1,934 news found

MiscellaneousAVIONEWS celebrates the 62th anniversary of the Italian Republic
Rome, Italy - The Agency will reopen next Tuesday
AVIONEWS informs all its subscribers and readers it will be closed on June 2nd for the 62th Anniversary of the Italian Republic and will regularly re-start its activities on next Tuesday, June 3rd. Obviously,... more

MiscellaneousAVIONEWS turns to 8 years
Rome, Italy - Eight years full of professionalism and effort to divulge a right information in aeronautics press
AVIONEWS turns today to 8 years. It was created by the common passion for everything's flying of a group of aeronautics journalists, tired of bad information and professionalism that other journalists... more

MiscellaneousTomorrow AVIONEWS will be closed for the whole day for the italian holyday of workers
x, x - The gency wil reopen next freeday
AVIONEWS informs all its subscribers and readers it will be closed tomorrow for the whole day for the italian holyday of workers. Obviously, in case of extraordinary events the Agency will resume its... more

MiscellaneousAVIONEWS has a long week-end for the "Liberation's Day"
Rome, Italy - The agency will reopen next Monday
AVIONEWS informs all its subscribers and readers it will be closed from April 25th to 27th for the "Liberation's Day" and will regularly re-start its activities on next Monday, April 28th. Obviously,... more

MiscellaneousA peace wishes by AVIONEWS
Rome, Italy - We will resume the publication on March 25th, 2008
AVIONEWS wishes all its subscribers and newsreaders a peaceful Easter 2008 "Rich in pleasant surprises" and informs the Agency will remain closed on March 24th, and it will resume the ordinary activity... more

MiscellaneousAVIONEWS access statistics of January 2008
Rome, Italy - 510,575 pages visited for 3,033,916 accesses
The statistics system of AVIONEWS servers has provided the following information regarding Internet accesses to the agency on www.avionews.com from January 1st to 31st, 2008. In this period the number... more

MiscellaneousAn airfield that made history
Skopje , Montenegro - It played a crucial role for the birth of the State of Israel
Between the 1930's and '40s of the last century, Yugoslavia was rocked by the aggression of the Axis powers, the Yugoslav king was forced to flee abroad and was not able to get on his throne back again.... more

MiscellaneousThe AVIONEWS statistics for the month of December 2007 and the entire past year
Rome, Italy - Over 30 million accesses in 2007
In the month of December 2007, the AVIONEWS website has registered 2.524.289 accesses with 432.032 visited pages and an occupied band of 4,59 GB. In the entire past year of 2007, 30.407.450 accesses... more

MiscellaneousA new year along with AVIONEWS
Rome, Italy - The Agency will resume the activity on January 2nd
Come at the end of the year, it is inevitable to make the assessment. Many the thoughts and good intentions for the year to come. We wanted to tell you a very long voyage, in which all the Countries... more

MiscellaneousAVIONEWS wishes everyone a merry Christmas
Rome, Italy - We will resume on December 27th
"...A happy thought for all the year to come... for keeping all the good we've had and never stopping to dream of a better future" AVIONEWS wishes all its subscribers and readers a merry Christmas 2007... more

MiscellaneousAVIONEWS access statistics of last three months
Rome, Italy - Over a million accesses only from the United States
The statistics system of AVIONEWS servers has provided the following information regarding Internet accesses to the agency on www.avionews.com: In the past three months, the users who visited the pages... more

MiscellaneousAVIONEWS has a long week-end
Rome, Italy - The agency will reopen next Monday
AVIONEWS informs all its subscribers and readers it will be closed from November 1st to 4th for All Saints’ Day and will regularly re-start its activities on next Monday, November 5th. The Editorial S... more

Miscellaneous<b>NOTICE TO AVIONEWS READERS</b>: the first of the new telephone numbers of the Agency
Rome, Italy - Soon the others
Due to a disservice occurred over the last days which left AVIONEWS without a chance to communicate via telephone or fax, the Agency decided to change telephone company, contemporarily increasing the service... more

