Science and technology
4,603 news found

Science and technologyContinental Airlines forecast a higher domestic load factor in the four quarter
Houston, Usa - USD 19m is the sum of money which the carrier expects to take related to fourth quarter charges
The Houston-based carrier, Continental Airlines, forecasts to take USD 19m in fourth-quarter charges as well as a higher domestic load factor in the same quarter. In particular, the airline expects its... more

Science and technologySydney Airport and Regional Express reached deal over new facilities
Sydney, Australia - After they were negotiating for months
Sydney Airport signed a 10 year agreement with Regional Express Airlines that guarantees its passengers access to new terminal facilities at dedicated terminal. The deal includes construction of new facilities... more

Science and technologyShort-encounter yesterday between Putin and Kuchma at Vnukovo-2 Airport
Moscow, Russia - The Russian President congratulated on the way Kuchma directed the difficult situation
It was a really short meeting, some minutes long, the one occurred yesterday between Vladimir Putin and Leonid Kuchma. The two premier encountered at the Airport Vnukovo-2 (Moscow), the official air station... more

Science and technologyUSA: beyond the "future soldier"
Washington, USA - Various scientists in the United States would have started studies to change the way of thinking about defence radically
The latest innovations in the defence sector in the United States still appear pure theory but anyway interesting. Although the "future soldier" programme (actually shared by all the Western countries... more

Science and technologyParis-Levaldigi route steps off on the wrong foot
Cuneo, Italy - Keen controls from French airport authorities delayed the first new service flight
On Monday, the new Alpi Eagles route from Paris to "Olimpica" Cuneo-Levaldigi Airport (Italy) stepped off on the wrong foot: departure of flight from Paris "Charles de Gaulle" Airport scheduled at 2:00pm... more

Science and technology"Madrid Torrejon Afb Airport": casual encounter between Berlusconi and the Spanish King, Juan Carlos
Madrid, Spain - The Italian Premier was in Madrid because of the bilateral apex Berlusconi-Zapatero
It was a casual encounter the one occured yesterday at "Madrid Torrejon Afb Airport" (Spain) between Silvio Berlusconi and the Spanish King, Juan Carlos. The Italian Premier was in Madrid because of the... more

Science and technologyThe Macedonian premier Crevenkovski landed at Fiumicino's Airport
Rome, Italy - Yesterday he was met by the Macedonian Ambassador in Italy, Mirie Rusani
The President of the Republic of Macedonia, Branco Crevenkovski, who is in Italy in order to participate to the general meeting of the Atlantic Treaty's association, landed yesterday at Fiumicino's airport:... more

Science and technologyAlitalia: Malpensa-Shanghai maiden flight
Milan, Italy - Tomorrow at 11am
Alitalia and Sea (managing society of the Milan's Airports) communicate that tomorrow, on Thursday, December 2, will be the Milan-Malpensa/Shanghai maiden flight (at 11am near Malpensa Terminal 1, Infocenter,... more

Science and technologyVenice Airport: the anti-bomb security test failed
Venice, Italy - According to some rumors, Italian Police's agents would have succeeded in concealing two bombs without anything strange was found
According to some rumors, Italian Police would have performed at Venice "Marco Polo" Airport yesterday a new test aimed to verify the capabilities of the security systems at the air station in detecting... more

Science and technologyGaza Airport to be renamed after Yasser Arafat
Gaza City, Strip of Gaza - PNA's leader inaugurated it in 1998
Palestinian National Authority (PNA) unveiled that it will rename the Gaza International Airport after "Yasser Arafat" in honour of the Palestinian resistance leader died last November 11 (see for details... more

Science and technologyCapodichino's Airport: a Nigerian man, who was transporting drug was arrested
Naples, Italy - He had hidden it in the stomach
The man who was arrested at Naples-Capodichino's Airport was 27 years old: D.F. his initial alphabetical characters. The young who was coming from Lagos, through Paris, transported in his stomach 113 ovules... more

Science and technologyFast check-in at the "Changi Airport" of Singapore
Republic of Singapore, Singapore - Some automated check-in would permit it
"Changi Airport" (Singapore) introduced into its infrastructure some kiosks which are able to read fingerprints as well as facial features which would consent to avoid queue at the check-in, as this last... more

