5,866 news found

DefenseAfter the space India aims to conquer the seas with an aircraft carrier
New Delhi, India - The building works officially started on Saturday
India is taking giant steps towards its technological and industrial development and after conquering the space, with the launch of its first satellite, moved it's aims to the seas with the construction... more

DefenseIsrael: the new weapons used during the operation "Cast Lead"
Tel Aviv, Israel - IDF Ground Forces disclosed these information
IDF Ground Forces released information about new weapons that were used for the first time by forces during operation "Cast Lead". For the past two years, the development process took place and new weaponry... more

DefenseEADS delivered the worldwide first air traffic control network
Cologne, Germany - To the flight safety branch of the German Air Force
EADS Defence & Security (DS) has delivered to the flight safety branch of the German Air Force the worldwide first air traffic control network based on the latest EUROCONTROL standard Mode S. This Mode... more

DefenseLockheed Martin to upgrade ship defense system on Turkish Navy Frigates
Marietta, USA - The US Navy recently awarded LM a contract
The U.S. Navy recently awarded Lockheed Martin a contract to upgrade the MK 92 Fire Control System on Turkey’s G-class guided missile frigates. The system upgrade will support the introduction of the E... more

DefenseRosoboronexport: Russia has a portfolio-orders for USD 20bn
Moscow, Russia - Nikolai Dimidiouk, Director of special programs of Russian Agency, said it
Russia would currently dispose of a portfolio-orders for military armaments equal to about USD 20 bn, half of them concerning the supplying of helicopters and military airplanes, according to a declaration... more

DefenseRussia-India: the interest by Moscow passes through the win of tender for IAF, between development and joint projects
Bangalore, India - And Rosoboronexport, almost sure to win, protects the national product
Summing up and announcing the winner of a tender to supply 126 multi-role combat aircraft (MRCA) to the Indian Air Force (IAF) will be one of the high points in military-technical cooperation between India... more

DefenseMedvedev-Morales: agreement for military supply
Moscow, Russia - Helicopters and technical-military cooperation
Russian President, Dmitry Medvedev, met yesterday Bolivian President, Evo Morales, in Moscow and said that Moscow was planning to supply a large number of helicopters to Bolivia. During the talks in Moscow,... more

DefenseItalian 41st Wing of Air Force: the "Noble Manta 2009" drill began last Friday
Sigonella, Italy - Air naval means of various kind employed: airplanes, ships and helicopters
"The 'Noble Manta 2009' drill, organized annually by NATO, has begun last Friday with the participation, besides Italy, of other Atlantic Alliance's Countries: USA, Germany, Great Britain, France, Spain,... more

Defense"Noble Manta", NATO exercise in the Ionian Sea
Naples, Italy - From February 13th to 27th
From February 13th to 27th, eight NATO countries will take part in the world’s largest anti-submarine exercise, "Noble Manta", which will also focus on defence against terrorism. Six submarines, nine s... more

DefenseRussia denies Black Sea Fleet poised for emergency action
Moscow, Russia - "Such reports could have been put out to deliberately fan tensions in the region"
The Russian Navy dismissed on Thursday media reports claiming that the Russian Black Sea Fleet, based in Ukraine, had been put on alert and was preparing to urgently go to sea. "I've been authorized... more

DefenseItalian Navy: Capt. "Bettica" patroller departs towards Indian Ocean
Rome, Italy - It has a crew of 78 seamen and an AB-212 helicopter
"The Capt. 'Bettica' deep sea patroller departed today from Augusta (Sicily) to carry out a naval campaign in Indian Ocean. The ship will reach the Red Sea waters, Indian Ocean and Persian Gulf, in the... more

DefenseJoint air defense for Russia and Belarus
Moscow, Russia - Signed a Memorandum of Understanding
Moscow and Minsk signed on Tuesday an agreement on the joint protection of the Russia-Belarus Union State's airspace and the creation of an integrated regional air defense network. The Kremlin said the... more

