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2,005 news found

CuriositiesCommercial airplanes without pilots, the reluctance of passengers and the savings for the airlines

Rome, Italy - A recent analysis highlights the economic benefits for the industry and the fact that the current aversion of customers could change in the future

Pilotless airplanes "could bring material benefits": to say that is a study that was published on Monday by the Swiss bank UBS which estimated a global saving for the carriers of about 35 billion dollars... more

CuriositiesPlanes and elegance. United Airlines struggles with the question of leggings

Denver, USA - Two young girls obliged to get changed: their clothing did not comply with regulation. Suddenly there was bedlam: disputes on social media. The airline replies: leggings are welcome

United Airlines was obliged to make itself clear to defend from the disputes which started after that two young girls had to change their clothes to be allowed boarding an aircraft from the airline. Yesterday... more

CuriositiesPlanes and safe places. The future president of Somalia will be elected at the airport of Mogadishu

Mogadishu, Somalia - The decision was taken to guarantee security and regular elections. The new president will be voted today by the members of Somali parliament

Elections of the new president of Somalia are taking place in these hours at the airport of the Somalian capital Mogadishu. Air traffic was suspended and military police controls the airport. The 329 representatives... more