Science and technologyAEA report: Milan-Malpensa is the European airport second in the list for punctuality
Milan, Italy - There is only Frankfurt hub ahead of it
From a report of aea, Association of European Airlines, it emerged that Milan-Malpensa is the second Europe's hub for punctuality: it registered 18 per cent delays and improved its previous data, so there... more

Science and technologyNon-conventional attacks? Insects and weeds to attend to defend the civil population
Washington, USA - Some interesting researches in the United States ordered by Pentagon aim to more "natural" solutions against terrorism
Pentagon and the US Universities are carrying on several studies aimed to exploit "natural" (even if genetically modified) solutions to face the threat of chemical and bacteriological terroristic attacks... more

Science and technologyBus Express is constrained to stop its service which it was operating between Lugano and Malpensa's air station
Milan, Italy - The order comes from Swiss federal court
In spite of it being welcomed, the service related to passenger transport from Lugano to Malpensa had to be stopped: the order comes from Swiss Federal Court, which rejected the appeal by Bus Express recently... more

Science and technologySea: Cub Trasporti national strike for four hours in the air transport sector next Tuesday
Milan, Italy - Then the flights could be subjected to delays and/or cancellations in the Milan's airports
"Sea, management society of the Milan’s airports, communicates that, because of the national general strike announced by Cgil, Cisl and Uil for the air transport field next Tuesday, November 30, from 1... more

Science and technologyThe Spanish group Albertis would purchase the operator Tbi
London, United Kingdom - The operation is valued USD 1 bn
It is official: yesterday the Spanish toll road group Albertis agreed to purchase British airport operator Tbi; the operation would cost USD 1bn and would give the group the ownership of a key London air... more

Science and technologyOrio al Serio Airport: Oriocenter and low-cost fares increase passenger traffic at the air station
Milan, Italy - Few metres far from the infrastructure of Bergamo, nowadays considered a Milan airport, is erected the biggest commercial centre in Italy
Orio al Serio Airport, once a Bergamo's infrastructure nowadays considered one of the three Milan airports assisted to a considerable growth lately thanks to the attraction on foreign tourists by Oriocenter,... more

Science and technologyKazakistan's government asked foreign carriers to fly on the capital Astana
Astana, Kazakistan - Rather than on Almaty: the main commercial hub of the country
Kazakistan seems to have asked foreign carriers to fly, in next future, on the capital Astana rather than on Almaty, as it currently happens. Almaty is the ex-capital of the country and a biggest city... more

Science and technologyAVIONEWS interviewed Giovanni Maniscalco, President of Assaeroporti, on the crisis of Volare
Rome, Italy - "Such crisis generated financial loss and some 2000 redundancies"
AVIONEWS interviewed Giovanni Maniscalco, President of Assaeroporti representing Italian airports’ operators, on the crisis of Volare. According to Maniscalco, the responsabilities for such problem must b... more

Science and technologyBrazil: DLR Space Agency to support study for lightning
Sao Paulo, Brazil - Scientific researchers will work on board three aircraft based at Aracatuba Airport
Over 120 European scientists supported by DLR Space Agency will set up a lightening and storms observatory in Brazil to analyze changes in climate. The lightning hunters will work from January 26 to February... more

Science and technologyCapodichino Airport (Naples): bomb-alarm which revelead to be groundless
Naples, Italy - Yesterday a phone call at the Police signaled a suspected car inside the parking space of the air station
A car, in particular a Bmw, and a phone call, effectuated yesterday at the Police, created some panic, which then revelead to be groundless, because of a possible bomb alarm, at Capodichino Airport (Naples).... more

Science and technologyA Pakistan man was stopped at a Romanian airport; he was transporting objects made by skin of protected animals
Rome, Italy - The man risks from a minimum of one till three months reclusion
A Pakistan man, who was transporting about 90 objects made by means of skin of protected animals,(according to Washington convention), was stopped yesterday at Fiumicino airport. The man, who resulted... more

Science and technologyIsrael bars Palestinians from using "Ben Gurion" Airport (2): during last intifada clearances reduced
Tel Aviv, Jerusalem - Only PNA's representatives allowed to use it for their travels abroad
Before the outbreak of the intifada in September 2000, thousands of Palestinians used to leave the country through the "Ben Gurion" Airport (see AVIONEWS). Yet with the deepening of the conflict, the Shin... more

