5,866 news found

DefenseIsrael tests the Arrow-2 anti-missile system
Tel Aviv, Israel - New successful defensive experiment
A new test for the Arrow-2 anti-missile defensive system has been completed by Iai (Israel Aerospace Industries). A "Blue Sparrow" launched by an air force fighter has been used as a target and has been... more

DefenseIsrael will supply spy drones to Russia
Moscow, Russia - To cover Moscow's lack in air recognition
Russia and Israel signed a contract for the supply of military equipments for the first time. Moscow in fact to buy a series of UAV (Unmanned Aereial Vehicle) spy drones from a commercial company of the... more

DefenseRussia to test Topol ballistic missile
Moscow, Russia - In service from 1987
Russia will test launch on Friday a Topol intercontinental ballistic missile from the Plesetsk space center in Northern Russia. The missile was in active service from 1987 until 2007, and deployed with... more

DefenseRussia will supply S-400 Triumph missiles to Belarus
Moscow, Russia - Within the common air space defense plan
Russia will supply the military forces of Belarus republic with S-400 missiles, within the common air space defence plan of the two Countries. Russian press agency "Interfax" states it quoting deputy commander... more

DefenseNorth Korea will react to possible UN sanctions
New York, USA - Pyongyang rejects all the charges and defends its satellite
North Korea will react with "Strong steps" against any possible UN sanctions after the launch of its satellite on Sunday (see AVIONEWS). Pak Tok Hun, North-Korean delegate to the Security Council, declared... more

DefenseNATO air exercises in the Baltic Republics
Tallinn , Estonia - Treaty's fighters fly over Riga and Tallinn
NATO performed yesterday a series of air exercises in the air spaces of Baltic Republics of Estonia and Lithuania. American, Polish and Danish F-16 fighters, Czech L-159s, Lithuanian L-39s, Estonian AN-2... more

DefenseItalian Navy: NATO, naval replacement
Rome, Italy - Today, 6th of April
"Today 6th of April the 'Luigi Durand de la Penne' destroyer goes back to operations at the air-sea department of Standing NATO Maritime Group 2, in command of rear admiral Giovanni Gumiero. The 'Luigi... more

DefenseNATO: success for the summit
Strasbourg, France - Obama: "I dream a nuclear-free world". Disorders in the streets with arrests and injuries
According to the protagonists, the NATO summit held in Strasbourg (France) and Kehl (Germany) on the 3rd and 4th of April for the 60th anniversary of the Treaty was a success. The members agreed on all... more

DefenseNorth Korea: satellite launch failed
Pyongyang, North Korea - UN discussions about possible sanctions against Pyongyang
North Korea completed on Sunday at 11:20 am (4:20 am CET) the launch of the satellite/missile, announced in late weeks, in presence of president Kim Jong-il. According to North's press agencies the launch... more

DefenseThe "Caio Duilio" destroyer delivered to the Italian Navy
La Spezia, Italy - Launched on October 2007 in Riva Trigoso
"The 'Caio Duilio' destroyer, launched on October 2007 in Riva Trigoso, has been delivered to the Italian Navy during a ceremony took place today at the Fincantieri facility in Muggiano (La Spezia). This... more

DefenseNATO: disorders in wait of the summit
Strasbourg, France - Strasbourg "Armoured". Up to 5,000 violent protesters foreseen
The NATO summit in Kehl (Germany) and Strasbourg (France) will be held today and tomorrow in coincidence with the celebrations for the Treaty's 60th anniversary (see AVIONEWS). The waited disorders already... more

DefenseNorth Korea ready to launch its satellite
Pyongyang, North Korea - The international community prepares to react
The events seem to have reached the point of no return if it's true what American and South-Korean newspapers stated today, that refuelling operations for the launcher of the experimental satellite, that... more

DefenseBattle against pirates: Italian Navy "Maestrale" frigate sails towards the Indian Ocean
Rome, Italy - To take part to the "Atalanta" EU mission
"Today, 2nd of April, will depart from Taranto the Italian Navy 'Maestrale' frigate, to take part to the 'Atalanta' mission against Indian Ocean's pirates, led by the European Union. The undersecretary... more

