6,271 news found

AirportsFraport traffic figures-June and first half 2015 ("Specials" by AVIONEWS)
Frankfurt, Germany - Passenger increase continues at Frankfurt Airport
Frankfurt Airport (FRA) continued to record increased passenger traffic in the first half of the 2015. Welcoming 28.9 million passengers from January to June 2015, FRA achieved strong 4.1 percent growth... more

AirportsLondon-Luton Airport: record breaking Summer, passenger numbers grow 16% in June
London, UK - It becomes the busiest month in the Airport’s history
London Luton Airport (LLA) is gearing up for its busiest ever summer period, with 2.65 million passengers expected to travel through the Airport in July and August (1.3million passengers expected in July... more

AirportsAirplanes. Oslo Airport announces that west runway will be closed for two weekends in July
Oslo, Norway - From 10 to 13 and from 17 to 20 of this month
Due to re-resurfacing, the entire west runway will be closed to air traffic from 10 to 13 July and 17 to 20 July. Oslo Airport is resurfacing the west runway, a project that started 11 April. The entire... more

AirportsOman inaugurates the new Salalah Airport
Rome, Italy - It is fully operated with Indra technology
The Public Authority for Civil Aviation (PACA) of Oman officially inaugurated the new Salalah Airport. Indra has equipped it with its proprietary technology for air traffic management and airport operations... more

AirportsPlanes and figures. ACI EUROPE: airports report strong passenger traffic in May ("Specials" by AVIONEWS)
Brussels, Belgium - But freight is negative
European airport trade body, ACI EUROPE today released its traffic report for May. The report is the only air transport report which includes all types of civil aviation passenger flights: full service,... more

AirportsAirplanes. Third runway at Heathrow airport. Tyler (IATA) on '"Uk Airports Commission Report"
London, United Kingdom - "Third runway. Second runway. No runway. What a relief it is to have some clarity at last..."
"Third runway. Second runway. No runway. What a relief it is to have some clarity at last. Sir Howard Davies and his Commission have delivered an unequivocal conclusion that only a third runway at Heathrow... more

AirportsAirplanes. Aci Europe: 125 airports report on their progress in airport industry’s global climate change programme
Brussels, Belgium - In over 40 countries across the world, an increase of over 22% on the previous year
Following the global airport industry’s commitment to reduce its carbon emissions made 7 years ago, the intervening years since then have seen a groundswell of airports become part of the industry carbon m... more

AirportsLondon City Airport: Western Pier reconfigured
Milan, Italy - Work has begun, with completion expected by Summer 2016
A £16 million development programme is set to transform Departures at London City Airport. Work has begun to reconfigure the airport’s Western Pier, which houses 70 per cent of its departure gates. Built in... more

AirportsAircraft. Aci Europe: April airport traffic confirms EU vs non-EU performance gap
Brussels, Belgium - Passengers grew by an average +3.2% during the month
European airport trade body, ACI EUROPE today released its traffic report for April. The report is the only air transport report which includes all types of civil aviation passenger flights: full service,... more

AirportsAutogrill expands in Turkey with a contract at Antalya Airport
Milan, Italy - Under an agreement with ICTur, the Company expects to generate total revenues of around 110 million Euros over the 10-year agreement
Through its HMSHost International division, Autogrill has entered an agreement with ICTur to operate 8 points of sale at Antalya Airport in Turkey. The new business is expected to generate total revenues... more

AirportsCatania airport closed today until 1:00pm ("Specials" by AVIONEWS)
Catania, Italy - To permit the set off operations of a war bomb
Sac SpA (Catania's airport management company) communicates that the airport is closed today from 8am to 1pm, to permit the set off operations of a war bomb discovered in Jungetto district. The decision... more

AirportsAirplanes. Fire at airport. Aeroporti di Roma asks to ENAC operating reduction of 60% at Fiumicino
Rome, Italy - Still too much uncertainty by the competent authorities on the defintive data of the analysis
Aeroporti di Roma (Rome-Fiumicino and Ciampino airports management company) asks to ENAC (Italian Civil Aviation Authority) a reduction of the airport operativeness of "Leonardo da Vinci" at 60%. The decision... more

AirportsAircraft and airport. Belgium: closed until 5:30pm the air space due to an electrical fault
Brussels , Belgium - Long delays and many cancelled flights
Today the Belgium and Luxembourg airspace will remain closed at least until 5:30pm due to a failure in the electrical system of "Belgocontrol". The company regulates the air traffic nationwide, and has... more

