Press release
3,391 news found

Press releaseErrata corrige ANSV: Cockpit Voice Recorder data disclosure of Tuninter ATR-72 accident: the Agency's position
Rome, Italy - The technical investigation is still in progress and soon will be completed
"With reference to some recent press releases including excerpts taken from the judicial authority report on the Tuninter ATR-72 accident, Italian Aviation Safety Board (Agenzia Nazionale per la Sicurezza... more

Press releaseANSV. Cockpit Voice Recorder data disclosure of Tuninter ATR-72 accident: the Agency's position
Rome, Italy - The technical investigation is still in progress and soon will be completed
"With reference to some recent press releases including excerpts taken from the judicial authority report on the Tuninter ATR-72 accident, Italian Aviation Safety Board (Agenzia Nazionale per la Sicurezza... more

Press releaseAlitalia: net financial position on November 30, 2006
Rome, Italy - It equals to EUR 964 m
"- Net financial position of the Group on November 30, 2006 equal to EUR 964 million, with a decrease of net indebtedness of EUR 8 million (-0,8%) compared to the analogous situation on October 31, 2006... more

Press releaseSULT on Alitalia: confusion in Italian Government and the workers strike
Rome, Italy - The strike is confirmed for tomorrow, but some other fight actions are possible in the following days
"The declarations yesterday by some Italian Government's delegates about Alitalia's situation don't make that fuel. It's not easy to understand what is happening in the Italian Government's inside about... more

Press releaseSult about Alitalia: privatize to relaunch or to privatize for making private?
Rome, Italy - The strike for next December 15 by all personnel remains confirmed
"The conditions by Italian Government for the private capital's entry in Alitalia address the attention to a fundamental question: the privatization is a tool for Alitalia's relaunching and development... more

Press releaseSULT about the decisions by the Italian Council of Ministers on Alitalia
Rome, Italy - "The path is right, but not the 'Driver'"
"SULT, Italian union, expresses a placid satisfaction for news that are emerged by Palazzo Chigi regarding Alitalia. Finally, it seems that a different path has been undertaken which could create the conditions... more

Press releaseSULT about international alliances and Alitalia: five are the possible hypothesis
Rome, Italy - Only the alliances with European or Asian carriers ensure a development of the airline
"During the rumours in these days regarding the possible international alliances of Alitalia, at least are five the possible ones. 1) No international alliance: within a year money of the recapitalization... more

Press releaseAlitalia: net financial position on October 31, 2006
Rome, Italy - It's equal to EUR 972 m
"- Net financial position of Group on October 31, 2006 equal to EUR 972 m, with a reduction of net indebtedness of EUR 51 m (-5,0%) compared to the analogous situation on September 30, 2006 equal to EUR... more

Press releaseSULT's accusation: Ryanair's workers without rights=competition with no rules
Rome, Italy - The Italian union has sent a letter to the competent authorities
"After the petitions to legal judiciary to request investigations on 'Unsecurity' levels that Ryanair would ensure according to English tv 'Channel 4', the Italian union, SULT, has sent a letter to the... more

Press releaseAnpac about Alitalia-Air France/KLM
Rome, Italy - The international alliance is an important interest for the national air transport
"The topic of the Alitalia's international alliance is very important for the Italian air transport and must be considered by the Government as a way to confirm the Alitalia's role as key airline and to... more

Press releaseAlitalia. National strike of the Alitalia Group employees
Rome, Italy - The announce has been made with a letter/release by Filt-Cigil, Fit-Cisl, Ugl Air transport and Sult
"The national secretaries, about the dispute made by them in Alitalia Group, after the actions taken about it, and after noticing a dangerous acceleration of the already serious conditions of Alitalia... more

Press releaseAlitalia: comments of the carrier on the Air France-KLM press conference
Rome, Italy - On October 19 the carrier's board has requested to its CEO to start the perusing of structural understanding
"As announced last October 19, the direction of Alitalia has attended its CEO, Giancarlo Cimoli, to send the perusing of structural understanding with the other carrier, finalized to the generation of... more

Press releaseThe visit by the Italian Defense Undersecretary, Forcieri, in India concluded
Rome, Italy - The Ministry of Defense's press release
Last Friday concluded the visit by the Italian Defense Undersecretary, Lorenzo Forcieri, in India, where he went in these days for a series of bilateral meeting. In particular, after that he held a conference... more

