5,866 news found

DefenseRussia develops new strategic missile "Liner" designed to be launched from submarines
Moscow, Russia - A modernized version of SLBM Sineva (RSM-54) currently used by the Navy
Since the first successful test launch occurred on May 20 from the nuclear submarine "Yekaterinburg", Russia is completing the development of the new "Liner" missile, whose test program was launched in... more

DefenseRussia and USA will continue talks about European missile shield
Moscow, Russia - On August 11 and 12 in Saint Petersburg
The talks between Russia and United States are going on about the European missile shield. As announced yesterday by the US Department of State, on August 11 and 12 the Under Secretary of State for... more

DefenseRussia plans to buy 120 Iskander-M tactical missile systems
Moscow, Russia - Deployed in 2008 in Georgia's war
In a press conference held on August 1st in Moscow the Russian deputy defense minister, General Dmitry Bulgakov said that the Country is thinking of buying more than 120 Iskander-M tactical missile systems,... more

DefenseNorth Korea reopens nuclear negotiations
Pyongyang, North Korea - The Country chose six Nations to talk with
North Korea seems to reopen the doors of dialogue on the nuclear issue after about a year and a half block of the relationship, when in December 2009, US Representative Stephen Bosworth had gone on an... more

DefenseUS missile shield: Russia opposes a system on Black Sea
Moscow, Russia - Goes on talking between USA and Nato members
On July 29 the Russian news agency "Ria Novosti" reports that are ongoing discussions between United States and other NATO member Countries about the project to build a missile shield that would protect... more

DefenseFinmeccanica. Performance by sector: Defense Systems
Rome, Italy - Revenues: EUR 558 million (+ 4%); Adj. EBITA: EUR 49 million (+32%)
Oto Melara, Wass, Mbda (The figures related to the MBDA joint venture are consolidated on a 25% proportionate basis) Revenues: This item amounted to EUR 558 million, up 21 million on the first half... more

DefenseChina re-uses Soviet-era aircraft carrier "Varyag"
Dalian, China - For coasts patrolling
Senior Colonel Geng Yansheng, China defence ministry spokesman, announced on July 27 to the press that the Soviet-era aircraft carrier "Varyag" will start as soon as possible its first "Experimental Voyage"... more

DefenseAlgerian Defense Ministry orders a ship for the national Navy to Orizzonte Sistemi Navali
Genoa, Italy - The unit will be realized at the Fincantieri's Italian facilities
Orizzonte Sistemi Navali, society controlled by Fincantieri and joint by Selex Sistemi Integrati (Finmeccanica Group), has awarded a contract from Algerian Democratic and Popular Republic's Defense Ministry... more

DefenseRussia successfully launched "Sineva" ballistic missile
Moscow, Russia - Hit the designated target
Colonel Igor Konashenkov, Russian defense ministry spokesman, said that on July 27 a ballistic missile "Sineva" RSM-54 (SS-N-23 Skiff in Nato classification) has been successfully launched; the launch... more

DefensePutin asked to quickly complete the 2011 state arms procurement program
Moscow, Russia - There are no contracts for 30% of orders
The Russian agency "Ria Novosti" reported the news that on July 26 Prime Minister Vladimir Putin has asked to end as soon as possible the program of military procurement for 2011, being 30% of total orders... more

DefenseIndia succesfully launched Prahaar missile
New Delhi, India - Test was scheduled for last Sunday
It has been successfully carried out today Thursday, July 21 the launch of quick reaction, short range Indian Prahaar missile, as reported by numerous sources of the local press. The launch occurred... more

DefenseRussian navy will receive soon Pantsyr-M air defense system
Moscow, Russia - That will replace Kortik systems and will be installed on combat ships
Russian Navy will receive soon a new air defense system, Pantsyr-M. It was unveiled today by a senior official of its manufacturer, KBP Instrument Design Bureau, Alexander Zhukov: "Pantsyr-M will replace... more