AirportsAircraft and earthquakes. Japan: closed the Narita airport, after a quake of magnitude 5,3
Tokyo, Japan - Meanwhile in Nepal continue the aftershocks
Closed the air traffic in the two runways at Narita airport in Japan following an earthquake of magnitude 5,3 that struck on this morning, May 25, 2015, Tokyo and the other surrounding of the Japanese... more

AirportsGermany: still significant delays for the new Berlin airport
Berlin, Germany - The authorities deny a journalistic investigation, according to which the airport would remain unfulfilled
The Berlin authorities spokesman, Ralf Kunkel, has denied the reconstruction of the German newspaper "Bild am Sonntag" about the new International Airport "Willy Brandt" remaining unfinished. The blunt... more

AirportsNice airport. France: Atlantia, Fraport e Global Infrastructure Partners interested to the tender
Nice, France - The company of the Benetton family looking for a French partner to overcome the local resistances
After the publication of the tender for the shareholding of the Nice airport, the industry giants are sharpening their weapons for the acquisition of 60% of the French airport. Among the candidates,... more

AirportsAirplanes. Aci Europe: regional airports ready to assert role in Europe's growth strategy
Reykjavik , Iceland - Innovate, sustain and compete the themes faced today and tomorrow at the 8th "Aci Europe Regional Airports Conference"
The regional airport community gathers in Reykjavik today and tomorrow, for the 8th annual "ACI EUROPE Regional Airports Conference", hosted by Isavia and Keflavik airport. With over 175 participants from... more

AirportsAeroporti di Roma: Pier D of the Terminal 3 in Fiumicino reopened
Rome, Italy - Over 135,000 passengers yesterday on the Roman airport system
Aeroporti di Roma, in close collaboration with ENAC (Italian Civil Aviation Authority), communicates that the Pier D of the Terminal 3 is in service today, as planned. The decision has been taken after... more

AirportsAeroporti di Puglia: new links to Zurich
Brindisi, Italy - The first SWISS flight from Bari took off last May 2; the connection from Brindisi next July
Aeroporti di Puglia (AdP) announces that SWISS inaugurated the link from Bari to Zurich last May 2. It will be served three times per week (Monday, Wednesday and Saturday) until November by an AVRO RJ-100... more

AirportsNew earthquake in Nepal, closed the airport at Kathmandu (VIDEO)
Kathmandu, Nepal - The quake had a magnitude of 7.4 degree. Many collapsed buildings and 4 deaths in the capital
The international airport of Kathmandu closed for safety reasons: a new strong earthquake of 7.4 degree on the "Richter" scale has hit Nepal this morning, May 12, 2015. Tens of travellers are still blocked... more

AirportsRome-Fiumicino airport: still discomforts after the fire. Investigations by the Civitavecchia prosecutor's office against unknown
Rome, Italy - At least 40 damaged shops, while 100 workers were laid-off. In Terminal 3 there is still a strong smell of smoke
After the fire at the airport of Rome-Fiumicino in the night between 6 and 7 May, now the entire security system of the structure is under review by the prosecutor of Civitavecchia: what surprised the... more

AirportsAeroporti di Roma: Terminal 3 of Fiumicino airport reopend, after the fire of yesterday
Rome, Italy - Team of 300 employeers have worked all-night to make it in service in the early morning
The Terminal 3, interested by a fire of yesterday at the "Leonardo da Vinci" airport in Fiumicino, has been reopened in the early morning of today. Teams of 300 employeers of Aeroporti di Roma between... more

AirportsAirplanes and transport. Aci Europe: EU airports report strong Q1 passenger traffic results
Brussels, Belgium - Freight traffic across the European airport network fell by -0.4%
European airport trade body, ACI EUROPE today released its traffic report for March and Q1. The report is the only air transport report which includes all types of civil aviation passenger flights: full... more

AirportsFlames at Fiumicino airport (7). Aeroporti di Roma: "Leonardo da Vinci" in service
Rome, Italy - Task-force of nearly 400 people
Aeroporti di Roma communicates that the flight operations at the "Leonardo da Vinci" airport in Fiumicino are restarting gradually. The first airplanes took off: a flight served by Delta Airlines to... more

