5,396 news found

DefenseRussia tests new ABM missile system
With success. The defense ministry spoke about it in these hours
Anti-Ballistic Missile: this is what the abbreviation ABM means, also used for new Russian defense system against ballistic missiles, successfully tested yesterday, on Wednesday October 28, 2020, from... more

AirlinesEU rejects Lufthansa appeal: "Low-cost carriers were not favored"
This is the decision of Luxembourg court
The accusations made by the airline Lufthansa against low-cost carriers, Ryanair in the first place, were returned to the sender. The Court of Justice of European Union located in Luxembourg ruled on the... more

AirportsChina recorded 10 consecutive years of safe air links
Data was released by civil aviation authorities
According to mathematical theories, 10 can be considered an "happy" number: it is therefore perhaps no coincidence that in the last few hours the Chinese civil aviation authorities recalled that there... more

PeopleInvestigation on Italian FS insurance policies, CEO Battisti against rumours
Prosecutor is investigating on old services
CEO of Italian Ferrovie dello Stato Group, Gianfranco Battisti, gave a mandate to his lawyers to proceed in court to protect his reputation regarding press rumors concerning his role in the investigation... more

AirlinesSlovenia continues to believe in a new carrier
Options are different and all possible
Who do we want to dedicate this toast to? All Slovenian citizens ask this in "Zdravljica", national anthem of the Balkan country, but perhaps an answer could have been found: the "toast" for the birth... more

AirlinesPassengers without mask, Delta updates "black list"
460 people are no longer accepted by airline
Mask is now part (and will continue to do so for a long time) of our lives. Unfortunately, many people still cannot even remotely understand its importance, as evidenced by the drastic decision adopted... more

DefenseDefence. Russia suggests new missile verification system
President Putin spoke about it this morning
An announcement aimed at avoiding the worries of the last few days. After the controversy between Russia and United States regarding Moscow missiles (read also the article published by AVIONEWS), Kremlin... more

DefenseDefence. US approves missiles sale to Taiwan
Washington fears an attack from China
Yesterday, on Wednesday October 21st, 2020, Trump administration formalized the sale of air-to-ground missiles for a total of one billion dollars to Taiwan. According to reports from the State Department,... more

AirportsBerlin-Brandenburg Airport, "government" terminal opens
German airport will be open to public on October 31st
Yesterday evening, Wednesday October 21, 2020, German defense ministry formalized the departure of operations relating to the government terminal of the new Berlin-Brandenburg airport (read also the article... more

PeopleProfumo, Bluebell fund's alarm: "Leonardo CEO risks not to travel"
Giuseppe Bivona clamored for his resignation
The controversies have not subsided at all after the conviction of Leonardo's CEO, Alessandro Profumo, a not exactly tender first-degree sentence (read also the article published by AVIONEWS). Six years... more

AirlinesFBI investigates smuggling of Aeroflot employees
Carrier crew allegedly stole electronic devices
Certainly it's not a "cold war", but Russia and United States are protagonists of a very particular investigation concerning air transport. As reported by American media in recent hours, FBI is investigating... more

AirportsPlanes. UAE and Israel, yes to agreement on commercial aviation
The signing is scheduled at Tel Aviv airport
Yesterday, on Sunday October 18, 2020, Israel and the United Arab Emirates found the decisive agreement for an air transport agreement that will affect the two countries in the future after recent peace... more

DefenseDefence. Turkey ready to test Russian missile system
Tensions with the US could increase
As reported by local media yesterday evening, Thursday October 15, 2020, Turkey would be ready to test a Russian-made missile defense system, specifically the S-400. The operation should be completed today... more

AirportsCovid, 3 tests for plane passengers arriving in Beijing
This measure refers to travellers from abroad
3 is normally considered the perfect number: perhaps this is not the reasoning that authorities in Beijing made, but from now on there will be three tests that will have to be carried out to certify the... more

Civil aviationPentagon study on covid: very low risks in planes
Filtration and ventilation are decisive - ATTACHMENT
A very low risk: even the Pentagon is unbalanced on the possible infections from covid-19 that could occur while traveling by plane (read also the article published by AVIONEWS). According to United States... more

AerospaceCondemnation of Profumo for derivatives Mps, no to resign from Leonardo
The current CEO of the Group said he was surprised and embittered
Six years of imprisonment: this is the sentence imposed in the first instance against Alessandro Profumo and Fabrizio Viola, on trial as former president and managing director of Monte dei Paschi di Siena... more

AirlinesA new "flying man" spotted by plane in Los Angeles
The same happened in California last September
Another sighting and once again in the skies of Los Angeles: it may well be a coincidence, but the crew of an aircraft of the Asian carrier China Airlines said they were sure they noticed a man in a jetpack... more