Press releaseAlitalia on possible partnership with Thai Airways
Rome, Italy - The airline communicates that there is not any contact in progress between two carriers
"With regard to news reported today on press agencies about negotiations not official ongoing between Alitalia and Thai Airways International for a partnership, the Italian carrier communicates that there... more

Press releaseAlitalia: traffic statistics in October 2006
Rome, Italy - The transported and offered's figures increasing
"The figures in October 2006 are characterised of overall activity's levels of Alitalia's passengers transport, slightly increasing compared to 2005, both on transported (+2,6%) and offered (+1,7%) terms.... more

Press releaseCub Trasporti: general strike against Italian Financial bill
Rome, Italy - In addition a demonstration in Piazza di Porta Pia in Rome
"Cub, together with the other Italian unions, has called a general strike for next Friday, November 17 against the Financial bill decided by Government. A Financial bill which doesn't give any positive... more

Press releaseENAC: restriction on the liquid in the hand luggages
Rome, Italy - The information on the Italian Authority web-site and to the toll free number
"ENAC, (Italian Authority for the Civil Aviation), reminds as from today, on November 6 2006, will become operational the new community rules on the liquid which could be transported on board of the aircraft,... more

Press releaseAlitalia: net financial position on September 30, 2006
Rome, Italy - It's equal to EUR 1023 million
"- Net financial position of Group on September 30, 2006 equal to EUR 1023 million, with an increment of net indebtedness of EUR 91 m (+9,8%) compared to the analogous situation on August 31, 2006 equal... more

Press releaseSULT announced a strike against finance bill 2007
Rome, Italy - For the entire day of November 17
"The Italian unions, Cnl, Sincobas, Sult, announced a general strike for the entire day of next November 17, focusing on that fixed by other unions for the same day. The strike has announced against the... more

Press releaseAlitalia: traffic statistics in September 2006
Rome, Italy - Regarding the passengers and cargo
"The figures in September 2006 show satisfying activity's levels of Alitalia despite during the month some strikes have occurred which have had effects on the passengers' network. The cargo has confirmed... more

Press releaseAnpav-Avia: the strike fixed for tomorrow by Alitalia's flight assistants has been suspended
Rome, Italy - The suspension after a meeting with the management
"ANPAV and AVIA, Italian professional associations of flight assistants, have suspended the strike fixed for tomorrow, October 20, about the rest of cabin crew on the long range flights and on the new... more

Press releaseANSV: Recovered the FDR of the Lockheed L-100-30 crashed near Piacenza on 13 August 2006
Rome, Italy - The crash caused the death of three occupants
"The investigators of the Lockheed L-100-30 fatal accident recovered the Flight Date Recorder (FDR) installed on the aircraft, registration marks 7T-VHG. Although the FDR sustained severe damages caused... more

Press releaseSult. Denial of press reports: the general air transport strike is fixed for September 18
Rome, Italy - For four hours, from 12:30pm to 4:30pm
"The Italian union, SULT, following the news published about the strike for next September 18, wants to specify: 1) the strike for four hours is fixed for September 18 and not for the 17, from 12:30pm... more

Press releaseSogas: the first arrival by Fokker 100 of Helvetic Airways will be this evening
Reggio Calabria, Italy - The first flight of direct link to Zurich
"The first arrival at Reggio Calabria’s airport of the Fokker 100 by Helvetic Airways, which will operate a direct connection from/to Zurich, is scheduled for this evening, at 7:35pm. The journalists a... more

Press releaseENAC: ECAC Directors General meeting in Poland with the participation of the European Commission
Rome, Italy - It took place from August 31 to September 4
"ENAC, Italian Civil Aviation Authority, informs that the 55ft special meeting of Directors General of ECAC (European Civil Aviation Conference), the organization that gathers the civil aviation authorities... more

Press releaseAlitalia: 179 flights will be cancelled tomorrow due to the strike for 24 h
Rome, Italy - 105 domestic and 74 international
"Alitalia communicates that tomorrow, Thursday September 7, 2006 due to the strike for 24 h fixed by the Italian unions Filt Cgil, Fit Cisl, Ugl and Unione Piloti, will be forced to cancel 179 flights... more