DefenseItalian Navy: tomorrow "Carlo Bergamini" frigate's launch, which can take helicopters on board
Rome, Italy - Two NH-90 or one of them and a EH-101
Tomorrow, on Saturday, July 16, at the Fincantieri shipyards in Riva Trigoso (Genoa), will take place the ceremony of launch of the first multi-role frigate "Carlo Bergamini" (F590). The event was attended... more

DefenseRussia's Defence Ministry can buy foreign military equipment
Moscow, Russia - Because of rising of domestic prices
The Russian news agency "Ria Novosti" reported that Russian President Medvedev authorized on Tuesday the Minister of Defense Serdyukov to buy military equipment from foreign Countries, mainly to counter... more

DefenseItaly withdraws Garibaldi aircraft carrier with its 890 personnel from NATO's operations in Libya
Rome, Italy - As part of the cuts for abroad mission in the second half of the year, on which the decree-law was approved yesterday
Italy has established to withdraw the Garibaldi aircraft carrier with its 890 personnel and its three aircraft, until now employed in the NATO-led operations against the Gaddafi's regime in Libya. It's... more

DefenseIran, Revolutionary Guard Corps tested on Wednesday two anti-ship indigenous "Khalij Fars" missiles (VIDEO)
Tehran, Iran - In the context of the large-scale "Great Prophet-6" drill in the Persian Gulf
According to the Arabian-language TV "Al-Alam", on Wednesday the Revolutionary Guard Corps launched successfully two anti-ship missiles of indigenous design and development. The lift-off of the missiles... more

DefenseRussia and Norway: agreement for construction of Mistral helicopter-carriers
Moscow, Russia - Signed a MOU between the two Countries that will open the door of Russian market to innovation technologies
A cooperation that "Will open the door of Russian market to innovation technologies, that will eventually bring to the joint construction of amphibious assault Mistral helicopter-carriers", said to "RIA... more

DefenseRasmussen: NATO can cooperate with Russia on anti-missile shield
Sochi, Russia - But there are key issues to resolve
Today during the NATO-Russia meeting in Sochi, in the South of Russia, NATO'S Secretary-General expressed himself on the European anti-missile shield that has been worrying the Country for a long time. NATO... more

DefenseRussia is going to launch Bulava missile from a nuclear submarine Alexander Nevsky
Moscow, Russia - For the first time later this year
As reported on Thursday by Admiral Vladimir Vysotsky on the occasion of the "5th International Maritime Defense Show" currently being held in St. Petersburg, the Russian Navy plans to launch for the first... more

DefenseRussia will supply Kilo class submarines to Vietnam
St. Petersburg, Russia - One of the biggest deal for the European Country
Oleg Azizov, spokesman for the Russian agency Rosoboronexport (which deals with military imports and exports) said today Friday, July 1 that starting from 2014, Russia will deliver to Vietnam Kilo class... more

DefenseRussia: Bulava missile into serial production
Moscow, Russia - According to authorities there is no valid alternative
The Russian Defense Minister Anatoly Serdyukov said on Friday, July 1, that the former Soviet state will launch the serial production of Bulava missile, which first launch from nuclear-powered submarine... more

DefenseRussia will complete the construction of first nuclear aircraft carrier within 2023
Moscow, Russia - It was affirmed by the head of Russian USC
According to the news agency "RIA Novosti", the head of Russian United Shipbuilding Corporation (USC) Roman Trotsenko unveiled the timing of the Country related to the construction of its first nuclear-powered... more

Defense15th Bulava missile successfully launched today
Moscow, Russia - From a Yuri Dolgoruky submarine in the White Sea
Colonel Igor Konashenkov, Russian defense ministry's spokesman, stated that today took place successfully the launch of the 15th Bulava ballistic missile. It was launched for the first time from a Yuri... more

DefenseIran launches 14 missiles ground/ground (VIDEO)
Tehran , Iran - Tensions among the country of Iran, Washington and Israel
This morning, Iran has launched 14 ground/ground ballistic missiles of different range, as part of "Defensive" military exercises started yesterday by the Revolutionary Guards and that will last ten days. The... more

