5,866 news found

DefensePakistan buys Chinese missiles
Islamabad, Pakistan - For its 250 JF- 17 Thunder jet fighter
Pakistan has bought Chinese missiles and avionics for its 250 JF- 17 Thunder jet fighter, Air Force chief Rao Qamar Suleman said on Thursday. In an interview, Suleman, air chief marshal of the Pakistan... more

DefenseIran: "Developed air defense system similar to the Russian S-300". Is this to be trusted?
Tehran, Iran - Soon the first launch tests, a defense spokesman says, but the news is accepted with skepticism
Mansurian Mohammad Hasan, spokesman for the Iranian Defense, told last Wednesday to the agency "IRNA" that Iran has succeeded in developing an air defense system similar the Russian S-300. That is the... more

DefenseThe arms race goes through India, Emirates and Israel: the military aircraft are the most sold
Stockolm, Sweden - United States the biggest exporter, according to a study conducted by SIPRI
SIPRI, Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, published on Wednesday a report about the transfer of armaments at a global level. It was found that over the past five years, the military fighter... more

DefenseFinmeccanica. Performance by sector: Defence Systems
Rome, Italy - Revenues: EUR 802 million (+4.6%); Adjusted EBITA: EUR 61 million (+5.2%)
OTO Melara, WASS, MBDA (Figures for the MBDA joint venture are consolidated proportionally at 25%) Revenues were EUR 802 million, a rise of EUR 35 million, or 4.6%, on the figure of EUR 767 million... more

DefenseFinmeccanica's Board. Performance by sector: Defence and Security Electronics
Rome, Italy - Revenues: EUR 4,978 million (+10%); Adjusted EBITA: EUR 426 million (+8.1%)
SELEX Galileo, SELEX Communications, SELEX Sistemi Integrati, SELEX Service Management, Elsag Datamat, Seicos, DRS Technologies Revenues totalled EUR 4,978 million, an increase of EUR 452 million... more

DefenseRussia, launched successfully today a RS-12M Topol missile (Video)
Moscow, Russia - Service life of this type of rocket can so be extendend up to 23 years
Alexei Zolotukhin, lieutenant colonel of the Russian armed forces, announced that today took place successfully the launch of a single-warhead intercontinental ballistic missile RS-12M Topol. This was... more

DefenseDefense-aerospace. Balistic missiles and space launchers: Russia-China agreement ratified
Moscow, Russia - Green light from the high chamber of the Parliament of Moscow
Today, the high chamber of the Russian parliament ratified an intergovernmental agreement, signed in 2009 in Beijing between China and Russia, on cooperation about strategic ballistic missiles and rocket... more

DefenseLess aircraft, vessels and troops: here is the revolution of British armed forces
London, UK - Government cut the budget for Defense, displeasing many people
Bye bye Harrier GR.9 and T.12 fighter aircraft: the Royal air Force retires its fighters which served the country for many years and aims to the F-35C version, as announced by the prime minister, David... more

DefenseRussia launched a bid aimed to purchase helicopters carrier ships
Paris, France - The minister of Defense, Popovkin, unveils few further information
At the end the government of Moscow decided: after months and months of public announcements, denies and assumptions, with the chiefs of Russian navy who pushed for the purchase of whose helicopters carrier... more

Defense"Bulava" missile, 14th launch scheduled for October 29?
Moscow, Russia - Contrary to previous announcements by Russian sources
It's another time the period of late October as the date of the next launch, the 14th, of "Bulava" strategic ballistic missile. Recently, a source inside the committee for the tests had informed the... more

DefenseCSTO countries ready to take part to to a military exercise; airplanes, helicopters, armored vehicles and 1,700 troops
Moscow, Russia - Chiefs push for global security agreement
Russian and Kazakh combat pilots will take part on Friday in live-firing exercises in preparation for the upcoming large-scale exercises of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO), the Russian... more

DefenseRussia could produce more than 100 balistic missiles within 2020
Moscow, Russia - For its "Borey" class submarines
Today Igor Korotchenko, head of a think-tank based in Moscow dedicated to the international arms trade, would have revealed to "Ria Novosti" that Russia might need a minimum of 124 new strategic ballistic... more