Rome, Italy - They will be chenged in the next days
NOTICE TO AVIONEWS READERS Due to a operator's service disrupting occurred in the last days, there is impossible to contact our Agency by phone or fax, as all lines are currently out of services. New... more

MiscellaneousAVIONEWS goes on holiday
Rome, Italy - We will resume the publication on August 20th
AVIONEWS wishes to all its subscribers and newsreaders a nice rest and informs the Agency will remain closed on August 14th and 19th, and it will resume the ordinary work next August 20th. The Agency... more

MiscellaneousAVIONEWS's short break
Rome, Italy - The agency will restart the publication on 2 July
AVIONEWS informs all its subscribers and readers that the Agency will stay closed on 29 June to celebrate Rome's patron saints Peter and Paul. The normal execution of the job will restart on next 2 July. Naturally... more

MiscellaneousELTA: receive and retransmit GPS/GLONASS/GALILEO signals even inside a building
Paris, France - For aircraft hangars, integration rooms, factories, workshops
"With the R3G universal repeater designed by the French company ELTA, it is now possible to receive and retransmit all GPS/GLONASS/GALILEO positioning signals inside buildings (aircraft hangars, integration... more

MiscellaneousAVIONEWS apologies for the technical hitch
Rome, Italy - Today the agency resumes the normal work
AVIONEWS Press Agency apologies to its subscribers and readers for the these days technical hitch not determined by our will. Today the agency resumes the normal activity. AVIONEWS Editorial... more

MiscellaneousHappy birthday AVIONEWS
Rome, Italy - The press agency celebrates today its seven years of activity
AVIONEWS press agency celebrates today its seven years of activity. During this period many news have been published, but also realized interviews, exclusives, discussions, furnished by photos, technical... more

MiscellaneousA peace wishes by AVIONEWS
Rome, Italy - We will resume the publication on April 10th, 2007
AVIONEWS wishes all its subscribers and newsreaders a peaceful Easter 2007 "Rich in pleasant surprises" and informs the Agency will remain closed on April 9th, and it will resume the ordinary activity... more

MiscellaneousThe Epiphany of AVIONEWS
Rome, Italy - An occasion to offer thanks
A wish for a Day very... "Flitting" to all its subscribers and newsreaders by AVIONEWS! The agency uses the occasion to thanks all the world and informs the works continues the ordinary carrying out... more

MiscellaneousEuropean Union: Slovenia adopted the Euro
Brussels , Belgium - The tolar will continue to be legal tender alongside the Euro until 14 January
"Slovenia adopted the Euro last Monday, joining the 12 European Union countries which already form part of the Euro area. The single currency was launched in 1999 and the Euro banknotes and coins were... more

MiscellaneousHappy New Year by AVIONEWS
Rome, Italy - We will resume the publication on January 2
AVIONEWS wishes to all its subscribers and newsreaders in the world a peaceful New Year and informs the Agency will remain closed on December 30, 31, 2006 and January 1st 2007, and it will resume the ordinary... more

MiscellaneousWelcome Bulgaria and Romania to the European Union
Brussels , Belgium - The meeting of today and tomorrow will give the official accession of two countries
"The European Council meeting of 14-15 December will welcome the accession of Bulgaria and Romania to the EU. To celebrate this important occasion, the Commission is organising a major event in the centre... more

Miscellaneous"eContent Awars Italy 2006": first place for AVIONEWS for the eEntartainment category
Milan, Italy - Yesterday the prize-giving ceremony
Yesterday, at Turati Palace in Milan, the first phase of the project "eContent Award 2006" has been concluded with the prize-giving for the best digital format contents. The production of digital contents... more

MiscellaneousAVIONEWS apologizes with its own subscribers
Rome, Italy - Due to technical problem
AVIONEWS apologizes with its own subscribers for the problems had in these days, not depending of our will, but from internet problem that have interested, unfortunately, the entire national network,... more

