Press release
3,391 news found

Press releaseMission in Afghanistan. Bonelli: Berlusconi changed his mind
Rome, Italy - It's what Angelo Bonelli "Verdi" group leader in chamber states
"Berlusconi is in a strong identity crisis. He’s disposed to vote a measure that is against the foreign policy of his Government, which plans the recall of the troops that Cdl (house of freedom) sent t... more

Press releaseMission in Afghanistan. Casini: Berlusconi's position is coherent with the atlantica choice
Rome, Italy - The text of the press release of Pier Ferdinando Casini
"I’am glad that President Berlusconi announced yesterday the disponibility to substain the Italian military mission in Afghanistan, as already don during last days by Udc (democratic centre union). It’s a c... more

Press releaseMission in Afghanistan. Berlusconi: we'll vote for the renovation of our presence in the Asian Country
Rome, Italy - The text of Silvio Berlusconi's press release
"The Italy’s interest and prestige, the strenghtening of democracy and peace in the world are for the House of Freedom(Italian right party) reference values that can’t be renounced. They comes before eve... more

Press releaseAlitalia: declaration concerning Italian Antitrust's decision about Volare
Rome, Italy - Italian national carrier makes some considerations
"Concerning the Italian Antitrust’s decision about Volare, made known on last Wednesday, Alitalia declares: If preserves to approach the national air transport basing on prejudicial ideas -confirming t... more

Press releaseENAV: regular flights next Sunday July 9 in Italy
Rome, Italy - The strike for four hours was fixed by LICTA union
"In consequence of the postponement to other date ordered by Italian Transport Minister, ENAV (Italian Flight Assistance Board) communicates that the national strike announced by the air traffic controllers... more

Press releaseClandestine immigrants disembarks. Fallica: Mediterranean Sea surveillance should discourage them
Palermo, Italy - The statement by Pippo Fallica, member of the Italian Parliament Defense Commission
"European Commission vice-President, Franco Frattini, said that fight policy against clandestine immigration is a priority for Europe. Patrolling the Mediterranean Sea with EU aeronaval unities and restoring... more

Press releaseENAC: the second community meeting on the implementation of the rule "Single European Sky"
Rome, Italy - The NSA took place last June 27
"ENAC, Italian Civil Aviation Authority, informs that last June 27 a second meeting NSA (National Supervisory Authorities) held in Rome for the inspection and the implementation of the rule regarding the... more

Press releaseAlitalia: Roberto Ulissi, one of the manager, resigned
Rome, Italy - There are no evidences that he owned participations in Alitalia's stock
"We make known that lawyer Roberto Ulissi, currently manager of an other Stock Exchange company, resigned, after the approval of the Economy and Finances Ministry, his resignations as CEO of the company. According... more

Press releaseLegacy 600: Indonesia grants certification to the Embraer's executive jet
San Josè dos Campos, Brasil - Two new aircrafts will be operative by september
Indonesia has been the eighteenth country to allow the executive jet of the brasilian manufacturer Embraer to fly. Embraer aims to reach a firs level role in the field of midsize business jet. After the... more

Press releaseAvio: the second stage of Vega launcher passes test
Turin, Italy - The statement by Avio, Italian company of Carlyle Group
"The test of Zefiro 23, the engine which will carry Vega European launcher up to 100 kilometers form Earth, lasted 71 seconds. Zefiro 23 is 7 meter and a half high, has 2 meter diameter, weighs 26 tons... more

Press releaseNuance confirmed as the new duty-free operator at Wellington airport
Zurich, Switzerland - The press release
"Wild at Heart" Wellington airport is one of New Zealand’s three largest airports, servicing the country’s capital city it handles more than 4.5 million passengers a year. Wellington airport recently ann... more

Press releaseTerritorial continuity. Ryanair: European Commission's inquiry must be fastened
Rome, Italy - The Irish low-cost carrier's statement
Ryanair does not agree with new Meridiana and Alitalia understanding on Sardinian routes in territorial continuity regime, so it decided to appeal to the European Commission. It asks to "Fasten the investigation.... more

