Press release
3,391 news found

Press releaseAlitalia: 85 flights cancelled until 12am of today
Rome, Italy - With regard to 220 ones estimated for the same day on the overall network
"Alitalia informs that until 12am 85 flights have been cancelled on 220 ones estimated for today on the overall network". more

Press releaseVolare (2). Maroni. Alitalia can't win the call for bids
Rome, Italy - Roberto Maroni's statement, the Italian Labour Minister
"I know the call for bids is not finished yet. First of all the company’s maintenance occupational level have to be respected, as the contract claims. Inside a difficult situation as Alitalia’s one, can... more

Press releaseAlitalia informs about cancelled flights yesterday
Rome, Italy - The carrier values for today 220 cancellations
"Alitalia informs that yesterday 170 flights were cancelled until 7:00pm, and not 250 as in a first valuation. During January 24 the carrier has effected 452 flights, covering 75% of the predicted traffic.... more

Press releaseAlitalia: 69 flights cancelled until 12am
Rome, Italy - Against 250 considered for today on the overall network
"Alitalia informs that until 12am 69 flights have been cancelled in regard to 250 ones determined for today on the overall network. For further information contact the Alitalia’s free number 800-650055".... more

Press releaseAlitalia: 250 flights are going to be deleted today
Rome, Italy - 225 flights were cancelled yesterday until 7:00pm o'clock
"Alitalia notifies that till 7:00 o’clock of yesterday 225 flights were cancelled rather than 250 deletions foreseen yesterday on total connections. We foresee retardations and calculate about 250 cancellations o... more

Press releaseAlitalia (5): 173 flights cancelled until 4:00pm
Rome, Italy - On 250 ones estimated on the overall network
"Alitalia informs that 173 flights have been cancelled until 4:00pm compared with 250 ones estimated for today on the overall network". more

Press releaseAlitalia: possible delays or flights' cancellations for today
Rome, Italy - Due to mobilitations that could be made by staff
"Alitalia communicates that today delays or flights’ cancellations could be occurred, because of possible mobilitations that could be made by personnel. The airline apologizes with its own customers f... more

Press releaseSita completes implementation of distributed antenna system throughout world’s busiest airport Atlanta
Atlanta, Usa - The Sita's press release
"Sita today announced that it has completed the implementation of one of the largest distributed antenna systems (DAS) in the world at Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport. The distributed... more

Press releaseSita to double passenger capacity at Beijing Capital International Airport for the 2008 Olympic Games Beijing
Beijing, China - The Sita's press release
"Sita, the leading provider of IT applications to the air transport industry, today announced that it has been selected by Beijing Capital International Airport (BCIA) to equip the new Terminal Three (T3)... more

Press releaseSult: workers union appeals to Alitalia's passengers
Rome, Italy - 24 hours Alitalia's flight attendants strike goes on until 24:00
"Since 00:00 o’clock of today the Alitalia’s flight attendants strike initiates. At the same time, different kind of disorders are claimed and make by the Union, in spite of the Minister of Transport ord... more

Press releaseeasyJet blanched for the green light at Alitalia-Volare's merger
Milan, Italy - The carrier's answer to the refusal of the claim presented by Air One
"easyJet is blanched about more and more likely the Volare’s take over, Italian carrier that had declared bankruptcy, by Alitalia, flag carrier also it at risk of failure. An Italian Court has rejected t... more

Press releaseSkyEurope reaches 3 million passengers milestone
Bratislava, Slovakia - The air company press release
"SkyEurope Airlines reached recently the 3 million passengers milestone strengthening its position as the largest low cost airline in Central Europe. Only 5 months after celebrating its 2nd million transported... more

Press releasePresident of Adria Airways, Branko Lucovnik steps down
Ljubljana, Slovenia - The air company press release
"At today’s (yesterday 12th january) 9th session of the Adria Airway’s supervisory board, Adria’s president, Branko Lučovnik, tendered his resignation. Lučovnik cited personal reasons as the main factor... more

Press releaseRyanair launches biggest ever summer schedule with youngest fleet in Europe
Dublin, Ireland - The air company press release
Ryanair, today (Wednesday, 11th January 2006) launched its full Summer Schedule on, running from 28th March to 28th October 2006. This year’s Summer Schedule has Europe’s lowest fares and... more

