Press release
3,391 news found

Press releaseEurely makes a further step toward Galileo concession (2): the founders and partners of the industry
Rome, Italy - Societies both national and international level
"THE FOUNDERS OF EURELY AENA: Aena is a Public Business Entity entrusted with the planning, development, building, installation, operation and managing of the 44(+3) Spanish civil airports and the air... more

Press releaseEurely makes a further step toward Galileo concession
Brussels, Belgium - The offer contains further details in addition to the original proposal of last September
"Eurely, the consortium formed by Alcatel, Finmeccanica, AENA and Hispasat, today provided its final proposal for the Galileo Concession. The offer submitted to European Commission by Eurely, contains... more

Press releaseEnav SpA: the national air traffic controllers' strike of the next January 30 called off
Rome, Italy - Declared for eight hours, from 10am to 6pm
"Enav SpA (Italian National Flight Assistance Authority) informs that the national strike declared from the air traffic controllers adherent to the Cgil, Cisl, Uil and Ugl unions, fixed for the next January... more

Press releaseFlight assistance: the strike foreseen on Sunday would not take place
Rome, Italy - On the Ceats' dispute (a deal for the national air space concession of North-East Italy)
"On January 24 it took place, at the Italian Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport, an encounter to solve some problems lead to Ceats’ project (a deal for the national air space concession of North-East I... more

Press releaseAir France and Japan Airlines to open the Paris-Nagoya flight in code-sharing starting from February 17
Rome, Italy - Daily connections by a B-777/200 aircraft
"Starting from February 17, Paris-Nagoya will be served in code-sharing, every day, by B-777/200, with an airplane and crew of Japan Airlines but with 'AF' code. On board of this aircraft, the French carrier... more

Press releaseAnpac: national pilots' strike of four hours
Rome, Italy - Declared for Thursday, February 10, 2005
"Anpac, Fit/Cisl Piloti, Uil Trasporti Piloti declared that: - having carried out the second phase of the cooling procedure last January 19, 2005; - continuing the conditions of the heavy criticality... more

Press releaseFinmeccanica about the new A-380 presentation, the Alenia Aeronautica's contribution
Rome, Italy - The General Manager of Finmeccanica, Giorgio Zappa said: "Airbus is a main partner for the Group"
"The General Manager of Finmeccanica, Giorgio Zappa, in the occasion of the new A-380 presentation has declared that: 'The A-380 programme represents one of the most important industrial contributions... more

Press releaseGalileo Avionica technologies aboard Cassini-Huygens brings us the sounds and voices of Titan
Rome, Italy - The industry is the maker of the instrument HASI
"Galileo Avionica, a Finmeccanica company, is the maker of HASI, the instrument that recorded and relayed the first data – including sounds – gathered by the Huygens probe, which landed on Titan on 14... more

Press releaseGalileo Avionica: Cassini-Huygens' mission
Rome, Italy - It belongs to the industry the instrument which will furnish the first dates
"It belongs to Galileo Avionica the instrument which will furnish the first dates which are expected to send from the space probe Huygens that in the following hours will land on the Titan's surface. Hasi,... more

Press releaseAlitalia about the flight assistants' strike: the service effectuated regularly
Rome, Italy - At 3:00pm the four hour strike ended
"Alitalia communicates that at 3:00pm the four hour strike called from the trade unions of the flight assistants on the domestic flights in departure from Rome and Milan ended. The carrier informs that,... more

Press releaseWaterquake in the South-East Asia: vaccinations against malaria and hepatitis A and other diseases are necessary
Rome, Italy - Advises by Prof. Walter Pasini for health care personnel not arrived in the areas affected by the seaquake
According to such view, personnel from Civil Defence, non-governmental organizations and health care/military representatives should resort to the following vaccinations: 1) Against malaria even the same... more

Press releaseTourism medicine: the opinion of Walter Pasini on epidemics in the areas involved by the seaquake
Rome, Italy - The disaster put into evidence the general undervaluation of the risks related to health and safety by tourism sector and the tourists themselves
The recent waterquake which killed in Asia about 150,000 persons could prove as the most terrible disaster ever occurred for tourism. This catastrophe pointed out the general undervaluation of the risks... more

