Press release
3,391 news found

Press releasePossible hardships for Alitalia's flights starting on May 12 due to an unacceptable company's attitude
Rome, Italy - SULT' s press release
Italian SULT trade union considers the Alitalia’s attitude as unacceptable to date. The union moans about the shortage of sufficient members in every crew so that one must ask oneself how can it be that r... more

Press releaseGermanwings: for the Mother's Day 50,000 additional tickets from EUR 19
Milan, Italy - Travels must be performed from June 1st to July 31, 2005
Germanwings promotes for the Mother’s Day 50,000 additional tickets from EUR 19. This offer regards flights such as the ones which have in Berlin, Stuttgart, and Bonn their destinations. In particular, B... more

Press releaseQatar Airways: at the International Airport of Doha the "Aeronautical cathedral" of the future was born
Rome, Italy - A space architecture monument that will host nine airplanes of great dimensions
"It was born in these days at the International Airport of Doha, Qatar’s capital, an extraordinary space architecture monument: an immense hangar with an arch roof, that will host at the same time, until n... more

Press releaseSN Brussels Airlines: three years of African operations
Brussels, Belgium - The Belgian carrier has been welcoming about one million passengers on the 14 routes to and from the African Continent
"Three years ago SN Brussels Airlines started its African operations. With its 3 Airbus A-330/300 aircraft SN Brussels Airlines has operated 5,545 flights and has performed 30 million flight kilometres.... more

Press releaseThe European Commission clears creation of two joint ventures between Alcatel Space and Alenia Spazio, subject to conditions
Brussels, Belgium - Under the EU Merger Regulation
"The European Commission has cleared under the EU Merger Regulation the creation of two joint ventures resulting from the French electronics company Alcatel merging its space activities with those of Alenia... more

Press releaseItalian Defence Minister Martino was satisfied with FREMM Program starting
Rome, Italy - "It will strengthen and develop know-how and productive abilities concerning Italian shipyard's technologies"
Italian Defence Minister, Antonio Martino, expressed his satisfaction with Italian Government authorization to finance FREMM Multi-Mission Frigates Program. The project will allow Italy Navy to acquire... more

Press releaseFinmeccanica: final agreement signed with BAE Systems for defence electronics
Rome, Italy - Moreover it has also reached agreement with the British group for the reorganisation of the AMS NV joint-venture
"Finmeccanica last Friday announced that it has concluded the operations relating to the agreement with BAE Systems for the acquisition of some assets and shareholdings in the defence electronics sector,... more

Press releaseAlitalia: a new call centre number
Rome, Italy - It is 06-2222 from all over Italy starting on May 1st and with the code number from abroad, a 24 h service all week long
"Alitalia is going to have a single and simple access to all its call centre services with a new number (06-2222) starting on May 1st. In order to make the access to such a service an faster one, the... more

Press releaseAeradria: domestic and international flights from "Federico Fellini" Airport
Rimini, Italy - From June to Sardinia and then also in Europe
"This Summer will not be easy for the German market. Despite the collaboration Air Dolomiti-Lufthansa, that will link Rimini’s Coast to Munich starting from tomorrow, April 30 (on Saturdays and on Sundays u... more

Press releaseGalileo Avionica: TIPS companies awarded with a NATO contract
Rome, Italy - In order to carry on the AGS programme
TIPS’ companies have been awarded by NATO with a contract being worth more than EUR 23m. It is aimed to carry on the AGS (Alliance Ground Surveillance) programme. It will deal with cost lowering and i... more

Press releaseAeradria on the news about the inquiry on the Volare Group failure
Rimini, Italy - The President Masini wishes that clarity has been made in a short term on all the legal matter
"Regarding the press news about the inquiry of Volare Group failure and the consequent preventive measures requested by the Public Prosecutor’s office of Busto Arsizio, Aeradria SpA, the management society o... more

Press releaseFinmeccanica: Meads, antimissile defence system, for Italy, Germany and Usa, started
Rome, Italy - A contract of a total value of EUR 580m for the MBDA Italia will be signed
"Thanks to the positive decision by the German Parliament took place last April 20 and the consequent signature of Mou by the German National Arms Director, occurred last April 22, the realization of Meads... more

