiations, after the atomic test it made last October. The announcement has been spread by Pyongyang's diplomatic sources in China, where the Countries which join... more

DefenseRoyal Navy has been hand over to Chile the "HMS Norfolk" frigate
London, United Kingdom - A deal worth GBP 134 million
With a ceremony took place in the Portsmouth naval base, Royal Navy has granted to the Chilean Navy the "HMS Norfolk" frigate, which has received the name "Almirante Cochrane". The vessel is the first... more

DefenseBelarus: a train freight with S-300 air defense missiles is arrived in the Capital
Brest, Belarus - They will be displaced near Grodno
The Defense Minister of Belarus, Leonid Maltsev, today has made known that a train freight with S-300 air defense missiles is arrived in the Capital. "They are next-generation missiles and will be displaced... more

DefenseNorth Korea accuses USA they have led aerial exercises
Pyongyang , North Korea - Other times these accuses have been launched
The North Korea has accused the United States to having done aerial exercises to increase the attack capabilities against North Korea. "More than 150 planes, included F-10s and A-10s of USAF 7th Wing have... more

DefenseBeirut: the Italian soldiers have been alerted for possible attacks
Beirut, Lebanon - In the mean time the plane with 130 soldiers of the Pozzuolo Brigade directed to Lebanon has been blocked
Beirut is armoured today for the funeral of the Lebanese Industry Minister, Pierre Gemayel, killed Tuesday evening in Beirut. The situation is considered as very worrying by Italy, which has ordered to... more

DefenseRussia: possible nuclear menaces by the side of so-called "Thugs States"
Moscow, Russia - The statements of the General Vladimir Mijailov
The General of Army Vladimir Mijailov, commandant of Russian Air Force, does not discard the hypothesis of a launch of nuclear missiles by the side of other States. "The more dangerous for Russia,... more

DefenseEDA: for first time the publication of the Defense expenditure in 2005
Brussels, Belgium - In total EUR 193 billion
The EDA, European Defense Agency, for first time gathered comprehensive data on European defence expenditures, showing that in 2005, the 24 EDA participating Member States spent EUR 193 bn on defence. This... more

DefenseASD and ROSA to host international conference tomorrow and Friday
Bucharest, Romania - On “New EU member States and security research”
"On 23rd-24th of November 2006 the Romanian Space Agency (ROSA) will organize in Bucharest the international conference on 'New EU Member States and Security Research', with the support of the AeroSpace... more

DefenseCIA: Iran has not a secret program of development for the nuclear weapons
Washington, USA - The statements of the journalist Seymour Hersh
The CIA has presented a new report to the White House, in which is affirmed Iran has not a secret program of development for the nuclear weapons. According to the American journalist Seymour Hersh,... more

DefenseThe next US strategy in Iraq
Washington, USA - Between "Go big" and "Go long"
The "Washington Post", mentioning anonymous sources from the US Defence, reported that the Pentagon has got three options to avoid a worsening in the Iraq situation: total withdrawal, troop increase or... more

Defense41st Wing: NATO's delegation in Sigonella
Catania, Italy - An exploratory visit made in the last days
"A NATO's delegation with officers of Defense and Air Force Staffs, has made in the last days an exploratory visit in Sigonella. The Comm. of the 41st Wing Antisom, Col. Pil. Antonio Di Fiore has welcomed... more

DefenseIsraeli overflights on Lebanon: France alerts anti-aircraft artillery
Beirut, Lebanon - It is not the first time the UNIFIL French command warns Israel
Moments of tension in Lebanon. As already reported by AVIONEWS, Friday Israeli military planes have flown over Lebanon, violating the Lebanon air space and also not respecting what decided by the UN resolution.... more

DefenseIran: Ahmadinejad is ready to cooperate with Italy
Rome, Italy - The Iranian President has sent a letter to Prodi
The information came out from Government sources say Iran has shown -trough a letter sent by President Mahmud Ahmadinejad to the Italian Premier Romano Prodi- the interest to cooperate with Italy and all... more

DefenseRussia: the "Iskander" new missile system will be operational in January 2007
Moscow, Russia - It will have the assessment to destroy the air defense, anti-missile's installations, the aircraft parked in the aerodromes and the systems for the civil infrastructures
The colonel Vladimir Zaritski, chief of the missile and gunnery troops, today has made known to the press, as from January 2007, first tactical-operational group equipped with the "Iskander" new missile... more

DefenseIsrael goes on with overflights in Lebanon
Beirut, Lebanon - Today another violation of the Lebanese air space
Israel continues its resolution (banned by the UN resolution) on Lebanon. The warning of the international community have not had effects; even today three Israeli planes violated the air space of Lebanon,... more

DefenseTraining operation with helicopters for the Multinational Land Force
Bolzano, Italy - In the "Francesco Baracca" airport
Slovenian and Hungarian military units of the Multinational Land Force (MLF), the multinational Force Italian led born on the framework of the "Julia" Brigade (command, tactical and logistic supports),... more

DefenseTurkey freezes the military contracts signed with France
Ankara, Turkey - For the negation of the Armenian genocide
The "CNN-Turk" Turkish network, retailing the statements of the Turkish Army's Chief, has made known Ankara has frozen all the military contracts signed with the French government. This decision of... more

DefenseJapan (2): the new missile thesis
Tokyo, Japan - Russia and USA against the positions of the premier Shinzo Abe
As much nuclear plan as ballistic, the Tokyo government, until now, trusted on the American nuclear "Umbrella", but the missile and atomic rearmament of North Korea have provoked in the archipelago an... more