Press releaseANPAC: air transport strike postponement
Rome, Italy - From September 7 to 18 for four hours
"Italian Union trades, after a first meeting with Transport Minister Bianchi, have decided to postpone national strike of air transport pilots, flight attendants and controllers and ground staff from September... more

Press releaseAlitalia: the financial net position on July 31, 2006
Rome, Italy - It is equal to EUR 909 m
"- The financial net position of the Group on July 31, 2006 equal to EUR 909 m, with an increment of the net indebtedness of EUR 13 m (+1,5%) compared to the analogous situation on June 30, 2006 equal... more

Press releaseSult. Alitalia and alliances: everybody talks but nobody decides
Rome, Italy - "We won't let the company die"
"In these days there are many declarations by politicians about the possible alliances of Alitalia. The last one is the one by under-secretary of Transports Andrea Annunziata, that prefers carriers like... more

Press releaseEnav about the incident at Fiumicino: no collision, only contact
Rome, Italy - In the phase when the incident occurred the planes' engines were still off
"This morning, at about 9:30am, two Alitalia planes (Md 80 Az 156 to Brusselles and MD 80 Az 1413 to Turin) that were moving trough tractors from the parking on the square at Fiumicino airport touched... more

Press releaseAnsv about the incident at Fiumicino of this morning
Rome, Italy - Press release of the Italia agency for flight security
"The Italian national agency for flight security (ANSV) informs a technical enquiry has been opened about the incident occurred this morning at about 9:30am at Rome Fiumicino airport. The event has involved... more

Press releasePlane fallen in Ukraine (2): tragedy of flight 612 of the Pulkovo Avia
Kiev, Ukraine - "The aircraft was flying through or near an area with a thunderstorm and severe turbulence"
"The Pulkovo flight 612 departed Anapa (AAQ) for St. Petersburg (LED) at 15:05. En route, at an altitude of FL360 the pilot reportedly issued a mayday call. Another call was received when the plane was... more

Press releaseAnsv is engaged on the research of the black box of the plane plunged in Piacenza
Piacenza, Italy - Press release by Ansv about the investigations in the place
"While on the place of the incident the researches for the FDR (flight data recorder) of the Lockheed L -100-30, fallen over August 13 near Piacenza, are going on, the technicians of the laboratories of... more

Press releaseThe remains of San Antonio Abbot return in Italy
Sigonella, Italy - In August 20 they will be transported to Aci S. Antonio (Catania)
On the occasion of cerimony in remembrance of the 1650 years since the dead of Saint Antonio Abbot, to the community of Aci S. Antonio, in the Catania district, is been permitted by Holy See, the authorization... more

Press releaseIsrael-Lebanon (7). Napoli: the statements of the Minister D'Alema makes see a break on the foreign policy of Cdl
Rome, Italy - For the honorable of "Forza Italia", Osvaldo Napoli, if the mission won't plan a disarmament of Hezbollah will be troubles
"The Foreign Minister, Massimo D’Alema, want to do too much and he’s risking to make fail the peace mission in Lebanon. His heart is too close to Hezbollah and he isn’t worry enough for the Israeli civil... more

Press releaseAutogrill reinforces own presence in the USA with 11 rest stops in the Nashville Airport
Rome, Italy - The society will realize a turnover equal to USD 182 million in 13 years in the Tennessee terminal
"The Group wins 11 rest stops in Tennessee and 10 retail stores in Florida. Autogrill enter in the Nashville Aiport and strengthens the presence in the Miami terminal with the retail. In the Nashville... more

Press releaseTransports: FAN calls 24 hours general strike of pilots and flight attendants for next September 6
Rome, Italy - To protest against the heavily discriminatory management put on use by the Government about air transport
"Fan (Italian Federation travelling association), representing pilots and flights attendants associated to Anpac, Anpav and Avia, is very worried about the way the Government is facing the air trasnport... more

Press releaseThe European Commission opens a formal enquiry into restrictions to air services to Sardinia
Brussels, Belgium - On 16 air routes between three Sardinian airports and important airports on the Italian mainland
"The Commission has decided to open a formal investigation into the rules imposed by Italy on 2 May 2006 on 16 air routes between three Sardinian airports and important airports on the Italian mainland.... more

Press releaseEurofly: tomorrow flight attendants' strike
Milan, Italy - New 24 hours protest after the July 5 one
"The umpteenth provocatively attitude kept by the company during the 24 hours strike on last July 5, is the confirm that Eurofly considers flight attendants as puppets that have to be managed according... more