Press releaseEnac: a final balance on the air sector during the Winter holidays
Rome, Italy - A balance of the Authority's activity in 2005
"ENAC (Italian National Civil Aviation Authority) President and General Director, Vito Riggio and Silvano Manera, met yesterday afternoon, the sector’s delegates to examine the performance of the air t... more

Press releaseWizz Air enters Zagreb in Croatia
Zagreb, Croatia - The air company press release
"Wizz Air announced at a press conference in Zagreb today (yesterday Ndr) that it would start flights from Zagreb to London on 27 March 2006. The airline becomes the first low fare airline to fly between... more

Press releaseWizz Air opens Malmö/Copenhagen from Kaunas
Budapest, Hungary - The air company press release
"Wizz Air announced today that it would start new flights from Kaunas to Malmö/Copenhagen on 27 March 2006. This flight will be complementing the current Kaunas-Warsaw flight further strengthening Wizz... more

Press releaseENAV: strike for next Sunday, January 8, 2006, postponed
Rome, Italy - It was fixed for four hours
"ENAV SpA (Italian Flight Assistance Authority) informs that the predicted strike for next Sunday, January 8, 2006, from 12am to 4pm, has been postponed sine die. In consequence the air traffic services... more

Press releaseAvio: refunded senior debt with banks, finalized agreement with Banca Intesa, Calyon and Mediobanca
Turin, Italy - Greater flexibility obtained and less costs, ensured a credit availability until EUR 300m on Revolving Facility
Avio has positively finalized an agreement last December 30, 2005 with Banca Intesa, Calyon and Mediobanca regarding the refunding of existing bank senior debt paid out at last September 30, 2003 about... more

Press releaseItalian Air Force: "Scramble" of a F-16 of 5th Wing for a BA's aircraft
Rome, Italy - The fighter has taken off on an alarm from Cervia's air base to escort a B-767 of the carrier that had declared emergency
"At 9:04pm of December 28 a F-16 aircraft of the 5th Wing of Italian Air Force has taken off on alarm by Cervia’s air base to intercept and escort until landing at Rome-Fiumicino’s airport a civil air... more

Press releaseAlitalia: net financial position in November 30, 2005
Rome, Italy - It's equivalent to EUR 1768m
Alitalia communicates that the net financial position of Group in November 30, 2005 is USD 1768m, with an increase of the net indebtedness of EUR 46m (+2,7%), compared to October 31, 2005 (EUR 1722m).... more

Press releaseENAC convokes the sector for a final balance of the activities in air transport during the Winter holidays
Rome, Italy - The meeting will take place on Wednesday, January 11, 2006 in the afternoon at Casa dell'Aviatore
ENAC (Italian Civil Aviation Authority) informs that on Wednesday, January 11, 2006 at 3:00pm at Casa dell’Aviatore, will be held a meeting convoked by President, Vito Riggio, and by General Director, S... more

Press releaseADR: group Board of Directors assigned Fiumicino Airport's Pier C construction
Rome, Italy - A partnership agreement has been signed to manufacture a cogeneration plant at the air station
Rome-Fiumicino Airport operator ADR assigned Fiumicino Airport’s Pier C construction and signed a cooperation deal with Sistemi di Energia SPA to manufacture cogeneration plant at the air station. Also t... more

Press releaseAir Italy: first flight Fiumicino-Fortaleza-Natal inaugurated
Rome, Italy - The link will be served with a B-767/300
Air Italy’s first flight for Fortaleza and Natal served with Travelandia has been inaugurated. Thanks to the agreement with Air One the connection used easy connections from main Italian cities on Rome-Fiumicino a... more

Press releaseA deputation from Tatarstan Republic in visit to CIRA
Capua, Italy - It was sent on behalf of Tupolev
CIRA will be able to play a main role in the joint-venture including small and middle-sized aerospace industries from Campania Region which join both consortium SAM and Russia’s giant aircraft producer T... more