Science and technologyA 79-year-old woman arrested: brings a gun on board plane
Tallahasse, Usa - Also seven bullets were in her baggage
A 79-year-old woman was arrested yesterday at Fort Lauderdale International Airport in Florida after screeners found a Colt Derringer gun and seven bullets in her bag. The old lady, who was leaving by... more

Science and technologyIsrael bars Palestinians from using "Ben Gurion" Airport
Tel Aviv, Jerusalem - That is one of the most highly protected sites in the country
The Israeli Shin Bet security service would have barred Cis-Jordan and Gaza Strip Palestinians from using "Ben Gurion" International Airport, fearing terror attacks. It was revealed today on "Haaretz"... more

Science and technologyBaghdad airport: it was discovered an hand made bomb on board of a scheduled plane
Baghdad, Iraq - The air station has just been opened, after its closing, for safety reasons, on November, 8, day which assisted to the start of the attack against Falluja
There were some second terror's time at Baghdad's airport yesterday: an hand made bomb was discovered on board of a scheduled plane. The only airlines operating at that airport are Iraqi Airways and Royal... more

Science and technologyHelsinki's International airport is threaten by strikes
Helsinki, Finland - Finnair reassures that if the strike would really be on and would interest 18 hours only the effects would be minimized
A current strike by some Finland bus drivers who are protesting against the eventuality of the increase, by means of employees, of part time labor are threatening the strike would enlarge to the staff... more

Science and technologyA little plane went out from runaway at Peretola's airport
Florence, Italy - Uncertain prognosis for the pilot and the co-pilot; some light injuries for the only passenger on board of the aircraft
It was a turboprop, a Piper PA-28 model, the plane that last week-end, went out from runaway, at "Amerigo Vespucci"'s airport of Florence (Peretola) during the landing phase. The cause seems to be a sudden... more

Science and technologySea announces investments of the value of EUR 45m
Milan, Italy - The aim is the one to improve the service related to the luggage, making it more secure
Giuseppe Bencini, President of Sea (Milan airports' operator) announced, in occasion of the presentation of the new service of the Italian airline Alitalia, which would see to join Malpensa's air station... more

Science and technology7E7 Dreamliner: Puglia Region Executive provides its green light for the Grottaglie's funding
Grottaglie, Italy - Some EUR 130m to be supplied for the adaptation of the airport structure
Italian Puglia Region started its programme for the production of the Alenia Aeronautica’s project regarding the construction of some structural components for the new Boeing 7E7 Dreamliner. Executive a... more

Science and technologySwissport to extend service to Zurich and Geneva
Zurich, Switzerland - After leaving the Heathrow London Air station
Swissport UK, after to have reported that its handling operations at Heathrow Airport is ended due to financial problems (see for details AVIONEWS) is going to extend its own services to Zurich and Geneva... more

Science and technologyVienna's airport: the profit of the air station rose
Vienna, Austria - In spite of the fact that costs increased as well
The Vienna airport's operator, Flughafen Wien, announced recently, that the Vienna airport's profit rose in the first nine months of 2004 thanks to traffic passenger which rose to 17.5 per cent and in... more

Science and technologyThe Suceava's airport would offer soon its service also to Italy
Bucharest, Romania - The air station has recently been promoted to international airport
Eugen Bejinariu, Minister of the Romania's government, announced that "Stefan cel Mare" (recent name for Suceava's airport) situated in the North-East Romania has already in function customs office as... more

Science and technologyVietnam: young Buddhists leaving to India blocked from Police
Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam - Despite of they had performed all the formalities to gain passport and visa
The youngs of "Buddhists family", who were leaving to India to make a pilgrimage in order to visit places where Buddhism is born, were blocked from Vietnamese authorities due to "national safety causes"... more

Science and technologyToronto: the plan for the new airport
Toronto, Canada - But it has been branded as excessive and outmoded
Toronto's airport authority unveiled a USD 1,7bn plan yesterday to make a new air station outside the city. The new two runways of airport would be erected in Pickering, about 30 km East to Toronto: it... more

Science and technologyTraffic in the Spanish airports increased
Madrid, Spain - Those of Madrid is the air station most used
In October, the number of flights which have been operated in the Spanish airports increased by 7.7 per cent respect to the same month in 2003: also the number of passengers in transit in the Iberian air... more