Press releaseEnac: air traffic restrictions on Rome in occasion of new papacy celebration
Rome, Italy - Such as occurred for John Paul II funeral
In occasion of the mass of new Pope Benedict XVI, planned next Sunday April 24 in Saint Peter square, Enac (Italian Civil Aviation Board), ordered restrictions to use Rome’s air space for security reasons:... more

Press releaseEuropean Commission authorised social aid for air passengers
Brussels, Belgium - Two schemes designed to help certain categories of air passenger living in France’s outermost regions
"The Commission has yesterday decided to authorise two social State aid schemes designed to help certain categories of air passenger living in France’s outermost regions. One is aimed at certain categories o... more

Press releaseEnac: Ryanair allowed to operate Alghero/Rome-Ciampino route
Rome, Italy - Until new charges of public service go into effect
Italian Civil Aviation Authority reported that Alghero/Rome-Ciampino connection will be operated by Ryanair, pending charges of public service go into effect. A sentence of Italian Administrative Court... more

Press releaseGalileo Avionica: aerial target Mirach 100/5 to enter service in France
Rome, Italy - After qualification tests enters operational service with the French DGA
"The Mirach 100/5, the high performance subsonic aerial target developed by Galileo Avionica, a Finmeccanica Company, after qualification tests enters operational service with the French DGA (Délégation G... more

Press releaseTelephone talk between Enac's President and Ryanair's CEO
Rome, Italy - O'Leary rectified what he had said during the press conference held last week
President of Italian Civil Aviation Authority, Vito Riggio, unveiled to have received a call from Micheal O’Leary, Ryanair airline’s CEO. O’Leary rectified heated tunes had on Enac and President Riggi... more

Press releaseAir Blu: the decision on the fleet will be announced within this week
Gallarate, Italy - After a series of meetings the first round of negotiations has been concluded
"On March 22nd 2005, the Shareholders of AirBlu SpA, IMS (16,3%) and CAN Cockpit Airnet Srl (83,7%), under the Chairmanship of Dr Albert A. Denzler, decided to adopt the name of ’AZZURRAair SpA’, a Br... more

Press releaseAlitalia cancels 168 flights because of the flight assistants' strike
Rome, Italy - Fixed for tomorrow the four hour strike
"Alitalia communicates that tomorrow, April 19, will cancel 168 flights (92 domestic, 70 international and 6 intercontinental) because of the strike announced from 12am to 4pm from the flight assistants... more

Press releaseAlitalia's flight assistant 24 h strike confirmed next April 19
Rome, Italy - Sult press release
"Following to the negative conditions that have put Sult to fix the fourth strike on the security, the same union confirms that one of 24 hours for next April 19, confirming its validity and we stigmatize... more

Press releaseAlitalia: business plan 2005-2008 updated
Rome, Italy - It was analysed by the carrier board today
The business plan 2005-2008 seems to confirm the strategy of the airline concerning costs, AZ Service and improvements. Currently, this plan appears a more affordable one. It confirms that Alitalia is... more

Press releaseEnac on Ryanair (2): Agency board member, Hon. Attili's statement
Rome, Italy - Concerning the press conference of the Irish airline board
Enac’s board member, Hon. Antonio Attili, commented on the statement released during press conference by Ryanair. The Agency neither favours nor badly affect any carrier. Enac does not intend to worsen c... more

Press releaseEnac regarding the Ryanair's declarations on the Alghero-Rome route
Rome, Italy - The connection is part of a package of 18 ones subject to the public service charges
"Enac (Italian National Civil Aviation Authority) regarding the declarations released today from Ryanair, specifies that this route that links Alghero and Rome, is part of a package of 18 ones subject... more

Press releaseQantas to rise fuel surcharge
Sydney, Australia - The carrier would spend one billion Australian dollar more in the financial year 2005/06 due to high fuel costs
"Qantas announced on last Friday that it will increase fuel surcharge starting from April, 20, which will affect national flights and the international ones. According to the carrier’s board, fuel cost h... more

Press releaseENAC: Fiumicino Airport activity proves normal
Rome, Italy - Departures of institutional flights and the airlines ones are being performed without further hardships
"Italian National Civil Aviation Agency discloses that, within the scheduled today air traffic restrictions over Fiumicino Airport, the flight departures for institutional and airlines services are being... more