DefenseEADS DS completes trials in Spain for new Eurofighter weapon
Getafe, Spain - Succesfully tested the air-to-air AMRAAM missile
"EADS Defence & Security (DS) in Spain has concluded a new live weapon firing campaign dedicated to the Eurofighter armament. Tests with the Getafe-based Instrumented Production aircraft IPA4 have been... more

DefensePossible displacement of F-16s in Poland: Russia asks for explanations
Moscow, Russia - Lieutenant colonel Sage's article raised concern in Moscow
Russia will ask for explanations to the USA about the possible displacement in Poland of the F-16 aircraft now located in Aviano, Italy. It has been said by general Anatoly Nogovitsin in a radio interview... more

DefenseUSA apologize for damages caused by F-16's fuel tanks dropped at Aviano
Pordenone, Italy - They damaged a building and a car. The surrounding ground is being reclaimed
Aviano base commander Craig A. Franklin and Italian Air Force colonel Filippo Zampella encountered the families that suffered damages on the last 24th of March after a F-16 aircraft dropped its fuel tanks... more

Defense60 years of NATO
Brussels, Belgium - Activities and challenges of the Treaty after six decades of life
On the next 4th of April NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) will have its 60th anniversary that will be celebrated during the summit that will be held in Strasbourg (France) and Kehl (Germany) on... more

DefensePresident Obama arrives in Europe with an army of vehicles and men
Washington, USA - It will land in London by the "Air Force One" for the G-20 summit
American president Barack Obama will arrive this evening in London on board of the "Air Force One", followed by an army of men and vehicles. The presidential plane is a modified Boeing 747 that always... more

DefenseThe destiny of the two American journalists in North Korea linked to the launch of the missile/satellite?
Pyongyang, North Korea - They will be accused and tried for "Hostile acts" against the State: they risk 10 years of hard jail
The national Northkorean press agency announced that the two American journalists, Laura Ling ed Euna Lee, arrested two weeks ago at the border with China (see AVIONEWS), will be tried for "Hostile acts"... more

DefenseNorth Korea: Russia asks for moderation
Pyongyang, North Korea - While the tension raises with Japan and USA, Moscow points on diplomacy
While the tension in the area raises, while the Northkoreans are preparing the launchers for their missile test, while USA and Japan have sent in the zone their destroyers equipped with anti-missile missiles... more

DefenseNATO chooses Thales for Kandahar's radar systems
Kandahar, Afghanistan - The instruments will increase air traffic safety around the base
Thales will be producing the new Air Traffic Management systems (ATM) for the NATO base in Kandahar, Afghanistan. The contract has been signed with the Treaty procurement agency (NC3A), and includes the... more

DefenseNorth Korea, tension raises
Pyongyang, North Korea - Hillary Clinton: "There will be consequences". France: "Pyongyang must give up"
During her visit in Mexico City American Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said that the launch by North Korea of a rocket (being it a satellite or a ballistic missile) would be a seriously provocative... more

DefenseNorth Korea: US journalists to become "Trade goods" for the satellite?
Pyongyang, North Korea - Analysts suspect that Pyongyang might use them to blackmail Washington
The two American journalists arrested last week by North Korean authorities and charged of being spies (see AVIONEWS) could become "Trade goods" within the dispute about the launch of the missile/satellite.... more

DefenseUSAF may move the F-16s from Aviano (Italy) to Poland
Washington, USA - As stated by lieutenant-colonel Sage on "Stars & Stripes"
The USAF F-16 fighters that are currently in the Italian base of Aviano could be moved soon to Poland. Lieutenant-colonel Chris Sage, assistant executive officer to the Air Force Chief of Staff, stated... more

DefenseNew "Roussen" class ships for Greek navy
Athens, Greece - Signed the agreement for the supply with Bvt Surface Fleet International and Thales Nederland
Thales International and BVT Surface Fleet signed the contract for the supply of two new "Roussen" class FAC (Fast Attack Craft) ships ordered by the Greek navy and built by Elefsis Shipbuilding & Industrial... more