Press releaseEnac: its President, Vito Riggio, convenes Enav, users and sector Associations
Rome, Italy - The meeting is fixed on Wednesday, January 12, 2005
"Enac's President, Vito Riggio, communicates that has convened a meeting with Enav management, delegates of the Italian and international carriers, airport operators, tour operators, travel agencies and... more

Press releaseAlitalia: the net financial standing at the end of November
Rome, Italy - It consisted of EUR 1658m
Alitalia answered Consob regarding the net financial standing, with reference to November. It consisted of EUR 1658m with an improvement for EUR 25m when compared with the similar situation in October.... more

Press releaseEnac: meeting about the territorial continuity with the Ministry and the carriers involved
Rome, Italy - Its aim was a valuation of an urgent action
"It has held yesterday in the afternoon, at the Enac’s headquarter, the meeting convened by the Ministry of Transport with the management of the airlines involved. Its aim was to evaluate an urgent measure t... more

Press releaseEnac: granted the temporary licence to Air Europe until May 6, 2005
Rome, Italy - The suspension of Volare Airlines has extended until May 24, 2005
"Enac (Italian National Civil Aviation Authority) communicates that in the hodiernal date, in conclusion of the technical-administrative preliminary inquiry from its own appropriate offices, and obtained... more

Press releaseAnpac on the earthquake in the South East of Asia: the pilots adherent to the Association of Alitalia and Eurofly will operate with continuity
Rome, Italy - In the rescue phase of the Italians involved in the tragedy
"Anpac has communicated to its members to make available for the realization of the humanitarian flights towards the areas hit from the earthquake also in deviation to the service limits forecast from... more

Press releaseEnav SpA on the European tender: Serco and not Sielte one of the six industries
Rome, Italy - The other ones are: Ericsson, Nats, Sirti, Thales and Vitrociset
"It's Serco and not Sielte, as communicated in incorrect way from Enav (Italian National Flight Assistance Authority) last December 21, 2004, one of the six societies that have presented the participation... more

Press achieved the ENAC's aviation certification
Rome, Italy - In order to operate in the country and abroad
MyWay achieved the ENAC's (Italian National Civil Aviation Agency) aviation certification in order to be enabled to operate both nationwide and abroad. It is known however that the activities started on... more

Press releaseSea: the Board of Directors confirms the green light to Volare
Milan, Italy - As already anticipated in the last days
"Sea's Board of Directors has decided, as already anticipated in the last days, to authorize the refusal to the seizure request for the airplanes that Volare Group will utilize for the working of its activity.... more

Press releaseEnav SpA: participation requests to the European tender arrived yesterday
Rome, Italy - Some industries have already sent their adhesion
"The participation requests to the European tender about the call for bids regarding the reliance of the technical management services, hard-ware maintenance, administration of the stocks, running and... more

Press releaseMyAir: the carrier can't operate the flights with the Spanish code towards Romania
Rome, Italy - Because of the unsuccessful issue of the authorizations Enac in time
"Because of the unsuccessful issue of the authorizations Enac in time, communicates that, on the Aeronautical Rumanian Authorities, can't serve the connections with the Spanish code LTE. more

Press releaseSea: none seizure request on Air Europe's aircraft
Milan, Italy - Until tomorrow, on Wednesday December 22, when the Board of Directors will decide about it
"Sea confirms that in connection with the aircraft stopped in Abu Dabi none seizure request to the Magistracy will go forward at least until tomorrow, on Wednesday December 22, date in which the Board... more

Press releaseEurofighter: the contracts for the "Tranche 2" programme have been signed. The role played by Finmeccanica
Rome, Italy - Typhoon, the fulcrum of the future European defence and the Italian hi-tech cornerstone
The sign of the formal agreement on the Eurofighter Tranche 2 programme by Great Britain, Germany, Italy and Spain occurred on last December 14. It deals with an important decision which in particular... more

Press the first airline's flight took off from Orio al Serio Airport this morning
Bergamo, Italy - Passengers flew away towards Catania three minutes in ahead compared with what had been scheduled
The first MyAir's flight took off from Orio al Serio Airport (Bergamo, Italy) this morning at 07:02 am, three minutes in ahead compared with what had been scheduled, in order to reach Catania. Another... more