Press releaseMission in Afghanistan. Bulgarelli: the situation is degenerating into war
Rome, Italy - Italian Green Party Senator Mauro Bulgarelli declared that
"It is necessary to open a discussion on Italian mission in Afghanistan refunding, starting from a simple question: what are our soldiers doing in a situation which is degenerating into a war? Reasons... more

Press on the chemical wakes
Rome, Italy - The staff has realized a deepening about it
"Chemical wakes: after a heated up discussion in our Forum and then a great number of sites that speak about it, the staff of has decided to realize a deepening on the topic. It deals, probably,... more

Press releaseMission in Afghanistan. Bulgarelli: we didn't change idea about the retreat of our troops
Rome, Italy - Mauro Bulgarelli, deputy for Green party, said it
"Our military presence in Afghanistan is not assumed and it is foul to try to move the discussion on the hypothetic increase of our contingent in Kabul. When in the last legislature it was voted the mission... more

Press releaseAlitalia: traffic statistics in the month of May 2006
Rome, Italy - For that passengers and for the cargo's one
"The figures about the passengers’ transport in May 2006 show a positive trend of the Alitalia’s activity levels, confirming an improvement already expressed in those ones of last April. The number of... more

Press releaseAfghanistan Mission. Bulgarelli: what are we waiting for to go away?
Rome, Italy - Senator Bulgarelli, Green party, said it in a press release
"There is the necessity to confirm the political reasons of the retreat of the Italian troops from Afghanistan without to appeal to hypocrisy and strange formulas. The hypothesis to increase Italian contingent... more

Press releaseFinmeccanica: the delay in the A-380's delivery will not have any impact on our accounts
Rome, Italy - The Italian society's press release
"The delays in the delivery of the A-380 aircraft, announced yesterday evening by EADS, will not have impact on the economic-financial trend and on the profits of the Finmeccanica Group in the years 2006-2008.... more

Press releaseSULT: the agreement underwritten by the union, Alitalia and Italian Transport Minister, Bianchi
Rome, Italy - The strike fixed for next Saturday, June 17, called off
"Last June 12, 2006 at the Italian Transport Ministry, Alitalia and the union SULT have met. The delicate phase that the society is going through, and the entire air transport sector, imposes to the... more

Press releaseAutogrill: agreement in Canada to purchase CARA's restaurant and retail sector
Milan, Italy - The text of the press release
Autogrill group, through the US subsidiary HMSHost Corporation, signed with CARA operations limited, the principal operator of joint restaurant in Canada, an agreement to purchase the Airport terminal... more

Press releaseAlitalia. SULT: which fleet for which project?
Rome, Italy - Cimoli interested to the purchase of 30 new A-320s
"News by press report of a meeting that should occur today with the Alitalia’s president and CEO, Eng. Cimoli, interested to a purchase of 30 new A-320. SULT is sure that the fleet’s renew can’t be di... more

Press releaseAriane 5: night launch to transport two satellites
Turin, Italy - The space rocket Ariane 5 confirms its very good performances
New success for Ariane 5. Avio realizes the 14% of the European rocket producing, in addition to the lateral solid fuel boosters, also the liquid oxygen turbopump of the Vulcain engine of the cryogenic... more

Press releaseItalian Air Safety Board about the crash in Sicily
Rome, Italy - The verifications by the investigator completed
"The Italian Air Safety Board (ANSV) informs that the nominated investigator has completed the verifications on the crash’s site that provoked the death of three occupants. The incident occurred during t... more

Press releaseAlitalia according to the art. 114, paragraph 5 decree 58/1998
Rome, Italy - In compliance with a CONSOB's request
"In compliance with a CONSOB (Italian authority on the societies in Stock Exchange) request, according to the art. 114, paragraph 5, decree 58/1998, Alitalia informs regarding the pronunciations by the... more

Press releaseSULT on Ryanair: the Italian Transport Minister Bianchi and ENAC's interventions are necessary
Rome, Italy - After the legal judiciary and "Striscia la notizia"
"The inquiry on Ryanair broadcasted by the English Tv Channel 4 some months ago, has been filmed last week by ’Striscia la notizia’, (the Italian tv programme), after the SULT (Italian union) has sent spe... more