Science and technologyIt was arrested a man at a Mexican air station: he was transporting cocaine
City of Mexico, Mexico - The Lithuanian man, more than fifty years old was directed to Amsterdam
Yesterday the Mexican police arrested a passenger, Lithuanian, at the international airport of the City of Mexico: the man, 55 years old, Packuckas Vytauas, was transporting in his luggage, 10 kilo-cocaine.... more

Science and technologyMilan-Malpensa Airport: Brazilian woman arrested due to drugs traffic
Milan, Italy - She was going to Turkey
The operations against drugs traffic are carrying on in the air stations of Lombardia Region in Italy: at Milan-Malpensa Airport a Brazilian woman has been arrested by Italian Guardia di Finanza because... more

Science and technologyHeathrow: 900 airport workers at risk of redundancy
London, United Kingdom - The Swissport UK closed activity at London air station due to financial troubles
Swissport UK, society for airport operations, reported that it closed its check-in and baggage sorting activities at London-Heathrow air station. It seems that the society is near to the bankruptcy and... more

Science and technologyCairo Airport overrun with locusts
Cairo, Egypt - The state of emergency has been declared
The Cairo Airport is infested with locusts: so the authority of the Middle East biggest air station have declared the state of emergency against the attack from tens locusts sprang out on the runways today.... more

Science and technologyThe "Findel" airport of Luxembourg stopped because invaded by wild pigs
Brussels, Belgium - The service stopped for an hour and an half
A really singular episode verified at the airport "Findel" of Luxembourg's Grand Duchy: an herd of wild pigs, coming from the close forest invaded the air station, causing for an hour and an half the stopping... more

Science and technologyRolls Royce and universities together to develop new electric systems for civil airplanes
Manchester, UK - In order to replace progressively the traditional hydraulic and mechanical systems favouring efficiency and lower costs
Rolls Royce started an interesting cooperation with the British university environment, in order to carry out a series of deep studies about the possibilities for increasing the existance of electric systems... more

Science and technologySydney Airport: man stopped with parrot eggs
Sidney, Australia - He was going to fly to Zurich
A 50 year man, born in Lurnea (Australia), has been stopped at Sydney Airport with 23 parrot eggs stashed into the pockets stitched in his pants. The man was going to travel by plane towards Zurich, when... more

Science and technologyRome-Fiumicino: light-tower fell down due to fierce wind
Rome, Italy - It had fallen on the cabin of a baggage transport vehicle
On Saturday morning a light-tower for aircraft parking fell at International Airport of Rome-Fiumicino because of the fierce wind. The 5 metres tower hit first a catering container near the Alitalia A-321... more

Science and technologyAeradria: first early take off of the Albatros Airways for Tirana
Rimini, Italy - The Fokker 100 took off in the afternoon of Saturday
"The first Fokker 100 of the Albanian carrier, Albatros Airways, landed last Saturday, November 13, at 5.10pm with destination the 'Mother Teresa' Airport of Tirana, in Albania. In the initial phase, the... more

Science and technologyAdF announces positive results
Florence, Italy - The Florence's air station gains 33 per cent more in comparison with the same period of last year
The operator of Florence's air station (AdF), announced yesterday which there has been a growth which in terms of percentage means 33 per cent more related to the same period of last year: in particular... more

Science and technologyZurich-Kloten: municipal executives to attend to noise issue
Zurich, Switzerland - Civic associations removed from negotiating table
The responsible for Swiss cantonal Department for Economy, Rita Fuhrer, who took on the report over Kloten Airport at early year, decided that from this moment on only the members of municipal executives... more

Science and technology"Veterans's Day" has been celebrated at Aviano's Airport
Pordenone, Italy - During the cerimony; the memory of the first American army came after the Liberation
It took place yesterday the celebration of "Veterans's Day" at the "Pagliano and Gori" airport situated in Aviano (Pordenone), in order to rember the fallen: the festivities which were really simple, focused... more

Science and technologyItalian girl arrested in Brazil for drug arrived in Milan-Malpensa Airport
Milan, Italy - At Sao Paulo Airport, Police had found eleven kilos cocaine in her baggage
A 17 Italian girl from Brescia was arrested at Sao Paulo Airport, charged of drugs trafficking. She was leaving bound for Paris with eleven kilos cocaine in the baggage. The young woman told police her... more