Press releaseSab: Boulogne-New York scheduled flight
Boulogne, Italy - Three direct weekly connections from June by Eurofly
"From June 2005 the 'Guglielmo Marconi' Boulogne's Airport will launch a direct scheduled connection with 'John Fitzgerald Kennedy' New York's Airport. Served by Eurofly, a private carrier leader in Italy... more

Press releaseENAC asks for further economic and financial elements about Volare operating plan
Rome, Italy - The meeting has been held early today at Civil Aviation Administration office
"This morning, a meeting with Volare Group SpA representatives has been held at general administration of ENAC, Italian Civil Aviation Board, to evaluate the operating restart for the carriers of the Group,... more

Press releaseEnac obtained the mutual identification of the pilot's licences
Rome, Italy - The Italian pilots could perform the profession also in the European countries
"Enac (Italian National Civil Aviation Authority) informed that the Jaa (Joint Aviation Authorities) have decided the mutual identification among the countries members of the aircraft pilot's licences... more

Press releaseParis-Orly is always closer thanks to easyJet
Turin, Italy - The low-cost carrier increases its own presence in Italy launching two new links from Turin and Pisa
"easyJet, the low-cost carrier, today announced a further increase in the Italian market launching two new routes that link the Turin and Pisa's Airports to Orly, one of the main airports of Paris, only... more

Press releaseENAC Director General showed the ruling on the flying personnel service and flight time in the Board of Directors
Rome, Italy - It is intended to harmonize the Italian air transport with the one of the European countries
"ENAC (Italian National Civil Aviation Agency) Director General showed the final draft of the proposal for the new Italian national ruling which regards, with reference to flight and service times, the... more

Press releaseAlitalia will cancel 136 flights and it will modify 100 between domestic and international
Rome, Italy - Due to the general strike of tomorrow, Tuesday November 30, 2004 of four hours
"Alitalia, due to the general strike in Italy fixed for tomorrow, November 30 from 12am to 4pm, will cancel from its schedule flight 136 connections, 70 domestic and 66 international and it will modify... more

Press releaseCub Trasporti: strike on the air transport
Rome, Italy - It has been announced for next week, on Friday, December 3, 2004
"The Committee of Inspection has authorized in the air transport the general strike announced by Cub Trasporti for next week, on Friday, December 3, 2004. Such strike, in fact, has been announced formerly... more

Press releaseENAC to convene on Friday, December 3, Volare and tourist and air sector associations
Rome, Italy - About work activity followed the Volare Airlines and Air Europe suspending
"The Civil Aviation Authority, ENAC, convened on Friday, December 3, at 10:00, Volare Group and tourist and air sector associations to asses work activity with the approaching of traffic increase linked... more

Press releaseENAC (2): the Authority suspended for a month Volare Group SpA carrier licenses
Rome, Italy - Licenses can be restored following an assessment of new possible financial and operating situation
"The Civil Aviation Authority, ENAC, reported that, following the assessment over financial and operating situation of Volare Group SpA under EU rules on the subject 2407/92, the Volare Airlines SpA and... more

Press releaseENAC met yesterday Volare management to acquire elements to gauge license keeping
Rome, Italy - Italian Authority will decide today on it
"The Civil Aviation Authority, ENAC, met yesterday Volare SpA management in order to acquire all tools to gauge air transport keeping conditions, under the EU rules on the subject. ENAC has underlined... more

Press releaseTelefono Blu on Volareweb: if whereas to fly you are grounded, the on-line form to request the damages
Rome, Italy - All the legal actions; over 500 are ready to the resorts in one only day
"The Telefono Blu Sos Viaggiatore on the end, perhaps the failure of the third Italian carrier, born only in August 2000 or on about its relaunch after the exam procedures, answers with 'If you don't able... more

Press releaseAlso Alitalia acted in support of Volare's passengers
Rome, Italy - Expressed its own solidarity to the carrier's employees
"Alitalia supplied its operative structures and call centers to warrant a limited hardship for Volare's passengers needing assistance after the halt for the airline's airplanes. The cheapest tariffs will... more

Press releaseENAC comments on the Volare's flight suspension: the Agency has been providing the info green number since last weekend
Rome, Italy - It is also possible to ask for information to other carriers' desks as they will offer cheap fares
"ENAC, Italian National Civil Aviation Agency, informs that the green number 800-898121 has been available even since the last weekend in order to provide information to passengers on the flights suspended... more