DefenseItalian Navy: "Emerald Move 2010" exercise in Senegal with boats, airplanes and helicopters
Rome, Italy - It will take place from 3 to 30 November
The Italian Navy's "San Giorgio" and "San Marco" amphibious assault ships have departed from Brindisi to Dakar, Senegal, where they will take part, from 3 to 30 November, to the international exercise... more

DefenseUSA, "Aircraft"-Humvee project goes on
Washington, USA - It's called "Transformer" the reconnaissance vehicle in a "Flying" version
The Pentagon would have decided to have a flying version of the "Humvee", the "High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicle", the well-known reconnaissance vehicle of the US forces. The project would be... more

DefenseIndonesia keeps on buying arms, airplanes and helicopters from Russia
Jakarta, Indonesia - More military aircraft are being delivered
Indonesia keeps on buying arms from Russia, continuing a military-technical cooperation with the European country, as confirmed by the Defense minister today. Purnomo Yusgiantoro spoke after an official... more

DefenseToday, the launch of 6 spacecraft "Globalstar" from Russian "Soyuz"
Baikonur, Russia - The event strengthens France-Russia cooperation
Today, 19 October 2010, 6 US "Globalstar" satellites were launched from Baikonur from a Russian Soyuz rocket, facilitated by Starsem, a society owned by Arianespace and Russian Space Agency: it's an important... more

DefenseItaly and Russia discuss military-technical cooperation
Moscow, Russia - Moscow would buy Iveco armored vehicles if Rome set up a joint assembly line
Italian military officials are visiting Russia for cooperation talks: first deputy Defense minister Vladimir Popovkin and deputy Defense minister on military technical cooperation Guido Crosetto are discussing... more

DefenseBaltic States, Poland and USA, joint military exercise Sabre strike 2011 to start
Riga, Latvia - In Latvia until October 31st
The Latvian Minister of Defence announced that starts today,18 October 2010, "Sabre Strike 2011", the joint military exercise in which participate Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland and the United States.... more

DefenseMissile defense. Russia: "Iran is not a threat for us"
Moscow, Russia - Moscow wants to discuss the European plan
Moscow hopes the Russian-NATO Council summit due to be held in November in Lisbon will make clear the situation with the European missile defense plan, Russia's envoy to the military alliance said on Monday.... more

DefenseRussia: S-300 air defense systems to Venezuela?
Moscow, Russia - After the rescission of the contract with Tehran, Moscow looks for a new buyer
Last Friday, October 15, 2010, Igor Korotchenko, head of a think-tank based in Moscow dedicated to the international arms trade, said that Russia is looking for a new buyer for the five air defense systems... more

DefenseRussia will equip itself with Iskander-M tactic ballistic missiles
Moscow, Russia - And will distribute them in its four future military districts
Yesterday, on October 14, 2010, General Nikolai Makarov, chief of Russia's Armed Forces General Staff, unveiled that the Country is planning to distribute tactic missile systems Iskander-M to all its four... more

DefenseRussia postpones after October next Bulava missile launch
Moscow, Russia - Two tests scheduled within the end of the year
Yesterday, on October 14, 2010, General Nikolai Makarov unveiled that Russia has decided to postpone next launch of the strategic ballistic missile Bulava, previously announced to be planned for the end... more

DefenseIsraeli "IAI" signs contract for aerial drones with Russian "Oboronprom"
Tel Aviv, Israel - According to the media, it would be a 400-million-dollar deal
Yesterday "Israel Aerospace Industries" (IAI), an Israeli company developing and producing aerospace and defense systems, has unveiled on its web-site that it has signed a three-year contract with the... more

Defense"Yantar" Shipyard won a tender for three Project 11356 frigates for Black Sea fleet
Moscow, Russia - Of the Russian Navy
Yesterday, on Tuesday October 12, 2010, Sergei Mikhailov, a spokesman of the Yantar Shipyard, in the exclave of Kaliningrad, unveiled that his shipyard last week won a tender for the construction of the... more

Defense"Indra 2010": from 15 to 24 October Russia-India joint exercise
Moscow, Russia - It will simulate anti-terrorism operations in the mountains
A note unveiled today by the Russian ministry of defense announced the dates of "Indra 010", the military exercise organized from India and Russia, that this year will take place from 15 to 24 October:... more