Press releaseAlitalia on the capital increase: final results of the offer
Rome, Italy - This operation has been concluded successfully
Alitalia unveiled that all the shares have been accepted regarding the capital increase operation. So, such a step proved fully successful. Also the remaining 7,401,316 shares were involved. So, capital... more

Press releaseENAC: signed agreement for a social discussion table about "Single European sky" regulations
Rome, Italy - A MoU has been signed today
"ENAC (Italian Civil Aviation Authority), the unions and flight assistance’s professional associations unveiled to have signed today, a MoU for starting a social discussion table. The agreement is finalized t... more

Press releaseAlitalia Express: UGL pilots on 4-hour-strike next Saturday
Rome, Italy - Cancellations and delays are expected
Alitalia Express pilots members of UGL union will go on strike from 12:00am to 4:00pm next December 17. They protest against the breaking-off of negotiations. During the walk-out Alitalia Express flights... more

Press releaseRyanair announced new 10 year's agreement with Brussels-Charleroi
Brussels, Belgium - 5 new routes and USD 240m investment
Ryanair yesterday announced a new 10 year agreement committing it to develop Brussels-Charleroi Airport until 2016. As part of this agreement the carrier will base 4 planes in Charleroi, bringing its... more

Press releaseAlitalia about capital stock's increase: results of the Stock Exchange's offer regarding the option rights not exercised
Rome, Italy - Airline will collect a price of about EUR 1,4 m
"According to Alitalia’s capital stock increase, in operation, the carrier communicates that in the hodiernal exchange’s session, has been completed the take over of nr 5,241,890 option rights not exe... more

Press release"Falco" appears in front of Vice-Minister of Defence of Bulgaria
Perdasdefogu, Italy - The Bulgarian country interested to possible collaborations with Italian industries both in defence and in other sectors
"The Vice-Minister of Defence of Bulgaria, Mr Radoslav Bozadzhiev, has visited the firing range of Perdasdefogu in Sardinia with the Secretary General of Bulgarian Civil Protection State Agency, Mr Alyaeddin... more

Press releaseGalileo: Control Centre for both Constellation and Mission and Performance Valuation Centre in Italy
Rome, Italy - Telespazio (Finmeccanica) will have the key of the new European Satellite System
The Control Centre for both Constellation and Mission and the Valuation Centre for Performance of the new European Satellite System Galileo will be realized in Italy, in the Fucino area and Rome respectively.... more

Press releaseSULT resorted to a denunciation in front of Judge on "Low-cost" and "Temporary work"
Rome, Italy - One regarding the agreement between Alghero Airport and Ryanair and the other one on Alitalia's temporary personnel use
Italian SULT union decided last week to resort to a denunciation in front of Judge on two issues. The first one regarded a "Il Sole 24 Ore"’ report concerning Alghero Airport-Ryanair agreement as a significant c... more

Press releaseAlitalia. Capital increase: preliminary results
Rome, Italy - 1,250,160,756 shares on 1,257,562,072 have been subscribed for a worth of EUR 1,000,128,604.80
Alitalia said that according to preliminary results its capital increase was 99.4% subscribed. Final results will be announced this week by a press release. "Acceptances are fully in line with expectations... more

Press releaseENAV-MFF: programme's results presented today in Rome
Rome, Italy - It was born in 2000 with an investment of EUR 51m in five years
The final workshop on Mediterranean Free Flight (MFF), a pre-operative and quinquennial programme, opened today in Rome. It has co-financed by European Commission with participation by ENAV (Italian Flight... more

Press releaseAlitalia: net financial status on October 31, 2005
Rome, Italy - Honouring CONSOB's requests, carrier releases information about its net financial status
Alitalia’s net financial status on October 31 2005 consisted of EUR 1718m with a partial increase of debt. It was released after a CONSOB’s request concerning it. Financial leasing exist about the fle... more

Press releaseADR:, the new Italian low-cost carrier
Rome, Italy - Flights from Fiumicino for Malpensa and Bari
Yesterday a new Italian low-cost airline has been inaugurated at Fiumicino Airport with flights departing from Rome to Milan-Malpensa and Bari-Palese. From December 15 connections for Wien, Munich, Nice... more