MiscellaneousEuropean Commission: the entry by Romania and Bulgaria in the EU from January 1st, 2007
Rome, Italy - The press conference will take place next Monday December 11
The European Commission communicates that next Monday, December 11, at 11am, at the Foreign press Association's office in Rome (Via dell'Umiltà 83/C) a press conference will take place about the entry,... more

MiscellaneousA low-cost bar
Florence, Italy - The first shop halfway restaurant and travel agency
A coffee and a low-cost flight will be purchased together in Florence, where the first shop halfway restaurant and low-cost travel agency will be born. Terravision, a British company which operates in... more

MiscellaneousThe UN activates a service of humanitarian flights to the Central African Republic
New York, USA - The African State is pledged by fights and famine
Yesterday the UN has begun to operate a service of humanitarian flights to the Central African Republic, where about one million people suffer from famine and illnesses and there are an ethnic war. The... more

MiscellaneousThe Italian Trevi will contribute to the reconstruction of the World Trade Center
Milan, Italy - The Italian society will work for the building of the transport center
The Italian Trevi, trough its subsidiary Trevi Icos Corporation has won the construction job order to build the transport center of World Trade Center. The reconstruction project has a total value of about... more

MiscellaneousTTG Incontri: Italy is in the third place among tourist destinations
Rimini, Italy - The report of the World Tourism Organization
Italy is in the third place among international tourism destinations in 2005 in Mediterranean area with 36.5 million people, after France (76 million) and Spain (55.6 million). Turkey (20.3 millions),... more

Miscellaneous"Rome Film Festival": photografic exhibition by AdR
Rome, Italy - Movie stars at the airport
Aeroporti di Roma set up a photographic exhibition at the Rome Auditorium on the occasion of the "Rome Film Festival". Liz Taylor, Claudia Cardinale, Audrey Hepburn, Roberto Rossellini and other movie... more

MiscellaneousLebanon will denounce Israel for having pollute Mediterranean Sea
Beirut, Lebanon - The Israeli bombings have hit a power station that spilled 15.000 tons of fuel in the sea
"An intentional attack made with the certainty that it will cause a damage in the time can represent a was crime", as written in an international right rule that Lebanese environment minister, Yakub Sarraf,... more

MiscellaneousDrugs at Rome-Fiumicino airport: a Bolivian man was arrested
Rome, Italy - 5 kg of cocaine hidden in his suitcase false bottom
A 26-year-old Bolivian man was arrested at Rome-Fiumicino airport on international drugs traffic charges. Coming from Santa Cruz, the man was stopped at the arrivals area and, after a deep check of his... more

MiscellaneousFalse bomb alert at Sophia airport
Sofia, Bulgaria - Yesterday a telephone call communicated the presence of a bomb
Yesterday Sofia airport (Bulgaria) was closed for several hours after a telephone call communicating the presence of a bomb had been received at the arrival terminal. According to the Bulgarian interior... more

MiscellaneousSeptember 11th: Bush to the America, "We have to be united"
Washington, Usa - Bush threatens Bin Laden: "We will find you"
Bush spoke to the nation for 17 minutes last night at 9:00pm (local time). The leader of White House has pushed the American people to be united in the fight against terrorism and refused to define it... more

MiscellaneousEmergency landing of a Cessna 172-M in the centre of Montreal
Montreal, Canada - No injured people, either ashore or on board the airplane
The engine of a Cessna 172-M, registered as CF-FRV, suddenly stalled yesterday afternoon while the aircraft was flying over Montreal. The pilot, being unable to come back to St Hubert Airport where he... more

MiscellaneousIt has been arrested in Greece the man that escaped from jail with the helicopter
Athens, Greece - The runaway is an Albanian mafioso that escaped together with a Greek prisoner
Last June 4th, an Albanian mobster, Alket Rizai, 33, and a Greek prisoner, 40, perfomed a spectacular escape from the Greek prison of Korydallos, near Athens, by using an helicopter that had previously... more