DefenseRussia announced the amount of Defense spending for airplanes, submarines and missiles until 2013
Moscow, Russia - About 16.3 billion dollars just in 2010
Russia has made public for the first time in many years a detailed account of its defense spending until 2013, the Vedomosti daily said on Tuesday. State Duma Defense Committee head Viktor Zavarzin... more

DefenseIn 2011 the Gulf Countries will buy 68 billion dollars of armaments
Dubai, United Arab Emirates - According to the report published by the analysts of Frost&Sullivan Group
In the last days, the newspaper "Gulf News" reported that, according to a public document published by the analysts of the Frost&Sullivan Group, in 2011 the Countries member of Gulf Cooperation Council... more

DefenseNext Bulava missile test at the end of October?
Moscow, Russia - Two further ones, planned within the end of 2010
On Friday, October 8th, a source from test commission would have revealed to "Ria Novosti" agency that the next launch, the fourteenth, of a strategic ballistic missile Bulava has been preliminarily set... more

DefensePiracy: the "Libeccio" Italian Navy's frigate released nine suspect men
Rome, Italy - They were on it since September 29th
"Libeccio" ship released last Friday morning nine presumed pirates it had taken into custody. The preliminary investigations judge (Gip) decided the release for these people that were remanded in custody. The... more

DefenseFrance is 4th in the world for armament export after USA, Great Britain and Russia
Paris , France - According to a report published last Wednesday by French ministry of defense
According to a report released by French ministry of defense, the Country would have confirmed its position as the 4th armaments exporter in the world, despite of the global economic and financial crisis. France... more

DefenseItalian Navy: mission in Lebanon accomplished
Rome , Italy - Today the return to naval base in Augusta is scheduled
Today, on Friday October 8, 2010, after having spent more than three months in the Lebanon waters in the context of naval force UNIFIL (United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon), Navy's patrol "Comandante... more

DefenseRussians managed in the 13th Bulava ballistic missile launch
Moscow , Russia - After several failures (7 on 12 trials)
For those who believe in this kind of thinks, it could be due to number thirteen, that brings good luck, if Moscow today rejoices at success of Bulava strategic ballistic missile's launch test, exactly... more

DefenseNATO: Italian Army's Electronic Warfare Regiment awarded in the US
Rome , Italy - FA's 33rd Ew is based in Treviso
On Monday in Atlanta, USA, Italian Army's 33rd EW (Electronic Warfare) Regiment was awarded the "Annual NATO Outstanding Unit Award" by the Associations of Old Crows, an organization which provides a forum... more

DefenseRussia increases its naval defense capacity in the Arctic ocean
Moscow, Russia - Due to a "Strategic deterrence" plan, Navy's commander Admiral Vysotsky said
While Russian strategic aviation continues its air patrols in the Arctic Ocean and nuclear submarines continue theirs, Russian Navy's commander, Admiral Vladimir Vysotsky, declares it will be increased... more

DefenseNATO: new missile shield proposals for Russia
Moscow, Russia - Should arrive on the 20th November at Lisbona summit
According to the international press, a NATO spokesman would have said that new proposals for European anti-missile defense will be presented on the occasion of the NATO-Russia council to be held in Lisbon... more

DefensePiracy: two Italian Navy's boats in the Indian Ocean
Rome, Italy - The mission of contrast will begin tomorrow
Tomorrow, on Friday October 1st, frigate "Bersagliere" will start a mission against piracy, called "Ocean Shield", led by NATO. The "Bersagliere" boat, commanded by Frigate captain Gennaro Falcone,... more

DefenseRussia: new radars to deal air space "Threats"
Moscow, Russia - Ready to install a station to cover South border
Russian Defense Ministry plans to put the Voronezh-DM radar station in south Russia’s Armavir into a state of operational readiness, as well as build several new radars to counter possible threats, Oleg O... more

DefensePiracy: Italian Navy frigate "Libeccio" seizes pirates and frees cargo boat's hostages
Rome, Italy - After hours of pursuit in the middle of Indian Ocean
Italian Navy frigate "Libeccio" released a Iranian "Dhow" cargo carrying 7 crew, which was seized by suspected Somali pirates. The boat was sighted and approached off Kenyan coast, in the middle of... more