Press releaseENAC comments on the Volare's flight suspension (2): the Agency even provides two phone numbers for info addressed to passengers
Rome, Italy - The green number even gained more than 2000 calls on last Saturday
ENAC, Italian National Civil Aviation Agency, even provides two additional phone numbers (0039 0831-416511 and 0039 0831-416526) in order to ensure a support for Volare carrier's passengers. This will... more

Press releaseAlitalia will cancel tomorrow 172 flights: 78 domestic and 94 international
Rome, Italy - Because of the air traffic controllers national strike of four hours
"Alitalia informs that, because of the strike announced by the air traffic controllers, tomorrow, November 19, from 12am to 4pm, the schedule flight will undergo some modifications. In particular, 78 domestic... more

Press releaseEnav SpA: air traffic controllers' strike in Italy next Friday, November 19
Rome, Italy - For four hours, from 12am to 4pm
"Enav SpA (Italian Assistance Flight Agency) communicates that the air traffic controllers adherent to Cgil, Cisl, Uil e Ugl unions, have declared a national strike for next Friday, November 19, from 12am... more

Press releaseAnsv to accredit its own investigator for the helicopter crash in Spain
Rome, Italy - As Italy is the country of the production of the aircraft, an AB-412
"In accordance with what Annesso 13 Icao foresees, Italy - Country of the production of the aircraft - has accredited its own investigator, an experienced one in the helicopter field, in the technical... more

Press releaseAlitalia: presentation of the Industrial Plan on the website
Rome, Italy - A summary in English on the main elements
"Alitalia communicates that is available from today on the website in the Investor Relations section a presentation in English that is a summary of the main elements of the Industrial... more

Press releaseFinmeccanica (11): consolidated balance analysis
Rome, Italy - Working capital, net debt, share data
"Working capital stood at EUR 663 million, compared with a negative figure of EUR 37 million at 31 December 2003. In the same period, operating working capital—made up of inventory and work in progress, t... more

Press releaseFinmeccanica (10): consolidated profit and loss account
Rome, Italy - Personnel costs, other income and charges, depreciation and amortisation, goodwill amortisation, financial income and expenses, the value of investments, extraordinary income and expenses, tax
"Personnel costs went up, owing to increased staff numbers and a rise in the average unit cost per employee. The average headcount was 45,926 in the period, up from 44,514 in 9M03—the combined effect o... more

Press releaseFinmeccanica (9): results by sector of activity. Oto Melara, Wass, MBDA
Rome, Italy - Value of production: EUR 748 million (EUR 705 million in 9M03); EBITA: 42 million (no change on 9M03)
"Despite stagnating demand, this business posted growth in volumes and results in line with last year. In the third quarter, EBITA fell from EUR 12 million to EUR 9 million, while EBIT slid from EUR 7... more

Press releaseFinmeccanica (8): results by sector of activity. Galileo Avionica, OTE, Marconi Selenia Communications, AMS, International Naval Systems division
Rome, Italy - Value of production: EUR 1,408 million (EUR 1,246 million in 9M03); EBITA: 97 million (+39%)
"In the first nine months, this division generated extremely good results thanks to important contracts in the sectors of avionics, integrated command and control systems, ATM, integrated communication... more

Press releaseFinmeccanica (7): results by sector of activity. Alenia Spazio, Telespazio
Rome, Italy - Value of production: EUR 523 million (EUR 486 million in 9M03); EBITA: 9 million (from EUR –37 million in 9M03)
"The commercial space market is starting to show signs of a recovery which may gather pace in the medium term. In the short term, however, the continued downturn on the telecommunications market has slowed... more

Press releaseFinmeccanica (3): third-quarter 2004 results
Rome, Italy - First nine-month 2004 highlights; outlook
"In Q304 Finmeccanica saw its value of production rise 11% compared with Q303 to EUR 2,078 million, with EBITA equal to EUR 106 million and a particularly significant EBITA margin of 5.1%, up from 4.5%... more

Press releaseFinmeccanica (6): results by sector of activity. AgustaWestland
Rome, Italy - Value of production: EUR 1,734 million (EUR 1,874 million in 9M03); EBITA: 150 million (-15%)
"AgustaWestland put in a positive performance overall in the first nine months, although its results were down on 9M03. In the third quarter, value of production rose from EUR 554 million to EUR 612 million,... more