5,347 news found

AccidentsAir carrier falls headlong in Azerbaijan (2): its black box has been found out
Baku, Azerbaijan - Local authorities are waiting for Russian and Ukrainian experts arrival
Thee air carrier which has fallen headlong today nearby Baku airport, in Azerbaijan, was Ukrainian, a Il-76 which, according to some witnesses, would have immediately started to prove shortage of air stability... more

AccidentsAir carrier falls headlong in Azerbaijan
Baku, Azerbaijan - It has fallen immediately after taking off from Baku Airport
An Azeri air carrier has fallen headlong this morning after taking off from Bina Airport, the capital one. This airplane had landed simply for refuelling activity as it was carrying on towards Kabul (Afghanistan)... more

AccidentsAermed crashed: radar traces and black box missing
Cagliari, Italy - It will be hard to find out the cause of the accident
It will not be easy to find out the cause of the accident of the Cessna Citation 500 that crashed last 24th February in a mountainous area near Cagliari, in Sardinia, when three members of crew and three... more

AccidentsSharm el Sheik air accident caused by a human error
Paris, France - As revealed by 'Le Figaro'
A human error apparently caused the tragedy of the Flash Airline charter flight occurred last 3rd January, when a Boeing 737 with 148 people onboard, mostly French, sunk in the Red Sea. The newspaper 'Le... more

AccidentsANG 210th Squadron rescue in Alaska
Anchorage, USA - A civilian pilot fallen headlong with his plane in a wood of this US state has been aided
A man whose airplane fell headlong in a wood at some dozen miles from Anchorage (Alaska) has been rescued by the Air National Guard 210th Rescue Squadron members on March 1st. The plane, a Piper PA-15,... more

AccidentsMaxi-screen for closing speech on Linate accident
Milan, Italy - Prepared in Milan's court-house for Friday
The closing speech of Public Prosecutor Celestina Gravina in the trial for the accident occurred at Milan-Linate airport on 8th October 2001 when 118 people died, which will be held on Friday, will be... more

AccidentsAn A-10 has fallen headlong in the USA
Washington, USA - The pilot died
A US Air Force A-10 Thunderbolt II attack aircraft fell headlong crashing on February 25 at 8:30pm, immediately after its taking off in the Chena Flood Plain area (Alaska). Its pilot, from Eielson base,... more

AccidentsMacedonian President's airplane: rescue team reached wreck
Skopje, Macedonia - All bodies are apparently charred. No survivors
Bosnian and Macedonian sources report that the airplane wreck - on which Macedonian President Boris Trajkovski was flying, apparently crashed in a mined field halfway between Mostar and Stolac, in Southern... more

AccidentsMacedonian President died (2) : on the plane at least 6 assistants
Skopje, Bosnia - The plane crashed maybe for bad weather conditions
The presidential aircraft with onboard the Macedonian President and at least 6 assistants was going to a meeting in the city of Mostar (Western Bosnia) when at 8:01 disappear on the radars and crashed... more

AccidentsIraq: another USA helicopter has fallen headlong
Haditha, Iraq - There are two deceased soldiers
Once again a USA military helicopter, the nth since the "Iraqi Freedom" operation beginning, has fallen headlong nearby Habitha, at some 200 km North-West from Baghdad, on the motorway which links the... more

AccidentsA Zurich Airport air-traffic controller has been stabbed
Zurich, Switzerland - He had been in service on July 1st 2002 when an in-flight collision between a 757 and a Tu-154 occurred
An air-traffic controller of the Zurich-Kloten Airport in service for the Skyguide, the company performing the airspace control in this area, has been stabbed near his house in Zurich. The victim died... more

AccidentsAn Aermed plane crashed this morning (2): heart retrieved, but is unusable
Rome, Italy - Ten years ago the two deceased physicians risked their lives transporting a heart by car
The violent crash of a Cessna 500 on the mountains near Cagliari was apparently caused by a fog bank. Six people were killed: three pilots plus two physicians and a technician of the transplant unit of... more

AccidentsLibya denies guilt in 1988 Lockerbie bombing
London, UK - Announcements in a Bbc interview
Lybia, which in August 2003 agreed to pay a USD 2.7bn compensation to the victims of the 1988 Lockerbie bombing (see AVIONEWS), denies its guilty in the bombing. Prime Minister, Shokri Ghanem, said to... more

AccidentsIndia: five killed after fire in space center
New Delhi, India - An engine has exploded
At least five died for a fire which broke today at Sriharikota space center, India's main one. The flames broke out in a solid propellant engine, said spokesman K. Ravindran, who also added: "Some people... more

AccidentsTwo Japanese military helicopters involved in a collision
Tokyo, Japan - It happened during a training stage
Two Japanese military helicopters would have run into each other in-flight and would have fallen headlong from a ceiling of some 300m. This accident has happened in the Mei prefecture territory in Japan... more

AccidentsIndia: aircraft landed with a burning engine
New Delhi, India - Happened last Friday
An American cargo jet landed to the Indian airport with a burning engine. A spokesperson of the Indian Aviation said it was an Usaf C-10. Nothing happened to the crew. more