MiscellaneousSeptember 11th(5): Rice today in Canada to for the anniversary of attacks
Washington, Usa - The US secretary of state will meet her Canadian counterpart
The US secretary of state, Condoleezza Rice, will visit Halifax in Canada today to commemorate the anniversary of September 11th. Canada gave important help to the United States the day of the attacks... more

MiscellaneousEmergency landing in Belgrade for an Alitalia flight
Rome, Italy – Smoke in the cockpit made start the alarm last Friday on the aircraft directed to Sofia
Last Friday an Alitalia plane flying from Rome to Sofia (Bulgaria) was forced to make an emergency landing in Belgrade, because of smoke in the cockpit for unknown reasons. The commandant of the flight... more

MiscellaneousMilan-Malpensa airport: cocaine inside berimbaus
Milan, Italy - A Brazilian man was arrested
A 34-year-old Brazilian man was arrested on international drugs trafficking charges after he was found with cocaine by the Financial Police at Milan-Malpensa airport. The man, who arrived from Rio de Janeiro,... more

MiscellaneousSeptember 11: America five years later
Washington, Usa - The American people feel vulnerable and fear a new attack
Today America is silent. People remember the victims of that tragic September 11th of five years ago, when together with the Twin Towers fell the faith of an entire nation about US invulnerability, and... more

MiscellaneousBA plane lands in emergency at Brussels for a false bomb alert
Brusselles, Belgium - A warning light signalled the presence of a fire aboard
Last night a British Airways plane made an emergency landing at Brussels airport after a fire alert began. The flight had departed from London to Frankfurt with 143 passengers onboard; after a warning... more

MiscellaneousChina pro a pacific solution for Korean and Iran cases
Beijing, China - "It needs to act with caution and abstain to actions that could make worse the situation"
During an interview granted to the European press about the nuclear problem of the Korean peninsula and about the programme for the Uranium enrichment in Iran, the Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao has stated... more

MiscellaneousThe temporary memorial of September 11 has been inaugurated in New York
New York, Usa - The monument is provisional waiting for the definitive one to be complete
Waiting for the space-monument in honour of the victims of September 11 -that will be located where before there were the Twin Towers- to be completed, yesterday it has been inaugurated in Ground Zero... more

MiscellaneousCocaine in the cockpit at Malpensa
Milan, Italy - The finding in an Alitalia aircraft came from Caracas
A package containing 2 kilograms of pure cocaine was found yesterday inside the cockpit of an airplane of Alitalia due to lift for Chicago. The fact has happened at Milan-Malpensa airport, where the plane,... more

MiscellaneousRed Cross will visit the prisoners in Guantanamo
Geneva, Switzerland - In next days a delegation of the humanitarian agency will go to the US jail to verify the conditions of prisoners
After the admittance by the US President, George W. Bush, about the existence of secret prisons, and about the "Hard" methods used by CIA officers during the interrogations of the suspect terrorists (see... more

MiscellaneousLebanon (2): from Turin an humanitarian flight to Beirut
Turin, Italy - An Antonov 124 has brought 8 tons of goods to the children victim of the war
Yesterday at 11:30am from Turin airport an aircraft Antonov 124 has taken-off with 8 tons of humanitarian aids for the children of Beirut, victims of 34-day war between Hezbollah and Israel. Despite at... more

MiscellaneousIran nuclear matter: Larijani-Prodi meeting today
Rome, Italy - USA demands sanctions soon
USA ask an urgent meeting of UN Security Council so that it gives the green light to a resolution containing sanctions against Iran, which is guilty of not wanting to give up its uranium enrichment program.... more

MiscellaneousTerrorism in UK: more two incriminated men
London, United Kingdom - Total 17 people have been considered guilty
On the field of the inquiry on presumed thwarted attack against airplanes flying between UK and USA, more two men have been formally charged with murder conspiracy and preparation of terrorist acts. 25... more