DefenseItalian Navy: NATO's naval units stop in Civitavecchia
Rome, Italy - From February 7-9
"The ships of the Standing Nato Maritime Group 2 will have a stop in Civitavecchia's port, from February 7-9. The maritime force, led by rear admiral Giovanni Gumiero, is composed of 'Zeffiro' Frigate... more

DefenseRussia: the Defense in deep crisis
Moscow, Russia - Experts count the ships at anchor
The Russian Defense would seem to live the worst moment of its history. The analysis comes from the International Institute for Strategic Studies according to which the Russian cashes would be empty, also... more

DefenseGiusto Catania: NO to the NATO AGS surveillance system in Sigonella Air Force Base
Palermo, Italy - "It will be used in the air spying in the Mediterranean area and Middle East Countries
About the installation at Sigonella Air Force Base of the NATO Air Ground Surveillance (AGS) command and control system centre, Giusto Catania, a member of the European Parliament, expressed his negative... more

DefenseBeretta obtains a maxi-order by US Army
Washington, Usa - USD 220 million as worth
The greatest order from the end of WWI, specifies Beretta Usa in a press release, that obtained by US Army: until 450,000 guns model 92FS from 9mm, for a value estimated of around USD 220 million, spare... more

DefenseChina: issued the "White paper on national defense 2008"
Beijing, China - Particular attention to the relationships between US and Taiwan
China on Tuesday issued a "White paper on national defense 2008", in which it committed itself to peaceful development and military modernization. Vowing to strengthen the military by means of science... more

DefenseIndian Navy to buy Aerostat radars EL/M-2083 from Israel
New Delhi, India - A decision taken after the attacks in Mumbai
The Indian Navy is to buy two airborne radars from Israel to fill vital gaps in the Country's coastal security system, the national daily "Indian Express" reported today. According to the newspaper,... more

DefenseEU Parliament: directive on building a genuine and transparent EU arms market, airplanes and military means
Strasbourg, France - The export of defence related products: military equipments as well as sub-systems, components, spare parts, technologies
"The European Union should create a genuine single market for defence equipment. This is the aim of a directive on the transfer of defence-related products. Parliament adopted a first-reading deal which... more

DefenseIs Israel planning to buy further ER versions of JDAM missiles?
Tel Aviv, Israel - With which shoot Damascus, Beirut, but also Iran, without leaving the Israeli air space
Israel, as wrote "The Jerusalem Post" daily paper, would intend to buy further JDAM missiles which, in the ER version, are equipped with Gps/Ins (Global Positioning System/Inertial Navigation System) and... more

Defense"Active Endeavour": 100,000 ships controlled since 2001
Naples, Italy - Today effective instrument for the global fight against terrorism
Operation Active Endeavour (OAE) is part of NATO’s multi-faceted response to the terrorist threat. It is the only operation ever conducted by the Alliance in implementation of the defence clause (Article 5... more

DefenseAgainst the unauthorized works also Italian Armed Forces will intervene
Rome, Italy - Signed today the "Intesa Bondi-La Russa"
It was signed today, by the Defence minister, Ignazio La Russa, and by the Cultural Activities and Heritages minister, Sandro Bondi, a MoU which provides for the military action in the demolition of unauthorized... more

DefenseFinmeccanica: USD 531 million contract ceiling extension from the U.S. Army
Rome, Italy - To produce JV-5 vehicle computing and display systems by DRS Technologies
"DRS Technologies, Inc., A Finmeccanica Company, announced today that it received an Indefinite Delivery Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) $ 531 million contract ceiling extension to its current JV5 production... more

Defense"Cluster Bombs", 100 Countries sign the Treaty
Oslo, Norway - US, Russia and China, the great absents
The first of more than 100 Countries have begun signing a treaty to ban current designs of cluster bombs, at a conference in Oslo, Norway. Campaigners are hailing the treaty as a major breakthrough.... more