DefenseJapan: initiative for an autonomous anti-missile system
Tokyo, Japan - The proposal of the premier Shinzo Abe
The day after the assertions of the right to dispose of atomic bombs, Japan has announced to want study also the possibilities to provide of an autonomous anti-missile system. This behaviour appears as... more

DefenseJapan says it has the right to have the nuclear bomb
Tokyo, Japan - The Abe's statements have came in the middle of the Iranian crisis for nuclear
Tokyo lays claim to the right to have nuclear weapons. In fact, according to what has been said by the Japanese Government after a parliamentary question, the Pacifist Nippon Constitution "Does not necessarily... more

DefenseMilitary cooperation between Italy and Russia
Rome, Italy - Today the 8th joint technical-military committee
Today the 8th meeting of the Italian-Russian committee for the technical-military cooperation will be celebrated in Rome. The representatives of two States will examine the joint project to realize for... more

DefenseEU Defense Ministers at CAGRE
Brussels, Belgium - A consideration on EU operating activities
A meeting of EU Defense Ministers took place yesterday in Brussels, on the occasion of the General Affairs and External Affairs Council of the European Union. In this field, the Ministers examined the... more

DefenseIn progress the "SEESIM 06" multinational training
Bucharest, Bulgaria - From November 7 to 17, 2006
The closing part of the simulated computer-assisted exercise "SEESIM 06" will take place next week in Skopje. The event will be organized by Macedonian Ministry of Defense. The biggest simulation exercise... more

DefenseA Chinese submarine follows an American aircraft carrier in the Pacific Ocean
Washington, USA - It has been revealed by the "Washington Times"
The "Washington Times" has revealed a Chinese submarine managed to follow to a short distance (about 8 kilometers) a naval group of the US aircraft carrier Kitty Hawk in the Pacific water, and has been... more

DefenseRoyal Navy debuts the "Largs Bay" amphibious landing ship
London, United Kingdom - These ships represent a major uplift in the Royal Navy’s war fighting capability
The newest state of the art amphibious landing ship of the Royal Navy is currently undergoing sea trials off the south coast. Due to enter service later this year, the Royal Fleet Auxiliary "Largs Bay"... more

DefenseRussia: anti-missile system in Minsk
Moscow, Russia - A reply to the sending of fighters in Poland
The Moscow government has transferred four S-300 anti-missile systems in Belarus, a move that appears a reply to the sending in Poland of 48 American F-16 fighters. A military source of the CSI (Commonwealth... more

DefenseBaikonur: launch of a RS-18 Stilet missile
Moscow, Russia - The end of the operating service has been postponed up to 30 years
yesterday, from the space base of Baikonur a Russian intercontinental RS-18 Stilet missile has been launched with successful: the press office of the Strategic Missile Troops has made know it. "The RS-18... more

DefenseLebanon, Pellegrini: "We must create a no-fly zone in the southern Lebanon"
Paris, France - The statements of the UNIFIL commandant after the Israeli mock air raid to French ships
After the recent polemics about the Israeli air raid in the southern Lebanon, and after the firm denial of Israel to end the air violations (see for details AVIONEWS), General Alain Pellegrini, commandant... more

DefenseLuni, celebrated the 50° anniversary of the Italian Naval Aviation
La Spezia, Italy - Yesterday on November 9 2006 in the MARISTAELI helicopter station
Yesterday, on November 9, in the MARISTAELI helicopter station of Luni (La Spezia province), to the presence of the commandant of the Italian Navy's Air Forces, Rear Admiral Giuseppe Cavo Dragone, the... more

DefenseFrench soldiers in Lebanon were due to shoot down two Israeli F-15s
Paris, France - It has been told by the French Defense Minister who asked for the Israeli "Provocations" to end
After the denunciation made by Germany about Israeli air incursion to the German ships in the water of Lebanon (see for details AVIONEWS), this time is France to accuse Israeli Air Force. French Minister... more

DefenseCommand exchange at the Pentagon
Washington, USA - After the Republicans' election defeat
Donald Rumsfeld has resigned. The Chief of the Pentagon, surely the most controversial member of Bush Administration, decided to give up after the Republican Party defeat in the mid-legislation elections... more

DefenseSouth Korea orders four planes
Seoul , South Korea - It has been announced by the Defense Minister
South Korea has announced today it has decided to purchase four early warning surveillance planes from Boeing for a total expense of about USD 1,6 billion (EUR 1,25 billion). Seoul has preferred the Boeing... more

DefenseAfghanistan: change of Command for the task force "Aquila"
Herat, Afghanistan - The AMI contingent in the field of the FSB
The handover ceremony of the vice-Commander of the Forward Support Base (FSB) and Commander of the task force "Aquila" in Herat, Afghnaistan, took place yesterday morning in Camp Arena base. During the... more

DefenseGeorgia is afraid to a military attack by the side of Russia
Paris, France - An action of the kind does not make sense
Georgia is afraid to a military attack by the side of Russia: the Georgian Foreign Minister, Gela Bezhuashvili, has made known this yesterday during the official visit to France. "The danger of an attack... more

Defense"Ladniy" Russian patroller will participate to NATO anti-terrorism operations
Moscow, Russia - No to expansion in Black Sea
"Ladniy" Russian patroller next year will participate to NATO anti-terrorism operations called "Energetic Efforts" which will take place in the Mediterranean: the commandant of the Russian Navy, Vladimir... more