DefenseNorth Korea: UN sanctions might stop nuclear discussions
Pyongyang, North Korea - Pyongyang ministry of foreign affairs warns the international community
North Korean ministry of foreign affairs warned that possible UN sanctions against the scheduled launch of a satellite between the 4th and the 8th of April might bring to a stop in the six nations (between... more

DefenseChina sends "Yuzheng 311" ex-warship after the diplomat incident with USA in the South China Sea
Beijink, China - A tension taht could get worsen the relationships between the two Countries
High tension in the South China Sea where the Beijink Government has deployed a large fisheries patrol boat, "Yuzheng 311" to a group of disputed islands in the area, a week after a U.S. Navy vessel and... more

DefenseMissile shield, Poland still trusts the USA
Warsaw, Poland - The minister of foreign affairs Sikorski: "We signed with Bush, but we hope that Obama will not disappoint us"
"We signed with the old administration; we patiently wait for the new administration, and we hope we don't regret our trust in the United States". These the words of Polish minister of foreign affairs... more

DefenseEuropean navies' exercise in La Spezia, Italy
La Spezia, Italy - This morning the activation ceremony of a new EUROMARFOR naval group
It has been held this morning on board of the Italian navy "Scirocco" frigate the activation ceremony of a new EUROMARFOR (European Maritime Force) naval group, made of 5 ships (2 Italians, 1 French, 1... more

DefenseRussian planes overfly American aircraft carriers
Washington, USA - US F/A-18 fighters took off to escort the Il-38s out of the area
The Pentagon stated that on Monday and Tuesday Russian sea patrol planes Ilyushin Il-38 "May" overflew two US aircraft carriers, the "Stennis" and the "Blue Ridge", that were operating in Japan's international... more

DefenseAlliance Ground Surveillance: important NATO visit to Sigonella, Italy
Sigonella, Italia - An inspection to evaluate the possibility to host an aero-terrestrial Treaty surveillance component
It took place today, Friday 20th of March, an important NATO visit to the air base of Sigonella, in Italy, headquarter of the 41st Antisom Italian Air Force flight unit. The crowded international delegation,... more

DefenseLockheed Martin's Aegis certified by US Navy
Moorestown, USA - They are effective also against short range ballistic missiles
The last Lockheed Martin's Aegis Ballistic Missile Defense System has been certified by the US Navy to be effective against short range missiles. After its proven effectiveness in tracking long range missiles... more

DefenseSuccessfully tested Lockheed Martin's THAAD missile
Dallas, USA - It will be used to shoot down ballistic missiles
Lockheed Martin and the US Missile Defense Agency (MDA) conducted on Tuesday their sixth successful test of the THAAD (Terminal High Altitude Area Defense) missile. The demonstration showed the system's... more

DefenseItalian Air Force: installed the “Portarrest p-V” system in Herat
Herat, Afghanistan - The emergency arrest cables will help to stop airplanes in case of landing or taking off problems
Installed on last Saturday by personnel of the 10th aircraft maintenance unit of Galatina, Lecce, the emergency arrest cables on Herat (Afghanistan) airport's runway. These will help to stop planes with... more

DefenseJapan commissioned its biggest helicopter carrier
Yokohama, Japan - The ship, that resembles an aircraft carrier, respects the Country's pacifist constitution
Japanese Marine Self-Defense Forces (MSDF) commissioned today in Yokohama their biggest helicopter carrier, named "Hyuga". 197 meter long, it carries a crew of 340 people (with 17 women) and can carry... more

DefenseThe United States: "North Korean missile doesn't scare us"
Washington, USA - The statement made by general Victor Renuart before the congress
"If we felt the North Koreans were going to shoot a ballistic missile at us today, I am comfortable that we would have an effective system that would meet that need". This is the statement made by Air... more

DefenseItalian Air Force will open the ISMA institute in Florence to the public
Florence, Italy - The initiative at the end of March on the 17th FAI day
The Aeronautical Military Science Institute (ISMA) of Florence will be opened to the public on 28th and 29th of March on the 17th FAI (Italian Found for Environment). The building, realized in 1938 by... more