Press releaseAlitalia Board of Directors: 3rdQ 2005 approval and go-ahead for capital increase
Rome, Italy - It has been carried out honouring international accounting principles for the first time
Production increased for a 10% in 3rdQ 2005 up to EUR 1,240m. Consumption for materials and service cost rose up to a +13% also due to a growing fuel price. Employment cost was reduced (-10%). Operational... more

Press releaseChristmas at New York: Delta to launch special offers
Milan, Italy - Flying in business elite starting from EUR 1922
"It is the right moment to schedule a holiday in the United States during Christmas time: Delta offers a special tariff for New York from Milan, Rome and Venice to fly inn business elite starting from... more

Press releaseVitrociset won the international bid with NATO NETMA Agency
Rome, Italy - For the Tornado and Eurofighter 2000 airplanes
Vitrociset, as the prime contractor in a consortium founded together with Indra, signed a contract with NATO NETMA Agency for the development of the CADPS-EPS (Enhanced Procurement System/Central ADP System),... more

Press releaseAlitalia: Board of Directors' convocation
Rome, Italy - For next Monday, November 7
The airline communicates in a note that "For next November 7, a meeting of Alitalia’s Board of Directors has been convoked with on agenda, among the other, the rise of the capital stock of the proxy i... more

Press releaseAlitalia (3): audit report on 1st half 2005 budget
Rome, Italy - Carried out on the basis of Art. 81-bis of CONSOB Regulation stemming from n.11971 decision on May 14, 1999 and following changes and integrations
Audit performed its analysis on Alitalia’s 1st half 2005 report, operating by CONSOB’s rules. Audit found a lower loss when compared to last year but the critical situation goes on with a remarkable cap... more

Press releaseAlitalia (2): union board's statement on June 30 1st half 2005 report
Rome, Italy - Board appointed on June 27, 2005
Alitalia union Board, as appointed on June 25 2005, commented on June 30 1st half 2005 report finding that business wealth is worth EUR 329.937m while loss consists of EUR 122.409m. Such report has been... more

Press releaseAlitalia: 1st half 2005 report
Rome, Italy - Union board's statement and audit's report
Alitalia unveiled that audit was not able to provide a green light for the 1st half 2005 budget report of the airline. It will be probably warranted in case recapitalization can performed. Nothing appears... more

Press releaseAlitalia: net financial position on September 30, 2005
Rome, Italy - Worth EUR 1709m in line with August 31, 2005 situation worth EUR 1712m
Alitalia’s net financial position on September 30, 2005 is worth EUR 1709m and it proves in line with August 31, 2005 situation worth EUR 1712m. This document has been released after a specific request b... more

Press releaseAlitalia: clarifications concerning news about a possible entry of foreign carriers
Rome, Italy - The Italian carrier said that it does not have elements that confirm such information
"In regard to the news appeared on the press today and some days before about the possible entry, among the future airline’s shareholders, with stakes of about 10% each, of carriers from Palestinian N... more

Press releaseAlitalia: the Chinese and Indian hostesses are the umpteenth insult to the employees
Rome, Italy - The press release by Fabrizio Tomaselli, SULT's National Secretary
"The entry of Indian and Chinese hostesses is a further insult to the situation that is recording in Alitalia: it affects on all the atmosphere, already negative, that is respiring within the staff which... more

Press releaseAvian flu and international travelers
Rome, Italy - Without useless alarmisms, some recommendations directed to people travelling in the areas at risk
"People traveling to South-East Asian countries should avoid all contact with chickens, ducks, geese, pigeons, or any wild birds, and avoid settings where H5N1-infected poultry may be present, such as... more

Press releaseATMPP about the strike of ENAV Acc' personnel: at the end of the protest confirmed a very high adhesion
Rome, Italy - With a range of 75% between the air staff
"The adhesion of the strike fixed by LICTA and ANPCAT has recorded a very high adhesion with a range of 75% of operative staff. The unions apologize with the customers for the hardships following to the... more

Press releaseSULT: October 21 transport strike has been suspended
Rome, Italy - Following another Ministry's order to postpone it
Italian SULT union decided to suspend the October 21 national transport strike following another Ministry’s order to postpone it. Both Ministry of Infrastructures and Transport and Investigation Committee o... more