Press releaseTuninter ATR-72 accident. Victims association: we will never let our guard down on the matter
Bari, Italy - The text of the release by the "August 6 2005 Capogallo air disaster" Association
The "August 6 2005 Capogallo air disaster" Association expresses perplexity for missing separation obligations between technical (by ANSV, Italian Air Safety Board) and legal investigations. ANSV investigations... more

Press releaseENAC about the crash to a Swiss touristic airplane occurred today in Sicily
Rome, Italy - The aircraft was part of a group of four planes of Helvetic matriculation that within a touristic tour in the isle were stopped for a technical pause at the Giubiliana's airfield
"ENAC, the Italian Civil Aviation Authority, informs that this morning at 10:15 an air crash happened near Ragusa in which an aircraft of touristic type matriculated in Switzerland, model Mooney M-20,... more

Press releaseAnpac about Ryanair regarding that appeared yesterday evening during the "Striscia la notizia" an Italian Tv programme
Rome, Italy - The Association retains necessary an immediate intervention by competent institutions
"According to that appeared yesterday evening during the Italian Tv programme ’Striscia la notizia’, that has pointed out severe facts concerning the Ryanair’s operations and dramatic deficiencies in th... more

Press releaseENAC after the Council of State's writ on Cagliari-Rome and Cagliari-Milan connections
Rome, Italy -
"After the Council of State’s writ, sect. VI May 23 2006, n. 2555/06, which accepted Air One petition for the override of Lazio Regional Administrative Court writ, ENAC makes known that Cagliari-Rome a... more

Press releaseAlitalia offer for Volare acquisition is valid
Rome, Italy - Alitalia has been given the permission to operate Sardinian obligated routes
The Italian Council of State declared a formal irregularity in procedures for Volare sale to Alitalia. The airline trusts this irregularity will be solved soon, as the validity of Alitalia’s offer is n... more

Press releaseSULT: strike next June 17 by Alitalia's flight assistants
Rome, Italy - It's necessary an immediate intervention by Government as mediation
"About Alitalia there are new storm clouds both regarding the unions’ matters and the industrial problems, and the situation could determine a new Summer of fight and mobilizations. The same Volare’s eve... more

Press releaseENAV: European providers visit Forlì "Academy"
Forlì, Italy - Among the first schools providing specialistic courses in line with European regulations
"After the visit of Dutch Air Force and TRM (Team Resource Management) and IANS (Institute of Navigation Service), NATS as well, the most important European provider for air traffic control, went to visit... more

Press releaseUnione Piloti: the strike, fixed for next Tuesday, by Alitalia's pilots has been postponed
Rome, Italy - As act of responsibility and sensibility towards the new Italian Government and Transport Minister
"Cgil, Cisl, Uil, Ugl and Unione Piloti (Italian unions) have been convoked today at the Transport Ministry. In such meeting they have discussed all the unsolved problems and the strong alarms that have... more

Press releaseAVIO launches a new society for the creation of components for engines
Turin, Italy - AVIOFIX in a market that worth USD 3 bn and increases of 6% per year
AVIO, leader in the aerospace propulsion, has constituted a new society that will be actived in the high technologies of repair of components for turbo machines. The society, named AVIOFIX, is controlled... more

Press releaseAlitalia: the Board has approved the first quarter of the Group at March 31, 2006
Rome, Italy - Net revenue equal to EUR 965 million
"Alitalia Linee Aeree Italiane SpA’s Board, gathered yesterday under the presidency of Eng. Giancarlo Cimoli at the society’s headquarter, has approved the report regarding the first quarter 2006 of the... more

Press releaseENAC: TAR rejects Ryanair petition for Alghero-Rome route
Rome, Italy - easyJet petition for Milan-Olbia route rejected too
"Referring to Ryanair words about presumed ’illegality’ of ENAC measures, the Italian Civil Aviation Authority underlines that Lazio Administrative Court has confirmed those measures, rejecting the Iri... more

Press releaseENAV: regular flights tomorrow, on Friday May 12
Rome, Italy - The strike was fixed by the Italian air traffic controllers
"ENAV SpA (Italian Flight Assistance Authority) informs that the stikes by the air traffic controllers, fixed for tomorrow, on Friday May 12, 2006, have been all postponed. The air traffic services will... more