DefenseNorth Korean' satellite (2): tension raises with Japan
Pyongyang, North Korea - Tokyo: "We'll shoot it". Pyongyang: "We'll declare war"
Tension raises between North Korea and Japan after Pyongyang announced the intention to launch a ballistic missile with a telecommunications satellite (AVIONEWS), breaking UN's resolution 1718. Japanese... more

DefenseNorth Korea announces the launch of a satellite. Concern among UN
Pyongyang, North Korea - Fear about the chance that it could be a test for ballistic missiles. USA: "Possible countermeasures"
North Korea advised ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization) that they will go on with their project to launch a telecommunications satellite between 4th and 8th of April. Japan and South Korea... more

DefenseFrance will come back into NATO
Paris, France - President Sarkozy's proposal. The parliament will decide on March 17th
A victory for France, for NATO and for the European Union: so the Treaty accepted the proposal of French president Sarkozy, who yesterday declared after a visit to Paris military school that France will... more

DefenseThe Italian Air Force 70th Wing entitled to general Graziani
Latina, Italy - The ceremony will be held on Saturday, March 14th, at the "Comani" airport in Latina
It will be held on Saturday, March 14th, the ceremony, in front of Italian Defense Chief of Staff, general Vincenzo Camporini, for the entitlement of the Air Force 70th Wing to the memory of general Giulio... more

DefenseG8: "San Marco" riflemen arrive in La Maddalena
Olbia-Tempio, Italy - The Italian navy "San Giorgio" ship moored in front of Santo Stefano island
The Italian navy "San Giorgio" ship arrived near La Maddalena, with 150 riflemen of the "San Marco" battalion. The G8 will be held on the island in July 2009 and the carried troops will be assigned to... more

DefenseIran succeed in arming its fighter jets with air-to-surface missiles
Teheran, Iran - They can destroy targets up to 68 miles in distance
Iranian air force successfully armed its fighter jets with air-to-surface missiles, which can destroy targets up to 110 km (68 miles) in distance. The news has been released by Fars News Agency (FNA),... more

DefenseItalian ship "Comandante Bettica" in Oman hunting for pirates
Salalah, Oman - After an operational stop the Italian patroller took part in European mission "Atalanta"
After a brief operational stop in Salalah, Oman, the Italian Navy ship "Comandante Bettica", commanded by captain Lorenzo Agnarelli, took part in the "Atalanta" mission, ordered by the European Community... more

DefenseNorth Korea cuts communications with Seoul
Pyongyang, North Korea - US-South Korea joint military exercise started today
North Korea cut its last communications channel with Seoul and barred South Koreans from traveling to a shared industrial complex, as the regime protested U.S.-South Korea joint military exercises. The... more

DefenseItalian Army, Herat: command and control technology
Herat, Afghanistan - RC-W operations room equipped with "Data Wall" system
The operations room of Regional Command West (RC-W), pulsing heart and neuralgic center of multinational inter-force operational command, has been equipped with a modern "Data Wall" system able to show... more

DefenseUK-Italy-Canada common exercise held in Great Britain
Rome, Italy - Near Westminster Land Warfare Center
One of Italian "Ariete" logistic squads participated to a common Uk-Italy-Canada exercise with the 3rd British Division near Westminster Warfare Center, in England. The activity concerned the 101st... more

DefenseIndia today tried again launch of BRAHMOS supersonic missile
New Delhi, India - After the failure of last January 20
After the failure of last January 20 due to a problem in software recorded to the guide system, today India tried again the launch of Block II version of BRAHMOS, the supersonic missile. DRDO (Defence... more

DefenseNATO "Noble Manta 09" completed
Naples, Italy - Six submarines, ten ships and 13 aircraft from February 13th in the Ionian Sea
From February 13th to 27th, eight NATO countries took part in the world’s largest anti-submarine exercise, "Noble Manta", which will also focus on defence against terrorism. Six submarines, ten ships a... more

DefenseA USS built with Wolrd Trade Center steel
New Orleans, Usa - The ship named after the city of New York
Congressmen, generals and the shipbuilder christened the USS New York yesterday in Northrop Grumman shipyard in Avondale, Louisiana. The ship has been built using 24 tons of scrap steel from the World... more