Press releaseAssaeroporti announced an open forum "The Italian Airports in Europe"
Rome, Italy - The meeting organized with Aci-Europe will take place at Rome-Fiumicino next April 13
"Giovanni Maniscalco, Assaeroporti’s President, has announced the workshop of next April 13, organized with Aci-Europe which is the association of the main European Airports. The open forum will be focused o... more

Press releaseAMI: Mobile Support Unit's flag leaving bound for Herat (Afghanistan)
Rome, Italy - Ceremony to occur in Brà Square in Verona on April 11
Italian Air Force Mobile Support Unit’s flag will leave bound for Herat (Afghanistan) flying on a C-130J Hercules belonging to the Pisa’s 46th Air Brigade. It will be celebrated in Brà Square in Verona on A... more

Press releaseThe last respects to the Pope (13): the list of flights operated in arrival on Fiumicino next Thursday and Friday on the Enac's website
Rome, Italy - Cancelled about 70% of connections; instead there aren't particular limitations regarding those in departure
"Regarding the air space limitations on Rome simultaneity with the arrive of the State delegates that will participate to the Pope’s funeral, the Italian Civil Aviation Authority announces that in the d... more

Press releaseTelefono Blu: over 4 millions in the capital to greet Pope John Paul II "The great"
Rome, Italy - More one million his compatriots
"Over 4 millions, according to Telefono Blu, will be the pilgrims that arrive or have already reached Rome to greet Pope John Paul II the Great. It will be the greatest event that can be remembered. From... more

Press releaseEnac: air traffic restrictions for Pope's funeral
Rome, Italy - An operative summit decided the measure yesterday
Italy’s Civil Aviation Authority, Enac, said it planned to put some restrictions to fly on Rome on Thursday and Friday for security reasons: on Thursday, April 7, from 10:00am local hour, up to Friday, 2... more

Press releaseCub Trasporti: postponed to next April 22 the strike of Alitalia's Informational sector
Rome, Italy - Fixed previously for next Friday
"Cub Trasporti has postponed the strike of the informational sector of Alitalia, fixed previously for next Friday, to next April 22. Also the demonstration of Friday near the Fiumicino Airport (Terminal... more

Press releaseTelefono Blu on the Pope's death: record of presences
Rome, Italy - The country has stopped and will make it until the funeral
"Over 20 million of people yesterday have attended to the suffrage ceremonies and to the farewell transmissions to John Paul II. About a million of people has been approached and stopped in Saint Peter’s s... more

Press releaseFinmeccanica: Board approves 2004 results
Rome, Italy - Operating profit up for third consecutive year; ROI at 23.1% (20.2% on 2003)
"Dividend of 1.3 Euro cents proposed to shareholders’ meeting (up 30% on 2003) Net profit trebles, including capital gain from the sale of STM Commitment to technological innovation confirmed: R&D i... more

Press release"Safety Awareness Day": several speeches by sector associations' representatives
Rome, Italy - The six-month check meeting
The "Safety Awareness Day" conference was held yesterday by IFATSEA at "La Sapienza" University of Rome. The International Federation of Air Traffic Safety Electronics Associations, a partner of ICAO (International... more

Press releaseA day devoted to air safety in Rome
Rome, Italy - It occurred at Italian "La Sapienza" University
The so called Safety Awareness Day was held today in Rome at "La Sapienza" University from 09:00 am to 04:00 pm. It was set by IFATSEA, the worldwide federation of associations concerning navigation control... more

Press releaseAeradria collaborates with public institutions and hotel associations located in the coastal cities
Rimini, Italy - While setting deals for the weekly routes to Germany
Rimini Airport is setting a programme for routes to Germany. Several public institutions have been involved in a meeting with the air station’s operator. Also hotel associations are involved by such a... more

Press releaseThe European Commission continues to take action against illegal "Open Sky" agreements
Brussels, Belgium - Jacques Barrot will go to Washington on 21 and 22 March to develop an approach to create a common air space
"Following measures taken in July and December 2004 to enforce the ’Open Skies’ rulings of the Court of Justice (IP/04/967 and IP/04/1478), the European Commission, as guardian of the Treaties, yesterday dec... more

Press releaseATM-PP: a controversy starts on the CEATS
Rome, Italy - "We finally understand that nothing of what decided together has been done"
ENAV’s (Italian National Traffic Control Agency) trade unions has achieved an important agreement with Italian government on the matter concerning the CEATS (Central European Air Traffic Services) on l... more