DefenseItalian Navy: "Todaro" submarine comes back from USA
Rome, Italy - After six months of training activity
"The 'Salvatore Todaro' submarine, led by lieutenant-commander Mauro Panebianco, comes back at the base after six months of training activity with US Navy in the Atlantic Ocean's waters. The 'Todaro'... more

DefenseIt speaks again about nuclear in Syria, but the IAEA doesn't confirm presence of secret reactor
Dubai, EAU - Confirmed however the recovery of uranium in the site of Al-Kibar
Yesterday Mohamed ElBaradei, general manager of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), has released to the press, at the margin of a summit on the economy held in Dubai, important affirmations... more

DefenseIran: still along the path of missile tests
Tehran, Iran - Tested a medium range missile
''Experts of Defense Department tested a surface missile of next generation'': it was declared by Iranian minister Mostafa Mohammad Najjar. A news confirming that the Country is still along the path of... more

DefenseUSA: cuts on defense spending?
Washington, USA - Advisable "To continue supporting ground teams in priority activities"
Cuts on defense spending: this is the suggestion given by Pentagon outside advisers to the newly-elected US president, in a scenario of economic crisis and a "Growing gap between arms-buying plans and... more

DefenseLatvian Army concludes mission in Iraq
Baghdad, Iraq - The ceremony on November 8th at Camp Victory
Members of the Latvian Army concluded their mission in Iraq during a ceremony November 8th at Camp Victory. General Paul E. Lefebvre, Deputy Commanding General, Multi-National Corps – Iraq, and various o... more

DefenseSomalia: military map of Aden Gulf
Mogadishu, Somalia - Is it in line with UN 1838 resolution?
Faced with the widespread problem of the attacks against the boats sailing Somali seas (just to give an idea: more than 60 boats have been attacked in 2008), many initiatives have been promoted in order... more

DefenseMissile shield: the Russian proposal
Moscow, Russia - "Russia will not install its missiles in Kaliningrad if..."
Russia will not install its "Iskander" missiles in Kaliningrad, if Washington will go backward on the European missile shield: this is the proposal put forward by the Kremlin. US administration immediately... more

DefenseItaly-Brazil, cooperation agreement in the Defense sector
Rome, Italy - Yesterday the meeting between Italian Defence Minister La Russa and the Brazilian Nelson Jobim
Italian Defense Minister Ignazio La Russa met yesterday at Palazzo Baracchini in Rome Brazilian Defence Minister Nelson Jobim, on the occasion of the visit in Italy by Brazil President Luiz Inácio Lula... more

DefenseSomalia: green light to EU mission
Brussels, Belgium - Go-ahead by 27 EU Foreign and Defense Ministers
Yesterday, EU Foreign and Defense Ministers officially gave the go-ahead to the European mission against sea piracy. The naval operation, the first in EU history, will begin in early December. Led by Great... more

DefenseRussia to deploy an Iskander tactical missile system
Warsaw, Poland - Its welcome to the new US President Barak Obama
The Russian president's remarks concerning the possible deployment of tactical missiles near Poland are an "Unfriendly act". Dmitry Medvedev said on Wednesday that Russia would deploy precision-guided... more

DefenseRussia: an answer to US missile shield
Moscow, Russia - Moscow will install "Iskander" missiles in Kaliningrado
Installing "Iskander" missiles in Kaliningrado, a Russian enclave located between Poland, Lithuania and near the Baltic Sea, in order to reply to US missile shield in Eastern Europe: this is the idea expressed... more

DefenseSpy chief warns US vulnerable in next President's first year
Washington, USA - Terrorist threats to grow in number and influence until 2025
The top U.S. intelligence official is warning the country will be especially vulnerable to security threats during the first months of a new presidency. Director of National Intelligence Mike McConnell... more

DefenseIran: not to violate the air space
Tehran, Iran - Tehran's warning
No to violate Iran air space: this is the warning issued by Tehran to US forces in Iraq, with possible "Reactions", if the warning should not be taken into account. It was issued after Barack Obama... more