AirportsFire at Fiumicino airport (3). Aeroporti di Roma: first departing airplanes from noon
Rome, Italy - The restart will be gradual
The airport authorities operational round table meeting, held today at ENAC (Italian Civil Aviation Authority) site, have decided to restart the first flights (and airplanes) departing from noon on the... more

AirportsDubai International Airport: passenger traffic at DXB climbs 7.2 per cent in March 2015
Dubai, UAE - It experienced solid growth across all major markets
Dubai International experienced solid growth across all major markets in March 2015, lifting passenger traffic 7.2 per cent from the same month last year, according to the latest traffic report issued... more

AirportsAirplanes. Pisa (Italy): the direct link to Riga (Latvia) takes off from June 13
Pisa, Italy - A weekly flight by Air Baltic on a B-737 from 114 seats
The Latvian flag carrier launches the new weekly connection between Tuscany and the Baltic countries. Air Baltic will fly once a week as of next June 13 from Pisa to Riga, by a B-737 airplane with 114... more

AirportsBusiness airplanes. Comiso Airport in Sicily (Italy): Province sends EU tender to routes encouragement
Ragusa, Italy - The airlines have time until July 3 to present their requests
The Ragusa Province closed the iter after that the Sicilian Region has activated the SANI1 system for the pre-notification of the tender to EU, a mandatory procedure, considered that the contribution to... more

AirportsDubai-Al Maktoum Airport: passenger terminal to be expanded to accommodate 26 million passengers by 2017
Dubai, UAE - The project is a precursor to the $32bn expansion project announced last September
Dubai Airports today confirmed that construction is expected to begin later this year on the expansion of "Al Maktoum International" at Dubai World Central’s (DWC’s) existing passenger terminal which wil... more

AirportsAeroporti di Roma (AdR): Benetton ready to give a minority share?
Rome, Italy - The competitors are 2 international funds, Wren House and "Borealis"
Despite the past denials, according to the rumors by "Il Sole 24 Ore", soon Atlantia Group will sold a minority stake in Aeroporti di Roma (AdR), the company that runs Rome airports of Fiumicino and Ciampino,... more

AirportsAircraft and transport. Chile: eruption by the "Calbuco" volcano, closed airports and cancelled flights (VIDEO)
Santiago de Chile, Chile - The Chile's third most dangerous volcano erupted after 42 years
Yesterday evening April 22, 2015 the Chilean volcano "Calbuco" erupted again after more than 40 years of inactivity. A spectacular column of smoke and ash forced to suspend flights and aircraft operations... more

AirportsAutogrill grows in North American airports (Houston and Montreal)
Milan, Italy - The two operations are expected to generate accumulated sales of around 790 million dollars in the overall contracts’ term
Through its subsidiary HMSHost, Autogrill Group strengthens its position in the North American airport channel by winning 4 contracts to operate a total of 40 points of sale in "George Bush Intercontinental... more

AirportsNice Airport (France): "Vinci" interested in the privatization of the structure
Nice, France - The private entry in the airport capital thanks to a law of impending approval
During an interview with the French magazine "Investir" the CEO from "VINCI" Xavier Huillard said that the infrastructure company will make an offer, to enter in the capital of the Nice and Lyon airports. "In... more

AirportsDubai World Central Airport. China Airlines moves its regional cargo hub to DWC
Dubai, UAE - The Taiwanese carrier uses the UAE as an intermediate stopover on its cargo flights between Taiwan and Europe
China Airlines, the Taiwan-based carrier, will relocate its regional base to "Al Maktoum International" at Dubai World Central (DWC) with effect from today. The first flight, which arrived at 10am from... more

AirportsNice airport (France): the privatization before the summer?
Nice, France - Many foreign groups are interested, including the Italians "F2i" and "Atlantia"
The privatization of the Nice airport seems imminent: expected before the summer, the stock exchange of the second French structure (after Paris) interests many foreign investors, including the Italian... more

AirportsDubai International Airport: passenger traffic with nearly 6 miilion in February
Dubai, UAE - According to the latest report issued by operator Dubai Airports
Passenger traffic continued to grow steadily at Dubai International during February with nearly 6 million passengers, according to the latest traffic report issued by operator Dubai Airports. Passenger... more

AirportsDubai Airports invests USD 1.2 billion in facility upgrades for international airlines and passengers
Dubai, UAE - Construction is on track for completion mid-year
Dubai Airports confirmed that its USD 1.2 billion (AED 4.3 billion) investment in new and upgraded facilities for the over 110 international airlines that operate from Dubai International’s Terminals 1... more