AirportsIsrael's lockdown towards the end: air travel adaptations
El Al is already organizing new connections
First Nation to formalize the second lockdown, a quarantine that is not so far from the end: we are talking about Israel (read also the article published by AVIONEWS), a country in which new restrictive... more

CuriositiesRussia, discussions on video of Su-57 without roof
Pilot of military plane had a special suit - VIDEO
A video that left half the world speechless: in the last few hours a video has spread showing a Russian military pilot while on board a Su-57 plane without any roof and at a speed that is not exactly indifferent.... more

AirportsAircraft, transport and covid. New Italy's law, measures of Government
Text was launched in the last hours - ATTACHMENTS
Italian Prime Minister, Giuseppe Conte, and Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, signed the law with new measures to combat the contagion from COVID-19. There are several measures that have to make with... more

AirportsEuropean aviation on alert for possible volcanic eruption
The alarm was raised by Iceland
Meteorological services around the world are starting to alert civil aviation for a possible volcanic eruption capable of upsetting landings and take-offs. The problem comes from Iceland: meteorological... more

AirportsMilan mayor Sala: "Italy should help management companies, not only Alitalia"
He spoke during Assolombarda assembly
Mayor of Milan, Giuseppe Sala, spoke this morning, Monday 12 October 2020, on the occasion of the Assolombardia assembly. The association event was organized at Linate airport and the Milanese mayor took... more

AirlinesCruz resigns as British Airways CEO, for IAG it is the worst crisis ever
The new manager will be Sean Doyle
The decision is official, today, Monday October 12, 2020, resignation of Alex Cruz from the role of CEO of the British Airways carrier was announced. In his place will be Sean Doyle, current CEO of Aer... more

AirportsMadrid airport: 23,000 dead chicks discovered
These animals were in the cargo terminal
A very bad discovery: according to what has been reported in recent hours by the Spanish police, 23,000 dead chicks were found in one of the cargo terminals at "Adolfo Suárez" airport in Madrid-Barajas,... more

AirlinesPlanes. BA discovers false pilot: repeat offender, worked with other airlines
Fraud will cost him a trial that will begin shortly
A sensational fraud: in Great Britain the discovery of the scam organized by a 48-year-old of English nationality who managed to fly airliners after falsifying his CV is causing a sensation. Its goal?... more

DefenseTaiwan, 4,000 military planes to respond to China since January
Tensions between Beijing and Taipei are very strong
A frightening number that continues to grow: unfortunately tensions between Taiwan and China are on the agenda and now there are also eloquent numbers as regards the continuous gasoline that is thrown... more

Civil aviationIsrael, national "Air Force One" airplane will take off in two weeks
This aircraft will have the same functions as the American one
Only two weeks: it is not an infinite wait that Israel has to wait before seeing its Air Force One take off for the first time. It will be a B-767 of El Al Airlines that will be used only by prime ministers... more

AirportsBrazil extends restrictions for foreigners: other 30 days
This measure does not concern air links
Another 30 days and the reason is always the same: new extension formalized by the government of Brazil regards the restrictions on connections with the South American nation. In short, there will still... more

Civil aviationAirplanes, low risk of contagion even with positive passengers?
Published a study by some virologists
A new study published by virologists at the Frankfurt University Hospital could further reassure about risks of contagion when traveling on board a plane. This research was conducted after having deepened... more

AccidentsAircraft: collision in flight between KC-130J Hercules and Marine F-35B
Contact during in-flight refuelling; no casualties -VIDEO
A United States Marine Corps Lockheed Martin F-35B Lightning II airplane collided with a KC-130J Hercules yesterday during an in-flight refuelling operation. The pilot of the F-35B successfully ejected,... more

DefenseRise of US military suicides after beginning of pandemic
Link between Covid-19 and these deaths is very close
An impressive increase that cannot leave indifferent: "Associated Press" agency collected the statements of various officials of United States Army and Air Force regarding suicides that have occurred in... more

AccidentsPlane crashes into a forest in France, three victims
It was a few kilometers from the landing
During today's morning, Monday 28 September 2020, a single-engine plane crashed in France causing the death of three people, that is all occupants on board. The serious accident took place near Doubs,... more

AccidentsMilitary plane crashed in Ukraine, latest updates
26 victims after the accident of last Friday
Three days ago, on Friday 25 September 2020, an Ukrainian Air Force Antonov An-26Sh plane crashed in the Kharkiv region while it was finalizing the landing phase. The number of victims is 26, to be precise... more