Press releaseAlitalia: June 2006 traffic statistics
Rome, Italy - The airline carried 2.2 million passengers
"Passenger operations In June 2006 Alitalia posted a good performance confirming the positive trend already shown in April and May traffic results. Alitalia carried 2.2 million passengers, up 2.9% compared... more

Press releaseMission in Afghanistan. Donadi: if the "Unione" doesn't vote compact the re-financing we won't make discounts to anybody
Rome, Italy - The warning has been sent by the honorable Massimo Donadi, group leader of "Italia dei Valori" at Italian Chamber
"Sadden and disconcert the statements of some exponents of radical left, and especially of Pdci, (Italian especially Party) that deny, just exit from the door, agreements that short before they decided... more

Press releaseMission in Afghanistan."Verdi" Parliamentarian groups: Italy to became supporter of international initiatives for the civilian re-built of the Country
Rome, Italy - The text of the release issued yesterday by the parliamentarian groups of Chamber and Senate of the "Verdi" for "Ulivo"
"The parliamentarian groups of ’Verdi’ of Chamber and Senate listened the relation of ’Sole che Ride’ Alfonso Pecoraro Scanio and shared the resolution of the national executive they believe that the dec... more

Press releaseMission in Afghanistan. Bertolini: Prodi should take note that he doesn't have a shared foreign policy and should resign
Rome, Italy - Napolitano's words, to honourable Isabella Bertolini of "Forza Italia", are the demonstration of Berlusconi's choice appreciation
"The high warning of the State Chief to Unione has been clear: Prodi can’t hide behind a finger anymore. The Italian Republic President Napolitano has appreciated the responsible choice of Berlusconi a... more

Press releaseMission in Afghanistan: D'Alema didn't say nothing to Annan's delegate in Asian State, Tom Koenings
Rome, Italy - Presented about event also a question by the Honorable Francesco Amoruso
"I don’t marvel at all that, breaking news of conversation had today between D’Alema and Kofy Annan in Afghanistan, Tom Koenings, Farnesina had not reported any statement of our Foreign Minister. However, wha... more

Press releasePW-100 engines maintenance for Alitalia Express ATR has been given to Avio
Turin, Italy - A statement by the Turin's company makes it known
Avio won the contract for the revision of PW-100 engines for ATR aircraft total fleet by Alitalia Express, the first Italian regional carrier. The exclusive and 5-year long contract is worth about EUR... more

Press releaseMission in Afghanistan. Fini: "Prudential decision"
Rome, Italy - Press release's text of Alleanza Nazionale (Italian Party) President, Gianfranco Fini
"Prudential decision of right-center in favor of peace’s commitment in Afghanistan, as maintenance of our military presence complies with absolute continuity with that decides by our government in the c... more

Press releaseMission in Afghanistan. Nucara: we are satisfied about Berlusconi's position
Rome, Italy - Italian Republican Party judged contradictory the position of the center-left Government
"The position expressed by the ex-President Berlusconi, satisfied completely the Italian Republican Party, that was waiting for this sentence to confirm the Atlantic and Western vocation of the CDL (Italian... more

Press releaseAfghanistan mission. Russo Spena: we do not agree with Kofi Annan
Rome, Italy - The leader of Rifondazione comunista Party at Senate, Giovanni Russo Spena, said that
"We cannot agree with Kofi Annan on Afghanistan. We agree on making efforts for ’Afghanistan internal stability’ but events show that military operations cause the opposite effects, in Afghanistan as... more

Press releaseMission in Afghanistan. Formisano: Italy will respect the engagements that has taken
Rome, Italy - For the group leader at Senate of "Italia dei Valori", Nello Formisano, Italy will gain international credibility
"The vote for re-financing of Afghanistan mission will be oriented toward responsability. Certainly Italy must respect the engagement that has taken with the International Community and go on with perseverance... more

Press releaseMission in Afghanistan. Boniver: Prodi in a paradoxical situation
Rome, Italy - For ex-Foreign Undersecretary of Berlusconi's Government, Margherita Boniver, Berlusconi expressed a liable position
"Now is clear that position of absolute responsability put on by Silvio Berlusconi on bill of Italian mission abroad’s extension and mainly about Afghanistan demonstrates that line of discontinuity claimed b... more