DefenseAnother flight test of Bulava ballistic missile scheduled for tomorrow
Moscow, Russia - It was established by the Russian State Commission for Flight Testing
Tomorrow will be carried out another launch test of ballistic missile Bulava (SS-NX-30), implemented for the first time not from a "Dmitrij Donskoj" submersible but from a nuclear submarine "Yuri Dolgoruky",... more

DefenseLatvia will ask NATO's support if Russia deploys Mistral helicopter-carriers in the Baltic Sea
Riga, Latvia - That would change the balance of forces in the region
Latvia's minister of defense Artis Pabriks today stated that, if Russia will deploy Mistral helicopter-carriers in the Baltic Sea, it would ask the support of NATO, which it joined in 2004: the step, in... more

DefenseEADS Astrium Space Transport makes suggestions for European missile defence system
Paris, France - Thanks to new ballistic missile interceptor
Astrium Space Transportation, EADS section that deals with space transportation, has announced at the "Paris Air Show", the intention of the division to test a ballistic missile interceptor. Alain Charmeau,... more

DefenseHelicopter carrier Mistral: Moscow and Paris signed protocol of intent, not full deal
Moscow, Russia - According to a source close to the talks
Today a source close to the talks stated that the governments of Russia and France have not signed a full agreement on the purchase of four Mistral class helicopter carriers but have merely signed a protocol... more

DefenseBrahmos Aerospace will develop the new supersonic Brahmos-2 missile
New Delhi, India - Russia-India joint-venture
The Brahmos Aerospace Director, Alexander Maksichev, affirmed on Sunday that the Russian-Indian joint-venture Brahmos Aerospace will start developing of a new Brahmos-2 supersonic missile within 2011:... more

DefenseMersad and Shahin missiles successfully tested by Iran
Moscow, Russia - Built on domestic territory
The Chinese daily "Xinhua" affirmed, citing Iranian Army commander of the Iranian Army General Farzad Esmaili, that Iran has successfully tested on Sunday two domestically built air defense missiles. Mersad... more

DefenseAVIONEWS at Italian Navy's feast
La Spezia, Italy - Celebrated in many cities
This morning, on Friday, June 10, has been held on the Feast of the Italian Navy, an important celebration of the 150th anniversary of the Armed Force, which has seen the unfolding of the Italian fleet... more

DefenseBoeing signs MoUs with three Malaysian companies
Washington, USA - To explore business opportunities for aerospace and defense fields
Boeing Defense, Space & Security announced today it has signed three MoUs, Memorandum of Understandings, with as many Malaysian companies for the exploration of business opportunities in the construction... more

DefenseItalian Navy's feast next Friday, on June 10
Rome, Italy - The Armed Force to celebrate its 150th birthday
"The Italian Navy celebrates its 150th anniversary, remembering the Premuda's feat, next Friday, on June 10 at La Spezia at Morin promenade, in front of the Italian Republic President, Giorgio Napolitano,... more

DefenseUSA should improve their capabilities in the Arctic region
Washington , USA - It will be necessary a cooperation with the Arctic Council members
"The Arctic region, which covers one-sixth of the world's landmass (including the Arctic Ocean and its seas, the northern parts of the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans, numerous islands and archipelagos and... more

DefenseThe nuclear threat is still very high despite the cut of weapons
Stockholm, Sweden - According to a report published by SIPRI
"More than 5000 of these nuclear weapons are deployed and ready for use, including nearly 2,000 that are kept in a state of high operational alert": the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute... more

DefenseIndia, green light to the purchase of 10 C-17 Globemaster III airplanes from Boeing
New Delhi, India - An agreement worth 4 billion dollars
According to the international press, during a meeting of the government's cabinet committee on security affairs, India would have given the green light to the biggest contract ever signed by the Country... more

DefenseItalian Air Force and Navy in Iceland: deployed four Eurofighter aircraft, one KC-130-J and "San Marco" regiment
Reykjavík, Iceland - Started a joint training in the context of the multi-national "Northern Viking 2011" exercise
It was started yesterday, on June 2nd, and will end on 10th of the month, the "Northern Viking 2011", NV 11, the multi-national military exercise held in Iceland due to an agreement between the local government... more