AccidentsAn American civilian helicopter has been shot down in Afghanistan
Kandahar, Afghanistan – This attempt has been claimed by Talibans
A civilian helicopter belonging to an American company performing the building of a motorway in order to link Kabul and Kandahar (Afghanistan) was shot down on February Sunday 22. This chopper was hit... more

AccidentsRisk of collision over the French skies
Basilea, Switzerland - A Swiss International Airlines and a Klm airplane flew close
An airplane of Swiss International Airlines and a Klm airplane flew close to each other within 300 metres. The incident occurred while the French strike was in act. Is not clear if the accident can be... more

AccidentsFlight Rome-Brindisi emergency landing: public prosecutors start an enquiry
Brindisi, Italy - The risk of a collision with a military aircraft is suspected
Public Prosecutors in Brindisi started an inquiry into the emergency landing of the Alitalia Rome-Brindisi flight, which occurred last November. It is suspected that on that occasion the pilot was forced... more

AccidentsSas: final investigation report on accident on October 8, 2001 at the Linate Airport in Milan
Stockholm, Sweden - Both the Italian and the Swedish members of the Commission are in full agreement about the content of the report
The final investigation report covering the accident on October 8, 2001 at the Linate Airport in Milan is now completed. The Commission of Inquiry released the report today at press conferences in Rome... more

AccidentsCandidate for elections in Iran survives plane crash
Tehran, Iran - He was distributing electoral flyers
A candidate for next Friday's political elections in Iran was distributing electoral flyers when the airplane he was flying on crashed. The candidate, whose name is unknown, has survived. The aircraft... more

AccidentsMonte Lupone accident (2): trial postponed to 16th June
Latina, Italy - For defect of notification
As already published today on AVIONEWS, the trial against the people in charge of air rescue at Ciampino airport Riccardo Manduzio, Marco Florissi and Maurizio Cappellano, with the charge of interrupting... more

AccidentsMonte Lupone accident: air rescue to court today
Latina, Italy - Captain Poggiali died in the plane crash
The people in charge of air rescue at Ciampino airport Riccardo Manduzio, Marco Florissi and Maurizio Cappellano, will be trialled today, at Rome's Court-house, with the charge of interrupting the research... more

AccidentsEmergency landing for a Taca’s Airbus 300
El Salvador, San Salvador - An hydraulic system trouble forced an Airbus to an emergency landing
A Salvadorean Airbus 300 belonging to Taca Airline and flying from Nicaragua to San Francisco (Usa) made an emergency landing in the San Salvador’s airport. The airplane flew over the airport for about a... more

AccidentsUstica 24 years later
Rome, Italy - Tonight on Raitre a special about the trial
On 27th June 1980, a few seconds before 9 pm, a DC-9 I-TIGI by Itavia flying from Bologna to Palermo disappeared from the radar screens of the control tower of the Rome-Ciampino airport. After several... more

AccidentsSmall aircraft cuts power line but continues its flight
Grosseto, Italy - It caused a black-out on mount Amiata
A small tourism aircraft - its specifications and route are unknown - which was flying over Campagnatico, near Paganico, in the province of Grosseto, cut the cables of the power line yesterday around 3:20... more

AccidentsHelicopter crashes in Brazil, two people killed
Sao Paulo, Brazil - Entangled in high-tension cables
Two people, a flight instructor and an air force colonel, were killed yesterday onboard their helicopter, which crashed in Itarapina, province of Sao Paulo. The helicopter crashed after getting entangled... more

AccidentsPredator crashes in California during an exercise
Los Angeles, USA - No casualties
During an exercise program for pilots and experts of the Italian Air Force and Navy in the desert South of California, a Predator, manoeuvred by a ground position by and Italian pilot and a US instructor,... more

AccidentsSkyhawk crashes in West Bank
Tel Aviv, Israel - The pilot is safe
According to what has been published on Ynet, the online site of Yediot Ahronot, a Skyhawk crashed yesterday South of Hebron, probably because of a technical failure. The pilot is safe, even if his conditions... more

AccidentsAir crash in United Arab Emirates (7): the technical sheet
Rome, Italy - It's a Fokker 50
The Fokker 50, based on the successful project of F-27, is an upgraded version equipped with PW-127 engines giving better performance from short runways and in high temperatures. Here below the technical... more

AccidentsAn Iranian airplane has fallen headlong in the United Arab Emirates
Sharjah, UAE - The airplane had some 35 passengers aboard
An Iranian airplane of Kish Airways company would have fallen headlong during its landing approach at Sharjah Airport, in the United Arab Emirates. It has been reported by local police. The airplane had... more

AccidentsNew findings on the New York plane crash in November 2001
New York, USA - Many theories and few certainties
The investigation on the American Airlines Airbus A-300/600 that crashed in November 2001 on the houses of Queens, New York, killing 265 people, continues (see AVIONEWS). According to the latest conclusions... more

AccidentsFlash Airlines tragedy: the crash was probably caused by a fabrication fault
Cairo, Egypt - The fault should have been in the rudder
The investigation on the Flash Airlines Boeing 737 incident in Sharm El Sheikh waters continues. The inquirers are looking at technical fault giving a particular attention to the hypothesis of a making... more