DefensePakistan: US general Petraeus visits the Country
Islamabad, Pakistan - "Stop to US attacks"
Stop to US attacks perpetrated against the guerrilla in tribal areas of the Country: this is the Pakistani request to US general Petraeus who became last week "Head of US 'Central Command'". Barack... more

DefenseSirya: the Government asks for explanations on the air raid where eight civilian died
Damascus, Syria - "Thougher measures?"
Damascus asks for explanations on the air raid launched eight days ago against the Country when eight civilians died. He did it through Foreign Minister Walid al Mouallem, who explained to a Lebanese broadcaster:... more

DefenseGheddafi visits Moscow
Moscow, Russia - On the agenda: energy cooperation and weapons selling
Two major issues were debated during Gheddafi and Kremlin high representatives meeting in Moscow: energy cooperation and weapons selling. The meeting follows Putin visit in Libya, when the agreements for... more

DefenseSomalia: new Spanish proposal against sea piracy
Madrid, Spain - Due for November 10th the EU meeting
Faced with the widespread problem of pirates attacks against the boats sailing Somali coasts, one of the major trade routes of the world where thousands of boats sail, the Spanish Government is still in... more

DefenseSomalia: an Orion P-3 airplane avoids a boat attack
Mogadishu, Somalia - The air mission started on September 21st
The Spanish Ministry of Defense disclosed that a multi-task maritime patroller airplane Orion P-3 avoided an attack by sea pirates against a boat sailing Aden Gulf (35 miles south of Yemen and 130 miles... more

DefenseSea piracy: NATO escort missions
Brussels, Belgium - NATO press release
Faced with the widespread problem of sea piracy, offshore Somali seas and with the impact on a poor Country, NATO has decided to launch escort missions in Somali waters in order to assure World Food Program... more

DefenseAfrica: 26 Countries towards regional integration
Kampala, Uganda - In the future? Not only economic integration...
On October 22nd, during Kampala meeting (Uganda), 26 African Countries met in order to create a free trade area in the future. With 527 million people and a GDP of 624 billion Euros, it will cover Southern... more

DefensePiracy: the list of the most dangerous seas
Rome, Italy - Somalia, Nigeria and Indonesia the most dangerous ones
The "Faina" cargo seizure (see AVIONEWS) underlined a widespread problem: pirates attacks against ships sailing African seas. As International Maritime Bureau (IMB) data confirmed, "199 ships were attacked... more

DefenseBoeing team conducts successful test of fuze for heavy bombs
St. Louis, USA - At Holloman Air Force Base
The Boeing Company announced yesterday that it has successfully tested a fuze well (the area where the fuze is installed) and fuze for high-speed penetrator warheads along with its partners Applied Research... more

DefenseItaly-Libya: "Collaboration in Defense sector"
Rome, Italy - "It is only one of the sectors"
Yesterday a Foreign Ministry spokesman clarified an article published on Wednesday by the Italian newspaper "Repubblica" and concerning some points contained in the "Treaty of friendship, partnership and... more

DefenseItalian Navy: air-sea training "El Med 08" starts in Algiers
Rome, Italy - The unity of the Navy carries on board an helicopter AB-212
"The training, called 'El Med ‘08' and organized within the framework of 5+5 initiative, starts in west Mediterranean sea. The Algeria-led training unity will stop working on October 28th. Naval u... more

DefenseSomalia: EP on sea piracy
Strasbourg, France - "Effective coordination with other vessels in the region, especially those of the USA and Russia"
"In adopting a resolution on sea piracy (see AVIONEWS), the European Parliament expresses its serious concern about the growing number of maritime piracy cases, in particular in the seas off Somalia and... more

DefenseItalian Army: bilateral cooperation between "Folgore" and US Army's paratroopers
Rome, Italy - A US delegation of experts in visit in Italy
From September 28th to October 4th, a US Army delegation, led by colonel Terry Sellers, visited the Italian structure for a bilateral cooperation with the "Folgore" paratroopers. This event joins the... more