DefenseRussia delivered to India other 5 MiG-29-K-Kubs for aircraft carriers
Moscow, Russia - In May
In a statement spread yesterday, Russian Aircraft Corporation MiG stated that, in May, it has delivered to India, 5 fighters for aircraft-carriers MiG-29K-Kub, plus a flight training simulator and other... more

DefenseBoeing concludes a contract with Lockheed Martin to produce 300 PAC-3 missile seekers
Huntsville, USA - PAC-3 first mission was in 2003
Boeing announced on Friday it has concluded with Lockheed Martin a $274 million contract to produce more than 300 Patriot Advanced Capability-3 (PAC-3) missile seekers. This is the ninth and one of... more

DefenseSarkozy: contract between Moscow and Paris for Mistral helicopter-carriers to be signed within June, 21
Paris, France - Before the visit of Putin in France
It seems problems and disagreements blocking the conclusion of the commercial contract and the subsequent closure of the negotiations between France and Russia about the building of four Mistral-class... more

DefenseIran, started mass production of Qiam 1 missiles
Teheran, Iran - And deliveries to Iran's Revolutionary Guards. According to Israel, they have been transferred to Hezbollah
The Iranian media, quoting a statement by the local ministry of defense, state that Iran has started the mass production of the Qiam 2, entirely designed at a domestic level, and the delivery to Iran's... more

DefenseIsraeli spy tries to steal details of the Russian-Arab military agreement
Moscow, Russia - It was then raised by the charges once he returned to Israel
Israeli Embassy official, Vadim Leiderman, was expelled by Moscow for spying tried to obtain information about Russian military cooperation with Arab and CIS States. Leiderman was detained while meeting... more

DefenseEuropean missile shield could be a "Real threat" for Russian nuclear strategic forces
Moscow, Russia - It was affirmed by an official from Russian General Staff
Today the Russian news agencies unveiled that Lt. Gen. Andrei Tretyak, head of the General Staff Main Operations Directorate, has re-opened the issue of the risk constituted by the creation, from US and... more

DefenseLockheed Martin, 45.3 million dollars for upgrade of MLRS launchers
Dallas, USA - Of the Finnish Army
Lockheed Martin recently announced in a press release that it has received a 45.3 million dollar contract by Finland's Army for the upgrade of 22 MLRS launchers, Multiple Launch Rocket Systems, model... more

DefenseMedvedev: possible another Cold War with the West
Moscow, Russia - Russia is worried for European missile shield that could be a threat for its safety
Russia keeps on expressing its worries about the establishment of an European missile system that USA would have decided to put on its borders, formally against Iran and North Korea, but that according... more

DefenseRussia, dismissed army and defense officials involved in the failure of weapon procurement plan
Moscow, Russia - Of last year
Yesterday, the Russian government announced officially it has dismissed a series of military and defense officials due to the failure of the implementation of weapon procurement plan for defense sector... more

DefenseUS: missile defense cooperation is the best way to dispel the worries of Russia
Moscow, Russia - The statements of the Us State Department
A high-ranking US Department of State official state today that Moscow's participation in the European missile defense is the best way to ease Russia's concern about the project: "As we have said previously,... more

DefenseNew Russian radar will be tested near Kaliningrad by the end of 2011
Moscow, Russia - Will close the gap in Russian radar coverage
Russia's Space Forces commander said on Saturday that a new radar being built near the Baltic port of Kaliningrad would be tested by the end of the year: "The western radar Voronezh DM may be tested by... more

DefenseRussia "Disappointed" by the USA refusal to provide a guarantee on missile system
Moscow, Russia - Moscow reserves the right to pull out of the new START Treaty
The Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov said on Monday that Moscow is concerned by the United States' refusal to provide legally binding guarantees that its European missile defense system will not be directed... more

DefenseNATO airstrike kills colonel Milad Hussein al-Fiqhi
Moscow, Russia - Rischards "We have to increase the range of targets to hit"
The "Al Arabiya", Arab television, reported that on Sunday colonel Milad Hussein al-Fiqhi, spokesman for Muammar Gaddafi was killed in a NATO raid that targeted an intelligence headquarters of the Libyan... more