Press releaseMergers: European Commission approves the EuroSystems transaction between BAE Systems and Finmeccanica in the defence sector
Brussels, Belgium - It has granted clearance to the proposed acquisition of some activities
"The European Commission has granted clearance under the EU Merger Regulation to the proposed acquisition of the avionics and communication business of BAE Systems, the UK defence contractor, by Italian... more

Press releaseSEA: 670 metres 35L runway under maintenance in Malpensa starting on April 4
Milan, Italy - No hardships for passengers
A meeting among ENAC (Italian National Civil Aviation Agency), Italian Lombardia Region, Italian Varese Province, ARPA, Italian Ministry of Environment, ENAV (Italian National Navigation Management Agency)... more

Press releaseAermacchi (Finmeccanica) (2): M-346 - Background information
Venegono, Italy - The Programme was launched by the industry in early 2000
"The M-346 Programme was launched by Aermacchi in early 2000, after a phase of in-depth studies, market surveys and benchmarking. In order to optimise the training effectiveness and the life cycle cost,... more

Press releaseAermacchi (Finmeccanica): the IAF Chief of Staff flies the M-346
Venegono, Italy - The flight lasted about 40 minutes
"Yesterday the Chief of Staff of the Italian Air Force, Lt. Gen. Leonardo Tricarico, piloted the Aermacchi M-346, new aircraft for the advanced training of military pilots. This was the 50th flight of... more

Press releaseEasyJet: important newness for business travellers
Milan, Italy - An agreement with BTI, the biggest worldwide network for business travels management, has been signed
EasyJet signed an important agreement with Business Travel International (BTI) which can be considered as the biggest worldwide network for business travels management. It is the first deal of this type... more

Press releaseGalileo Avionica to supply units for Automatic Transfer Vehicle
Rome, Italy - The contract is valued at more than EUR 11,8m
"Galileo Avionica, a Finmeccanica Company, has been awarded a contract with EADS Space Transportation to supply Power Conditioning Distribution Units and Solid State Power Amplifiers for the six Automated... more

Press releaseHLX: in Pisa the presentation of the new connection to Berlin-Tegel and Summer timetable
Pisa, Italy - The new flights will start next March 11 of the Summer timetable 2005 of Hapag Lloyd Express and also this season sees newness from Pisa
"Here the timetable HLX (Hapag Lloyd Express) for Summer season 2005 from Pisa: new route Berlin-Tegel will be opened with four weekly frequencies (Monday, Tuesday, Friday and Saturday) and it will added... more

Press releaseAermacchi (Finmeccanica): first flight in "dual FADEC" configuration for the M-346
Venegono, Italy - Made yesterday
"Yesterday the M-346, the Aermacchi twin engine advanced trainer, has performed its first flight in ’dual FADEC’ configuration, with both engine featuring full functioning digital electronic engines con... more

Press releaseThe World Newspaper Congress to occur at the end of May in Seoul
Rome, Italy - Korean Air will be the official carrier
"The 58th World Newspaper Congress and the 12th World Editors Forum will be held in Seoul, South Korea, from May 29 to June 1st, 2005. The main newspapers and press representatives from 5 continents are... more

Press releaseThe Commission investigates public service obligations on air services to Sardinia
Brussels, Belgium - From Alghero, Cagliari and Olbia towards several destinations in Italy
"Last Friday the Commission decided to open a formal investigation into the public service obligations imposed by Italy on 10 December 2004 on 18 air routes between three Sardinian airports and the main... more

Press releaseMMI: "2005 Open Sea" exercise
Rome, Italy - It started last March 2 and is expected to end next March 15
"Italian Navy started last March 2 an international training named "2005 Open Sea" aimed to verify the operative skill of NATO maritime forces. Air-naval units from France, Germany, Spain, Netherlands,... more

Press releaseUiltrasporti on Wind Jet pilots
Rome, Italy - "Confidence in the acts of the Power of attorney". The notice of preliminary investigation for interruption of public service is a due act
"The notice of preliminary investigation for interruption of public service is a due act that Power of attorney of Catania served on some Wind Jet pilots. The duty of crew to abstain itself from the service... more