AirportsAeroporti di Roma: launch new flight from Fiumicino to Belfast
Rome, Italy - Served by the British airline customers at Rome-Fiumicino Airport yesterday celebrated the leading British leisure airline’s new flight to Belfast with a traditional cake-cutting ceremony, marking the commencement of the o... more

AirportsAeroporto di Firenze: Iberia landed at Florence with an A-319 airplane
Florence, Italy - The flight will be served every day, except on Monday
The first Iberia airplane landed yesterday at Florence after a two hours and a half flight, coming from Madrid. The plane, an A-319, with 141 passengers on board, has been welcomed with a water cannon... more

AirportsAutogrill enters China at Beijing and Sanya airports
Milan, Italy - The Group’s growth strategy moves forward in the Asiatic area
Through its HMSHost International division, Autogrill Group enters China and gives new impetus to its expansion in Asiatic markets with the signing of two agreements to open 10 food&beverage points of... more

AirportsArgentina: a vast strike threatens to paralyze the airports and the air traffic
Buenos Aires, Argentina - It's the fourth largest union action against the President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner
From the midnight of yesterday March 30, 2015 Argentine unions established an impressive strike to demand higher wages and changes to the taxation: at risk the entire national sector of the transports.... more

AirportsAci Europe: 20 carbon neutral airports and even more engaged in addressing their carbon footprints
Brussels, Belgium - The full results for year 6 of the programme will be realeased at its annual event in Prague (24-26 June)
With the groundswell of political visibility and a number of key events about Climate Change building up to the COP21 climate negotiations later this year, the independent programme "Airport Carbon Accreditation"... more

AirportsDubai International remains world’s busiest A-380 hub in 2014
Dubai, UAE - It is "Airport of the Year" at "ATN Awards 2015"
Dubai International, the world’s number one airport for international passenger traffic, has been named "Airport of the Year" at the "Air Transport News Awards 2015", held in Geneva, Switzerland, recently. Dubai I... more

AirportsLondon Airport: the new expansion is planned for the next Summer
London, UK - The project provides two new tracks and the strengthening of the links with Scotland
A special committee is evaluating the new expansion plan at London-Heathrow airport. The project will be "Green lighted" during the Summer of the year 2015. In addition to the construction of two new... more

AirportsIstanbul’s new airport to host "ACI Airport Exchange 2015"
Brussels, Belgium - The 10th edition of this event will take place on 8-10 December
İGA Havalimanı İşletmesi A.Ş –the company building the world’s biggest new airport north of Istanbul– has announced that it will host "ACI Airport Exchange 2015", the event that combines an extensive... more

AirportsYemen: after the clashes at the airport in Sana'a, at least 150 died as a result of three suicide attacks
Sana'a , Yemen - Meanwhile the President Abu Rabbu Mansour Hadi escaped to an air strike
On March 19, 2015, supporters of the President Abu Rabbu Mansour Hadi have fought against the rebel forces, loyal to the former President Ali Abdullah Saleh at the airport Aden (city of the southern Yemen).... more

AirportsFrankfurt airport: the consequences of the Ukrainian conflict in the German airport
Frankfurt, Germany - Russian tourism in sharp decline because of the clashes
The conflict between the Ukrainian government troops and the pro-Russian separatist has consequences not only in human victim, but also from an economic point of view: the skies on the conflicted areas... more

AirportsYemen: closed the Aden city airport
Sana'a, Yemen - Six dead in the clashes between opposing armed factions. All the flights are suspended
Today, March 19, 2015 the airport in Aden (city in the southern Yemen) was closed because of the violent firefights from the last night concentrated within the structure; all flights are now suspended... more

AirportsBeijing: the new airport between wealth and pollution
Beijing, China - The opening of it is planned for 2018
China has begun the construction of a new airport in Daxing, a suburb in the south of the capital Beijing: the inauguration of the facility is scheduled for 2018. The new airport will have seven tracks... more

AirportsThe carrier Air Vanuatu and the other airlines start again their operations after the "Pam" destruction (VIDEO)
Port Vila, Vanuatu - The cyclone devastated the "Paradise on Earth"
The passage of the tropical cyclone "Pam" caused extensive damage in the whole archipelago of Vanuatu, in the Pacific Ocean. Most of the population remained no shelter, not to mention the destruction of... more