DefenseSukhoi delivers last three Su-30 airplanes to Indonesia
Moscow, Russia - Plans to buy another six
A handover ceremony for three Su-30MK airplanes was held at South Sulawesi air base, in southern Indonesia on Monday. "The handover of another three Sukhoi fighters is further evidence of the successful... more

DefenseRussia-Kyrgyz joint-venture to supply Manas-Bishkek airbase, OK from USA
Bishkek, Kirghizistan - Military site was built in 2001 as a part of US-led international operations in Afghanistan
The United States has welcomed a proposal on establishing a joint Kyrgyz-Russian venture to supply aviation fuel to the Pentagon's transit center in Bishkek, Zhantoro Satybaldiyev, Kyrgyz deputy prime... more

DefenseRussia's S-300 missile systems sale ban, the blames is on Iran
Moscow, Russia - Accusation exchange between Kosachyov, head of the Russian lower house's international affairs committee, and Iran defense minister Vahidi
Russia's ban on the sale of S-300 air defense missile systems to Iran was the result of Tehran's "Flawed foreign policies". So spoke, Konstantin Kosachyov, head of the Russian lower house's international... more

DefenseAVIONEWS: Rear admiral Parisi leads Italian Navy's Maricapitale (VIDEO)
Rome, Italy - The handover ceremony with admiral Luppino
AVIONEWS last Thursday attended the ceremony of handing over of "Autonomous military maritime command of the capital" (Maricapitale). Rear admiral Antonio Parisi succeeds to admiral Chief Inspector Nicola... more

DefenseRussia breaks the contract for the supply of S-300 anti-aircraft missiles. Tehran: "We can't trust"
Moscow, Russia - Recently, the Russian President signed a decree which forbids the sale of armaments to the Muslim Country
It's hard Iran's reply to the termination of the 800 million Dollars contract for the provision of armaments from Russia. The contract, signed in 2005, provided for the supply to Iran of 5 anti-missiles... more

DefenseMEADS life cycle costs significantly lower than fielded systems
Orlando, Usa - With coverage area eight times greater
On the Medium Extended Air Defense System (MEADS) program has been presented to the three partner Nations a required life cycle cost estimate that proves the MEADS system design will significantly reduce... more

DefenseItalian Navy: AVIONEWS at changing-of-the-guard
Rome, Italy - This morning at "Grazioli Lante della Rovere" barracks
Today, on Thursday, Sept. 23rd in Rome at 11:00am, at the Barracks "Grazioli Lante della Rovere", the autonomous naval headquarters of Italy capital, took place the ceremony of control exchange between... more

DefenseYakhont missile sold to Syria
Moscow, Russia - Could it protect Russian naval base in Mediterranean Sea?
The mobile anti-ship missile systems Russian-made sold to Syria could be used to protect a site for Russian naval supply and maintenance, near the Syrian port of Tartus, in the Mediterranean basin. The... more

DefenseRussian and Indian air forces to hold joint exercises soon
New Dehli, India - The two Countries strengthen their links
Air forces of Russia and India may hold joint exercises in the next few years: "We will definitely hold joint exercises", Russian Air Force chief, Col. Gen. Alexander Zelin, said after his visit to India. The... more

DefenseRussian military command structure to be reorganized
Moscow, Russia - Some of their functions will be transferred
Central commands of Russia's Air Force, Navy and Ground Forces will be retained but some of their functions will be transferred to integrated strategic commands, Defense Minister Anatoly Serdyukov said... more

DefenseFurther delays in Bulava missile new testing
Moscow, Russia - Scheduled on Sept. 9-12, now postponed...again
“H????????? ??????”: neschastnyi? Bulava. So we should start to call the ill-fated Russia's submarine ballistic missile, which according to Russian Defense Minister Anatoly Serdyukov, will resume lauch tes... more

DefenseAbkhazia: Russia deployment of S-300 missiles is no threat to area, says French minister Kouchner
Paris, France - No surprise in Washington: systems appear to be in place for past 2 years
Deployment of Russia's S-300 air defense systems in Abkhazia is non threat, according to Bernard Kouchner, France Foreign Minister. Whether this statement is inspired by France now-long-time “Feud” wit... more