AirportsPlanes and quarantine, UK adds 4 new countries at risk
Air transport is further reformulated
A spectrum: the possible second lockdown that United Kingdom could decide in the next few hours following the increase in coronavirus infections is defined in this way. In the meantime, the country decided... more

AirportsEmergency landing for Air Force Two: Mike Pence aboard
It would have been a bird strike - VIDEO
In the last few hours there was some apprehension in United States after the emergency landing of Air Force Two, the Boeing C-32 that normally carries US vice president. On board was White House number... more

AirportsPlanes. UAE ready to review restrictions on Nigerian visas
Tension between the two countries lasts from August
After about a month and a half, tension between United Arab Emirates and Nigeria could ease: in August, Asian nation was forced to specify the reasons for the travel ban imposed on citizens of the African... more

AirportsPlanes. Belavia authorized for routes with Russia
Moscow gave the go-ahead to the Belarusian flag carrier
Foregin affairs news are giving less and less space to the situation in Belarus, following the turbulent re-election of the disputed President of the Republic, Alexander Lukashenko, but there are some... more

AirportsSecond quarantine for Israel, new government measures
Here's how travel and air transport will change
Not all "primates" refer to positive situations. An emblematic case is that of Israel, first country in the world that made the second quarantine to combat Covid-19 official in these hours. It is a total... more

AccidentsPlanes. Smolensk incident: Poland calls for arrest of Russian controllers
Ten years ago the Polish president and many other politicians died
Ten years ago: on April 10, 2010, a Tupolev Tu-154M aircraft of the Polish Air Force crashed while landing about 20 kilometers from the Russian city of Smolensk, killing 89 passengers and 7 members (read... more

AirportsNavalny, poisoning wouldn't have happened at the airport
Russian activist has just begun to breathe independently
An intricate story that perhaps begins to become clearer. Poisoning of Russian activist Alexei Navalny caused a sensation all over the world and the photo of the man who woke up in the hospital after... more

AccidentsB-737 Max plane crashes (2), US Congress nails Boeing
A 238-page report highlighted their responsibilities -ATTACHMENT
There is no peace for Boeing: in addition to the legal case that families of the victims of the Ethiopian Airlines accident of 2019 want to carry out with great determination (read also the article published... more

Civil aviationA-350XWB airplane with humanitarian aid to Beirut
Medicine, visors and masks, school items, electrical products and IT-equipment
Immediately after the recent blast in Beirut, Lebanon, Airbus provided satellite imagery to analyse the damage and helped government analysts, NGOs and first responders gain visibility into the catastrophe. Now,... more

AccidentsSeptember 11, 2001: 19 years ago the tragic attacks in New York
This memory is indelible: there were almost 3,000 victims
Impossible to forget where we were and what we were doing at that moment. It was exactly 19 years since terrible and disconcerting September 11, 2001, a date that changed history of the whole world forever.... more

DefenseChinese military plane shot down in Taiwan, truth or fake news?
Local authorities have not confirmed yet -VIDEO
Tension is growing stronger between Taiwan and China. After the question of the new passports introduced by Taipei that annoyed Beijing, it has spread in these hours and the news of the shooting down of... more

Civil aviationSaudi Arabia authorizes airspace overflight to other countries
Decision comes after the historic flight from Tel Aviv to Abu Dhabi
It was not the classic exception that proves the rule. Saudi Arabia announced through the State news agency that the overflight of its airspace during the historic flight from Tel Aviv to Abu Dhabi will... more

AirportsWoman walks on the wing of the plane after landing
Passenger will receive a hefty fine -VIDEO
Summer is not over finished and it can be understood the desire for a breath of fresh air when the sun begins to beat down in the hottest hours, but what committed by the passenger on a flight connection... more

DefenseChina launches two missiles after intercepting American spy plane
Rockets were a clear warning to Washington
Alleged violation of the airspace by an American spy plane in China had immediate consequences. Beijing assumed the presence of a Lockheed U-2 near the South China Sea and decided to launch two missiles... more

AirlinesCovid: Transavia worried about increased infections among the crew
Dutch airline informed workers involved
Exasperated alarmism never leads to anything good, but there is a minimum of concern among employees of Transavia Airlines, Dutch carrier that has to deal with an increasing number of infections related... more

DefenseIndia will respond with missiles to Chinese airspace violations
Tensions between two countries along the Lac are very strong
Air defense missiles and enhanced surveillance: tension between China and India is very high, after Indian Army decided to deploy troops equipped with portable rockets near the LAC (Line of Actual Control),... more

AirportsSwitzerland, first launch in history from an electric plane
World record also concerns carbon dioxide emissions
There is always a first time and the one in which Raphaël Domjan became the protagonist is really curious. The name is that of the founder of SolarStratos, a project aimed at flying a solar-powered plane... more