AccidentsPlane crash in France: two casualties
Bordeaux, France - Unknown the cause
Two are the casualties of the plane crashed yesterday evening near Bordeaux, France: two 72 and 50 years old passengers died and a 53 years old woman is now hospitalized in serious conditions. A small... more

AccidentsUH-1 "Huey" crashes to north of San Diego
Washington, Usa - Three soldiers died, a wounded
According to the first news diffused from a network of San Diego, the UH-1 "Huey" would have hit against the power line during a nocturnal exercise with on board the soldiers, of which three would died... more

AccidentsSharm el-Sheikh air disaster: crime theory falls definitively
Cairo, Egypt - Black box reveals it
From the Flash Airlines black box recording about the crash offshore at Sharm el-Sheikh, two weeks ago - recaptured by "Super Achille", the third robot that has been sent from France to lead the search... more

AccidentsSpotted the flight recorder transmitter of the Boeing crashed last January 3rd in the Red Sea
Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt - While research keeps going on incessantly
The ongoing research in the Red Sea, where in January 3rd Flash Airlines Boeing 737 sunk, spotted the transmitter of one of the aircraft two flight recorders. The transmitter localization doesn’t necessarily m... more

AccidentsPlane crash in Uzbekistan
Tashkent, Uzbekistan - 37 people died
Yesterday at 19.27 local time a Yak-40 made in Russia, coming from Termez, crashed during landing in Tashkent airport. First theories held fog responsible for the accident, but today the Uzbekistan Director... more

AccidentsSharm El Sheik crash: today "Scorpio" plunges to search the flight recorders
Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt - It will work between 600 and 800 metres depth
Today the second robot, sent by France and belonging to France Telecom marine, comes into action. Apparently it will be able to recuperate the two Flash Airlines B-737/300 flight recorders, crashed last... more

AccidentsAnother US helicopter crashes in Falluja
Falluja, Iraq - It's probably an Apache
Referring to what has been said by an US soldier spokesman another helicopter, an Apache this time, crashed in Falluja, Iraq. For the moment there is no news about the dead or injured and nothing leaked... more

AccidentsCompensation agreed for the families of the UTA crash victims
Paris, France - USD 1m per family
Guillame Denoix de Saint-Marc, spokesman for the families of 177 DC-10 UTA victims crashed in the Niger desert (see AVIONEWS), has announced that today in Paris the compensation has been fixed. Each family... more

AccidentsUS helicopter crashes in emergency landing (2): probably hit by an enemy fire
Baghdad , Iraq - Up to nine the number of casualties
The helicopter, a "Black Hawk" (see AVIONEWS), crashed in Falluja, city located in the "Sunni triangle", North-West of Baghdad, during a mission of medical evacuation, probably hit by an enemy fire which... more

AccidentsUS helicopter crashes in emergency landing
Baghdad, Iraq - Dead eight soldiers
A spokesperson for the US Army informed that a Black Hawk crashed near Falluja during an emergency landing. The eight soldiers on board died. more

AccidentsFlash Airlines (2): according to radar trace irregular flight
Paris, France - It was stated by Busserau
"The aircraft had an irregular flight: ascent, horizontal level, ascent, horizontal level before the tragic descent". This is what has been said by Dominique Busserau, French Under Secretary for Transports,... more

AccidentsFlash Airlines: a more powerful robot and a third French ship for research in the Red Sea
Paris, France - Aim: Recuperate the black boxes and the bodies of the remaining last Saturday's plane crash victims
Following Achille, the first robot sent by France - currently mourning the 133 French casualties out of 148 passengers of the charter plane crashed last Saturday in Sharm El Sheikh, Red Sea - the French... more

AccidentsAir crash in Egypt (3): spotted the wreck
Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt - It's 400 metres under the sea
It seems that French divers spotted the wreck of the Boeing crashed on Saturday morning, which should be placed at 400 metre depth in the Red Sea. more

AccidentsAir crash in Egypt (2): it could have been a terrorist attack
Cairo, Egypt - It was claimed by the group Ansar al Haq
It seems that an international press agency in Cairo revelead to have received a phone call where an unknown group called Ansar al Haq apparently claimed to have organized the attack against the Boeing... more

AccidentsAir crash in Egypt: they are trying to find out the causes
Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt - France wants to find the black box
France is using every mean it has to find the answer to the air crash occurred in the morning of January 3rd in the Red Sea, where 148 people lost their lives, and 133 were French tourists. The Boeing... more

AccidentsEmergency landing in Munich
Munich, Germany - Safe the 35 people on board
This morning a Fokker 70 departed from Vienna and directed to Munich made an emergency landing on a field near the destination's airport, because of an engine problem. The aircraft probably belongs to... more

AccidentsSerbian Santa Claus chopper crashes
Belgrade, Serbia - Injured the four people aboard
Ugly adventure for the crew of a military helicopter that transported Santa Claus, waited by hundred of children in the city of Kragujevac, in the central zone of the country. The aircraft in fact crashed... more