Press releaseMalev: good results recorded in the first quarter 2006
Budapest, Hungary - A press release by Hungarian airline unveiled it
A press release by Malev, the Hungarian flag carrier, yesterday unveiled that the airline has had in the first quarter of 2006 an increase of the passengers equal to 11,7% compared to the last year. In... more

Press releaseReggio Calabria Airport. Scopelliti: municipality administration has the merit of Air Malta links
Reggio Calabria, Italy - Mayor Giuseppe Scopelliti declared that
"The presence of the Maltese airline on our territory is born from a happy intuition of my administration about the community’s real needs. The activation of new flights to and from Rome and Malta with o... more

Press releaseNuance: Stefanel and Gecos disprove the rumours of the society's assignment
Milan, Italy - Two shareholders have issued a joint press release
"There is full confirmation and support to the management and to the industrial project of Nuance Group. The industrial plan 2005-2009, parallelly to an increase of the profitability, expects a progressive... more

Press releaseStefanel: Nuance confirmed at the Brisbane's airport until 2014
Milan, Italy - The times extended of the Nuance management of the Australian air station
The Nuance Group has concluded an agreement with Brisbane Airport Corporation Pty Ltd (Bac), in Australia, as per to which the expiry of the current airport concession managed by Nuance -expected for 2007-... more

Press release"Piloti Italiani Uniti" denounces a devastating and disastrous management by Alitalia Express
Rome, Italy - In the first four months of the year against 16.500 scheduled flight hours the cancellations are about a thousand
"Against the great premises with the renewal of the Alitalia Express’ pilots contract, the hodiernal reality reproduces unfortunately, a disastrous situation by the operative aspect, with innumerable c... more

Press releaseCataldo: solidarity to Roman Ryanair workers
Rome, Italy - The press release by Carlo Cataldo, Secretary of Roman Union of European Republican Movement
"Such easy scandal tendencies only put jobs in danger for Roman citizens employed at Ryanair base operating in Ciampino. It is deplorable to exploit some English TV inquiries, see AVIONEWS 1 and 2, in... more

Press releaseSULT: "Immediate and accurate investigation on Ryanair"
Rome, Italy - The Italian transport union presented a denunciation to the bench
"SULT, in cooperation with Officina, a non-union association, examined, wrote out and translated an English TV broadcast which revealed to have infiltrated two journalists among Ryanair flight attendants... more

Press releaseAlitalia: net financial position at March 31, 2006
Rome, Italy - It's equal to EUR 939
"- Net financial position of Group at March 31, 2006 is equal to EUR 939, with a light decrease of the net debt of EUR 12m (-1,3%) compared to the analogous situation on February 28, 2006 equal to EUR... more

Press releaseENAV: strike fixed for next May 5 called off
Rome, Italy - It was foreseen for four hours
"ENAV (Italian Flight Assistance Authority) communicates that the strike by air traffic controllers of Milan ACC, announced for next May 5 from 12am to 4pm, has been cancelled. Then, next Friday, the... more

Press releaseWizz Air: the carrier expands itself in Romania
Budapest, Hungary - The rest of the low-cost airline's statement
The Budapest-Targu Mures route represents the first Wizz Air entry in Romania’s market, the second Middle-Eastern Europe Country served by the airline, after Poland, Hungary, Lithuania, Bulgaria, Croatia a... more

Press releaseWizz Air sets foot in Romania
Targu Mures, Romania - The airline press release
Wizz Air, announced in Targu Mures that it is launching flights between Romania and Hungary. The Budapest-Targu Mures line represents Wizz Air’s first market entry into Romania, the 7th CEE country the a... more

Press releaseANSV: Agency's delegates accredited in Norway and in Spain for two different events
Rome, Italy - A crash and a serious trouble occurred, respectively, at the end of March and at the beginning of April
"The Italian Air Safety Board (ANSV) has accredited its own investigator in the technical inquiry performed by the equivalent Norwegian investigative Board on the crash occurred to an A-109, code LN-OLH,... more

Press releaseÁngel Mullor announces decision to step down as Iberia Chief executive officer
Madrid, Spain - The airline press release
Angel Mullor, Iberia’s Ceo, told the company’s chairman and the Appointments and Retributions Commission that he has decided to resign in order to take on new personal and professional projects. Mullor joi... more